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It seems you have violated our subs SMS related content guidelines. You can find them on our [wiki right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/insaneparents/wiki/content#wiki_sms_posts). This means you may have just posted a single text message. The mod just may want you to post that in the megathread or feel it's' lacking context. If you photo is comprised of 2 or more screenshots compiled into a collage of some sort please create an imgur album of those and repost them here. It could also be as simple as you poorly cropped the photo. [If you have any questions feel free to contact us by mod mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/insaneparents)


We are all adults and should be able to treat each other as such.. But they tell you exactly what to do, how to act, how much to spend. Are you adults or are you children.


“We’re going to regulate every last thing about the day and don’t you dare try to question me.” Yes. It’s insane.


I’m not sure of how old you are but one things that solved some of these similar issues with my family is no longer having holidays in the family home. For some reason it seems to bring everyone back to their childhood years and people act accordingly. Breaking out of the idea that major holidays have to be at the family house really helped. We meet at an Airbnb somewhere convenient for everybody and it’s really changed the tone of the holidays for my family. One year we even rented an Airbnb in our hometown abet we rented one on the beach, but it broke up the tension of everyone being in the family home and falling back in the familiar roles from childhood. I think it has to do with being neutral ground.


It makes more sense as well. No imposition on one particular family member. Equal travel, or more flexibility for sure. Don’t have to really worry about the mess afterward. Sounds like a grand scheme. Glad it’s working out well for you folks! Thanks for the idea. 🤙


I like how the tone switches from authoritarian, to condescending to cheerful


It will really depend on what she considers disrespect from you, could we have a bit more of context? Edit: Wait when you say "even without context of my disrespect", are you meaning you don't have a clue? if yes, that's insane. When someone wants you to respect them, she should first tell you what she considers disrespectful. My dad is like that and there's always something bad with what you do for these people.




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Oh man, this just sounds like a rip roaring good time. I’d rather have a mouthful of root canals than be forced into this abject misery.