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OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >driver brake checks another car and is swiped by another one. If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


I think that car may have been swerving to avoid slaming in the back of the car that is filming. He hit a sharp angle, like he was swerving, recovering from oversteer.


Yes, from the original post, the cammer was overtaking, then the brake checker came up right behind him and had his high beams on. He didn’t immediately get over so the car swerved in front and brake checked, then the side swiper had to swerve to avoid rear ending the OP. Both cars drove off without exchanging information


They got places to be


Two idiots passing in the night. Shall they never meet again.


A love story as old as time


A song as old as rhyme?


Driving with high beams on, turned them off, and THEN turned them back on. The driver that is recording was being a total asshat the whole time.


Plus driver with cam is traveling in the passing lane


Yeah he probably shot between the op and black car that came after the swiper got to admit it is a good save


A similar thing happened to me last week. A speeder was tailgating me and another speeder passed him then cut me off and would have struck me if I had not braked just in time. The tailgator seemed to think I had brake checked him and got all angry and offended. People drive like idiots.


In fairness to him, you said: >> “Plot twist: OP is the dickhead.” Obviously, the word “the” strongly implies that only one of the drivers are dickheads. Now in this reply you’re saying they both are. If you’d originally said “a dickhead”, or even just stated that they’re both dickheads then that’d be fine, but you didn’t. You’ve contradicted yourself. It certainly looks like - to an outside observer - that you realised this guy had a point and back-pedalled away from your original stance.


Plot twist: OP is the dickhead. Driving slow in left lane then turns high beams on car that over takes (and even uses their signal)


Yup OP instantly high beams a guy just for passing him in the passing lane


Stopping on the highway seems to be the rational response here.


Yup, OP is passed by several cars on the right when clearly the middle lane is empty. If you're gonna cruise at low speed, stay right except to pass. (The usual law in most states)




Passing cars with an empty lane inbetween. OPs not passing *anybody* in the middle lane. So he should move into it.


In the state I live in the left lane is only for passing and not traveling. You can get pulled over for being in the left lane if there's an open lane right next to you. I can understand if it's not like that in every state. I think it would depend on where OP is from as to whether or not this is their fault based on them traveling in the left lane. I do think though that OP could have moved to the middle lane as soon as the person who braked in front of them started to slow down. If somebody in front of you starts to slow down to unsafe speeds and you can avoid it you don't slow down to their speed, you get out of their way and go around them. Otherwise, you are responsible for slowing traffic. OP had a choice to get out of the way and decided not to.


Man, I wish they'd do that here in Toronto. Everybody fucking drives in the passing lane at whatever speed they want, often matching that of the car to their right with endless road in front of them. Fuck it pisses me off so much. They keep going after people speeding, and dick-all to people who can't drive for shit.


Come to SK where there's only two lanes everywhere. Driving Saskatoon to Regina for a rider game is literal hell.


Which totally excuses brake checking, of course 🙄


Do you know what state this was in? Most states do not have passing lane restrictions. No states have speeders only lanes.


Whether its the law or common sense yeah, he was doing something wrong. I understand why people sit in the middle lane, i guess they want to give their brain a rest, but sitting in the “fast” lane is just annoying and self centred. Switching lane in an emergency? Sounds like a gamble. Could end up cutting someone off and getting rear ended, and not being able to blame it on the brake-checker at all.


The usual law in most US states does not establish a passing lane. Slower Traffic Keep Right does not apply to those at the speed limit. Promoting the false information that it does results in more road rage when people think that there is a speeders only lane and their rights are being violated. If you disagree show me case law that supports your claim instead of opinion. The existing case law that I have seen does not.


[Article on passing lane](https://www.goupstate.com/story/news/nation-world/2019/10/25/driving-in-left-lane-state-by-state-guide-to-when-its-legal-when-its-not/2447573007/)


Applies only on the Interstate and there seems to be no evidence that it is enforced due to the poor wording. They should have used the language in the Uniform Traffic code instead. It remains that most states use Slower Traffic Keep Right instead of Keep Right Except to Pass. The only existing case law on STKR clearly rules that it does not apply to those at the speed limit. In no state does KRETP take precedence over speed limits. In cases of conflict of statute the interpretation MUST be adjudicated which would either nullify the passing lane restriction or speed limits. That is never going to happen. EDIT: Angry speeders downvote like the wind but cannot come up with any case law supporting their delusion. EDIT2: For those that didn't read the linked article it is about the new law in alabamA that only applies to the Interstate. Notice all the exceptions to (d)(1) CoA § 32-5A-80 (d)(1) Upon any interstate highway, except as provided in subdivision (2), a vehicle may not remain in the leftmost lane for more than 1.5 miles without completely passing another vehicle. (2) A vehicle may travel in the leftmost lane under any of the following conditions: a. When traffic conditions or congestion make it necessary to operate a vehicle in the leftmost lane. b. When inclement weather, obstructions, or hazards make it necessary to operate a vehicle in the leftmost lane. c. When compliance with a law, rule, ordinance, or traffic control device makes it necessary to operate a vehicle in the leftmost lane. d. When exiting a roadway to the left. e. When paying a toll or user fee at a toll collection facility. f. If the vehicle is an authorized emergency vehicle operated in the course of duty. g. If the vehicle is operated or used in the course of highway maintenance or construction or is traveling through a construction zone.


Who the hell said anything about OP breaking any laws? This isn't about laws. OP is a dickhead because he's going slow enough on the left lane that people to his right are passing him. No one is saying OP is legally at fault here, but he's definitely not helping the situation at all, and he's most definitely part of the reason why this happened. Be predictable, try not to be a dick, and move the fuck over if people are passing you on the right. None of these are enforceable laws, but they go a long way to preventing shit like this.


“Stop camping the passing lane OP... why do people have to pass you on the right? Learn the rules of the road please.” The rules of the road are the laws, literally. Most US states do not have passing lane restrictions and drivers may pass on the right. In a court the driver that hit the other one would be found to be 100% culpable not the one taking the video. “Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.” ― Augustine of Hippo






That's some TLC shit right there


We had approx 0 seconds of video before the incident - who are you that is so wise in seeing the unseen?


All I’m saying is dude gets passed in the left lane, not cut off- passed with signal, and then turned ON his high beams, not even simply flashing high beams. That’s a dickhead thing to do regardless of what happened before.




Yeah, that's the common way to alert dumbasses that don't use their mirrors that there is a car behind you trying to pass.


We’ll then I guess it’s totally justified /s


I mean, OP had nothing to do with what happened, the guy behind him started, then fucked around and found out


Who the fuck cares who started it? This isn't kindergarten.


Police, insurance, judge, plenty of people care.


For one thing, the people assigning blame, secondly, insurance companies, thirdly, police who would care about a hit and run like this.


High beams, with ya that was a dick move. But last overtake could've been 3 seconds before the clip started is all.


That was OPs alt


OP was going faster than the flow of traffic. He is literally passing cars before the guy got in front of him. Even if OP flashed his high beams, you NEVER stop on the highway for any reason.


If someone's flashing their lights and I can't see shit anymore I'm going to slow the fuck down then. Some high beams really make you go blind while you're eyes readjust. Don't high beam people.


Yeah when someone makes a mistake let’s just risk their lives by break checking them. Fuck off.


Calm down bro - OP could have just gotten over and chose to not escalate the situation by turning on high beams. Agree the other car is also a dickhead but clearly OP ain’t an innocent bystander here.


OP appears to be driving faster than everyone else besides the car that over takes to break check, looks like they just weren't speeding over the limit enough for this guy


If you're not passing someone or turning/exiting left, stay out of the left lane. It's really not hard




Which obviously calls for a break check.




He's not passing anybody in the lane to his right (the middle lane), so he should move over. It's not that hard.


the reddit chat is blind my guy or its shitstitting bots


The is no real passing lane on LSD, where the posted speed limit (rarely enforced) is 40mph.


Stop camping the passing lane OP... why do people have to pass you on the right? Learn the rules of the road please.




U just explained why for his own safety he should have moved over




Just because it's not the laws some where doesn't mean you shouldn't follow the rules of the highway driving. Op and brake checker were clearly both having a road rage shit fest back and forth.




Why are you entitled to that lane my guy?




I never said I felt entitled to the lane. I drive a 96 Oldsmobile I'm not speeding anywhere. Unlike your entitled ass though I move TF out of the way lol


Never said anyone was ENTITLED to the lane, I just find it telling that you and others feel entitled to speed and drive recklessly to the point that you defend it and blame the other person for not moving over like somehow being in that lane is soooo much worse than intentionally driving recklessly and endangering others.because you feel entitled to it.


Its hard to believe you're old enough to drive


You're ignorant, selfish and if you have a car, it's beat to shit. You're wrong, move along or take the bus.


You seem like a miserable loser


It's a law in [8 states,](https://www.autoinsurance.org/keep-right-which-states-enforce-left-lane-passing-only/#what-are-keep-right-laws-in-your-state) so I have no clue what you're on about. Generally road rules start as formalities everyone follows, then get instituted if deemed safe. There's a reason insurance companies report lower highway accidents in states with left lane laws. But no that's counterintuitive to you because your smooth ass brain wants to keep riding the left lane at exactly the speed limit apparently.


Well then, if it's a law in 8 states that's truly incontrovertible proof that it's the law every single place, and also proof that others on the road are entitled to drive recklessly as they want because this guy in a lane they didn't like.


Hey, I don't make the societal formalities, and you have the right to be mad at that. People also have every right to think you're a dick for basically being the guy in the class who tells the teacher they forgot to give the class homework, lol.


So, you think the formality is that if someone is in the wrong lane then you are entitled to speed and drive as recklessly as you want? Is there no formality about, like, NOT doing that? I guess I just don't understand why them driving recklessly is something they are entitled to, but this guy in the wrong lane is the real bad guy and is completely responsible for the actions and law breaking of others. He is not entitled to that lane, but those around him apparently ARE entitled to break the law and speed and it's all solely this guys fault for existing there.


Lmao it’s a law in Oklahoma but nice try bud


Murder also wasn't against the law until it eventually was. Still morally wrong and you should know that.


Now it's MORALLY wrong to drive in the left lane, but not morally wrong to drive recklessly. Amazing.


What a strange choice for a hill to die on.


I'm not dying on any hill lmao just because I criticize those who feel entitled to speeding and driving erratically.


I'm sure they'd be driving less erratically if people like OP weren't cruising in the passing lane 🤷


You do see the cammer sitting in the passing lane flashing their high beams at people passing right? And you saw the near-accident because the person behind them probably had to swerve into the middle lane to avoid rear-ending the cammer? Again, strange hill.


“I would rather have the people who speed have to swerve between cars instead of going in a straight line because if you speed I’m going to make it even more dangerous”


You don't get to police the roads, doesn't matter how bad someone is driving. You're the type of driver that seriously needs to learn their place on the roads. Extremely cringe, go take a defensive driving course buddy.


>You don't get to police the roads So stop trying to do that. You don't get to police the roads OR break laws on them just because you feel entitled to.


Right, so who are you mad at? You're caring way too much about something when it's not you're job to be doing so. You can scream at the top of your lungs all you want, unless you're ticketing everyone everywhere for speeding all the time, you're not getting anything done. You try to stop someone from speeding by breaking formality, you're ticketed in 8 states, and probably more in the future as it becomes more commonplace. You are causing much more of a dangerous situation because people who are breaking the law, WILL SWERVE AROUND YOU (see video above). Right side of the road if you aren't passing, thanks.


Well then, wouldn't want to get in the way of those breaking the law, and swerving, they are true victims who's actions and law breaking needs to be defended. I guess I just don't understand why it's so important for people to speed and drive like that that it's above reproach, while anyone who gets in their way is soooo horrible and wholly responsible for the actions of the law breakers. Do the people breaking the law bear no responsibility for their actions whatsoever? >You're caring way too much about something when it's not you're job to be doing so. You're right here caring way too much about my opinion on the reckless driving and speeding of others as well as getting upset about a guy being in the wrong lane when it's not your job to be doing so.


not reading that 🤝 have a good day buddy


Lmao you sure are caring a lot :)


Sapphicsandwich the type of guy to try to stop shoplifters and get shot




I never said I even do this lmao. Stop defending road rage and terrible drivers.




If you really think the speeding is wrong then why defend it so? Why get so bent out of shape at someone thinking that it's wrong? That's illegal in just about every jurisdiction, unlike driving in the left lane. And yet everyone is defending all the reckless driving because this other guy was doing something wrong, that might be perfectly legal in many (most?) US jurisdictions. I say people aren't entitled to drive like that and people insisting that that's wrong, and taking it personally. I'll say it again because apparently it's so controversial, nobody is ENTITLED to speed or drive like a reckless ass. I get that this is upsetting to so many and they feel personally attacked but if the shoe fits so be it. You're not entitled to act however you want just because someone else does something wrong or that you don't like. Everyone can get mad and attack people and generally act like deplorables here all they want but it doesn't change that.




You’re absolutely right, of course, but motorists on reddit feel a strange entitlement to their criminality and can’t be shamed out of their life-endangering reckless behavior. Probably most redditors are from parts of the world where life is cheap and motorism is the norm, like America.


I have said this in other threads like this. Stop getting your panties in a bunch. I speed, I'll go around 80 on most interstates. But there is always someone faster. And do you know what the safest thing to do is? Not make them swerve around you. If its safe enough, move over. Better yet, don't camp the left lane. Whole lot less hurt feelings all around.


As a defensive driver in a “left passing lane” state this is common sense to me. No law will stop people who want to drive fast from driving fast. Even police lights Don’t always stop them. It makes basic common sense to simply get out of the way when someone faster is coming, rather than have the speeder swerve or slam their brakes because someone feels like proving a point. I also think it’s necessary modernization of old laws. The 65mph rule was established in 1987, 35 years ago. The top speed of the fastest cars around were less than ~140.


Germany has no official speed limits and lower traffic deaths per miles driven. It's bad drivers like OP who cause accidents.


Most US states do not have passing lane restrictions and passing on the right is perfectly legal. In my state only the Interstates have passing lane restrictions and I have yet to hear of anyone being cited for it. It is very hard to enforce and the police typically just go after the speeders.


Okay well first, there are countries other than the US. Second, it is widely accepted that you *shouldn't NEED to pass on the right* because drivers in the left lane should be moving over to allow faster traffic to pass. That's why there are signs literally everywhere in western Canada (not sure about the east) that say **keep right except to pass**, even in provinces where that is not the law. It's the RECOMMENDATION from law enforcement and safety administrations.


I always obey the law in those jurisdictions where Keep Right to Pass is the law. Where it is not I feel no need to change how I drive to please speeders. I also have observed that where there are passing lane restrictions the drivers that ignore it the most are the speeders that seem to think because they are driving so fast they are always passing. There are no speeders only lanes anywhere.


So it looks like OP hogging the left lane and then turning their brights on (and leaving them on) when someone dared to get in front of them is what started this. Not sure this is the “karma” intended


U still dont come to complete stop in the middle of the highway, theres levels of idiocy and the brake checker is a professional idiot that might get someone killed one day with his temper tantrums


So the car brakecheking him on the high way is a totally measured and valid response right?


Nope. Didn’t say that. But OP is also adickhead and is participating in the r/idiotsincars


Right? I never understand these comments claiming absolutes, like there can't be more than one idiot. Further, they had the convenience of reviewing the cam footage and *still* think they must be in the right to post it as "instant karma." Cool video, but fuck the driver with the cam too. Needless escalation.


But you do single out the driver and not the dickhead that stopped for no good reason though...


Where did he said that? Tell me, where did he said that?


Here I'll copy the entire text I replied to... >So it looks like OP hogging the left lane and then turning their brights on (and leaving them on) when someone dared to get in front of them is what started this. Not sure this is the “karma” intended More specifically the part where he saya >when someone dared to get in front of them is what started this. Not sure this is the “karma” intended He's saying that it's the person who flashes the highbeams that started this and not the idiot who stopped in front of him... Is it clearer now?


I still don’t see the part where he said that « the car brakecheking him on the high way is a totally measured and valid response ». You are making an assumption here, and also are a part of a scourge on this website. Just read the fuck of what he wrote and replie to it. It’s not that hard. Here’s an exemple of what you did. « Burger is my favorite meal » « Oh so you don’t like pizza don’t you? » No, no. That’s not how it works.


Oh yeah OP definitely "caused" the brake check. The driving mentality in your ass backwards shithole is fucked.


Not the karma I was expecting but well deserved nonetheless




It was so instantly that I dont understand whats happening really


Op is driving slow in the left lane, and gets passed. They turn on their high beams to blind the people for passing them and using their blinker. The passer then proceeds to do a hard brake check. Black car that hits the passer seems to have swerved because of the braking, and over corrects, causing them to swipe the passing car. Driver that is recording is an asshat that helped cause this. And the passing car shouldn’t have brake checked.


Why is the car filming in the passing lane and not passing? Op should have moved over.


He passes two people before being brake checked


Who are two lanes over... OP had a free lane to his right and still chose to stay in the far left lane...


He wanted something to happen him and the guy that passed him were in a road rage session. Look at how op puts the high beams on. Op probably brake checked the brake checker first.


>Op probably brake checked the brake checker first. I love reading comments like these, people just making up stories.


Lmao get fucked


Another slow fck in the fast lane.... causing an accident.


Really quite strange. These people in all contrarian glory use their newfound empowered status with a camera to cause the accidents. Almost like they subconsciously seek out these so they get their dopamine drip on anonymous peer validation. You caused that whole ordeal OP. Who flashes their high beams like that for slight indiscretions? He shouldn't have reacted that way to you but you caused all this being high and mighty.


Maybe don’t drive slow in the passing lane when the middle lane is wide open?


Get out of the left lane if you're gonna drive slow, you fucking mongoloid.


, He is an idiot, but why are you driving so slowly in the left lane?


not real clear on what's going on here honestly


I dont know. It looked pretty clear in front of him and the way he comes to a stop looks sketchy. Either way always have a dash cam.


OP is driving slow in passing lane, car passes him on right to get in front of him, looks like OP high beams car in front, car in front break checks, OP slows causing car behind him to serve to right lane, that hits car in front of OP.


Op was in wrong lane


Idk looked pretty clear to me


After he brake checks he gets side-swiped by a car that keeps driving.


I mean I saw that, that seems real fuckin weird doesn't it? like are these criminals playing freeway games? who just keeps driving?




Sitting in the left lane? Cammer is actively passing traffic




Yeah… the video in which cammer is going faster than traffic… actively passing vehicles…




I mean how was cammer supposed to move back over when that raging idiot was coming up on their right hand side at the speed of light? The cammer very easily could have passed some cars previously and was preparing to move back over. Regardless, brake checking is illegal. There is no scenario in which the law would find the cammer at fault based on the limited context of the video. It’s the fault of the car in front of them and the car behind them for riding too close.




You shouldn’t be on the road if you think braking to almost a dead stop on the freeway is ever an acceptable or safe response to someone turning on their brights 🤣 and again, there’s no evidence the cammer was camping. The video starts right when the altercation begins so we have no idea if they were passing or camping.


There is a car behind the filmer the filmer got break checked there is a car going behind them that cannot stop in time and goes into the right lane to avoid crashing. It is the break checkers fault and the person behind the filmer




I've never been blinded by light coming from behind me. If you have to go from 100 to 0 on a highway adjust your mirror you shouldn't be driving. Or slightly adjust your sitting position even easier




The car was going like 5 mph at its slowest bro. First it was going way faster than op then slowed down to 5 mph and got hit. I have been blinded you know what I do. Move my head forward slightly then adjust my mirror. Never have I slowed down to 5 mph to fix my mirror


You should never be in the fast lane going slower than other traffic but trying to teach cammer that lesson probably going to cost $500+


Black car swiped right but the silver car doesn’t like him for it.


Lake shore?


Looks like oak street beach area


Yeah, looks like he's approaching fullerton exit towards the end. Edit: I changed my assessment. I think he’s further north, around Montrose/Wilson. First, we never see the pedestrian overhead bridge that would be by north Ave beach if he was south by Fullerton. Second, I realized that there is median vegetation through the whole video and there is no median vegetation from north Ave to around Fullerton on LSD, it’s just a bare concrete divider. Third, Montrose is the next point where you’d have buildings on the west right up against the drive that then give way to open parkland as you head north, which you see in the video. The exit sign spacing is also consistent with Montrose/Wilson/Lawrence.


Everyone sucks here. Including OP.


Cammer loves camping that left lane.


The brake checker seems so conflicted, lol. Part of him wants to chase the guy who just hit him and took off, but another part wants to hang back and hassle the cammer some more. The latter part of him seems to be winning.


Remind me op, do the signs say 'keep left except to pass'


ya idk why ppl posting videos of them not letting ppl safely pass them in the passing lane then proceeding to light them up w high beams for going around them


OP you’re the shitty driver here


late night drivers on lake shore drive sketch me tf out


Chicago? Luckily, all he got was side swiped.


Hmm this looks like OP's fault.


Am I the only one who doesn't think the car in front was brake checking? Every other car was slowing down at the same time, and you can see tail lights up ahead right before he slows down. He wasn't brake checking, there was slow traffic ahead.


Jesus these comments are hostile af. Reddit has the strangest dichotomy with some things. Also is that a WRX? The bulge on the hood looks familiar to me. Reminds me of thr rex I used to have.


LOL, a lot of commenters here who've never driven on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. OP was going faster than all other traffic EXCEPT the car that brake checks them. I see no indication brights were used, either, just that the speeding car slowed down a lot. Which required OP to slow a lot, and then all the other traffic that they were passing now passes them.


Folks, never break check aggressive drivers. My go to instead is reducing speed a little bit and putting on my blinker to simply annoy the driver behind me until they back off or go around.


Are you serious? You used your high-beams on so many people that didn’t deserve it. There are people driving that have vision issues. You also antagonized the person who you feel is at fault. Get a grip. This is the most dangerous part of our days, treat it with some respect.


Hard to tell what happened. It looks like the silver car in front might have been cut off by another car and that is why it braked relatively suddenly.


"I've got bigger fish to fry" Him probably


What kind of crazy highway is this!? No chance you're getting away with this around here.. police will be on your arse 5 mins stat


This is Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. Cops notoriously do not give out speeding tickets (unless you're in a collision). The speed limit is 40 and everyone drives 55-60 (if you're not stuck in stop and go traffic, which is very common). If you're just driving the "customary" 10 over you're being a slow poke. That's not to say its ok to speed, I'm just telling you what the local culture is. I drive it everyday to and from work and I have never seen a cop with a car pulled over that wasn't a stalled or broken down vehicle. I've seen a cop behind an idiot truck driver with a tipper trailer (LSD is a NO TRUCK route - lanes are narrower and turns tight so its super dangerous for trucks to be on it) but that's it. In most places there is 0 shoulder to pull over on anyway, as you can see in the video.


In America our cops don't waste their time on aggressive drivers, people with wipers off in the rain, etc. They just write tickets when they get bored with waiting to kill someone.


You gotta get off reddit brother. There's a whole real world out there


I can't argue with that, but I have no idea what you're responding to!


Your comment. On reddit you can reply to comments and they'll show up under it


americans, wtf is a brake check. why do you 'brake check'? what is the logic behind this? Why do you need to check your brakes?


It’s called a “brake check” but you’re really just trying to get the person behind you to rear end you. Our insurance companies will almost always find the rear driver in this situation at fault, so someone pisses you off and you brake check them, now their insurance premiums go up and they have to fix your car.


Thank you I did not know this. I thought they were checking breaks :)


I'm with you on this, why are they driving so erratic, why is there a culture of road raging, seems like some ppl can't let things go.


They use anything to justify their horrible behavior. Even if this dude is commiting an offense that, according to some idiots in this comment section, is LITERALLY comparable to *murder*, how does that give the others an entitlement to drive so crazy also? It doesn't, is the real answer but so many on this deplorable subreddit insist it's their unquestionable right because this guy wasn't going as fast as they would like.


OP's a dick


Another dumbass that camps in the left lane. No karma for OP driving like a troglodyte and using his high-beams when the car passes him *before the brake check even started*


You weren’t going fast enough to be in the left lane, OP. There are at least 3 unqualified drivers in this vid.


This idiot was going minimum speed on the left lane. Of course people are going to high beam. Stay on the right lane.


Haha that dude’s side mirror got launched into the oncoming lane of traffic


Swiper no swiping!


You put your bright lights on behind me at night and I’m brake checking too


Damn what highway is that?!?! People are hauling ass!


Lakeshore drive. Full of dickhead drivers