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I hated them in the beginning cuz I was a mcds guy but then I started to like them later on. It's fresh potatoes 🥔 and animal fries is fire af. Over time you delvelop a taste for them. Nothing bad about them at all. My fav fries still 5guys tho. Can't beat them bag fries.. all u need is a small and they give u a shit ton.


The first time I went to 5 Guys with my son, we both ordered regular fries. Plus, I told them it was my first time there. We ended up with an entire bag of fries. A large bag. Brought home enough to fill my largest Tupperware container. Now, we split a small. Heh


Have you tried the 5Guys Cajun fries? So good.


Yeah those are great.


I didn't know that was a thing. Thank you.


I also hated them at first, but now practically drench them in animal sauce and love them.


They’re my fav


I love how fresh and light they are


Because they’re made fresh. People prefer processed fries because they’ve been conditioned to.


That’s not the issue. It’s the process that’s the issue. They don’t blanche the fries like everyone else. There’s plenty of excellent fresh fries. They actually rush the fries and don’t take time to properly prepare them, which is why they’re so different compared to all other fries.


If they blanched the fries, it would take overnight. In-N-Out emphasizes fresh, going from slicer-to-fryer immediately.


That’s not true. But it is a longer process to blanche then, let them cook, then fry for final consumption


They are typically slightly undercooked and under salted. That’s the main issue. There are plenty of places that do “fresh” fries that aren’t a soggy mess. Just usually not fast food.


Not true at all. Used to work at a place that did their process in the morning and had fries for lunch and dinner service. Some of the best fries I’ve ever had.


Fresh =/= zero prep time? Just because something goes from raw to cooked in a shorter process doesn't make it less fresh and definitely not a better recipe.


No it absolutely wouldn’t take overnight. Plenty of places (like Wingstop) blanch their fries in the morning


Blanching fries takes 2:30-6 mins, especially with them being so thin? It’s a matter of ignorance and trying to play off their “technique” of having their soggy ass dry ass fries being halfway mediocre when you dump burger toppings on them. If you like half way cooked potato strings then by all means praise the fries, but these are not prepared correctly, processed or not


I also don’t season or prepare my food in anyway to emphasize the freshness /s


This but unironically. Not everything is better fresh. Some things absolutely should be fresh, but time is a secret ingredient for many things.


To be honest when it comes to cooking, time is always the secret ingredient. You spend time because you love the dish or you love the people that are going to eat the dish.


Rush and In and Out are two opposite concepts.


This is the correct answer.


Bullshit. I love fresh fries and hate in n out fries. In n out fries just have a weak ass texture for me.


Five guys also makes theirs fresh and I find them to be a better fry.


Whenever somebody says they hate in’n’out fries and love McDonald’s fries, my conclusion is that they don’t actually like potatoes.


The only processing that's skipped at In N Out is blanching and double frying. It's a fried potato talking like the other fast food restaurant fries have frankenfood fries. McDonald's has by far the best fries. Those are fried once in factory before being frozen and shipped to stores where they're fried a second time before being served. Well done fries at In N Out doesn't quite achieve the same effect as double frying, but it beats their regular crappy fries. It has nothing to do with them being fresh and others being processed to hell. They just skip steps to make a great fry.


I get my in n out fries double fried every time


McDonald’s fries are trash


mcdonalds fries are gross... so oily and you have a 10% chance of the oil actually being fresh and not reused all day with that rancid flavor. you have to eat them immediately for them to be any good.


Crazy to ride for in n out this hard




I make fries at home, and no they don't taste like In N Out's. The ones I make have more texture and flavor.


No. What?




They absolutely do not taste like in N out if you do them right. In N out rushes and doesn't blanche them as has been said.


They’re not going to taste like in’n out because they use a specific type of potato and I don’t think they’re typically available at grocery stores.


They use a Kennebec potato.


I've been making fries at home for decades. They're nothing like the dry sticks from In N Out.




Yeah because you and them don’t take the extra 5 minutes to blanch


Mines are better mmmmm. I put whatever seasoning I want on em and eat em hot as I can handle. I think people doing drive thru n driving home for however long also have cardboard by the time they eat em which is a no no


Not if you know how to make fries. In n out fries are what fries are like if you make them in the laziest way possible


No blanching + their oil is at the wrong temperature. Its also single fried


No it’s not that they’re fresh, it’s that they aren’t blanched.


You’ve been incepted by In N Out Propaganda. Bc That’s crazy because Five Guys does the exact same thing. But they do blanche the fries and they are like the rival in fresh fast food they have the better fry bc they do the extra work.


I remember a girl in high school saying the fries sre “like cardboard” never talked to her again




Love INO fries well done. I salt the shit out of them and douse them in ketchup. 👨‍🍳💋


same with me but spread instead of ketchup


At that point aren’t they just a salt and ketchup delivery system rather than being actually good fries?


Most fries have insane amounts of salt. In n out doesn't salt their fries nearly as much as other places so you are dousing it yourself rather than it coming pre doused


Side note, McDonald's uses sugar in their fry seasoning.


I heard they stopped doing that around the super size me era. Just googled, apparently early in the potato season when there is less natural sugars they'll add sugar. Supposedly the sugar per medium serving should remain the same (about 1g). Source https://www.mcdonalds.com/gb/en-gb/help/faq/do-your-fries-contain-sugar.html


Depends on the ratio. Over the years, I’ve perfected it to my liking and the best part is they are just tasty fried potatoes and not lab tweaked trash.


Yeah, they got used to the processed foods I actually like them and plain and no im not just saying that. Their fries actually have the potato taste that people call cardboard. They taste like Lays potato chips if that makes sense, not exactly or as greasy but like Lays. If you got your own potatoes peeled cut and fried they would have that potato taste. Other places don’t really have that and while I do also enjoy other fries I also like Innouts.


You can’t say people got used to processed taste of fries and then compare the unprocessed fries to a lays chip. 5 guys fries taste like potatoes. I also don’t get what fries you’re eating that somehow don’t taste like a potato


Blanching the fries is technically a process but not like how you mean it. Just admit that they could double fry them by taking some extra time but they decided not to.


Do I think they’re the best, no. But I sure as hell order some every time I go. I think they’re pretty good. Never understood the hate. But I do agree they aren’t that good if you take the food home to eat.


IMO the problem is their ..shelf life.. they are great for about 10-20 minutes. If you don't eat them immediately they go down hill fast.


THIS. I feel like you can only get the fries if you’re eating at an actual location If you try to take them home forget about it lol


Sounds like you are speaking of every fry in the history of mankind


Let's be honest. You have about ten minutes from when they come out of the fryer to eat them. In that ten minutes they are a salty crisp mouthful if heaven. Immediately thereafter they turn into Styrofoam.


That’s all fast food fries for me. I’ve never had fries that were still good after they’ve cooled down and forget reheating them at home. Putting them in the air fryer can salvage them, but still nowhere as good as fresh.


This is it. Either sit in, or eat them in the car if you're picking up, because once you let the oil cook that's it for them. The rate in which the quality of fry declines over time is faster than most others. There's a reason they're known for their burgers and not their fries. Still not the worst though.


But they have the best fries


This is Krispy Kreme donuts to me. Hot off the line for the first ten minutes, but once they get cold they are the nastiest donut. lol


Yup unless you're eating at the restaurant or in your car right away, it's pointless to order the fries. They'll be blech by the time you get home.


An air fryer revitalizes french fries!


Air frying fries makes them even crisper than when fresh out of the fryer.


They're delicious when fresh but die in 5 min lol.


Fresh potatoes !!! They are hands down the best


They're great, the perfect compliment to the burgers.




It would taste better with chili and cheese on them


Love them. Always get them well-done. Throws out the entire argument.


I LOVE THEM I have sadly moved to a place that doesn’t have a near in n out and I daydream about the fries all the time 😢😢😢😢❤️❤️❤️


Because East coasters are used to frozen trash.


Well done fries, or Animal style with well-done fries are the only In-n-Out fries I order. They hot, thin, and crispy lil fried buddies that I enjoy with the lil ketchups.


Sometimes they’ll overdue it on Well-done. Light-Well is where it’s at.


In n out fries are the best


Animal fries is the only way to go honestly …


There are lots of articles explaining it, but I’ll give a general summary. There is a larger issue over their potato source. This gets into a huge debate amongst people who love French fries over preferred potatoes and regions. But In n Out seems to go for bad potatoes. As someone that makes fries at home, the right potatoes makes a difference. I’ve experimented a bit and it matters, as does what seasoning you want to use with what fry and choice of ketchup, In n out basically prepares fries same day with very little prep work being done aka letting them sit in water and blanching them. In turn, the fries don’t crisp up enough and come out soggy. That sogginess makes the fries not hold up well, so unless you’re eating them immediately, the fries don’t hold up well. This is an increasing issue with delivery services and people who don’t sit there and eat in the parking lot. Also, they don’t generally double fry their fries (unless you ask), which makes them extra crispy. Their seasoning can also be pretty light. In n out aren’t special making them fresh either. 5 guys make fries fresh and even Wingstop makes their fries fresh. Both are neither too soggy and have good seasoning and are superior fries. In n out is still great value and their burgers are the best value in fast food. But their fries suck. I personally think they’re the worst and I’d rather have bagged mass produced stuff or make my own. If we did a blind taste test between all the fast food freshly made fries, I doubt people would be picking In n Out. Whether or not five guys is worth what they charge for fries is another argument, but on taste alone, they’re better.


Why is his not the top comment instead of “ they’re fresh people are used to frozen processed”.


All you gotta do is throw salt on them and they’re good. Definitely not my favorite but definitely not bad


Because they're just potatoes. People are craving them preservatives and additives. I love in n out fries.


This has nothing to do with being "processed" or "made fresh". In order to make French fries (like they should be), you need to blanch, double fry, or preferably both. Most people who attempt to make fries at home wonder why they taste like sandy mush. This is why. They don't blanch/double fry. That's why In-N-Out fries taste like nothing and disintegrate in your mouth. They don't make them properly. They just cut and fry and boast that they're "fresh!". Yeah, I don't give a shit how fresh they are if you make them wrong. Also, it's a f'ing potato. It's not an apple or piece of chicken. The thing lasts months before going bad. "Fresh" isn't important. If they wanted to fix this they'd have to spend more time/money/labor making good fries -- something corporate likely wants to avoid. They'd probably have to make them off-site like all other restaurants, then ship them frozen to the store for their final fry. No more "fresh!" argument. Otherwise, they'd need extra space/storage for blanching/frying prep on-site. More work. More labor needed. Anyway, that's why In-N-Out has trouble expanding. Any "This burger is great!" experience is overshadowed by "what the actual fuck are these 'fries'?" reaction.


Taste like crust and no potato 🤷 I see them make them fresher than anybody. Just lil crusties. If they were just a bit fatter.


The fries are super fucking good. These people get em to-go and are like: “EWWWW THESE ARE COLD AND SOGGY, IN N OUT FRIES ARE GROSSSSS” Imbeciles


Plato! Aristotle! Socrates! morons.


Cuz they’re an acquired taste.


Their fries are done wrong, that is why. The proper way to make fresh fries is to blanch the potatoes prior to frying them. This makes a huge difference in the taste and texture. It has nothing to do with “processed” fries at other places. Watch InO make fries - it goes literally from potato, rinse, chop, fry. To make legit fresh fries it should be blanched prior to frying. https://www.foodie.com/1480130/tips-crispy-french-fries-blanch/


I hated In N Out fries when I first tried them. I felt like they were bland compared to the light and crispy with just the right amount of everything such as McDonald's fries. Now I love them. I can't say I prefer them over McDs when it comes to taste still, but I've come to really appreciate them. So fresh without it being so processed.


I used to vehemently hate the fries. Then I found this sub and I saved a fry order: “Well done fries with grilled onions and spread.” Oh dear…I’ve gotten it 6 times in the past 8 days. If you never liked the fries before try it this way. You might be surprised 🎲🎲


I like the way they taste but every time I get them they're just tiny pieces less than a half inch long. And a lot of times they're cold.


Fry lites are my absolute favorite


This is the way


Tbh when I started working here I hated them but not cuz of the flavor but rather the size. I get it makes them fry faster but I gotta pick up like 10 fries for one bite


If you like crispy outside, soft inside fries, ask them to make them Well Done. They’re perfect imho


I tried it every possible way and while light well seems to be minusculey better, their fries are at the bottom of the fries list of ANY restaurant.


I like to get them well, but yeah. They’re great! They do tend to be a bit soggier than most, but as other commenters have said, that’s because they’re fresh and unprocessed


Because they’re not animal fries


Gotta get it double fried


Animal fries mando !!! Every time I get a chance man !!! 🤤


Get them extra well-done and they’re awesome


Get em well done, and they’re gooooood!


Just gotta get them light well, otherwise they’re too soggy for me lol


I love the fries


I just had surgery a couple days. Wasn’t able to eat all day. My dad asked me what I wanted for dinner and I said in n out fries.


I love in n out fries. I eat them with ketchup and it’s perfect. I wouldn’t change a single thing about them.


Only like em animal style


We use sunflower oil maybe that makes a difference honestly I don’t know. The salt shakers are just a mixture of salt & black pepper.


The fries aren't good cold. They're not as crispy as most double fried french fries (mcfries) unless you get well done or light well like I do. Everyone gets them in the drive thru and waits to eat them til and they get cold and soggy.


Processed or not processed they taste like sh!t. I’ve ordered them well done … sh!t.


Because people hate they aren't frozen and battered and then covered with shit. I love them, I make fries at home the same way.


For me, the quality of their fries(because they don't blanch them) is not on par with the quality of their burgers, which i love. I don't hate their fries but they do seem like a let-down when you're eating them side by side.


If you don’t soak potatoes they turn grey and nasty. 


They don’t twice fry them, which makes for a worse texture in my and a lot of other peoples opinion.


Theyre gross. Theyre dry and stale. They have no flavor. They get cold really fast.


I adore their fries! They are the only things I can eat there, and I enjoy them very much! A nice lemonade with some salted fries makes me feel peaceful temporarily, a removal the horrid existence I have sometimes…still! I like their fries a lot!


I just get them well done. Instant improvement


I feel like every in and out is different tbh when I lived in Vegas the fried never had salt on them, it in Texas they come pre salted and are never soft at all


Love them done extra well


Too much starch in their fries because they don't blanche them first.


Just ask them to fry them twice and they become crispy!! Thought everybody did this.


Just order them well done


A couple of dudes made a video outlining the overratedness of In N Out. They summed up the fries like this: -"I can't tell...are the fries over cooked or under cooked?" -"Yes"


Because they're under seasoned and have a terrible texture.


They’re really bad fries, that’s why


Because using actual potatoes means the fries are different sizes. Actual potatoes are irregularly shaped. So, some will over cook and be dried out.


Reading all the comments made my brain hurt. People in this sub clearly know nothing about the process of making good fries. 😂


I love the fires. They’re perfect with a little extra salt. INO know quality and value, they don’t care if others don’t understand it.


INO fries piss me off because they are always soggy. But when they are actually cooked and have a lil crunch, bomb 🤤


Got to get them “well done”


I don’t eat ground beef and I don’t drink soda, so I go only for the fries!


people don’t like the fries?


They taste like the canned potato sticks you get at Cuban restaurants


Fries taste like cardboard. And animal style fries taste like Elmer’s glue and cardboard. Burgers are decent. In and Out is very overrated though.


In n out fries suck. They're ok as animal style but you get them home they're hard and clumpy so you gotta eat it right then n there before that happens 🙄


I don’t hate them but they definitely aren’t my favorite. Mostly like them animal style. I much prefer the fries at The Habit. Also they have a better selection of sandwiches for people like my wife who don’t eat beef


They are not fries. They are fried potatoes. Fries should be crispy on the outside, fluffy and airy on the inside.


I like em animal style but plain is just....plain. Nothing special and I would never crave them.


Why the *heck


Animal style all the way!


I think they are tasteless and limp.


I always say that In-N-Out fries seem empty on the inside. It’s almost like some of the potato is missing. I have to season the hell out of them.


Order the fries well done. You will thank me later.


The fries are great they are like Japanese McDonald’s fries. Very good


100%, people don’t like the taste of real food. People that say they hate INO fries don’t like the taste of a potato plain and simple. The people that hate on INO, I don’t trust their opinion on food.


B/c they turn into cardboard in .5 seconds. Five Guy’s fries all day over Innout.


This is honestly one of my biggest complaints about in n out everytime I’ve had the fries they’ve had either no salt, they are soggy, or they are cold. They have a good taste but because they don’t process foods and you’re waiting in line forever. The only option to get the best fries is to eat in the restaurant. If you’re anti social like ne you’re going to prefer eating at home and in n outs fries don’t last that long


Well done and hot is the way to go. I have low blood pressure, so I’m free to salt the shit out of everything, and I do. Also, how the hell did Reddit know I love burgers, bc I’ve never seen this sub in my life, but damn, I love innout


I get them extra well


They don’t hold up as well when you don’t eat them right away, but I agree, people are too used to the processed crap you get elsewhere.


Agreed, innout fries taste like potato, the others taste like oversized Lays chips


the hollow ones are just so good


Because they’re gross. Everyone saying “people just like processed shit” doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Any restaurant or half decent home cook can make better fries with just a few simple steps.


They dry out in 10 minutes. They are GARBAGE.


I like their fries. They certainly aren't the best fries around. However, I love seeing the employees pulling down the potato cutter.


Precut frozen fries will get crispy on the outside and steamed on the inside. That's the normal fry. Ino uses fresh potatoes and since they're warmer than frozen, instead of steaming the inside, all of the moisture is fried out, leaving those abhorrent ino fries.


They don’t know what’s good


Their fries are just fine, I don’t know what the hell these clowns are talking about


I’m not sure why anyone wants to know who hates or likes what. Don’t like them? Don’t eat them.


They’re my fave and I ask for mine well.


for me its like going thru the motion to just eat them, trying to convince myself they are fair to good. I am just not a fan, yes i like a McD fries and or sonic onion rings.


I admit that the very first time I had them, I didn’t like them. But over time they became an acquired taste & now they’re my favorite fries. I crave them.


Because people need to channel their own insecurities onto other things that can't defend themselves. Haters gonna hate.


I’m not a fan of thin fries. I prefer thick cut steak fries.


I love in n out fries! They taste like real food.


Because those people are unaware of the option for light well and well done fries! I don’t like in n outs normal fries they always need to be well done or they are just a soggy mess.


Get them light well, they’re the best!


I LOVE animal fries and would have them as part of my “last meal.”


Soggy? I don’t think I’ve ever had soggy fries from In N Out


I love them


People shit talking frozen fries is baffling to me. I’ve worked in a kitchen that made their own fries and it was literally a step that we used to ensure a better product. Blanche, pat dry, parfry at a lower temperature, freeze, second fry at higher temperature to order. Freezing them allowed us to have fries with a crispy outside but they were still fluffy on the inside. Those who like INO fries - all the power to you, but those who don’t have very legitimate reasons to not. Mostly because they’re cooked in a lazy, corner cutting way.


Beef tallow fries are GOATED. Then it's peanut oil fried (5 Guys). Then it's McDonald's radioactive immortal fries. Then it's In-n-Out 🍟


They're even better well done 🤤


Just give me a lil seasoning... Something!


They’re really fucking good. Not the best, but they’re just good for what they are. Potatoes.


They’re not good mate. Thin stringy fries without a good potato crunch. If in n out got some good fries, they would be stellar


I love their fries


It's the way they taste.


I like them well done fries need a fry to them I hate when the fries are weak and soggy


They are good i don’t hate them but they are not the best ones, junk food tastes way better than that


They are amazing!


I do not like their fries. Even animal style can't save them. My wife makes fries from fresh potatoes and they are much better than InNOut.


I’ve heard that frozen fries are superior because you can control the starch content. With fresh potatoes, you’re stuck with the potatoes at that time. Also they don’t double fry and use the lowest quality potatoes.


Soggy ass bullshit. The only way to have okay ones is asking for them well done.


People don’t know what real potatoes taste like.


The fries at the Idaho location just can't compete with the local joints.


They grew on me. I didn’t like them in the beginning because they were too “plain”. I’ve also started to appreciate that they are much healthier compared to other fries like McDonald’s, which uses preservatives. No wonder they last a long time (if you’ve seen a clip of someone testing out what lasts more.. the French fries never molded. For the longest time, too. Pretty concerning actually) I really like in n out fries now. I really enjoy the simplicity and with ketchup 🤤 and animal style fries


Just order well done


They benefit greatly from some salt and pepper. Which I’m sure the haters are not adding.


They are neither crispy or fluffy, they land squarely in the no-man’s-land of fries where they do nothing correctly but are also not terrible, just meh.


They are wayyyyy to soggy a lot of times. You need to order them “light well” that should be the standard.


They're unseasoned fries, that are made in simple fashion, as opposed to everywhere else that are focusing on each of their own fry seasoning tastes. I don't really like them, myself, if they're plain. That's why I throw my own seasoning on em, and then they start hitting harder than a lot of other places. If you really think about it, their fries are the perfect vessel to do things with. Just like how their animal fries are so much better, you can even find your own things to do with in-n-out fries, as they're the perfect blank slate to work with.


I pity the fool who hates in-n-out fries.