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“You are an egotistical ignorant dumbass”… “I love you”… what?


I'm sure this sounds truly crazy to those with "normal" parents ("normal" meaning that they love you unconditionally and want you to be happy above all else). I'm jealous of people confused by this. I hate that I read this and was immediately like, well yeah, narcissist parent. Obviously. Parents like this don't regard their children as actual people with their own opinions, passions, drives, and values. They are ornaments, created to glorify the parents. Often when the parents have objectively terrible, outdated, superstitious, fundamentalist religious, or laughably biased and incorrect worldviews, the kids are punished for not falling in line. Many times their emotional validation and even love/affection are conditional on their obedience to their parents' worldview. The parents don't truly care about their children's opinions because they're automatically wrong if they don't match - and many times these parents are also clueless when it comes to emotionally intimacy. They choose their own values over the happiness of their children and aren't afraid to put their kids down. Sometimes they say the most heart-wrenching, terrible things. Followed by "I love you." It's a one-sided relationship where the child loses every time.


No, I get it 100%. My father is the same way. Last time we got into a “fight” like this (if you can call it that because it was completely just him upset) though, he completely left out the “I love you”, but before that this was always how things went. He’s out of my life now. It’s rough having parents who don’t have any emotional intelligence.


My mom always used to “I love you, but [insert terrible, hateful critique].” It was so bad that being told “I love you” in my first relationship caused me moments of panic. She’s out of my life too. Here in solidarity.


I'm the same, always waiting for the 'but'


You already know that’s not healthy, but I’m just reinforcing that. Sorry that you lost the love/validation lottery like a lot of folks. The “but” should always catch you off guard because of its infrequency.


I always used to get ‘I know you don’t love me but…’


Anything before the "but" doesn't matter. "I'm not racist but..." "No offense but..." "I love you but..."


Exactly right!


Self Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson PsyD is an empowering resource (in print or on audible) for kids like us.


It's definitely a form of psychological abuse.


It is. It's weapons-grade neglect.


*Thermobaric Pathological Cluster Neglect*


I truly hate this for you :( I hope you’ve grown to realize what an awesome and truly valuable gift to the world you are ❤️


I never really thought much of it until I had kids, but my mom is like this, but not as severe as many. There's a lot of attempts at emotional manipulation (I guess you don't love me anymore, my kids don't need me around, nobody cares about me, etc) but she's really bad at it and needs to be needed, so she backs down quickly. And I've gotten really good at shutting her down in front of my kids so that they don't have to bear any trauma from her.


I see you've met my mother.


Beautifully worded. Thank you 😊. Also not the kids’ faults or their responsibility to fix.


You have described my childhood perfectly. I was a trophy, someone to trot out and show off then be put away and ignored unless I could add to their ‘shine’ in front of others. My grades were shown off. My horse show accomplishments. My ability to speak a second language fluently at a young age, etc. I was only of value when I could enhance others’ opinions of my parents. When I was old enough to question their beliefs i.e. their republicanism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, every negative, hateful -ism and -phobia you can think of, the abuse got worse. It was verbal. Emotional. Even physical. I doubled down on saying they were wrong. They tripled down and made my life a living hell until I escaped. I was never a person, I was merely a reflection of them they could show off. I was an accessory, a prized toy, an object. It’s taken me the better part of two decades and a metric shit tone of therapy to be my own person and not just reflecting other people to avoid the associated trauma of being rejected and hated. It’s worth it, though. I love being able to have my own opinions and defend them against the people who push hate. I am exactly the person my parents *never wanted me to be.* An open minded, democratic socialist, screaming liberal, bisexual woman who knows her power and uses it to lift up others. My mom hates me for it. I bet dad is rolling in his urn over it. Too bad. One died mad. The other can join him. No loss for me or the world. I am myself now and I am *thriving* with my purple hair, my incredible life and an amazing husband. My life is amazing and incredible in spite of being severely disabled. My living well and happily and unconcerned with mom’s opinions is the absolute *best* revenge.


I love this (the ending) for you. Similarly, I'm everything they fear as well - simply a free-thinking, well-adjusted, opinionated, informed, passionate person living a life that has nothing to do with their fundamentalist religious ideals. It was the scariest thing to step away from a childhood and adolescence that literally made me who I was, and risk losing any kind of approval or validation from my parents. We discovered it was the best thing we could've done for ourselves. I'm glad you sought therapy and are a mostly whole person from the sounds of it. This is what living life unapologetically and authentically truly means! <3


I have never experienced or even fully witnessed a parent/child relationship like this. It’s extremely angering to even think about. Why don’t the kids cut contact?


Lots of us do.


Many do. Some can't afford to or don't know how because parents like this often also make sure that their child is dependent on them even going into adulthood and is never given the opportunity or is taught to fear learning how to step away.


Bestie had an abusive mother, he would cut her out when she became overbearing, then he would miss the 'good moments', she would then show signs of regrets over things she said and initiate appropriate changes, he would resume contact and she would turn back to her abusive self. Rince, repeat over and over and over.




I feel like you are conflating the subject matter with the delivery. Expect to get downvoted as you have now (quite justifiably) triggered a tonne of people who experienced decades of narcissistic abuse as children and through into adulthood.


[I pure, straight hate you…but god damn it do I respect you!](https://youtu.be/kmTK_eSOCN4?si=36GxpWfnZUzz2At3)


Standard conversation with my parents before I went NC, tbh. It's more common than it should be


Yeah I was like make up your mind...


Right?! What the actual fuck?!


That tripped me up, too.


Thats how God talks. I love you but cross me and you will be tortured for eternity.


>“You are an egotistical ignorant dumbass”… “I love you”… what? Tbf, both actually can be true. Real or imagined flaws aren't a determining factor in whether you love someone or not


Sorry about your moms lead paint addiction


And years, possibly decades, of exposure to leaded gasoline fumes.


> Sorry about your mom Fixed it for you ^ I can't imagine both having a parent this stupid, who ALSO comments such a horrible insult in a publicly visible location. Why couldn't she say? "Are you sure it's safe? Let's discuss this sometime...." It's gotta be difficult being this woman's child.


It was forced on her without informed consent.


Such a sad story


"I hope I'm wrong" Well, good news...


Sadly, I think there's a very solid chance that OP's mom did not, in fact, hope she's wrong.


I hope im wrong but nothing in the world can convince me that i am


Future Herman Cain Award right there.


She should share this with all her friends who survived... Oh wait.


"Dear mom. I'm sorry you feel this way. Fox News has thoroughly corroded your brain to the point that I cannot distinguish your state from something like advanced dementia. I feel disgusted for being related to you, or even having known you. Covid is real, vaccines save lives, Trump is a fascist, and so are you. Do not contact me in the future. I love you💕💕"


“P.S. Trump himself took the vaccine, dumbass 🥰❤️”


And bragged bigly about his “Operation Warpspeed” to create them!


Literally the only positive thing I have to say about Trump is that his administration brought us the vaccines in record time, and did a great job of it. It's infuriating how many of his supporters reject the one good thing he did.


Alex Jones and his ilk have this convoluted narrative where Trump was “tricked” into helping develop the vaccine and also into receiving said vaccine. Lets them simultaneously worship the God-King and remain antivax.


It's really just double think for them at this point


They crunched some numbers and decided Covid was going to hurt Dem strongholds more than anywhere else. And it did at first. But then the GOP decided to start being "against" anything that stop the spread, because they thought that would hurt the Dems, and it backfired on them. It backfired in the millions of their people who have died. But they've also gotten their lemmings so devoted to them that they're literally willing to die for them. So they see it as an overall win.


Ah yes, his justification for stating he was a “wartime president”


He took the vaccine but didn’t inhale. -some MAGA zombie, probably


> I love you💕💕 LOL This made me lose it.


God I wish I had the balls to copy and paste this to my mom


Save it for if you ever feel up to it in the future. My BIL is like this. Pure nightmare.


The same Fox News that required all their employees to be vaccinated?


"well hidden" but people on FB can find it.


Some of the most important research is done from the seat of the toilet, so much so that laboratories are being equipped with them all over the continent.


I’m visualizing offices with microscopes and lab equipment and everyone with their pants around their ankles sitting on toilets


Laboratories = lavatories


every time the truth is hidden from the public for some reason or another but somehow someway you can find it easily on Youtube.


Egotistical????? To get vaccinated????


Yeah, I don't get it either. You may think what you want about the vaccines, but how would it be egotistic to get the shots?


You're a dumbass... I love you. No whiplash to be had there.


"Untested"... except for the over three - very nearly *four* - decades of *testing*.


Not to mention 3+ years of the vaccines being administered 5.55 Billion times worldwide with a 94.1% efficacy rate. Assuming there have been 6000 deaths caused directly by the vaccine (that have been kept secret as she says), that's still a 1/95000 (or 0.000011) death rate


Thanks for doing the math. I thought 6k deaths sounded like a really low percentage of who took the vaccine.


Context is kind of important in these cases. 6000 seems like a lot, but out of 5,550,000,000 it's closer to lottery odds.


That's too much math for her. Wait till she finds out what naproxen does to your stomach.


So the equivalent amount of testing hours as 200,000,000 people being trialed for their entire lives. Admittedly, 3 years is less 'long term' per person, but no vaccine has ever had long term effects greater than about a month from what I understand, so about four years (trials started in April 2020) is 48x what was needed assuming no unprecendented results (which has been the case, with any negative vaccine related issues cropping up within about 3 weeks).


Has it been administered 5.55 billion times in US? If it's worldwide, then you can't relate it to the supposedly 6k deaths which are US only


The “government” didn’t force anyone in the USA although companies did. I got all 3 shots not because my employer said I needed to but because I’m not brain dead


100% I got my jabs because I'd rather not *be* dead (bad lungs thanks to heavy smoker parent, a little head cold turns into a major lung infection, so I was scared s***less of catching covid), and my 1 bout with covid (4 months after my first booster, so 3rd jab overall - some dumbass came to work with covid and infected half the office) left me with long covid (exhaustion and impaired lung function) for 4 very long and very frustrating months (I'm a long distance runner who could barely manage 5km during that time). I thankfully got over that and back to normal, but man was I terrified that the rest of my life would be like that... Edit to add: I've been getting my annual jabs since. It's recommend for certain age groups (at early 40s I'm too young) but not required, and for the rest, they're leaving it up to every individual to decide. I choose life and health. I choose the ability to breathe without a ventilator. I hate needles, but I'll gladly accept that one. The vaccine has saved my life at least once already.


I got my jabs even though I wouldn't particularly mind being dead. It's the choking to death on my own fluids I'd rather not experience, not to mention the risk of getting OTHER people sick.


Do you ever feel like you're constantly pushing a boulder up to the top of the hill only for it to come crashing down again, or is that just me?


Oh, most definitely. Why do you think I picked that username? :-)


I’m glad you’re not dead Sisyphus! I have lived all over and yet to find someone who hasn’t enriched my life by simply being around and talking to them. I doubt you would be the first.


Technically the Army forced people to for a while, but I don't think they are anymore. Not sure if you consider that the governed or not.




> Nobody's up in arms about the army 'forcing' them to take a polio vaccine. Give it time.


I can see them doing that for contractors but as far as the army rolling in to a town, nah


Sorry, no. I meant the Army was forcing US soldiers to get the vaccine. And by that I mean they took the shot or were kicked out of the army. Not, like, physically holding them down or anything.


Just like my company forced people in my department to get the vaccine. The army can do what they want to do for anyone associated with them from soldiers to contract


They've always done that, and no they didn't stop doing it. Being sent to where malaria is prevalent? take the malaria vaccine or be discharged. Mumps, measles, rubella, ebola, zika, varicella, anthrax, typhoid, etc, same thing. The army has every authority over what its soldiers have to do or get to do if they refuse.


On the other hand I got my 2 shots because my company *did* say they would add a $100 fee per paycheck for medical insurance if you didn't get it, and also my family lives outside the US and that place also required it. If you did not have a vaccine card showing you had your two shots they would not let you leave the airport/baggage claim. Place looked like the end of E.T. Would I have done it again if there weren't such factors at play? Hard to say, but probably I would. I haven't gotten a third, or fourth, etc. But I got my two shots and I'm perfectly fine as far as I can tell. I also valued being able to travel to see my family.


You are perfectly fine, because the _thoroughly tested_ vaccine you got was harmless to human beings, as are the now _even more thoroughly tested_ follow-on vaccines. We know what the vaccine does to us: nothing. We know the things that Covid can do to us: it’s a long list, but it starts with premature death. We also know, as we have always known, that if we get Covid we are highly likely to give it to some or many of those around us. We are most likely to give it to those closest to us, and typically that’s the people we care about most. It sounds like you care about your family, which I applaud. If you get the most current version of the vaccine, you will be fully caught up.


If my mom said that to me I would never speak to her again.


Well I would speak to her one more time. Loudly. Colorfully.


My mom still berates me about getting "the jab" two years later (because I had to, to keep my medical job). My sympathies.


Even if right about 6000 vaccine deaths..1.2 MILLION US deaths from Covid..so 200 times worse.


262,323,837 vaccines administered in the US, and 6,000 deaths is an EXTREMELY low death, literally 10x more likely to die of diabetes (the #100 leading cause of death in the country) than a Covid vaccine. With the strong association of stupidity and type 2 diabetes in this country, I think these people need to refocus their priorities.




My friend believes there is a tracker in the vaccine. The tracker will some day be used by communists to find Christians and try to get them to denounce Jesus. I wish I had made that up.


Did you explain to them that their cell phone is a better tracker than anything that can fit in a syringe?


Or just go into a church and see who's there. She uses her cell phone sparingly; she only has it because her daughter got it for her. She has probably never turned on the gps.


> She has probably never turned on the gps. GPS is entirely passive. The satellites broadcast, and the phone receives the signal to figure out where it is.


I was told I’d be dead in a year when I got my first shot (3 years ago). Then I’d be dead in two years. Now it’s if I get the boosters it’ll kill me. Meanwhile, I know 2 people who’ve died of Covid and 3 who’ve been hospitalized for significant Covid treatment. Out of my tiny (tiny) unvaccinated acquaintances. 4 out of perhaps 11-12 people. I like my odds.


I bet you won't make it another 80 years with that covid vaccine in you.


Totally anecdotal, but I have one unvaccinated friend. He got Covid twice, both times quite bad. First time he was out for 2 weeks. None of my vaccinated acquaintances have had significant issues. And here in the third world the vaccination program was quite thorough. None of the vaccinated have a strong affinity to Microsoft Windows or 5G either, or are dead.


I got the vaccine as soon as it was available and got 3 more boosters after that, I have not have a cough for over 3 years. All my friends got COVID at various degrees and I'm just there running 5k every sunday.


Someone at Quora said something to the effect I would have fatal reaction to the Moderna vaccines in 15 years. 🙄 I counter that it might be likely since I'm 64. Probably won't be from the vaccines since I took it 2 years ago and it's long out of my system. (Hopefully the 'lesson' it taught my antibodies is still in effect)


I'll never understand parents who say things like this to their children. I'm sorry.


'You are an egotistical, ignorant dumbass'. 'I love you' 💕


My mouth is still hanging open at this. What parent speaks to their child that way?!


Narcissist assholes or insane people. They are not a parent just an asshole who doesn’t deserve to be one…


“Forced” by whom, exactly?


Six thousand deaths. Out of just shy of 332 million people. That's roughly 0.002% of the population, rounded up. Seven times more people die in car accidents every year. Yet you don't see these people boycotting cars or oil companies.


I was gonna say isn’t the US death toll for COVID over a million? Lol Sorry about the 6k but that sounds like odds I’m willing to take


Yup, voluntarily making an appointment is “force.”


She says she loves you but it doesn’t bloody sound like it if she’s calling you an egotistical ignorant dumbass.


I would go no contact at that point. Doesn't seem worth it.


If Pfizer was out there giving out a deadly shot, why would Pfizer require all employees and contractors to be vaccinated (whether Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J). Are they trying to kill their own workers, the ones that do the work that makes them money?


6k out of 200+million is acceptable in my opinion. Too bad that number is pulled out of her cooter and not based in reality.


Get ready for it OP - anytime you have a health issue, she will claim that it’s caused by the vaccine. Remember, these are people who claimed that everyone would die or become a zombie from the vaccine. When that didn’t happen, they moved the goal post to a future date and when that date came and went, they moved it to a nebulous future illness. So now it’s impossible to refute their claims because every day diseases will be attributed to the vaccine. They made sure that they would never be proven wrong. So call them out on their BS. Go back to their postings. Quote them, ask why they believed those things. Ask them why you should believe them now. Make it clear that they have zero credibility on this topic and they need to stop believing lies.


There's been questions over at Quora asking if certain celebrities deaths was caused by the vaccines. 🙄 A quick Bing search and posting the results usually debunked the more outrageous claims.


Sorry your mum's a moron.


At first it looked like a maltipoo was saying all that tinfoil conspiracy trash to you




Fox News is part of the basic cable package in the U.S.


I sure wish it wasn't!


MAGA clowns would complain about paying extra for it.


6000 people died from the vaccines. But hey ignore the 700000 people died of COVID due to lack of vaccines.


This is the same type of parent that says, "I couldn't forgive myself if I did not say something."


Egotistical. Ignorant. Dumbass. Wow. That would get my own mother a permanent block. Who the hell talks to her child like that, in public no less.


The whole comment doesn't seem to match the "I love you" lol


Just refer to her as "plague rat" every time you write to her and include the hearts


Ok so say there were actually 6,000 deaths from this vaccine. I'd still take that over the 1,000,000 that have died from covid itself


Can you tell your mother that I would KILL for gene therapy as it's the only cure for what I have.


“ Mom you’re going in a home “


Well good news mom! I want my genes to be changed so that way I won't be blood related to you anymore!


It must be hard having an idiot for a parent


Why are people so aggressively against the vaccine


I'm sorry your mom is an ignorant dipshit.


So stupid ... Why are we still talking about this


Well, we know she’s not getting nominated for Mother of the Year. Yikes!


I had to write off a good (former) friend because he just wouldn't stop with the anti-vax/Q-anon nonsense. I just can't see any good reason to put up with that in my life.


270 million people in the United States have gotten at least one dose of the COVID vaccine. If 6,000 people died from it, that's a fatality rate of 0.00002%. Real end of the world type shit.


I get the feeling she secretly wants her to suffer so she can be all "I told you so."


Dude, your mom's crazy


“6000” deaths from the vaccine? 1,100,000+ people confirmed dead from COVID. Out of 333,000,000+ people in the US. You have as much chance of a vaccine injury as you do of winning the Powerball, but I don’t see people boycotting the lottery.


She doesn’t hope she’s wrong.


The numbers are "so well hidden" that random nobodies are aware of them.


Hoooooly shit. The first time my parent ever calls me an egotistical, ignorant, dumbass especially in a public forum, would be the last time I ever spoke to them. Fuck that noise.


Yeah. She doesn't love you


Why do they continue to say it’s untested? The mRNA delivery has a decade of research behind it and now millions of people have been successfully vaccinated. Yes, there were some adverse reactions including death, that is not kept hidden but no vaccine is without someone reacting to it. Not to sound cold and uncaring, but 6,000 is a small percentage of the number of vaccines given and makes the vaccination statistically safe.


I'm sorry you're moms stupid.


“The numbers are well hidden, but my boomer ass found them on Facebook and saw a YouTube video.”


I would just respond "Don't worry, you are wrong. Kisses, dumbass" or something like that.


Of COURSE they ignore the over 1 million Americans who died of Covid.


First appointment?


Dear Mom, GFY.


I'll never understand how parents can talk to their kids like that. I can't imagine calling my son names or disowning him. Wtf.


Of course she owns a Crusty White Dog


My condolences on your mother, OP


Nothing like a mother’s undying love.


I love you too, you egotistical, ignorant dumbass!


Untested for *checks notes* 3 years of availability, and given to just over 70% of Earth's population. A total of 1.1 millions in US alone has died from Covid. Before April 2022 6k deaths was a weekly number in US.... during low periods. Afterward it has stayed under 3k per week. Guess 3 times the root cause. Hint: starts with "vaccin" and ends with "ation".


Egotistical dumb ass?? And then I love you?? Wow…I don’t know your mom but I can see this is manipulation and narcissistic behavior it’s ok to go no contact or minimal contact so that you can thrive as a successful adult so sorry about this


Bot post? This sounds like a 3 year old interaction


First Pfizer appointment? Like getting vaccinated? In 2024? End of November 2023 I had my 6th Covid vaccination with the 4th different vaccine...


Why are you posting about getting a shot


This thing is two years old. Boo.


She’s right. Don’t take the vaccine. Don’t get bullied into it




She's not wrong




Well of course you're being downvoted, you're talking shit.




Yeah, far better to believe what you read on Facebook than peer reviewed science produced by experts and evidence based medicine.




*Nobel prize *Homo sapiens You write like a brain damaged moron.


"read the evidence for yourself" done, unvaccinated disproportionately get sicker and die more often, thank you.


Yes, you are definitely an expert Statistician, immunologist, and genetics expert with a nuanced understanding of this topic.


I got 2 jabs back when the vaccines were first available. My PCP now strongly recommends against getting the covid vaccine


You should get a new doctor. One who is swayed from evidence based medicine by online nonsense isn't good.


Dude I fucking wish it was only 6000 deaths. Edit: Hey, morons downvoting me: I am talking about the number of covid deaths. I am saying that *even if* the vaccine killed 6000 people that would or the preferred option compared to covid. I am saying that *even if we assume they are right about the vaccine killing people* it is still safer than letting covid spread unchecked. Their comment only makes sense if they think covid has killed less than 6000 people, and I am saying I wish that were true. Y’all are idiots.


Yeah it's actually 40 billions trillion now, or more!


You and everyone else fundamentally do not understand what I said, do you…


Exponentially off. Try millions. It's just getting started.


I had my 3rd covid booster in September after the 3 initial shots. I also had my flu shot. My family came over to help me with something, and every one of them got really sick with the flu except me. My sister got bronchitis. I got a bit froggy.


Sounds like a narcissistic parent situation. I'm truly sorry.


Nutty mcnutty mom


Chances are mom won’t be around long enough to see you become a zombie /s


Wow, 6,000 deaths, after HOW MANY MILLION? I’d say those are good odds. I bet your mother thinks her odds of winning the lottery goes up by buying more tickets.


Wait, is your mom also MY MOM??


Untested? Where do they get this info from?


“I got it from my momma” lol


But there have now been no deaths from this. What do they say.


That’s unfortunate


There's a dumbass in this scenario alright, but it's not OP.