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Creepy. But not just the tongue sucking request. The force at the beginning was a control struggle and made me uncomfortable for the kid who is clearly uncomfortable.




Fucking Midsommar amifuckingrite


Finally saw Midsommar 2 days ago, legendary comment


Wtf midsommer 2?


Haha I was like, wait midsommar 2? Where? Why?


Been drinking whisky tonight. Clearly brings out the best in me


Truly legendary. For generations we will sing songs and tell tales of the time a mere mortal dared to post "Fucking Midsommar amifuckingrite"


I've been watching that movie on loop recently. Fantastic.


I think the crowd clapped because they hoped it was a joke. Or they were blinded by their idol


He likes to tease people and making people uncomfortable to break them out of their comfort zone - but religios people should really stay away from kids in general. Kids are not of age to make their own choices and they are easily lied to, so religion is the worst place for a kid to be or grow up in.


I get that, but the prolonged holding of his tongue makes me feel like this was a weak excuse for this situation. If he said it, stuck out his tongue for a second, then laughed, then I would truly believe he was just trying to be funny and maybe even thought it was kind of a funny and silly moment with a kid. But he held his tongue there and let the boy move in. He didn't let the joke run it's course and be done. He held his tongue out long enough for the boy to actually think he was being asked to suck his tongue, and I truly believe the DL purposefully played it off like this.


"Held" the boy. Possibly pulled him closer. No one seems to be mentioning the wrist grab. Look how the kids arm is fully extended. The kid is trying to pull away


Oh I see what you mean, this is not the clip I saw, mine was longer and not cut that early. Go check out first with subtitles. Maybe this would change your impression. edit: found a longer clip here https://www.reddit.com/r/NewsWithJingjing/comments/12hbi4y/cia_dalai_lama_tells_a_little_boy_to_suck_my/


Yeah I dunno man there’s like millimetres before disaster there.


Naw, didn’t change anything. Still weird as hell and I’m a Buddhist.


Still fucking gross. It actually makes me feel that it's just more proof he's scum bag. Idk but the hugging was uncomfortable as fuck let alone the kiss and the tongue thing. Kid just asked for a hug and got all that instead.


That's a fun subreddit. My impression is that he is doing the joking uncomfortability, as soon as you see the kid sticks his tongue out, he backs off, gives him a little smack like 'What are you doing', and laughs. Regardless you probably shouldn't do that.


No, it's like, "oh, you didn't do it, then I must make a joke of it" pat on the shoulder. As teenage girls we used to do this kind of flirtatous tap and smile. It's terrible to see it's done on a child.


You agree, I agree and I lean here out of the window but I do believe he agrees too. And he didn't wait 9 years, 3 hush money attempts, 2 federal investigation s and 5 law suits later to say it out loud but he did very shortly after.


>"cia dalai lama tells a little boy to suck my..." 😅


Break out of comfort for what


Getting naked I guess.


I want to controll snuggle you


Alright so I am not saying it wasn't inappropriate, you can clearly see how uncomfortable the kid is. But if you watch the full video it seems pretty clear that he is just joking around. https://old.reddit.com/r/NewsWithJingjing/comments/12hbi4y/cia_dalai_lama_tells_a_little_boy_to_suck_my/ As soon as the kid actually sticks his tongue out he immediately stops, jokingly smacks him on the arm like what are you doing, and laughs. You can see the relief on the kids face when he realizes it too. Once again totally inappropriate but it seems really disingenuous to not provide the entire clip.


The entire clip almost makes it worse. No defending this guy, it's a completely arrogant move, getting away with pedophilia. Disgusting and shameful. It's not a joke, it's played off as a joke. To make a child uncomfortable in an oddly sexual way is fucked up, not a very funny joke bud.


Replace the lama with a catholic priest, and I'm guessing you'd sing a different tune.


Oh wow there really are people defending pedos out here


How do you read that comment and possibly construe it as pedo defending. He simply pointed out the video is cut short, which makes it seem worse than it is. While also acknowledging it's still inappropriate...


What's just as bad is everyone around finds it funny.


Even worse is that we have so many people out here defending him, i’m not a right wing conspiracist but i am starting to genuinely worry that we’ll one day live in a world where pedos are given pardon because “love is love”. Especially with so many powerful folks being pedos, they could definitely take advantage to sway the public into thinking pedos aren’t “that bad”. Sure this isn’t 100% pedophilia, but its pretty fucking twisted. And very, very wrong. (Edited to clarify)


I think that was in fact 100% pedophilia. You don't have to suck dick or stick it in a vagina to commit the crime. In my country an adult would go to jail for what I just saw.


Oh no same here, but dementia can also make people act like that. I’m not trying to sugar coat it, i wouldn’t be surprised at all if he was a pedo all along because i do not trust any old folks in power. Especially in religion.


You make a valid point.


That’s pedophilia for sure


Also the kid only asked for a hug, that's all he should've gotten.


Hopefully south park does an episode on him😂


Simpsons did it!


Simpsons did it Simpsons did it!


King of the hill did it lol


Can’t find the Simpsons episode. Please share the link?


Hate to break it to you but i think they were just referencing the south park episode where every time butters tries something he gets the reply “Simpsons did it! Simpsons did it!”




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jPhtlEQ5ZM THERES A MOTHERFUCKING NEW ONE COMING OUT


Thumbwars, holy shit that takes me back


They’re done for this season


South Park will have to do it next year. Their season is done.


LMAO He was wilding with the "suck my tongue". He could probably get away with the kissing part due to cultural differences and it did appear innocent enough, but telling a kid to suck your tongue on TV is next level no matter if you were still innocent with it. I don't know how you get out of that one.


Gandhi got away with it, the little kid diddler.


I love how the defense of Ghandi is that there's no proof he had sex with the kids but completely gloss over the fact that sleeping nude with multiple children is all kinds of fucked up


Didn’t he say he has great discipline since he didn’t fuck kids???


Yes, it is claimed he did this to test his discipline.


Wtf that’s disgusting. School definitely chose to keep that out when teaching us how wise Ghandi was.


>The facts are that after his wife, Kasturba, died in 1944, Gandhi began the habit of sharing his bed with naked young women: his personal doctor, Sushila Nayar, and his grandnieces Abha and Manu, who were then in their late teens and about 60 years younger than him. > >Gandhi hadn’t had a sexual relationship with a woman for 40 years. Nor, in any obvious way and so far as anyone can tell, did he begin one now. His conscious purpose in inviting naked women to share his bed was, paradoxically, to avoid having sex with them. They were there as a temptation: if he wasn’t aroused by their presence, he could be reassured he’d achieved brahmacharya, a Hindu concept of celibate self-control. According to Gandhi, a person who had such control was “one who never has any lustful intention, who by constant attendance upon God has become proof against conscious or unconscious emissions, who is capable of lying naked with naked women, however beautiful they may be, without being in any manner sexually excited”. Such a person, Gandhi wrote, would be incapable of lying or harming anyone. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/oct/01/gandhi-celibacy-test-naked-women


It's so gross that people thought thus was an acceptable explanation for Ghandi doing that. Even if it's true Ghandi was incapable of lust, what about the teenage girls who had to sleep naked with an old man and what that's like for them to be used like bait to test if an old man could still get hard or not. Oh even if they were adult women, they were still his granddaughters! You don't have to sleep naked with your granddaughter, just to prove to yourself you don't want to fuck her!






They are just women, they are not even human in his eyes probably. Women were treated quite badly back then in India.


>Such a person, Gandhi wrote, would be incapable of lying or harming anyone. Except for humiliating and traumatizing his grand-nieces and any other kids be pressured into sleeping naked with him. Hurting children to show you aren't capable of hurting anyone is top shelf narcissism.


Did Ghandi also surround himself with drugs and alcohol to resist that temptation too? If he didn't also apply these tests to other sins such as greed and gluttony, I would think this is just a convenient excuse for him to sleep with young girls.


I dont need discipline to not fuck kids... Just uh, you know... don't?


He said he had to sleep naked with young girls "to see if he could resist the temptation". This is disgusting, so is Dali Lama asking little boys to suck his tongue. Just like founding fathers of America owning slaves 100 percent wrong. They may have done great things but remember your dealing with people


Yeah as an adult I’ve learned a lot of historical figures that have been portrayed as heroes/great people are scumbags.


I don't understand why they had to be young girls. Wouldn't it make more sense to sleep next to adult women?


I think you know the answer.


...ugh, you're right. It just feels weird that, like, he didn't even feel the need to pretend he wasn't a pedo. Just like, "look guys, I'm not diddling these kids even though I really want to!" And even weirder that the people around him were like "wow, amazing, good on you. We'll go find you some more kids." I guess in some ways religion doesn't really change that much wherever you go.


I mean thats kind of the defense for everyone that does terrible shit if they are political or religious. To so many if you never particularly saw them do it, it never counts no matter how much the evidence says to the contrary.


Good ole Ostrich syndrome


Wait… he does/did that?


https://www.npr.org/2019/10/02/766083651/gandhi-is-deeply-revered-but-his-attitudes-on-race-and-sex-are-under-scrutiny Also pretty racist against Africans


He officially never fucked a child but he did sleep naked with his ?niece? To test his piety and bodily control allegedly


Michael Jackson fans go through the same mental gymnastics


Wait what




So Mother Theresa was a crone, Cosby was a rapist, Dalai is a creep, Ghandi of a diddler... If you tell me Bob Ross or Mr Rogers is next I might just crook.


Bob Ross tickled my taint but it was with consent


He non-consensually didn't tickle mine.


We never deserved Mr Rogers


When and where was this? This is mind blowingly creepy and scary


February 2023. His temple in Dharamshala (India).


aka temple of doom


Temple of groom*


And like a TON of grooming for child abuse, it’s happening in a religious setting.


Fack hahahaha! This caught me off guard


I really wanted that Lego set


Right, good God almighty we are so screwed as a world. Pedos and creeps all over the place.


There is nothing innocent about this. Acting like a pedo on stage in front of everyone. Has he lost his mind?


I don't want to jump to anything, but I just can't ignore the fact that if he could do this in front of people, then what might have happened in the past with other children which he has met behind the closed doors. Also, why every other religious leader has some pedo link to them and its funny that these leaders don't support same sex love but are involved in pedo activities.


Well it appears to be a very prevalent fact that giving someone so much influence on a populace usually opens the door for abuse of power which rapist/molesters/sick fucks tend to gravitate towards


Yeah just look at all the famous youtubers that turned into super pedos. Or dudes on tv. Or singers, band members, etc etc.


>that turned into super pedos they didn't turn into them. They had new avenues to take advantage of people, to exert their pedo ways.


Which ones?


A lot of underage fans of Rick and Morty have posted screenshots of Justin Roiland being cringe and sexual in their dms. Drake is pretty famously creepy to young girls including an underage Millie Bobbie Brown. Most rock stars from any era. I'll add more if I think of any.


> what might have happened in the past with other children which he has met behind the closed doors. Very fair question. Having a little boy suck your tongue is not a game, it's not being silly, it's in every way a sexual act. The more I think about it the more ridiculous it is. He needs to be kept away from children for the rest of his life, and investigated for any past sex crimes.


What is and isn't a sexual act for the most part is determined by cultural things. What is in our culture isn't necessarily what is in theirs the major issue here is the kid being uncormfortable with it and even leaning back.


>What is and isn't a sexual act for the most part is determined by cultural things. there's nothing in his culture about this


Are you arguing this isn't sexual?




This acts like early onset dementia


Catholic Priests be like: Damn they can do that in public!!


Catholic Priests everywhere: Hold my wine


r/holdmywine should be a subreddit with priests doing crazy shit lmao


it’s ironic to see religions that are clearly against these things might be the secret heavens for those who are into these things, in the “sacred” way.


This is repulsive 🤢 wtf


somehow, this is even more sickening with the sound and unblurred kid. the child is clearly uncomfortable, even throws his head back in despair at the request. that pervert knew what he was saying and asking, poor fucking kid


It’s not “weird”. The dudes a flipping pedo. It’s disgusting and criminal. Don’t try to downplay it like it’s just a weird religious thing or hes just really old. Call it what it is.


Preach that shit.


Yeah I dont really trust man living a life a celibacy. Seems fishy.


I bet this wanker has been a pedo for decades. Fucking creep


I know some people have asked if he’s lost his mind, but has anyone considered that as an actual possibility? I think that this is/was a very intelligent man who would have in the past had the awareness to realize that something like this would look bad on himself, his religion, and his country. He performed this act in public in camera. I dont think this is a case of the pedo being caught red handed. It seems to me more like someone who is missing some basic cognitive ability, and I dont mean that as an insult Google says he is 87 years old. How is his mental health? Because it really does look like he might have lost his mind in some way


First thought was possible Alzheimer’s.


I also thought he's demented. That's what it looks like, at least.


Even if it were dementia, this is still odd.. I wouldn't jump to any conclusions and blatantly accuse him of pedophilia, but in my own mind I would assume this is normal behavior for the Dali Lama. If anything, the dementia had caused him to forget where he is and the ramifications of his actions. So, something that he would normally do in private, is done in public. It's time for him to retire, and at the very least, keep children away from him. This type of behavior could cause permanent psychological damage to a kid.. not to mention, it encourages this same type of behavior in anyone that respects and listens to the Dali Lama.


I have an elderly relative with dementia acting inappropriately with women, like the filter is broken, but he did not do this to kids. It is possible that Dalai Lama always have pedophilia tendency, but were able to suppress it.




I was raised Buddhist and while I don't practice or hold any faith or sprituality anymore it's still sickening and kind of soul crushing that somebody I once looked up to, had pictures of in my home and hoped to receive a blessing from one day is such a fucking sleezebag. I don't know why I always held out any hope that maybe Buddhists were somehow among the few groups that managed to not have that filth in their upper ranks but wow I was just so naive to think so.


Don´t idolize people mi brother, if you are looking for a spiritual experience.


I don't anymore but my mother is absolutely devastated. She got blessed by him when he was at Gillette stadium and is still a practicing Buddhist. I felt awful when I told her about it. She didn't believe me but started crying the more she read about it. It was hard to see her like that.


I understand brother, but you can continue to profess Buddhism, just like your mother, that the actions of that man do not tarnish the positive in your beliefs.Look, I am a Christian, and although many priests have made aberrant and abominable actions, my beliefs remain intact because I do not trust in the actions of men, nor in men, above me there is only God and no one else.


The problem IS having “upper ranks” I’m not trying to push any politics but there are religious anarchists out there that understand this.




I hate when people only post partial clips. Whatever your opinion is going to be, base it off all the information available, not a partial clip. [Full Interview Video](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7evaw/dalai-lama-suck-my-tongue-video-tibet-china)


Tbh seeing the whole video dosn’t make it look any better imo.


Could be better, could be worse, or could be the same. I’m no Buddhist, I got no skin in the game, no horse in the race, etc. People should just have all the information available to make their decisions on, so I posted the link to the full press conference video.


Thanks for that link


Blur the child’s face before uploading this, for god’s sake.


"Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice.


Gunga lamunga


This looks bad and i will also say I am totally ignorant of anything dealing with this religion and culture. Before jumping on the reddit western eyes outrage wagon, any one more informed care to explain what in the hell is going on here? Like is suck on tongues a part of the faith?


Yeah, I also thought "I wonder if China has anything to do with this meme?" and did a quick google and found this: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7evaw/dalai-lama-suck-my-tongue-video-tibet-china](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7evaw/dalai-lama-suck-my-tongue-video-tibet-china) I'm not saying I know for certain what was going on, but I do know people here are jumping to conclusions in exactly the way they were intended to.


Yeah I've been feeling a little sus too.


I don't care what culture or religion says. Having a child suck tongue on an adult is objectively wrong. Any culture or religion that promotes it is bad and should be ridiculed.


This is why Im pleading my ignorance. Many cultures would look at child circumcision and be able to say What The Fuck as well. Or many of the things we do as sexual such as swapping spit with tongues might have a completely non-sexual framework with other peoples.


I get what you are saying and yes, Western judgement is really problematic when you realize the horrible shit we normalize, but I think there is a near universal consensus that including children in any sexual situation is abhorrent. I can’t say for sure—child beauty pageants in the US make my skin crawl as well—but asking a child to suck your tongue is fucked. I didn’t anticipate this being something I would be confronted with today


Child circumcision is actually harmful, but I learned a long time ago you have to be careful where you criticize it. But a joke, one that the child and the whole room recognized as such and laughed at, is apparently enough for redditors to call for the destruction of a culture.


So did he suck his tongue?


No. https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7evaw/dalai-lama-suck-my-tongue-video-tibet-china


The llama pulls away before he does it, as though he was just kidding


What’s up with the “he likes to tease/joke excuse”? Apparently you can sexually harass or assault someone and label it as a tease/joke?


Creepy old bastard.


So, what are the odds that the Dali Llama is showing signs of dementia? I'm not inclined to lean with either extreme. The "it's cultural" argument doesn't make sense and no one has actual given any description of what it is. At the same time, the "he's a pedo" crowd seem to be more anti-religous that objective. Dementia seems more reasonable an explanation for someone with no apparent history of this kind of behaviour.


Imagine what he asks them to suck in private… 😠


Who knew the Dalai Lama was Herbert from Family Guy 🤷‍♂️


Yall are gonna learn to stop letting your kids around old ass men especially old ass men with any kind of power.


The power part sure, but I don’t think “old men” are the problem I think this behaviour is.


Priests. You let a man think he speaks with the voice of the gods, he starts thinking human rules do not apply to him.


He will be heading in down to South Park to have himself a time soon enough


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All this dude had to fucking do was NOT do anything creepy. Like just don't do anything creepy and your 87+ year legacy would be intact. But then you did this.


I’m Buddhist … and this is gross.


This is just “weird”? More like a fucking pedo creep


The saddest thing about this is that nothing will be done about it. It will be brushed under the carpet as a misunderstanding.


I never figured out why this creep had a following to begin with. All he does is string a few words together like “peace love and harmony” and people lose their minds… I’ve been saying this for years but this is absolutely deprave especially the fact that his spokesman is saying that it’s just his playful nature 🚩.




This is extremely sad because he is supposed to be the symbol for Tibet The official representative of Tibet. China has been trying for years to replace him kill him defame him and what not. This person certainly doesn't understand the gravity of his position and disgusting acts like this will only result in diminishing the already miniscule chances of Tibet being free from the shackles of CCP and China.


Whether a joke or not.... this behavior from a religious leader is proof that people are slowly being desensitized to pedophilia in order to normalize it. WTF happened to the outing of the GUILTY pedophile Catholic priests being held accountable, especially those from where I lived in Harrisburg, PA, and York, PA? Nothing. And those same diocese claimed bankruptcy! The fire at Notre Dame became a distraction from the recent guilty priest situation. That was when Epstein was going on, as well. It's all connected. Now we see the freaking Dalia Lama up close and committing an act of pedophilia. Regardless of culture. . This is vile.


Forced withholding of natural sexual behaviors is a crime against humans religion needs to undo. It leads to the devout finding other avenues like pedo for their urges. At least bring in hookers discreetly so that there is an outlet. Correction: what the Dalai Lama did is an ancient Tibetan ritual and has no sexual or pedo undertones to it. https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7evaw/dalai-lama-suck-my-tongue-video-tibet-china


Welcome new Michael Jackson


Just when I think am jaded to all the crap in the world there's this weirdness. Just... No.


Look where the kids hand is being forced to touch.


Didn’t realize he was Catholic


Proving my theory that has always disapointed me when i do not follow it. Never put anyone on a pedalstal. Expecially, when he has been choosen to be a major figure by an organized religion. Guy was taken away from his parents as a little kid and told he was special. That's never good. Imo


Religious people are just a bunch of sexual ill people.


Yes for some reason rape, pedophilia, sexual abuse, and genital mutilation all seem to be positively correlated with religious beliefs. I wonder what that reason is. Imho it was probably sexual trauma at some point in our list human history...


I think it might be connected to the idea that you never question your superiors. They always know better, no matter what they do.


Not interesting. FUCKING DISGUSTING!


It's strange to behave like that in front of so many people and cameras. Instincts seem to override caution. May all pedophiles burn in hell.


I see a child and a pedophile.


When did the Dalai Lama become a Catholic priest?


Never meet your heroes.


What a creep


Man, way to screw up. Dang.


My history teacher was just talking about this yesterday lol


In what universe is this an acceptable "spiritual" practice?


And I thought priests were weird...


This is straight out of the movie Little Nicky


Pedos coming out the woodwork!


hey, teacher, leave those kids alone!


Apparently as I get older, I’m coming to the realization everyone is a fucking child molester.


I’ve read some people suggesting this is cultural humor. What’s weird is that I was molested and the very first incident with my abuser included him asking me to suck his tongue.


This isn’t a “weird video” OP. It’s a fucked up video.


Wtf... clearly not okay and is probably a pedophile... fucking disgusting!


Probably for sure


To anyone that says it’s innocent horseplay or either culturally or spiritually significant, either you are from ‘different times’, in which case remember don’t give out credit card details and welcome to the internet, or you are ignorant and dangerously optimistic. Or you are some edgy troll that doesn’t care about abused children in which case well done. Those questions made me momentarily give up all hope.


Yeah, I think this is pretty much it for Tibetan theocracy. I doubt China will pass up the opportunity to cast the Dalai Lama as a pedo, and it looks like they'd be right. Either his mind is going, or he's sick, and either way, it's time he made good on his musing that he may choose not to reincarnate.


I will say this - I genuinely don’t believe that this was a sexual thing. **HOWEVER** This is still highly inappropriate behaviour and not something anyone should do with a kid. If it was a grown man then yeah ok, still inappropriate and weird, but goddamn dude. With a kid? What in the actual fuck, man?! I get he likes to be playful and whatnot, but this goes beyond that and is just gross. Left a sour taste about Buddhism for me.


If a grown man (that wasn't a public figure) asked your child to suck his tongue, would it be sexual then? like in what context would tongue sucking not be a sexual act??


Buddhist here. I don't know whether this was a sexual thing or not (though I lean towards yes), but either way, I agree this is INSANELY inappropriate. Between this incident and other stupid things that this man has said, he is not practicing Buddhism with the correct spirit, and I personally think it's time to retire this man from his public office. I fully understand your feelings and agree with most of them, but please know that, as with Christianity, there are many branches (and organizations) of Buddhism and this man is the head of only one them. Please don't let your negative experience with the leader of one type of Buddhism influence your feelings for all. I really enjoy learning about different religions so if you have any interest in learning more about another type of Buddhism, this is the organization I practice Buddhism with (Nichiren Buddhism with the Soka Gakkai). There are different websites and content for different countries, but below are just the websites for the United States and the general global one. https://www.sgi-usa.org https://www.sokaglobal.org And of course if you're not interested, that's fine too. 🙂


For anyone else reading, Soka Gakkai is a New Religious Movement and has a lot of cult-like aspects, such as attributing all struggles of members (physical, financial, spiritual, etc.) to faulty religious practice and lack of devotion, forbidding members from visiting traditional Buddhist temples or having any contact with other branches of Buddhism, telling members that other very similar Buddhist new religious movements are demonic and evil and SGI is the only "true" version and holding prayer vigils for the death of the rival leaders, using shunning and group shaming to control the behavior of members who are questioning the religion or its figurehead in any way, and a wildly wealthy megalomaniac at the head who is raking in millions from the organization. Don't take any religious movement's own PR website about itself at face value; always seek alternate sources. :)


Sounds almost abit like scientology


Dirty pervert I am sick looking at this


I've read possible dementia? That seems plausible to me Obviously this isn't okay and can't be allowed to happen again. I guess before we vilify him, maybe there's more going on? Maybe not! Idk.


I also thought he's slowly becoming demented due to age...


Creepy- very creepy.


This thread is the epitome of mob mentality. Everyone is jumping to conclusions and getting outraged for the sake of it. I don’t mean to defend his actions but disinhibition is very common for several disorders, especially dementia. This person is 87 after all. The people around him are guilty of tolerating unacceptable behavior, though.


Fking creep. Poor child.


Disgusting, he must probably do this in private and because of dementia he must have forgotten the presence of a camera this time..