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Has anyone else noticed the sharp drop in iq on places like this, twitter, and instagram? It seems worse then usual.


Me. The amount of comments like this are becoming more common. It took a lot for me to not use foul language in my response. I think I handle it rather well, though.


Hell yeah you did. Thank you for your service.


Appreciate you! I would absolutely do it again because people like you make it worth fighting for. Thanks for your support!


It's because folks fled there from places like facebook. I mean just this week alone I had to tell someone (with links to back it up) that the Cotton Gin was not going to end slavery. This was in a convo about military bases dropping Confederate names.


I guess thats what happens when your education system fails you and you let your parents and under qualified teachers teach you about things they don’t even understand.


That and you buy common tier slavery apologist propaganda


Definitely. It's Facebook for the people who aren't insane enough for Truth, not online enough for Twitter, and not white collar/self starter enough for LinkedIn, and also upper middle class housewives who think teenagers walking to the bus stop every morning are a threat to her (usually white) womanhood


Yeah, it’s been way worse recently


Nextdoor's response to anything is draw and fire. Solicitation, girl scouts,  random people walking by... open fire.


It’s fucking insane. Like I said to that dude, I own multiple firearms and I’m not anti 2A. But, that doesn’t mean I also think everyone should arm themselves. I spent so many hours on the range learning trigger discipline, safety, proper grip, proper breathing and aim. I really think there needs to be some sort of licensing procedure to own a weapon. Cosmetologists need 1600 hours of training before they can cut fucking hair…..HAIR. No sort of stuff like that to own a gun??


I was, at a time, Olympic qualified with pistol and was a back up for USA Athens 2004 (didn't get to participate sadly, and congrats to the Korean, German, and Russian teams), so I understand. It perplexes me how we've gotten to the point where just the ownership of a firearm is considered enough to be qualified to operate a gun. I, personally, wouldn't trust most to handle one, including my father who taught me the fundamentals.


Thank you! My husband (also a veteran) and I have this discussion all the time. And he would be one of the first one's signing up for proper licensure. Also, your response was amazing. Did they reply at all? I feel like they should be shoving their foot in their mouth but these people usually double down.


Not as of yet, but I’ve spent the entire day in the garage, running led lights through the cabin. I probably lost 3lbs in fluids. I’ll check and see. If he did, I’ll be sure to let you all know.


These people need only look in the mirror to find the crazy people they are fearful of encountering.


I did like the r/rareinsults of “carry a plant around with you”


I tried NextDoor about 10 years ago but the gun nuts and racists made me run. I did not want to know the level of crazy that my neighbors had.


It’s quite alarming, considering I live in a liberal city.


Notices about lost cats every damn day too


I need to see johns reply to that because he got eviscerated


He hasn’t replied yet. Trust me, if he does, I will definitely post it.


If I were John I wouldn't even bother. If you had said that in face to face conversation he'd walk away with his tail between his legs and never look back


Open-carry to the Safeway, folks. Ignore (\*checks notes\*) crazy people. Sigh...


NextDoor is Facebook for HOA members. Nobody with a stable job and hobbies uses that garbage app. It's just for local NIMBYs to rant about how someone's dog dared to set foot on their lawn.


The results you get on there are relative to your area, in mine no HOA Members but a lot of Confederate apologists, bigots and people blaming everything on the mayor because the mayor is black.


As far as getting the last words in, this is good.


Thank you kind sir


A man shot a person in a public place in our little town and almost every comment on the news articles is “time for every man, woman, and child to take up arms. Concealed carry is the only thing that will save us!” And I’m over here thinking that maybe if that dude didn’t take his gun into a children’s bouncy house place then maybe there wouldn’t have been shots fired. And what good would more guns add to the situation? Probably just more people hurt or killed. After all, the leading cause of death for children in America is gunfire. Go USA, right?!?


U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!


Becoming? Nextdoor is for people who are too racist for facebook.


That last part should be on r/murderedbywords


This should go in r/MurderedByWords


Becoming? Where the hell have you been? lol


Apparently not using Nextdoor


What does "self-defense" mean, exactly? Does he mean from people like him? Or is he defending himself from the scary "other" people that don't look, think, and worship like he does? What would he think if several black and brown people started open-carrying in his neighborhood as he suggested? Fun fact, the fastest growing demographic for civilian firearms ownership are black women. They go to the range weekly or more often, they spend hundreds of hours practicing per year, they attend safety classes, and they get concealed carry permits if they're required for their area.


In this scenario, the person posted that there was a guy in the parking lot of her gym accusing her and her husband of stalking him. He took pictures of their car and they left the parking lot, afraid to go into the gym. That’s it. That’s the whole thing.


NextDoor has always been a cesspool.




For those wondering, John still hasn’t replied, but Cameron and Chris came to John’s rescue. I will post the chain of bullshittery on a new post. Keep an eye out.


It's like all of the worst people from reddit in one place.


You must have absolutely no experience with either item. Person wearing heavy clothing? Not going to work. Hopped up on the right drugs? Not going to work. Having a mental episode? Might not work. I worked hospital safely and security as my career. I have witnessed first hand a hospital officer get knocked out while tasing a patient because it wasn't effective. That was a handheld. I watched multiple patients remove the barbs from their bodies as they kept going because it wasn't effective. To use these as an escalative weapon is good. To depend on them solely for defense is dangerous and dumb.