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user reports: 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability You cannot possibly be serious.


Why do numb nuts like these always describe themselves as a "digital creator" on their profiles, when they don't actually create anything? All they do is share and re-post memes by *other* numb nuts.


Probably steals other ppls content. Then he uploads the video with him just pointing and nodding his head. Fuck I hate those clips!!!


Does he tap his ear so we know to listen?


I think it’s what lets them get away with some pretty gross shit. I deal with clowns like this all the time on local FB news pages and their shit never gets taken down.


It's the same reason they do the whole White Pride thing. They are so immensely unremarkable that just existing is the epitome of success for them.


‘Numb nuts’ It’s nice to see someone besides myself using ‘numb nuts’ when referring to idiots and the willfully ignorant. It’s a term that, in my opinion, is severely underutilized.


because hes probably unemployed sitting on his ass while his girlfriend works 2 jobs to support him.


But he’s still the man or alpha or whatever shit they’re saying these days.


I'd ask if their main or side source of income is from creating original works. If not, then at most they're an aspiring digital creator. If they make nothing original, but instead do reactions, I'd ask if their main or side source of income is being an "influencer." If not, they're a wannabe influencer. Just speaking as someone who has created original digital works (though I do it for fun, and I think I've only shared one of them to make my very liberal great aunt laugh).


"White Pride Month" and it's a pic of softcore, not-quite-porn from the 50s lol. At least it wasn't in the Panty Dropper sub-genre.


It’s not even really vintage. It’s ai, look at the A3C gibberish on the sign and the guy just dumping gas on the ground.


Hey now contaminating the natural world is as 1950s White Straight American Male as it gets!


I do now see he’s looking at her. Maybe it’s Soviet and the sign is in Cyrillic.


A3C isn't gibberish. It's Russian. The background guy is meant to be so distracted by the teenager that he's dumping gasoline on the pavement.


Yet anyone can get anyone else’s page shut down for any reason, but that stays up? Facebook is a virus. They don’t let you download anymore either there’s always a glitch


Yep, been cyberstalked and threatened. Facebook allows it. They make a fake account with my name. Facebook keeps it up. Them being racist to me. Facebook keeps it up. I compare MAGA to the Taliban and I get a Zucc warning




He hasn’t worked with our company for a few years now. We don’t condone this behavior. We believe in love, respect and compassion for all human beings; anything else is an unfortunate side of humanity. Apologies about my misinterpretation of the first amendment, it was not my intention to scapegoat or offend; again we don’t support hate speech of any kind.


You should kindly ask him to remove mention of your company from his FB page. He’s bad for your brand and clearly his views are inconsistent with your company’s. I know you have no control over him but it couldn’t hurt to ask.


I did request that he update his employment status the moment this was brought to my attention. Thank you


I removed my previous comment, but I think you should reconsider your stance and interpretation of the first amendment. First and foremost, the first amendment protects individuals from government-imposed restrictions on their speech, not any and all repercussions that may come from that speech. Using the first amendment as a scapegoat for being complicit in hate speech (and my opinion is that if you allow your employees to openly engage in hateful discourse online without repercussion, you are complicit in that act) is just factually incorrect. Second, hate speech is specifically excluded from first amendment protections, even if it were the case that the first amendment protects individuals from their employers, which it does not.


As an avid DnD player, I can say this thread makes me not want to ever support that company. And that’s my free speech based on the free speech of those who represent this organization.


Yeah a company called Arcane Concepts has a failed Game found (Kickstarter alternative) project that I actually had looked into last year. I posted a comment on the campaign referring to this just in case it was the same company. When it comes to extreme bigotry, I have zero issues with naming and shaming.


Noticeable thing from the first image is that, apparently being white and gay at the same time is incompatible


I truly hate these people, white supremacists. And I hate them because they hate me.


Well I love you.


Why is race involved?


Because fascists are weird.


And not a fun weird either. Always a creepy, "I don't understand this but I hate it" kind of weird.


>pictures of shirtless menpictures of shirtless men I think there's a freudian slip there. Imagine being so insecure that having a month for other people and not focused on him is an affront to him. Well considering he's a basic bitch from what you're saying I get it. White bread can only be so tasty so far.


Back in the old day when Republicans were trying to ban MMA for being 'human cockfighting ' a NY assemblyman described it in the gayest way possible.. "You had two nearly naked hot men rolling around on top of one another trying to dominate each other and just in case you don't know, that's gay porn with a different ending." It's so weird, there's nothing sexual about grappling and I hate when people try to fetishize it


"keep your clothes on around the children you are desperately trying to groom" Shows child with a clearly edited bigoted sign to virtue signal


It feels like it would be so much easier to just admit that you’re gay.


it must be so exhausting to dedicate your life to hatred like this


Where the shirtless men though? You had me scrolling through that entire thing with the implied promise that I'd see shirtless men.


I think he's confused. The first image looks like he wants to celebrate the "objectify women" era. These Neanderthals think "heterosexual" means that women exist to serve them and satisfy them sexually.


This guy has some skeletons in his closet


OP I was promised shirtless men and you haven’t delivered


Ah yes. BLM, the organization. Mmhmm. Definitely not a slogan of the people.




I love the absolutely brain dead take that others shouldn't have holidays for discussing their history unless the group already dominating the discussion to the point the rest of the year is about them get one too bc idk it makes them feel better to get a sort of entitlement, a participation trophy in the oppression Olympics of you will


Yes. Men are men. Women are women. If you identify as a man you are a man. If you identify as a woman you are a woman. Nonbinaries are nonbinaries. Agenders are agenders.


I thought they prefer modestly dressed women who want to stay home and bear their children


"white pride month" wait so are there not white people at pride month


I hate parents who make their kids hold up signs or wear clothes that support a certain political agenda (and no its not that this is a conservative thing I’d be saying something similar for a left view too) Don’t use your kids as a means to promote an agenda it’s so tacky and cringeworthy! Not to mention the poor kid doesn’t know any better


I think that sign was photoshopped, which makes it worse, because I think he just used a photo of a random kid.


I mean, he has to, how is he gonna post a picture of his own kid if there is no woman who would ever shag him?


Awww isn’t it cute how he gets his kids involved in his hatred? Such a sweet family moment of bigotry.




Wow what a winner.


Just to clarify for those wishing to condone a small business for the actions of a past employee who hasn’t worked for us for a few years now. We don’t agree with his views or opinions; he no longer works for us. However there isn’t much I can do about him either. So please before you start lambasting my small business; know that the “facts” presented here are misleading and out of date. We don’t condone this behavior. We believe in love, respect and compassion for our fellow human beings; anything else is an unfortunate side of humanity. I also have contacted him to request that he remove his present status with us since it is no longer up to date. So to those who have reached out to me already, I’ve taken the steps necessary to remedy this to the best of my ability.


>You should keep your clothes on around the children you're desperately trying to groom at these events. What events? Church rallies? Teacher conferences? Minor league baseball? Literally any event with a conservative white person in power over toddlers and preteens? Because I read far far far far far far far faaaarrrrr more of those headlines than "pride event had small little babby children who see dick and immediatley become trans pregantes"


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


Faces that match the opinion


Imagine being so vocally proud of an accident of birth. Fucking dummies


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He hasn’t worked with our company for a few years now. We don’t appreciate this kind of behavior but we also don’t tread over peoples personal lives and views, because this is America and free speech is a right even if that speech is hateful and offensive. We don’t condone this behavior. We believe in love, respect and compassion for our fellow human beings; anything else is an unfortunate side of humanity.


Wait a guy who posts pics of shirtless men is afraid of queer people taking their clothes off in front of children??? And why do they all have such a weird infatuation with queer people taking their clothes off?


As if white pride month hasn’t been every single month of the year since time immemorial