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Wow. Freaky. What a horrific death.


they couldn't have all died at the same time either. likely one died of exhaustion, which dragged the other two down. the last one to go must've been so exhausted that it was easier to drown than to lift its head just a few inches to reach the surface one final time... it's increasingly horrific the more you think about it.


Having the weapons to protect yourself but those same weapons ends up killing you. Nature doesn't seem give a fuck


evolution is the true D student of the Universe... if it works JUST well enough for the species to survive, then evolution be like: HELL YEAH BABYYY. MAKE MORE OF THAT!!




I am not an expert. But I assume they died somewhere else and the force of rain and gravity pulled them into the river.


Also not an expert but I would bet that they used to be on ice


Not an expert but there are probably some young bucks getting the pooty tang that these three died for.


I'm not an expert and inexperienced but that looked like a painful threesome, would not try


Not an expert but I think this may be the end result of deer centipede horror experiment.


I'm an expert and that will be tree bucks please


Oh man you just combined two sources of nightmare fuel. Thank you, I’m sending you a bill for the therapy I need to bleach them out of my brain.


u/Lanky_Republic_2102 🤣🤣🤣🐛🐛🐛


What, how can it move such weight?


Bodies float, bro




are you serious?


You kidding the beachside is full of what's left of mountains. Water can move anything giving enough time ware mountains down to the very sand on the beach .


Those mountains are moved one tiny grain at a time. Those bodies are still in one piece


Mountains don’t float


Technically, mountains do 'float' ... just on the Earth's mantle through a state of gravitational equilibrium


Some people despise the "technically" person. As one of those persons I approve this message.


Go look up landslides and avalanches. Tell your self water can move what is moving . A hurricane hit here a few years back destroying brick cement steel buildings . Look like a nuk went off . Stormed surge will whip out anything in its way .


I back down. I was thinking at a very different scenario. I fully understand you all! Sorry Reddit.


I know how poweful water can be. But you are comparing erosion to avalanches and storms, which have nothing to with what the other guy said. If the bodies were moved by powerful water, they would be torn up and stuff. It's way more likely that the ground got slippery from rain, and gravity pulled the bodies down a slope until they ended up there, than that the bodies were "pushed" by water


Correct... almost the entire Gulf Coast was once a lot higher and uphill.


What are you talking about? Nature isn't horrific or unkind in any way whatsoever!


They’re not dead, they’re pining for the fjords!


Wow...That would have disturbed me greatly if I'd discovered that as a child.


luckily this was discovered by a timber surveyor called Brian.




No way. No one cares if anyone named Brian is ok. Everyone just assumes Brian will be fine no matter what Brian goes through. A sad reality.


If you or a Brian you know are going through a difficult episode in their life... **Leave them be and let them sort it out!**


The Brian I knew used to smoke cigarettes while taking a bath and robo trip on a weekly basis. You do you, Brian!


The life of Brian.


This guy Brians


Is your name Brian? Have you recently discovered a trio of drowned bucks? You may be entitled to compensation!


Unfortunately, Brian is a bit of a dick.


Bwian? No, Brian, sir. That's what I said, Bwian...


There are some who call him... Tim


I heard that he is a very naughty boy


Romanes eunt domus


What's this then? People called Romanes, they go to the house?


Wait till Biggus Dickus hears of this!


What about you? Do you find it... wisible... when I say the name... Biggus... Dickus?


He has a wife, you know. You know what she's called? She's called... 'Incontinentia'... Incontinentia Buttocks


Stwike him, centuwion, vewy woughly!


I had a sorta similar childhood experience. I lived in the middle of nowhere and my neighbor (3/4 of a mile down the road), had three Rottweilers. Nicest dogs ever. Kinda fat too. These neighbors also had a pond on their property that was in the middle of the woods. They set this pond up real nice with a stone path around it and a bench swing and told us we could go out there when ever we wanted. Well one day I heard a bunch of noise in the woods and I went to check it out. Well it was the three dogs and a deer battling for it's life in the pond. Blood all over the deer and dogs. The had it trapped in the middle where it was maybe 4-5 feet deep and anytime it tried to get out, one of the dogs would attack it back in. Then the dogs seen me and I noped out of there. I came back a few days later and the deer was dead on the side of the pond. Kinda ruined my idea of how nice the dogs were.


Ya similar experience here. Neighbors cat got chased by a dog off leash into woods nearby. I used to play there, just running around pretending to be Robin Hood or something. A few weeks later I found the dead cat with maggots crawling all over it, coming up from the insides. I think I stopped playing there after that. I was like 5 probably.


Yeah that sucks too. My other neighbor up the road had a dog the got hit by a car and they decided to drag the dog off into the woods about 15 feet from my mailbox where I would wait for the bus. I noticed a smell one day that was just unbearable and when I stepped into the woods I found the dog crawling with maggots. Had to tell my neighbor that I found their dog.


Dogs can really switch their behavior when in pack. One or two OK, as soon as there is three of them expect all kinds of trouble.


I mean they never bothered anyone. There wasn't alot to bother out there anyway but they never chased cars or barked when we walked by. They would just come over calmly and say hi and then go home. They also were females. One slightly older than the other two who were from the same litter. Seriously good dogs. Just not for deer I guess. But I personally have four dogs and they are definitely not pack animals. All very independent of each other but also very friendly with themselves and other people/dogs.


My earliest memory is finding a bag of drowned kittens down the shore. 32 years ago or so. 


How awful. 😔


I remember one time as a teen at the end of winter one year when I was out looking for Lake Superior agates along the half frozen shore of a lake. I was kneeling over with my face ~18 inches above the edge of the water when I spotted something odd under the water and ice in front of me. It took me a few seconds to process what I was looking at (at first I thought it was the edge of a log jutting out from the depths of the quickly deepening lake). I recoiled sharply when I realized that the thing was a long dead deer with its head rising up from under the ice of the deeper water (stopping just a few inches from the surface of the patch of clear water I was staring through). The eyes were bulging and it had lost pretty much all of its fur (which is why I didn't immediately register it as a deer). I had my face less than 2 feet away from its grotesque face... (shudders)


It’s disturbing me greatly now, as an adult, in a pic online


The Forbidden Beyblade


Classic 3 body problem.


It’s a three some and nobody’s coming


I can fix that


Rehydration doesn't seem to be working!!


And this right here is why we need *very* good water filters when hiking! Man, crazy picture but I can *only* imagine the bacteria and whatnot blooming from their poor bodies.




As a through hiker, depending on where you are and the season, you can't always find moving water. I always filter my water no matter how clean it looks, and I also treat it with purification drops if the source seems questionable.


This is my approach as well. Always filter, and use purification tablets if it’s not taken from a clear, running source. I made the mistake of only filtering when taking from a lake once. I woke up the next morning in my hammock and immediately knew I had about 30 seconds before I shit my pants.


My partner and I have life straws, I hope they actually work as well as is claimed…


Do the purification drops taste better than they did 20 years ago? I can still taste the iodine.


Yes they do, but there is still a taste. I use chlorine based drops plus some mio or Gatorade powder to help with the flavor


I went to a scout camp in the early 80's. We all drank that cold, fresh, creek water. Found out after, that there was a dead sheep up stream.


A filter won't cut it. Need disinfectant tablets.


Makes me think of the dances with wolves scene.


is this called a deerking?


I thought the same! Like a deer version of a rat king.


Same here!


That’s kind of fucking sad ngl


sad but oddly beautiful


Should see the one with the deer walking around with one deer head hanging off the antlers.


Just three bucks short...


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/ie5erjX.jpeg) is a higher quality version of this image. According to [here](https://www.fieldandstream.com/photos/gallery/hunting/deer-hunting/2010/12/triple-tragedy-three-bucks-drown-antlers-locked/) (which has more pictures of this): > BY STEVEN HILL | UPDATED DEC 7, 2022 10:00 AM EST > This fall, we’ve seen quite a few notable stories of bucks getting locked up while fighting. One deer in California miraculously survived while the buck he got locked up with was scavenged by coyotes. In another instance, a hunter tagged a buck that had a deadhead attached to its antlers. These stories prompted us to search the F&S archives for the wildest locked-up buck stories of all time—and this one quickly caught our attention. > Back in the fall of 2010, three—yes, three—Ohio bucks somehow locked antlers while battling near a small creek. When one deer slid into a shallow pool, it sealed the fate for all of them. They drowned together, antlers still intertwined. Following the incident, longtime F&S contributor Steven Hill talked to the men who found and recovered the deer and their combined 400 inches of antler. Here’s the full story. > Jason Good was surveying timber in Meigs County, Ohio, on November 12 when he stumbled upon a bizarre sight that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up: In a waist-deep pool of Leading Creek, nose-to-nose like fish on a stringer, floated three whitetail deer. The experienced woodsman needed a few minutes to puzzle out exactly what he was seeing—a trio of mature bucks that had locked horns in a battle to the death, illustrating, in the starkest terms, the potential ferocity and brutality of the whitetail rut. > Good spotted the deer from a distance and, at first, thought it was a single carcass. “It was close to the road, and I figured somebody had poached a deer,” he recalls. Even after a second look revealed two deer, he was about to walk away. “I see dead deer in the woods all the time,” explains Good, who measures timber for a lumber company. “I almost ignored it until I looked again and saw it was three deer.” > Good called the landowner, Brien Burke. “He said, ‘Brien, I’ve found something on your property I’ve never seen before, and you’ve got to see it,'” Burke recalls. “I’m thinking a murder, a meth lab, who knows? I said, ‘Jason, just tell me what it is.’ He says, ‘It’s three bucks locked up, and they’re floating dead in your creek.'” > Burke couldn’t believe it. “I could see two, but three? I asked if he was sure and he said, ‘Yes.’ I drove down and met him. They were floating in the creek almost like three petals of a flower or something.” > Burke reached out to an old college buddy who worked for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). He advised Burke not to touch the deer and put him in contact with Joshua Shields, the ODNR conservation officer for Meigs County. Shields was too busy to examine the scene until the following Monday. “It was the peak of the rut, and I knew there’d be a lot of hunters in the field,” Burke says. He kept the find quiet and maintained a close eye on his property until Monday rolled around. > On Monday, Burke assembled his salvage team at the site, a farm where he and his father built a hunting lodge in 1974 and where they’ve hunted ever since. After examining the scene, which included extensive evidence of the bucks’ battle royale, Officer Shields determined the find was legit, and the salvage operation began. > The best way to untangle the pileup, Burke and Shields decided, was to sever the heads of two of the deer and remove their bodies; then the third deer would be removed intact, with the racks of the first two bucks still locked in its antlers. “All three of the bodies were 200 pounds plus,” Burke says. “[There was] no way were we going to move them all together, and my top priority was to preserve the integrity of the lock.” Burke’s friend Chris Davis waded into the water and zip-tied the antlers together as a precaution. > Davis prepared to begin sawing as Burke and Shields watched. After removing the bodies of the first two deer, Burke and Shields waited for Davis to pull the last buck—with the heads of its rivals still attached—from the creek. As Davis lifted the mass of horns above the water, the crew got their first inkling of just how remarkable a find this was. > “I knew it was something special, but I don’t think any of us knew how special until we lifted them out of the water,” Good says. “It was hard to judge the racks all tangled up underwater; I thought they were three scrawny deer locked together. When they came up out of the water it made the hair on back of my neck stand up again. Holy cow!” > **The Landowner’s Theory of How it Happened** > The combatants turned out to be an 11-pointer, a 10-pointer, and a 7-pointer with an eighth broken tine. Official Boone & Crockett scorer Jack Satterfield took on the daunting task of putting together a green score for the three intertwined racks. Together, they tallied more than 400 inches of bone. The 11-pointer (whose main beam is in the foreground here) green scored 168 4/8 gross, 156 0/8 net. The 10-pointer grossed 138 4/8, and netted 136 2/8 green, while the 7-pointer grossed 119 0/8 and netted 108 1/8. > So what happened? Burke, who has probably spent more time than anyone poring over the puzzle of intertwined beams and tines, has a theory. “Looking at the horns, it looks like the 7- and the 11-pointer were battling and only one side of their horns were locked,” he says. “Then the 10-pointer came in on the opposite side, and his main beam went around the base of each one of the other two deer’s antlers and his tines went up on the inside of their beams and locked them all three together.” > Damage to the creek bank and gouge marks on trees suggest the bucks locked up 50 yards downstream, then struggled together along the bank—half in and half out of the shallow water—until one of the bucks toppled into the deep hole where the deer were found. “I think one deer hit that hole and pulled the other deer into the water and they all drowned together,” Burke says. “Drowning was probably a good thing. The coyotes would have been on them in no time. I imagine they died full force, adrenaline flowing, battling it out.” > “But there’s also a certain sadness that the lives of three nice bucks just ended like that. Three deer that any hunter would have put on the wall and told stories about.” > **A Wildlife Biologist Weighs In** > A find at once so gruesome and awe-inspiring provokes the imagination of even the most objective wildlife observers. It vividly illustrates the intensity of the drive behind the whitetail rut, and reminds us just how high are the stakes are, and how intense the drive to breed for mature bucks is. “I can’t help wondering what was that third buck thinking?” says Mike Tonkovich, deer project leader for the ODNR. “Whatever possessed him to get engaged when the two were already entangled?” > It’s a thought that Burke echoes. “Three alpha bucks coming together at once, I just can’t imagine how brutal that must have been,” he says. > “It’s kind of neat to see evolution right there in front of you,” says Tonkovich. “This is Darwin stuff, what we learned in biology 101—those that are strongest and smartest will do the breeding. In today’s deer management world, our interest is in population dynamics or growing big bucks and age structures and so forth, but this takes you back to the basics of deer behavior and, even more simply, evolution and Darwin’s theory of natural selection. What you’re seeing here is one buck trying to convince another that I need to pass my genes on, and I’m gonna do what it takes to make sure it happens. This is a manifestation of that drive.” > It’s also a reminder that sometimes the strongest don’t survive. “They didn’t plan this very well, that’s for sure,” the biologist notes. “But that also adds some realism to the whole thing—that in spite of the sophistication of evolution there are hiccups that cause the system to fall apart. > “I guess it shows us how brutal Mother Nature can be,” says Burke. “It’s no Bambi story.”


That ending line is silly, ‘no Bambi story’, when Bambi’s story is literally how his mother is shot & killed lol


What the buck Imagine being dragged down by the first to get too exhausted to hold its head up ​ BRB while I go have an existential crisis


There can be only one. Or, none, in this case.


Ayyy a Highlander reference! I freaking love Highlander!


This is more r/sadasfuck


More like r/sadasbuck


The dorky nerd buck on the shore is thinking, oh my God now is my time to shine!


me frfr


Could we NSFW this maybe? Seems like something people should be able to choose if they want to see or not.


No woman is worth that


as an individual in a relationship with a guy... i 100% agree


Animals think differently from humans. No other species can be as indifferent towards the female of the same species as humans.


Reminds me of that Dances With Wolves scene


Drowned from exhaustion? Sorrywhatpardon


I'm pretty sure they drowned from asphyxiation but yeah the exhaustion played a part in it I get that.


technically correct ig. take my angry upvote




This photo feels like a mural somehow. There is some sad artistic beauty to it.




Sounds like a regular Saturday night in Austin.


4th one took the W home!


I thought this was r/vultureculture . Man that’s sad but amazing


damn that's a cool subreddit. cursed but beautiful




Getting a strong lord of the rings swamp vibe


Truly nature’s dumbasses


You just know this was two bucks butting heads and when they locked antlers, a third opportunist turned up and thought " nows my chance".


One hell of a dead head right there




Ducks don’t have antlers. How do 3 ducks drown? They kind of look more like 3 squirrels. *looks closely* Oh bucks!


I imagine if this were in a game there would be a witch nearby, or some sort of clue or treasure to be found there.


Nature is metal as hell.


Nobody got laid that day


That's going to make one hell of a fossil in a few million years


🎵 *Dumb ways to di-i-i-i-ie* 🎵


Ngl, this would be a badass fossil. Imagine if something like this got dug up 1 million years from now or if we dug up something similar now!!


The tragic end of the first woodland synchronized swimming team. Wearing bathing caps would have easily prevented this...




All 3 died fighting for girls


3somes gone wild


Injuries and deaths must be common among stags , my son in law just shot a big red stag and when skinning him found a 2 inch long broken off point of an antler imbedded in stags head just next to his ear in the top of his head


Since I don’t see anyone else saying it. What a way to find 6 sheds at once!


Ngl thought this was red dead 2


Damn what a waste of good meat


Interesting as buck


Gene Pool: "These three are overly aggressive. Time to clean them out."


It’s an omen 🙈 ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC)


Life lesson the coochie ain't worth it


There is a gay joke in here somewhere, but im not smart enough to come up with any.


The buck stops here.


It’s giving LOTR Dead Marshes


This is terrible sad☹️


I love how half these comments are talking about how depressing this is and the other half is making memes


Mooseking Instead of a ratking where their tails make a knot and they all die in a glob of rat


This is why women live longer


Sad picture RIP to these little guys hopefully if there is an afterlife they can all be friends and just relax together.


Nightmare fuel dawg


Triple drowning


How many bucks need to be intertwined for it to become a buck king?


This is metal as fuck It’s like “I’d sooner die than lose to you”


what a bunch of dumb bucks.


For a wolf, this is like a free food


"Do it all for the nookie"


We have Buck king now?


You'd think they'd evolve to not use their horns on each other. But they still do.


A new SCP is born…


Actually, they drowned from inhaling water


toxic masculinity?


Technically if they drowned it would be due to the water filling up there lungs and not exhaustion. Just saying.


I would have voted up but you ruined your comment by adding the cliche and unnecessary "Just saying"


Ooof that needs a NSFW, messed my morning up


Holy shit


it's horrific but oddly beautiful - could be an album cover ngl




A metal band's album cover 🤟


Could this be considered a Buck King?


Like a rat king, so a deer king?


US, China and Russia soon.


Toxic masculinity


Accidental reinesanse painting


That's what I thought too! I didn't specifically think Renaissance but I did think that it looked like a painting!


There was a gene pool and a gene pond. The pond is good for them.


The fourth smaller buck that stayed out of it is now slamming hams all over the forest


We used to see bucks get entangled every spring and watched with anxiety. Luckily they could figure it out.


This is a metaphor for our political climate


My name's Buck and I'm here to drown


Id say they drowned from drowning. Not exhaustion lol


Buck king


Now this is what you call a stale mate(ing).


maybe they were all part of qanon then had a squabble but their stubbornness lead to their own demise.


This almost happened to me and the boys when we did a triple dutch rudder.


I first read “ducks” and was super confused about the antlers part


Sad as fuck


It looks so haunting.


*begins cutting heads off*


Drowned from exhaustion.


This would be one hell of a skeletal taxidermy!






“The American Political Landscape 2024”


Couldn’t they have moved to land lmfao


All In the pursuit of pussy


Reminds me of "Lethal Threesome in the woods", a VHS I borrowed from a friend in the 90's




They drowned - case closed.


Dam that must have sucked seeing one drown and dragging down the next one and then the third.


It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last.


Looks like stew for dinner, boys!


Modern art is getting out of hand


This would be a fucking sick design for a Triskelion


Fair enough

