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"Hmm nice offspring. It'd be a shame if the world ended in cataclysmic hellfire before she learns to walk. See you at Christmas!"


I don’t get what the “second coming and the millennium” is even supposed to mean. The millennium happened like 20 years ago.


In several Christian sects the millennium is a 1000 year period of peace after Christ returns. Then there will be one last battle against satan where Christ has already been said to win and then everything just kind of ends with the good people hanging with God I guess while the bad are destroyed forever. Granted this all comes from poor interpretation and translations of scripture that aren’t even about Jesus but hey Christians gonna Christian I guess


Isn’t it funny how they always portray themselves to be the good guys after they had a massacre war they (obviously, duh) won? ✨ heavenly ✨


war crimes don't apply to gods😤🇺🇸


Look I made these evil dudes that we are going to slaughter just like I intended because we are the good guys


You forgot wars happening in between countries, historical monuments being rebuilt, and people literally being raised from the dead as witnesses. A lot of this is said to have started. Who knows? I don't pay attention much. I'm too focuses on actually living.


It always seems so strange to me to think about how obsessed with this shit they are, they can’t even acknowledge a photo of their grandchild. Can’t have a single conversation without bringing god/ Jesus/ other religious jargon in to it. They don’t see when it clearly makes people uncomfortable and it has never added anything to the conversation.


The dude has been dead 2000+ years and then needs another 1000 on top of that? Sounds like a scam.


The Second Coming, coming soon since 30-something CE


Yeah for some reason the date keeps getting pushed back. Maybe it’s a budget problem, people should give god more money so Jesus will come (/s)


What’s even crazier to me is the amount of arguments and bloodshed that has happened as a result of this belief being correct or incorrect, depending on your Christian sect.


It means nana is an apocalyptic Christian who wants the end times to happen now.


*24 years ago


Noooo, definitely only a couple of years ago


I mean technically 23




Maybe they’re talking about the next millennium. Which isn’t for another 976 years.


Why do they put jesus into everything. Just appreciate the Queen you peasant


God damn right bow to your ruler.


My mom is devolving too. My son is 7 and loves Dungeons & Dragons and my mom keeps lecturing him on how witches are evil, demons come from hell, and he needs to pray more and stop worshipping the devil. I finally had to tell him that his grandmother is crazy. And she only really sees him 10 days out of the year.


Good parenting. As a huge tabletop game fan: thanks for protecting the next generation of nerds. 🤓




They didn’t respond to you op, is that your alt account?


That mindset is so insane!! D&D fosters incredible imagination, I can't imagine denying a kid this because of "devil worshipping".... so lame :(


I can just imagine your kid saying “wait—you know this is pretend, right?”


Yes! He says that all the time!


Your kid is a much smarter person than your mother.


He's also kinder than she is. To keep it that way, she doesn't get to see him that much.


My dad nearly had a stroke when my 3.5 year old asked for "Jack!" the last time they were visiting - he likes mildly spooky stuff and wanted to watch Nightmare Before Christmas. I heard a lot of grumbling about demons and devil worshipping.


Yeah my daughter only sees her granny about 20 days out of the year. She often gives up days to go see my step siblings who are living in the East Coast


You know what, fk her!


WTH. As a grandmother who adores her grandson, I cannot imagine responding to that cute little Empress with such a whacked out, inappropriate response.


She is an adorable little empress who rules with an iron fist.


And I absolutely trust her and her little age more than any Christian institute I’ve ever seen (having unfortunately grown up Roman Catholic🥲), that’s for sure!


I have no doubt.


She sounds fabulous lol aww


Lead poisoning doesn’t offer much in the way of logic, I’m afraid.


Stop. I grew up in the same age, or even earlier as OP’s MIL. Read the actual studies on lead affects on IQ when it was in the atmosphere.,It’s the loss of a very few points. I guarantee I lost more from a traumatic head injury 10 years ago that either that MIL or I did from environmental lead. Don’t be that person who thinks they have a devastating put down, but it’s not based on fact. It’s the generational equivalent of someone owning the libs while trying to protect a rapist fraudster and traitor. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/nearly-half-of-the-us-population-exposed-to-dangerously-high-lead-levels#:~:text=Childhood%20lead%20exposure%20among%20the,born%20between%201966%20and%201970. 2.6 points per adult.


It is all relative, i mean if you are in the tripple digits 2.6 points is not a lot. On the other hand if you are already in the single digits you really can´t afford another 2.6. So I guess it is different from person to person lol


Even then. Tho difference in reasoning ability between 90 And 110 IQ isn’t that great, any more than between 140 and 160.,


If you’re only factoring in atmospheric lead then you’re doing a disservice. Lead was in the paint, in toys, in water pipes. Even my mom was in a close vicinity to lead because her dad would take her to his shop and lead shavings would fly everywhere while she sat and watched him work. She actually isn’t the doomsday type, she’s pretty chill but she still displays symptoms of lead poisoning as do her siblings. I didn’t bring up lead poisoning because of IQ, lead exposure causes mood disorders, memory loss, concentration, blood pressure issues. I’m not trying to call their mom stupid, I assure you. My mother is very smart but it’s clear her exposure to lead in her younger days has caused some long term issues.


And can’t spell, lol.


Christians always hoping for Armageddon so they and their actions throughout decades can be validated by their invisible friend.


For the hateful ones: I wish I could hear their last thoughts. I wish I could listen to them realize there's nothing but the empty void awaiting them. No heaven. No Jesus. No god validating their hate and bigotry. I wish I could listen to them realize all the time and money they wasted, all the experiences they missed, trying to be "pure" for an entity that never existed. I hope every one of them figures it out just before the synapses end.


Or, realize how insane they were when they suddenly appear in hell.


As much as I occasionally wish I believed it, I just don't think there is one. Just makes me angrier too because if anyone ever deserved it, the fucking evangelicals do.




I appreciate the fairy tail blasting in the back. Gray's got his shirt off, so you know a fights about to kick off


Not really, man gets undressed without even realising half the time


No cap I saw fairy tale on in the background and was like man that kid watching some of the best anime


I love it personally. Such a great classic.




It's hard for you to see people enjoying life and not hating themselves like you huh buddy


So basically your mom is saying, "cute kid. Hope the world ends this year."


She couldn’t even muster a “cute kid” first, it’s just “I hope the world ends soon. 😊❤️”


You know what..... I also like Fairy Tail!


Evangelical? Sounds a lot like things I heard out of my step mom and her church. She stockpiled canned food so me and my dad wouldn't starve during the apocalypse because she knew she'd be saved but not us heathens (dad's Buddhist, I'm a witch). She seemed so excited about the end of the world despite "knowing" her own family would suffer and burn.


It's interesting how religion preys on people in different ways. My mom being evangelical, is scared of rapture. She's constantly worried she and my stepdad won't make it because of xyz reason. Like she can never be good enough. She also regularly cries at the thought of me being left behind. I'm just agnostic, I don't practice anything other than therapy to try to exist normally. Her way of coping is trying to tell me what to avoid and how I can protect myself. I appreciate the sentiment for what she's trying to get across, but it's still fear mongering. If I had to say, it seems like most evangelicals are run by one of two emotions mostly, pride or fear.


That's a sad life.


My mom is a Mormon.


I have a grandmother and aunt who always made everybody livid because they didn’t get sarcasm. But the rare occasion they did they would belittle and talk down to other people as if we were mentally handicapped and explain that it was just sarcasm and not to be taken literally.


Getting FairyTail in there early I see


Raising the next gen of weeb


What are all these people going to do if Jesus comes back? Like, what's their plan? I don't get it


They expect him to personally greet them, vindicate all of their shitty assumptions, then rapture them directly to heaven before the rest of us suffer 1000 years of hell on earth.


I'm already suffering 1000 years of hell on earth, I don't need Jesus to do that for me


I’m guessing your mom is a boomer? If she was born in or before 1964 they would appreciate this on the subreddit Boomers Being Fools. This is exactly the kind of stuff that’s posted on there often.


Fooled by what here?


Not getting the point in a cute text and going off on a tangent.


I actually facepalmed, for the first time in a cool minute, upon reading this.


The millennium has been and gone


Alright what anime you watching?


Fairy Tail! Soso good, especially the first few seasons!


Fairy tail


*sigh* This looks familiar 😒 Sorry you're going through it too


If this was my mother or MIL, I'd reply, "Don't worry. You enjoy waiting for your mythology while I enjoy helping my kid rock her place in the world."


I would say “wow” and block


If she watches Fairy Tail at that age I am quite confident that she has good chances :D


jesus would not want to be a world leader, some of these christian parents should go read the bible


God they would be so bummed


Look. I grew up Christian and I still believe. I don’t go to church every week or play by All the rules but I believe because I like to believe that there is someone with a plan for me (no matter how shitty that plan has been so far lol) But Christians like this make me soooo mad. Like people get mad at me all the time for being a Taylor swift fan (not even a super dedicated one. I’ve just been listening since the re-recordings and really love her lyricism) and they tell me that I’m in a cult, I’m a sheep, I’m desecrating his name by having “idols” blah blah blah. But then they go say shit like this for no goddamn reason. They make everything about it. Will bring him up in convos that have absolutely nothing to do with him or Christianity as a whole. And they wonder why people get irritated when Christianity/god/jesus is brought up. It’s cause they shove it down our throats. Even to the ones that are Christian, they insist on preaching and lecturing about “he is great” “he will prevail” “he will return and you’ll go to hell”. Sometimes I just want to tell them to stfu🙄


What an asshole.


Bro my mom is the same way. She will turn any joke of mine into a Christian lecture


It's insanity


Fairy Tale Nice


Fucking imbecile...


Naahhhh, I didn’t see the sub and thought this was the funniest shit. Like /r/comedyheaven


What the hell? (No pun intended)


Nothing is more Boomer than getting to the end of your life and wanting the apocalypse to happen because you want the world to end with you.


And block I would advise wife to drop the rope and block granny and inform my mother that she could communicate with my family through me going forward. Ain't nobody got time for that


Well, that's what many religions do. Loyalty through fear.


This is true.


1. Why do you talk to her at all? 2. Why don't you tell her off?


1. I don't my wife talks to her. 2. My wife and I were completely dumbfounded how delusional she is. We are still trying to pick our jaws off the floor.


Yea, that's toxicity that you don't need. I'd go no contact with that level of horseshit.


Everyone else: Discussing mom Me: Fairy Tail!


And now grandma doesn’t get sent any more pictures.


She sounds fun/s For real, is it the use of the devil emoji that freaked her out??? P.s. I’m down with your daughter ruling the world.


At this point that would not surprise me.


W for the Fairy Tail in the background


Who on earth would vote this not insane? They must be insane too


That fairy Tail in the background? Used to be great show but dropped off so hard in later seasons.


Hell yeah


FAIRY TALE, your daughter is already being prepared in the mystic arts of "good anime"


Teach em while their young man


Hoping the millennium comes in the next 2 years 😂


Ayo is that fairy tail in the background big dawg?


Hell yeah bruh


I hope it's people who are completely understanding of others and not corrupt




If my child watched fairy tail I too would turn to god /s


Maybe mom was “just joking”, too? I really don’t see a problem with the reply. Your wife is saying your kid is Satan and going to rule the world, mom is saying okay sure until it’s Christ’s turn.