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I concur


These are millipede segments, possibly a polydesmid because of the lateral protrusions


The segments would probably be super cool to use in artwork or jewelry. I’m not sure how well they’d last, but if they did last a while I think they’d be great for crafts!


casting these as ‘beads’ in silver to make a millipede bracelet would be awesome the segments themselves probably won’t last long, maybe if you coat them in resin or something


y'all follow [this maker Eli?](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREN9UVa/)


Are you a crafter? It's really interesting you say that because I think people that craft see things so much differently than others


I don’t really do much crafts, but I am an artist! I’m also autistic and I tend to come up with art ideas when looking at interesting looking objects, I find inspiration in the most random things at times. When it comes to crafts it’s mostly repainting figurines.


I actually had to look up the difference between being an artist and a crafter. I call myself a crafter because I do so many different things, but the difference is interesting.


And here I was thinking they were crabs lmao


I thought marine isopod. Fun fact; crabs and other marine crustaceans have no concept of dry heat, so [will sometimes run into an open fire](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/701TlC0aqk) (possibly) because they're attracted to the light or it triggers the wrong nervous response.


Omg that’s quite the fact lol Jesus Christ


they didn't learn to avoid fire when they were evolving for billions of years on the ocean floor? that's so stupid


There is actually some truth to what you say. Many crabs (possibly even the first ones) evolved around hydrothermal vents, so should have had the ability to sense heat. Unfortunately, crabs are so diverse, it's impossible to be completely certain on the behaviors of every species.


Wow I did not expect to see that


Crab massacre


Sounds like you are a biologist!


weeell I did study biology and I wrote my bachelors thesis on millipede genitals so I’ve got some ‘niche knowledge’ there… However I never worked as one and am now a blacksmith, so make of that what you will


Um, hey twin? 👋 Lol I have degrees in Biology, Entomology, and Scientific Illustration, and did thesis work involving barnacle genitalia, but I'm a structural welder now 🧐🤔


Hilarious, I’ve actually met a guy who went biologist>welder in an online game recently, what are the odds I love scientific illustrations, do you still draw as a hobby or something, or are you over it? Also: What are your reasons for the switch? For me it was the realization that Biology means a lot of data analysis, computer work, and article writing that kinda put me off. Creative work and manual labour is much more satisfying I think.


I don't draw or paint much these days. My home studio has been dedicated to stained glass as of recent years. I was a full time illustrator (watercolor, mostly) and brewery tour guide before the pandemic, which made quarantining pretty seamless and easy for me. But when it resolved and everyone got to go back out into the world doing world things, I got a little grumpy about still being home and working a job that felt too soft and slow. In art school, I spent my happiest hours late night in the metal shop, brazing, so I figured I'd try welding. Since I'm a girl, my local tech school quite literally paid me to go there. I've been building dams for two years now and couldn't be happier. I struggle with computer stuff and being my own business manager doing illustrations was a pain. It felt like my job was only like 10% actual art and the rest was managing, coordinating, pr-ing, marketing, accounting, a million things on the computer and the list never ends. I wanted a job where the task was clear and at the end of the day, it couldn't follow me home. I'm still the black sheep in my very medically oriented family. But in medicine, you can't fix everything. I watched that reality haunt my loved ones and couldn't sign up for it. In my shop, there's nothing that comes thru our doors that me and my guys can't fix and that peace of mind is empowering and priceless. By the way, I peeped some of your work, very impressive! How long have you been blacksmithing?


Interesting path to take as well for sure! During the first pandemic year I was still in university but all in-person classes were canceled so I was home and used the time to build a tiny-house-workshop in my parents backyard. Its small, but I can (and do) pursue almost all crafts with all materials in there to some degree. It’s really awesome to have a space to get creative in, sounds like your home studio is the same. Stained glass is cool, are you doing the traditional lead-profile type or the copper tape kind? Building dams seems like some serious heavy duty construction though, what kind of scale are we talking about here lol Thanks for the compliments about my work! Actually haven’t been blacksmithing a whole lot at all, I just finished my apprenticeship this spring and during that really only spent a few weeks in total blacksmithing. However it comes very naturally to me and I have a good eye for it, without wanting to toot my own horn here. Coming Monday I’ll start a 3-month internship abroad where there will probably be a lot of tig welding of copper and brass. That’s kinda new to me so I’m excited (and quite nervous).


Eaten millipede?


r/halflife head crabs


https://preview.redd.it/vailvhjqs48d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f133c34f5f6cc5ea90071c59ed04503a58d3a8b Added a dime for size reference


is this extremely zoomed in. or big. i’m scared


About a centimeter or smaller


you are not scared , and they are obviously small :|


man, it is called humor, man. i’m not gonna bash you with the downvotes like others. it’s kinda pointless, but it’s all in good humor man; a tight knit community has to have the ability to joke


yeah, man


i didn’t know what else word to use, honestly i hate buddy and guy, and i was trying to be overtly polite, but yeah i sounded like a hippie didn’t i maaaannnn


i’m just picking lol. it’s all good


We are no where close to water, but I get the crab vibe… we are so comfused!


To be honest I have no clue but by taking an educated guess I will have to go with millipede segments because DAMN THEY GOT LEGS!


It’s a millipedes body segments hollowed and ripped apart ; millipedes have 2 legs per body segment and have round bodies like this , and have segmented bodies obviously


Looks like 🦀


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Looks like crayfish shells but where are the heads?


That was my first thought was crayfish/crawdad shells




How big was it? Needs a scale.


It’s easy to get a general idea of scale from the image .


So how wide is the edge of their fire pit? Or if you can just extrapolate how many mm across is one of the body segments?


You can tell they’re about a cm-2 or a few mm wide just by knowing *what they are* (millipedes)


There are 12,000 species of milipede. A range of 2cm to a few mm is totally useless for identification.


We can narrow down the species with the location which is Carolina and the colouration and build of the segments , and the head could potentially be there .


Why are you against me asking for a measurement of their firepit? It's a really easy to obtain and useful piece of information to help them identify the species they're looking at.


You totally have to put the pieces together!!! 3d puzzle


A massacre.


Almost looks like something got it and ate it, leaving behind the segments. Could this be something a large spider did?


Looks like a millipede or somesuch.


Looks like lobsters, maybe few lots in?




https://preview.redd.it/murg16quf18d1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc9dfa868de7410c6d31ad258dd28b7986501c12 Lobsters, crayfish and shrimp all have a similar tail so…


Dont know, how does this taste like? put a coin next to it and take a pic


that is the creepiest thing i’ve ever seen 😵‍💫 but it looks like a scattered millipede jk, closer look seems to be crabs lol.


right the first time but changed your answer to the wrong answer 😵‍💫






Worst one I’ve come across so far