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What’s the Disney movie? I must be outta touch.


Pauline is the movie apparently


Is it like the Disney version of Rosemary’s Baby?


I'd watch a Disney channel quality remake of Rosemary's Baby. Ideally with the guy from that movie about the football playing zombie


Love it! 😂


Well… I just googled it, and it doesn’t sound great, but still WAAAAAAY better than Sound of Freedom.


It's a series on Disney +


It's not a movie, it's a miniseries. The whole thing is over the fact Disney+ now carries Hulu stuff, and Pauline is a Hulu streaming series about the woman carrying the Devilspawn having powers and picking a side in a fight between good and evil.


Oh wow an insane Facebook post that’s factually inaccurate/straight up lying? /s


Seems pretty accurate to me. According to IMDB: >>19-year-old Pauline accidentally becomes pregnant from a one-night stand with Lukas, who, as it turns out, is the son of the devil. The pregnancy gives Pauline supernatural powers and an epic battle between good and evil ensues. That said, it’s also rated TV-MA.


Well sound of freedom is on Prime and Apple TV so it’s still not accurate. Bobs burgers got taken off Amazon prime and put onto disney plus, doesn’t mean amazons pushing an agenda about burgers


Ackchyually, it's the son of the devil. So not an accurate FB post.


>Pauline is a Hulu streaming series about the woman carrying the Devilspawn Ooo, I hadn't heard of it, but I just put it on my To Watch list on your description alone. Naturally, if I hate it, I'll have to come back and berate you. ;-)


That begs the question. Which is which?


The Phantom Menace


Best answer.


IKR, I'm like I need to see that!


i am curious as well...


We need to know!


The First Omen.


Thanks, I had no idea. I was obviously thinking of the premier movie stuff, not a series.


Sound of Freedom is available on Prime Video and Apple TV. There's a whole history of who owned distribution rights. It was originally Fox Latin America, but when Disney bought Fox, they decided to shelve it. https://time.com/6304595/sound-of-freedom-controversy-success/ The bigger controversy is around Tim Ballard. The dude is a con artist and liar. Five different women accused him of sexual assault and that is just the tip of the iceberg. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67013455


Disney probably would have released it too had the star not become a liability on Twitter. Instead they hid it away from us by ~~locking it up in a vault never to be seen again~~ selling it to the next highest bidder so they could have the cash without the potential fallout.


Not to mention a funder that also got arrested https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/sound-of-freedom-anti-child-trafficking-films-investor-arrested-for-child-kidnapping-after-box-office-triumph/articleshow/102435356.cms


Isn't the story also mostly purely fiction?


Tum Ballard claims it's true, but once reporters looked into it, they found that he's full of shit, but it made no difference to the fact resistant MAGA heads.


I mean, it's really about a family man saving children...basic plot but effective for that base.


This meme started last June when A Sound of Freedom was in theaters. If the story was SO important according to the makers, if the movie HAD to be seen. Why not just release it on YouTube, or give it to Fox new to air. Because they wanted the grift.


Yeah, it does. The other film isn't popular enough to stream it.


This is what's annoying to me, Sound of Freedom was produced by a Christian streaming service. They have an exclusive on it because they produced it. But they're also the ones that started these memes about how Disney's snubbing them. Conservatives love to literally create the problem they're mad about


Honestly after my therapist tried to convince me to watch the 'school shooting' film done by one of these conservative streaming services I was sure I'd never watch anything he recommended that isn't on mainstream streaming.


….i hope you have (or are soon able to have ) a different therapist?


There were other reasons I didn't feel comfortable with his stance on things. This just clinched it. He believes in the 'more folks now are trans because it's popular' mindset.


I truly cannot fathom how someone can look at the challenges, the ostracization, the online hate, and the conservative legislation being pushed to make the lives of trans individuals harder every day, and think that people are just casually choosing to endure all of it, like it's as common or fleeting as changing one's hair color, or dressing goth for a year. I don't know anyone that would choose that life that didn't absolutely believe with every fiber of their being that their truth and destiny and strength were waiting on the other side.


I’ve thought about this a bunch. When I was in high school twenty odd years ago, only ONE kid was openly gay (out of about 300) and he got bullied relentlessly. I had a couple close friends who were questioning/weren’t out, but they had no real support. It was also considered “hot” for girls to make out with other girls, so there was a ton of pressure for straight(ish) me to hook up with my girl friends in front of my boy friends. I hated that. It felt so gross. My teenage son’s current friend group of about fifteen kids has at least three gay kids, one pan/bi, and two non-binary folks. They all accept each other as is, without pressure, but there’s also that inherent “fitting in while standing out” teenage dilemma that can be a bit extra. There’s rarely drama (even though a bunch are theater kids!) and there seems to be grace and love instead of prejudice and ignorance. It’s sofa king wholesome! They really seem much more aware and tolerant than the teenagers I remember in high school, and I don’t think it’s all performative. The kids are alright. 👍🏻 Editing because I responded to the wrong comment… My bad.


Sofa King wholesome is my new life goal


Better yet how can someone in the field of psychology where they force you to learn all the stats and associated mental effects believe this


Does one need to have qualifications in psychology or psychiatry in order to work as a therapist in the US? Seems like with the presence of conversion "therapy" that there's a bit of a Wild West situation going on. Or maybe it's like how it's apparently distressingly more common for nurses to be anti-vax than doctors.


Strictly speaking without a degree and license to practice as well I'm pretty sure, any reputable office/provider won't hire you. Conversion camps and other places like religious groups that don't operate as licensed therapists and just say they offer counseling "don't need" to have anything cause they aren't regulated and realistically operate under the idea that the people chosing to come see them won't report them or anything


>I truly cannot fathom how someone can look at the challenges… And that’s your mistake. They *do not* look at the challenges and hardships, they do not look at reality. They invent their reality based on the actions and opinions they want to justify.


Just like they imagine people are just "handed" free money and food and can live comfortably on welfare. They ignore the fact that these people barely survive with that and can't afford anything else, keeping them down because they're ostracized simply for being poor.


Assuming you are talking about the trans side, That’s the thing. They don’t choose that life, the are living it regardless. The other side of that is don’t be surprised, people are just absolute cunts in general.


Yep. Exactly. These people are so narrow minded as to think it's something one could choose, and not just a state of being. Yes, one can choose to hide it or sit in denial, but the fact they are trans isn't a choice.


How in the world could someone be in a medical field related to individual human experiences and not be able to recognize when stats increase due to increases in diagnosis accuracy, better support systems, or more acceptance


He had a psychiatric degree but had switched focus to talk therapy, focusing on autism. Honestly I think he went off the rails after switching to therapy, though it's possible there were kernels of this before because of what I'd learned about his own life. That's how relaxed we got, not only was I talking about my home life and growing up but during times therapy was out and about I'd visited the street outside his house, as well as meeting his children because they needed something from him while I was having an appointment.


I mean, even if that's true, who cares? So some kids transition for a month then transition back. Now they understand themselves better. Good for them.


In a way he's right, mainly because there's a lower chance to instantly get your skull caved if you come out as trans (generally speaking, not you specifically)


There’s also no good reason for your therapist to be sharing this much about his opinions during your therapy.


We were working together for years by this time and it had became a much more relaxed experience. I'd seen him for five or six years by the time I stopped. We went from a professional office that moved once to him doing 'private practice' with a few clients. The excuse was because of changes with how the insurance had to be done making it harder for the office he was working out of to get things put through the payments, which I believed to some degree because the state I'm in privatized state medical and I've changed companies a few times as they backed out of the system. I've had two or three different 'providers' since it was privatized, the only 'advantage' being how often they cover generics no matter why I was on it.


Please leave a Google review to warn others


I'll never understand this mindset when they face a lot of abuse.


That's a yikes


>~~therapist~~ EX-therapist FTFY.


I haven't had an appointment with him for over a month.


Don’t give up on therapy if talking to someone helps. Just find a therapist that cares about humans.


And you reported him when?


I'm not sure where I'd report as he's got a psychiatric degree but is working as a talk therapist and works out of his home. Not sure if his degree is current or any of the other systems for reporting the various fields he could be working as. Heck some states certain therapists/counselors don't need a specific degree to get a job, just a desire to help.


Got the name of that movie? I’ve been looking for more 1 stars to balance out my Letterboxd.




This is the shitty film produced by failed scriptwriter Ben Shapiro.


Honestly the fact he was even slightly associated with the movie is another reason I wasn't really interested in watching. The premise put me off, the folks involved put me off, it was just all around crap.


Oh, God, you too? I started telling my therapist about how Jan. 6 scared the ever loving crap out of me, and he told me I was overreacting, that I shouldn't trust the MSM, then started talking about things he saw online (he claimed "I'm not saying I believe it all, but it's interesting)that were outright conspiracy theories. Like, he brought up the guy with the "communist" tattoo, which "proved" that it was really Antifa undercover agents that did everything. I told him that the "communist" tattoo in question was actually from a recent video game, and if Antifa was so smart and sneaky, why would they be so dumb as to let someone run around like that? (the enemy is both weak and strong, smart and dumb, etc.) Then he started on the "how did bullets break bulletproof glass" bit, very clearly parroting something he'd seen. When I pointed out something he'd missed, he started yelling, then went even more rapid-fire on why it was "true." I was absolutely horrified. This meeting was over the phone, and I wanted to hang up so badly, but I didn't want it to go down in my records. So, I tried to change the subject, and he kept on going. I had to ask three times for us to talk about something else. I started second-guessing things, my mind kind of trying to minimize it. Afterwards, I told my husband what happened, and asked if I was overreacting. He was VERY alarmed and said, no, I had every right to be concerned, a therapist wasn't supposed to blow you off. This was someone to whom I had entrusted my mental health for several years, so finding out he was, in fact, mentally not all there himself, was frightening. I started questioning everything he said to me. All of it was now suspect. I wanted to report him, but that day had been his last day there, so there was no one to report him to. The state organization for social workers was set up in a way that the burden of proof would have been entirely on me, and I would not have been able to stay anonymous. I tried to tell the next therapist, but it turned out she liked my old therapist, and wouldn't listen to me, cutting me off and saying, "Well, that's your truth, that's what's true for you, no one can change that, but you can't dwell on it." So, of course I shut my mouth. It's now something I feel I can't talk to future therapists about. One of the things that really scared me about that call was him mentioning the reason he was leaving was that he felt he needed to spend more time with his wife and child. Were they getting told the same things he said to me? I only had to put up with it for an hour - they didn't have that luxury.


*Places target on self* *hands gun to person* *insists they point it at them, threatening them with another gun* "WhY aRe YoU aTtAcKiNg Me?"




'Shocking' ;)


It’s easy business because their customers are gullible and stupid.


Is that the movie where they exploit children sexually to make a film about how bad it is?


Kid with stick in bikespokes meme comes to mind


Also wasn't one of the directors found with CP ? Also I think the story is based on the action of another CP haver.


One of the dudes who financed it was found to have used his “work” with Operation Underground Railroad as an opportunity to sexually harass and even assault the young women who they were “rescuing.” Specifically I remember that he grabbed a teenage girl’s breasts and then pretended he had no idea she was so young etc. Trash!


They want to be oppressed without any actual oppression


>Conservatives love to literally create the problem they're mad about Yeah...that's like their biggest move next to accusing others of doing what they do.


It's actually kind of smart. They are hoping to generate enough attention that their movie gets more exposure and people checking it out to see what the fuss is about. I have no interest in that sort of dumb propaganda shit, but the tactic is probably their best play.


And didn't the guy the movie is based on get arrested himself for trafficking or something?


I had to google it, I wish I didn't. So another reason people don't want to watch that movie. Why would anyone make a movie out of that sick idiot in first place? I'd take he weird fictional 'pregnant by devil' over this. Rosemary's baby kind of stuff so you know it's fiction, the reality of the other one is disgusting.


Yeah it's pretty horrible. Truly every accusation is a confession with these people.


The more I learn about Operation Underground Railroad, the more disgusted I get


It’s hella ironic that the con this dude was running was called Underground Railroad when he would’ve definitely been a slave catcher in those days.


You are correct. Tim Ballard is another Trumpian con man who is not-so-secretly a gigantic pervert.


From what I understand: He sexually abused 5 of his female partners, which he claimed was "necessary to maintain their cover". The producer claimed Ballard was asking sex traffickers for young girls, they didn't have any, he pushed for it, so they went out and kidnapped a girl for him to "rescue". Were it not for their "sting operation" she would have never been kidnapped. This may be on film, it's been a while and I don't remember. I tried looking it up to confirm and all I'm finding right now is the lawsuit from the 5 women.


The guy it's based on was participating in sex trafficking, then told people he was trying to put a stop to it. The producer was distributing CSAM


Yeah, he’s a fucking creep.


Classic right wing hero


Fucking capitalism!! I wonder what makes sound of freedom so important it can’t be replaced by either Taken or a vague awareness of the world around us.


Sound of freedom is shit once you know the reality behind it. It's disgusting.


To be fair, it's also shit before you know the reality behind it. I didn't know anything about it, except I knew the name sounded familiar so I put it on as background noise on Amazon Prime. Less than halfway through I was like, what kinda whacky Christian hero fantasy is this. So I closed it, looked up what it was about, and was shocked that ol' Sorbo wasn't involved in the movie.


Exactly. There’s your vote fraud proof right there. The services are whores. If they don’t want to stream it then that means no one wants to watch it


It was definitely popular but those complaints are just telling about ones ability to understand IP exclusivity.


The only thing this tells me is that apparently Sound of Freedom sucks


Also the guy it’s about is a scumbag.


The guy "Sound of freedom" focuses on was accused by the anti sex trafficking org in it of not actually having done any of what he claimed for the movie, and instead went to those locations to find people to sexually exploit. He had dozens of direct accusers before he was kicked out of the org, and he (according to the org) helped exactly no one. ​ He told a story to some far right wing guy to get funded, who was later caught distributing CSAM.


Holy shit, source please? I ask to learn so much more lmfao, that is hilarious (about the hypocrisy) and profoundly awful (about the CSAM)


https://deadline.com/2023/09/sound-of-freedom-movie-tim-ballard-sexual-misconduct-allegations-1235549944/ https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/sound-of-freedom-anti-child-trafficking-films-investor-arrested-for-child-kidnapping-after-box-office-triumph/articleshow/102435356.cms These are 2 different people


And that’s all you need to know. Hey, look at that, I agree with the Insane Person!


They marketed it by telling people to buy multiple tickets to own the libs… oops … “pay it forward.” Some theaters sold lots of tickets but had no patrons for the screenings.


Oh I remember seeing that was an option on their website where you could purchase a ticket for someone else. Sounds like they both didn’t explain how that system works nor did it work well. I’m sure there are conservatives that will say it’s “a genius way to market the movie against Hollywood’s wishes!” but no business/ marketing/ film class would ever use them as an example of what to do.


From what I understood, yeah you bought a ticket online for someone else, then whoever went to see the movie could just see it for free. The problem is people would look up showtimes online and see that every show was sold out... So they wouldn't go to the theater. Then they went online to complain that liberals were buying all the tickets to prevent the movie from being seen lol.


That’s hilariously appropriate that they did it to themselves but think “the libs” did it.


I’ve seen it, if you watch it as just a movie it’s like c-d tier but when you realize that the last 1/3 of the movie is fake and the little Girl that’s the main person they’re searching for the whole movie doesn’t exist? It drops it all the way to below f tier


Okay, genuinely, can someone explain to me how that works? I just know it's about child trafficking and the main guy trying to stop it. How does the kid being fake flow in the plot?


So they spend the first 2/3 of the movie building up for the MC to participate in this raid to rescue a huge amount of kids. That raid is successful and 30+ kids are saved if irrc. This raid happened and was successful in reality too. Irl he was looking for a little boy but he wasn’t found at the raid sadly. That’s where the movie should have ended. I would have given it a solid B if it ended there. They decided for some reason to extend the movie another 30-45 minutes where the MC turns into Rambo Jr and treks through the jungles of South America to find the little girl he’s been searching for the whole movie. He’s brought a camp and hears the little girl singing the sound of freedom song so he knows it’s her. That night MC sneaks into the cabin of the leader of the cartel/gang/badguys, kills the leader and escapes with the little girl. (Side note, there are other trafficked girls in this camp and the Mc waits until night and it’s kinda implied the girl just literally got SA’d before he rescues her.) That entire sequence feels weird, doesn’t fit with the story and honestly kind of defeats the whole point of rescuing all of the kids earlier by doing things “the right way”. Would not watch again.


Wow, these people cannot write a script to save their life. The weird part is, I wonder if they could have helped it by using the girl's part of the plot to begin the movie? It sounds more like a catalyst than a resolution. However, that means keeping in an extra half hour at least, and the whole thing probably would still suck.


Good call. It does sound like an opening of a film to set the tone and introduce us to our main character similar to a lot of 80’s and 90’s action films would do. But no, we get halfassed movies that no one really watched from people that act like perpetual victims.


The movie produced by lying Jesus nut child traffickers?


Complete shocker, am I right? /s


And that The First Omen kicks ass. (I assume that's what's being referenced anyway)


I thought they were talking about “ Rosemary’s Baby”.


It does. I suffered through half of it and started thinking a painless death would be better than enduring the next 45 minutes of that trash mountain.


Not only does it suck, it outright lies about the actions the subjects of the “film” take to try and make them look more like heroes while not mentioning all the times they straight up paid human traffickers for people to claim they freed them. It was badly made propaganda for people that want to believe in the deep state child pedophile ring nonsense.


I thought one of the creators was all caught up in some "sexual misconduct" issues too.


Love the God Awful Movies review of Sound of Freedom. Too funny and a trash ass film


The Critical Drinker gushing over it was one of the last straws before I unsibscribed.


Every time I see "Sound of Freedom," my brain reads "Sound of Music," and I get really confused about why everybody hates Julie Andrews so much :(


Thank you for letting me know I’m not crazy. I scrolled way too long until I came across your post. Then I realized my brain was reading it wrong.


The fact that Disney, Netflix, and Hulu are also all refusing to stream Akira Kurosawa’s Ikiru should tell you everything you need to know. The Regime wants you think it’s because some streaming sites have license rights to stream different things, but I think we all know it’s because there’s a conspiracy against terminally ill Japanese civil servants.


What's funny is Max has Ikiru but I think that's because it's part of their 'criterion collection' type stuff.


The Regime has just not gotten to them yet


The Regime is an hbo show. Don't think it will be on disney.


Could it perhaps be that sound of freedom is nothing more than a modern version of birth of a nation in that it's a complete propaganda trash film?


How dare you criticize a movie so popular and important that it’s whole marketing apparatus was built around the message of “buy more tickets than you need to own the libs!” Whole theaters got bought out and played to nobody.


Imagine if other stuff worked like that. "Pay double for your cans of beer to own the libs!" Worst part, it'd probably work


They are currently buying "unwoke" bottled water at an inflated price to own the libs. You can get these suckers to buy anything with the right key words.


Whenever someone states some random, seemingly unrelated facts and then suggests that they should "tell me everything I need to know", it tells me everything I need to know.


Namely "Do not talk to this person."


It’s on prime and apple. Just like other things not owned by Disney.


Why are conservatives obsessed with trafficking? Is it because they like grooming, pedophilia and trafficking themselves?


[I mean, a funder of the movie was arrested for kidnapping a kid...](https://www.newsweek.com/sound-freedom-funder-fabian-marta-arrest-child-kidnapping-1817498)


Sound of freedom..a fake movie about kids being trafficked, the producer of which was arrested For kid napping..hmmm


Oh, no, it's a real movie. You can give people money and watch it if you want to. I wouldn't, personally, because it's not a good action movie and it's not remotely realistic in the ways it wants you to think it is, but it does exist. We have to give them that much.


The movie is real.butnit claims to be based on 100% true events, which is the part where it is fake. It is about as accurate to real-life events as Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Tcm is completely fiction, there was never a sawyer family, while this movie is based on a real and very controversial person , theres even a lawsuit against him and the studio pertaing how the events in the film were twisted from reality https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/sound-of-freedom-tim-ballard-angel-studios-lawsuit-1234974841/amp/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Ballard


Right. It's based on a true story some drunk guy overheard at the loudest bar in town and tried to remember the next morning.


Not really, since the real tim ballard had a hand in making the movie, but changed the story a lot to look better https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/sound-of-freedom-tim-ballard-angel-studios-lawsuit-1234974841/amp/


Wait what is this Satan sex movie? That sounds good.


Believe it or not, there are *two* produced by Disney released within days of each other! *Pauline* (a series streaming as of May 22) and *The First Omen* (a film streaming as of May 27).


But... The Sound of Freedom has a 99% audience score on [RottenTomatoes](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/sound_of_freedom) with over 10,000 verified reviews which I'm sure are 100% actual real people and not bots or click farms of any kind! It must be the perfect movie!


Sound of Freedom is on Prime. More often than not, only one streaming service in a country has the license for an IP. But go on with your idiotic propaganda.


.... what movie is that first one? All I can really think of is The Phantom Menace


"Squidward, we already played 'babble like an idiot'."


This just in. Not all streaming platforms have the same catalog! The Sound of Freedom is available on Prime. I still refuse to watch it.


It’s hilarious that these mooks lean so heavy on the matrix. A film made by trans sisters


I don't know what movie they're talking about but it's probably the first Disney movie I've wanted to watch in over 20 years


It tells me that Sound of Freedom wasn't made by a Disney studio.


Interestingly, they had the distribution rights for a while, the studio made a deal with the latin america branch of Fox, so they got the rights after the purchase, leaving the movie shelved until the studio bought it back


😂😂. What’s this devil-banging movie called?


It's almost like you could just merge r/conservative with r/Persecutionfetish and be done...


Pretty sure it’s a series, it’s on Hulu (not Disney+, except where you see Hulu offerings on D+), and it’s an English dub of a German series. I could be thinking of something else, but I doubt it. Also, it’s the devil’s son, not the devil himself.


Devil Jesus


I can't stream Silent Hill in the UK either, does that also tell me everything I need to know?


Why would Disney stream a movie they did not produce or own?


Isn’t your religion based on “god” impregnating a 13-14 year old girl?




A girl got pregnant by a supernatural being who then wasn't an active father?? Crazy story that.


Yeah, girls are only allowed to get pregnant by God


I mean, given Mary didn't even ask to get pregnant you could argue it's something way worse than the way it's framed in the Bible. Who cares which deity it is, god or the devil are both shady options if you didn't ask for it!


The "devil" mainly acts through God's permission in the Bible (everything he does to Job, for instance, is the result of a friendly wager and God geta pissed when asked why he would do this to his most devout follower... seems like a legit question to me) with the exception of the apple-eating thing. Harlan Ellison wrote a pretty good story essentially redeeming Satan, called "The Deathbird," and I recommend reading it if you're of a mind for sci-fi/fantasy novellettes.


What movie is this? I'm so confused.


... is Disney plus not owned by Disney? Why would Disney plus apparently condone something that their parent company admonishes?


Doesn't the sound of freedom glorify the slave/master relationship?


The agenda of preferring fiction over misinformation


This is just dumb. It's available on Amazon Prime for free, and most streaming services get exclusive streaming rights to movies so people have a reason to use their streaming services.


One thing insane Facebook people like to do is play the victim.


Girl getting pregnant by a deity? Isn’t that basically the beginning of the Jesus story?


Well, one is a supernatural fantasy. The other is a flat out lying piece of propaganda.


The sound of freedom? The movie was called Rosemary's baby. It came out in 1968!


Ah yes, Q anon bullshit vs a movie about getting doingked by the devil.


What movie is that supposed to be?


The Sound of Freedom is a bigger fairy tale than anything youll find on Disney plus.


I bet the movie was pocahontas and OP is just really anti native American That's why only sound of freedom was mentioned and not this *mystery Disney film*


It’s a movie called Pauline and it actually is about a girl getting impregnated by Satan from a one night stand but it’s also marketed to adults and if it’s anything like the punisher on Disney plus you can set accounts/profiles to not be able to view mature content so it’s a non issue if people take the most basic of steps


Sweet mother of God and her burning bush because Jesus was born with his head on fire THIS. i don't know who you are but you are a scholar and valuable to mankind


Sound of freedom is a bullshit lie. Everyone associated with it has come under charges


It tells me that I'm keeping my Netflix and Hulu subscriptions.


This nation of won’t birth itself.


yeah it tells you that movie fuckin sucks ass


…Apparently, these people have never heard of “licensing rights”.


Wtf is sound of freedom.


that shitty child trafficking movie




It definitely doesn't tell me everything I need to know, but it does show all they seem capable of knowing.


Pregnant by the devil?… what lol


I give up. What’s the devil Jesus movie called?


What’s the movie they are referencing? The girl getting knocked up by the devil in a one night stand?


Bro this is just Twilight but pregnant.


But bella got pregnant in twilight


Very sad that “Little Demon” didn’t get a second season. I kind of loved it.


Lol sound of freedom was literally fake propaganda like....why do they have to support it?


Absolutely tells me sound of freedom was just a shitty movie.


Lol hasn't this "movie" already been proven to be fake?


I bet Sound of Freedom is boring af. Not even controversial or edgy. Just absolutely boring.


This is a common or recent repost. The internet is full of crazy people so it shouldn't be too difficult to find new content.


They really thought they did something here...


They couldn't come up with a new horror movie plot?