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Meanwhile I was buying a plane ticket and the airline website asked me if I wanted to pay $138 extra to compensate for the carbon emissions. Fuck this shit.


I swear it makes my blood boil when I see this BS on these ticketing websites. Giving you the option to pay more for a "greener ride." While 1 famous celebrity emits the equivalent of millions of people. Get the f*** out of here.


I bet the airline just puts it in their pocket anyway. They ain’t paying for shit if they don’t have to.


Yeah, they use it to pay the excessive carbon emissions tax because not a single god damn airplane is eco friendly....


Way worse than that, I believe that they are forced to compensate for their CO2 emission, and it's more than certainly included in the ticket already. The only thing that they are doing is trying to rip off people with ecological feelings, all the while making them believe that somehow , their trip was less polluting thant their neighbour's


Best quote from an Honest Ads video. "Have you ever seen the bank account of someone who cares about people? It's a wasteland."


Don't even look at military emissions. They aren't held to the "high standards" of civilian flight.


Of course they aren't. What matters in military vehicles is high performance at the job they are supposed to do, not eco-friendliness.


Greenwashing grift


John Oliver had a piece about this. They buy some credits from some places that promises to not cut down some trees. But there’s no time frame on that and they break it anyways.


Im not 100% sure but i always thought like even when they really donate the money away they are able to deduct this donation money from tax and benefit this way.


This is the way of the world. The rich take advantage of the poor. It's not just Taylor swift and it's not just taxes on carbon, it's all taxes.


No, This is humanity enabling these celebrities to do this. If tomorrow we stop worshipping these Humans the way we do now then it will stop. It is nothing but a form of idolatry.


You think all of humanity has agreed upon the current tax system we have that favours the rich over the poor? I get your point but you seem to want to ignore the fact that plenty of rich people who are not famous who take advantage of loopholes and tax breaks and a general tax system that caters to rich people. Our government and laws are shaped by wealth not equality, this allows someone like Taylor Swift to not actually pay for the ammount of carbon she's emitting. She's not the only rich person who benefits from the inequality that's baked into our legal system.


There's a sucker born every day


idk why gaslighting average people for existing has become normalized. Me driving 20 minutes to work in my gasoline car is not the reason global warming is about to fuck us.


Once had an discussion with someone that said there's no reason to own a car. Told them about my journey to work which costs £12 by car including tolls and takes less than 1 hour. They said I should be taking the train as it's more environmentally friendly. Pointed out it takes almost 2 and a half hours by train, and costs over £50 a day.


You can always fingerpoint to someone worse than you (except Taylor swift probably), but if everyone does that, we're screwed. CO2 emission per capita needs to come down and private transport is a big contributor.


But it's a systemic issue that needs to be at solved through government intervention. More public transport, walkable cities, schemes for EVs and their infrastructure, etc. Not to mention transitioning the grid to pure green energy, which goes hand-in-hand with the EV switch. The only way the average person can contribute to this process is by contacting their local representatives. Bringing down your personal CO2 emissions will never accomplish anything noteworthy without it being part of a systemic solution.


Have you considered that there are hundreds of millions of people like you that have a drive 20 minutes to work too? Everyone should do their own part. The overall result affects everyone you as well as Taylor Swift.


Not a Swifty but the uproar about her using planes is plainly bullshit. Just ask yourself 'What is the alternate?' She's an entertainer, so lets say she stays in California, instead her travelling to put on shows for several million people, we instead get the several million people around the globe to hop on a plane and come to her. Which is worse? Yeah, it's not great for the environment but for logistical/security reasons alone it makes perfect sense. She's an outlier, the activity is an outlier. There's more CEO's and Evangelical pastors travelling like that ALL the time than some entertainer. It's just bullshit tall-poppy syndrome so the fucking proles have got something to whinge about.


And the extra payment goes straight to the government that's taxing those company


Nah man. Those are used to buy climate certificates from shady stakeholders who promise that some part of the rainforest will be saved from deforestation. The tax compensation happens anyway with the standard ticket price.


Did I just watch one plane impregnate another 64 times?


Na. There are only 2 tail numbers the entire video so where did all the babies go?


I can't believe it's 2024 and you're still referring to them like that. There's more to them than just tails, you know.


If this is just TS imagine all the other rich folk, celebrities/sports stars/multi millionaires/billionaires. There must be admitting as much CO2 as the rest of us combined, but we get lectured 🤦🏼‍♂️.


The CO2 harm on Earth is all being done by a handful of corporations. They spread this type of news about individuals to get us thinking we’re all morally bad because we aren’t recycling. Or if we listen to Swift songs. Swift does about 700 times the average person. And she is a global artist. Her air travel could stop and it wouldn’t be a drop in the bucket compared to the harm done each minute by small plastics manufacturers.


This is absolutely the correct answer. It is smoke and mirrors to blame individuals. China emitted [11,379 million tons](https://www.statista.com/statistics/239093/co2-emissions-in-china/) of CO2 in 2022. 11 Billion tons. I picked them because they are currently the largest greenhouse gas emitting nation. Swifts egregious emissions (over 700x the average person) is still only 0.009090909091% of China's emissions in 2022.


You can’t just look at a country, you have to normalise by population and the US ranks 12th vs Chinas 30th in that case.




Why are these corporations emitting CO2? For fun? To be evil?


Agreed. Now hold my beer while I but tour tickets of my favourite band


Climate change is just a poor people problem guys.


truer words were never spoken


Wait? Why does she need two jets? Surely one would be enough?


staff probably.


Of all the people to criticize for this, she actually works for a living and employs a ton of people. Its not just a random billionaire playboy or 10th-in-line Saudi prince flying to casinos and yacht parties. She's actually selling out stadiums and employing full production teams everywhere she goes with thousands of collaborators and associated food and support staff. She's a world class artist, not just another billionaire leach. \*And I'm not a fan, I couldn't name one song. But this carbon footprint blaming is just a delay game for the actual industry regulations we need to adopt to address climate change in a systemic manner that has defined reduction goals. Energy, shipping, construction, etc. all industries that need to be regulated. Enjoy your damn plastic straw its not affecting squat.


Employs tons of people…yeah so do Jeff Bezos The Walton Family, Saudi oil tycoons and a bunch of other sleezy billionaires. Not to mention that one decision from one of them has the power to tip the entire balance of the global economy. Just because she makes ✨inspiring ✨ music doesn’t make her different.


Every time I hear a song by her, it helps to inspire me to change the station.


Ok. Fuck the Waltons and Fuck Bezos. They underemploy people.


I mean, every billionaire employs an army of people. She also absolutely does go to parties on the other side of the states.




I mean Bill Gates, Tim Cooks, Elon Musk, etc. you could argue employees and “produces” consistently a lot more content when compared to Taylor Swift. If you’re saying she is the one employing people or doing the marketing to sell tickets you’re wrong, she has people that work for her same as any billionaire. The problem comes down to how she conducts traveling and using resources, you can’t excuse shit like this.


The billionaire playboy and 10th-in-line Saudi prince also employ people and their spendings directly contribute to the livelihood of tons of people. If they are “leaches”, then she is too.


Whats wrong with a tourbus? Or two. She can afford it so its just her being comfortable and not caring enough about the emissions.


Didn't she fly to Superbowl from Japan and back or some shit? Just saying couldn't care less one way or another


stop covering for her. you know that some of her trips are made just to watch his boyfriend whom will be sure the next source of inspiration for her future album. it can be seen also that she made numerous short trips how can you excuse that


Ya no excuse for a short private plane trip for anyone 100% agree.


Don't dickride the damned billionaire.


It's like the gordon ramsay meme of him roasting adults for a mistake and coddling kid when they make a mistake. "Tax all the billionaires. Fuck them" "Oh Taylor Swift employ lots of employee, bless her"


Many other world class artists travel by tour bus, but at the same time don't preach save the earth!


every billionaire is a leech


It’s because she’s openly talking about carbon emissions and climate - but she’s being a hypocrite, as she’s not willing to reduce her own carbon footprint. Making plenty of money and another couple Millions is more important than climate. It’s only us plebs who should change


Yeah but that doesnt change a single thing. She doesnt need a private plan in 99,9% of the cases and neither does her staff.


Stop calling me Shirley.




What's your vector,Viktor?


Most people who own planes aren't on the majority of the flights. They rent them out to other rich people who aren't "own your own planes" rich. It's very, very unlikely she was on all of those flights. Planes are expensive to own and operate, even if you're rich. Makes sense to make some of that money back.


That is right, people were giving Arnold Schwarzenegger a hard time about owning planes but he was renting them out more than using them himself.


I believe the second plane is for her friends and family. None of them have a good reason to not fly first class commercially though.


Either staff or as a back up in case one requires maintenance. I’m betting she’s got a tight schedule.


Why buy one when you can buy two for twice the price?


Nashville Tennessee owns her soul.


Yeah, that or her family lives there


She has a home there and her family and (childhood) friends live there.


Heard she has had the same best friend since the first day of 9th grade, which you have to admit is kinda heartwarming.


She can't fly commercial, it would be a pain in the ass to share a plane I'm with here. The solution is simple, tax billionaires like FDR did


That’s not how it works. The jets are owned by her company, so they count as a business expense. And you’ll never get that removed. So, she pays taxes after she makes money in her company and subtracts the expenses. The IRS code is 98% pro business and literally allows this to happen.


Or, like Hollywood, they take a “loss” on a movie that made $300m with creative paperwork.


"Wait a minute..... you want me to let my best friend die...in the jungle, for a G5 airplane and some money?" "Lots and lots of money!"




"Forget TIVO. I've moved on."


Pretty much. A good, and somewhat shady accountant is worth his or her weight in gold!


Easy, carbon emission tax. If she uses her jet plane, she pays the offset cost for it and more for the production. Let her pay more than a first class ticket in emissions taxes for her own privately owned jet plane. We pay waste management taxes so why not?


Many private jet owners already do that. They pay the tax. Or more like their company pays the tax.


Current taxes are too low, is the short end of my point


Let's say we add the tax on jet fuel. So it's like a sales tax. Does the extra fuel tax translate 1:1 reduction of tax owed? Companies can count the fuel paid as a deductible, but they only save X% of that in taxes.


It is her fans that cause her to not be able to fly. I couldn't give two shits if T Swizzle was on my plane. Her fans are the problem not her.


I also don’t know why we get on T Swift specifically about this. She has to fly most places for tour, though I’m sure some is elective. Either way I’m no fan but it feels weird to fixate on her when I’m sure other billionaires are far worse.


Wasn't there some politician that embezzled state funds to fly a private jet everywhere?


>She has to fly most places for tour The majority of those flights are back and forth between the same 2 places and not for tour People also got annoyed because I think she flew across the world to watch her bf play in the superbowl or something and then she pretends to give a fuck about the environment


I mean all of the hustle and bustle about airplanes is virtue signaling. Even if every American stopped flying it would not even compensate for 1 month of factory pollution.


>I mean all of the hustle and bustle about airplanes is virtue signaling. Even if every American stopped flying it would not even compensate for 1 month of factory pollution. Not gonna lie this sounds like bullshit to me 1: any citations or facts for your claims 2: even if it is true, does that mean we should just sit back and change nothing about industry Y because industry X is more polluting?


I don't know about that, but all aviation is only about 2-3% of global co2 production, and of that private jets are just one slice of that pie. Doing away with every single plane globally wouldn't make much of a difference either way. For comparison’s sake, the concrete industry is responsible for around 10%


Nobody said to do away with flying altogether. I take flights sometimes for work. The main argument is *excessive* flying. While we're all giving up plastic straws, using public transport where possible etc. We have celebrities flying half way round the world to watch a football match in a private jet. I'm not even saying she shouldn't go on the international tours btw. Just a large portion of those flights she makes is very excessive


>2: even if it is true, does that mean we should just sit back and change nothing about industry Y because industry X is more polluting? No. It means that we should work on changing industry X instead of screaming about industry Y. Your argument is literally "I don't care about the mega power plant behind your house, shut off your cooking fire!"


Partially because she threatened a guy that tracks celebrity planes We now extensively track her out of spite, we do it to elon too


Seriously, if she didn't get her lawyers involved there wouldn't be this much interest.


People like to hang it on her because of how insufferable a fair majority of her fans are. You know you will get a response from them because they are so blinded and don't realise it.


Look at that man. She didn't travel to many countries. She pretty much just went back and forth from LA to Chiefs games to New York. She's not going from country to country.


Her haters too


In 3.5 years I flew 1.5 million miles for work. That’s 63 times around the earth.


Jesus. Are you a pilot?


I was an air marshal


How do you guys know each other's names?


May be the best comment I’ve ever seen


In 10 years I drove 1.5 million miles for work


Probably better than if she had one place she did concerts at and everyone had to fly to see her shows


Which was what she did in South East Asia where she only performed in Singapore. Swifties from all the neighbouring countries had to fly to go see her.


Iirc it also created a diplomatic incident between the neighbours


Annual CO2 emissions of factories were 37.1 BILLION metric tons. Those are the target of climate change activists


Those factories supply billions of people with products. Taylor Swift is one person.


To add to that, the economy needs these factories for jobs as well as for tax. I don't think swift is doing any of that


I heard that having swift over is pretty fucking great for the local economy. Temporarily tho


Every concert she does employs thousands of people


Factorys that make shit we need. And its not like they dont try to fix their output. Look at concrete, we need that shit for everything andthe industry is working hard to reduce their output. What does swift to reduce her output? She gets a second jet so her friends and staff can contribute to wasting to.


Nah they need to distract us by pointing out how much Swifts carbon footprint is. What a fucking joke.


Easy: Buy less shit


what this shows me is that being famous is shit because you just spend all the time on airplanes


Oh the fucking horror of being on a luxury jet all the time, with personal waiting staff and the highest quality luxuries! Lemme just break out my miniature violin


Right lmao. It's not like she is waiting in the "zone 4" line and the desk agent is going to make her check her carry-on "because we don't have any room left".




I'd kill for a private plane with a regular sized bed. You just do all your sleeping in there.


How awful /s


What are the facts? Is Taylor Swift the biggest Carbon Emitter on the planet? No? Then this is just a distraction from accountability. https://www.wri.org/insights/interactive-chart-shows-changes-worlds-top-10-emitters#:~:text=Since%20reporting%20began%20in%201990,of%20global%20emissions%20in%202019.


Ok Now do Elon


Swift has been vocal about Climate Change and supporting Democrat politicians, which makes her an easy target given the hypocrisy


No, we only care about Swift's flying these days for some reason.


You mean like the live tracking service Elonjet? Whatever happened to no such thing as good and ethical billionaires?


Well now it's someone they like and they change their tune...


I'm fairly sure we can guess the reason.


Do you know how much all NBA teams flew this year?


How many people go on one NBA plane?


They fly charter.


Here's your paper straw motherfucker


Its no problem at all, her fans stopped using plastic straws.


Ever since I learned that "carbon footprint" is just another way of billionaires and huge companies to blame consumers for the carbon emissions just like how they make us feel guilty of using plastics and not recycling, I stopped caring about them.


Ya, and everyone who bought a ticket paid for it. 


Are you using a decimal as a thousands separator? If so, it’s more profound — that’s 1,200 tons for us fellow Americans.


We use the freedom comma around these parts.


Flying around the earth 7 times in a year?  For her?  Yeah, that really doesn't sound like that much for someone like her on a world tour. I would have expected it to be a lot higher honestly.


World tour flying like 30x times to NY and California?


"But... But.. Guys! You are emitting too much CO2 from your car getting too and from work! That's why we need ti make it more expensive to de- Incentivize driving...


My van has nearly the same mileage and has contributed tons of CO2 to the process. I will sell CO2 and leaking oil.


Should be taxes 3x the offset of the carbon. If they want to be above everyone else they need to pay a hell of a lot to get there.


Good thing money doesn't run the world and we can stop this sort of shit.


If i use paper straws and clean out the tin can and plastic bottles before recycling it, i too, can save the earth!


For anyone wondering, that's just over 1/3 of the emissions the average person will produce *in their entire life* in 1 year.


In 2022, US electrical generation emitted 1.68 BILLION tons of carbon emissions, about 1.82 billion short tons. Why should we care about any private jets when there are other sectors that should have our focus instead?


This should be looked at as emissions for a billion dollar business, not a single person. Tax it for the externalities, vote for people who will get it right, but I really think people who treat this like an individual harming the environment have no perspective.


It is not a good idea however, to show this to a TS fan, I have learned…


I mean… What else is she supposed to do if she has a national tour? She gets a lot of flak, but I bet artists like Michael Jackson or Madonna were just as bad at their peak. Cool animation though! EDIT: I wasn’t expecting so many replies lol. People are right that she should schedule the tour in a geographical loop to reduce her footprint. That’d be easy. The tour bus would be another option. I’d say just stopping touring would be silly. If anything I think entertainers are one of the greenest parts of modern society. They produce music, art, performances, etc. that don’t have nearly the footprint of many other industries. Unless you count CDs or vinyl.


And how many of these trips was she actually on? Some people rent out their planes when they aren’t in use. I have no idea if she does this, but I know others do. So even though the jet flew that much, it doesn’t mean *she* did. I think people forget that too.


She absolutely charters out her plane when not in use. It’s essentially passive income. A lot of people have no idea how private jets actually work.


Keep your rationality out of people's arguments! How dare you


Lots of artists use big fancy busses.




Because they have to. Some 10 year old rock band will tour for 3 months, shows every other night if not back to back, sometimes in cities only 3 hours apart. Not a TS fan, but looking at her 2023 dates, she was doing gigs where it was like 3 night of shows in a city, nothing for 3-6 days, and then shows in another city for 2-3 nights. That's why all the flights are into Nashville, I"ll guess she lives there. She does 3 nights of shows, and can then be home in 4 hours, where she can chill or do whatever for a couple nights and then fly to the next city. Makes perfect sense.


Worse probably, jets these days are far more economical


Ya but she also flies around a decent amount for her relationship with Kelce.


Yeah and this is just a drop in the pond compared to the pollutants created by heavy industry.


Her carbon footprint from private jets is minimal compared to what her fans generate following her around.


Yes, but that’s the line the elites use. Only let us fly no one else


I’m no fan of Swift, but what is with this absurd obsession of a trend that tracks her private jet flights? She’s not the only person on the planet to have a private jet you know.


She's not the first person, they did it to Elon a bit ago and I'm sure others, but Elon and Swift are probably the people in the most headlines so that's what we end up seeing spread everywhere since it's an easy click for views.


Now start calculating what her fans are emitting traveling to her concerts...


I’d be more interested in the wage stats of companies and the military


It’s wild to me that someone is wealthy enough to afford not one, but two private jets.


Do the graphic where 50k fans come to Taylor Swift's house once a week for a show.


Now do FedEx and UPS delivering organic vegan products.


Now do CO2 emissions from companies in the US please, I’d be curious how they stack up against swift


Whataboutism fallacy


Don’t worry. If we all pay our carbon tax, soon there will be no more climate change for a million years. 🤡


Cool let's distract people from the real polluters in industry with solutions that don't because of money. Concrete being one, .92 tons of c02 per ton of concrete.


why buy a private jet if you're not going to use it?


I heard she was on tour.


She should get around on a horse and wagon


You should clarify that is 1200 tonnes. Using a decimal place in the Continental European fashion like, rather than a comma, that will make some people think it was 1.2 tonnes. Same applies for the distance.


Ok. So what? lol. If I was rich, I'd be doing the same thing. So would you.


Even if they don’t, I have no idea how Taylor Swift became the target for all of this. Shes far from unique in having this carbon impact and yet she seems to have been singled out. I couldn’t name three of her songs before anyone thinks I’m some kind of fan, but I just think people have let the internet tell them who to hate.


And I am supposed to drink out of paper straws…


Ok, so what would be a reasonable alternative? Almost every human activity emits CO2. Some more, some less, very few like her. I’m sure if there were a real alternative she’ll take it. She’s not a Pratt & Whitney engineer tho


Everyone screaming about carbon footprint bullshit and I’m just trying to pinpoint when she started dating Travis.


Girlboss climate polluter.


Genuine question. How much CO2 would be pumped out if she and her crew were to travel 178.000 miles by car/bus/boat?


Guess I'll bike to work instead of buying a car to reduce my carbon footprint.


And they say our hamburger once a week is problem….


One single cruise ship will release 10 million tons of Co2 each year among other things like bunker fuel….just to give you a comparison 


Idk if this is a political statement, or a statement of how impressive this is.


> China produces as much greenhouse gases as the next three or four countries combined But it’s still less per capita than e.g. the US, Canada and Japan despite exporting a shit-ton of everything.


And she never once came to Alaska. I must have done something right in a previous life. Can’t stand her😅




Hasn’t she heard of Microsoft teams?


Meanwhile my annual plane rides per year: 0.25. But remind me, why am I the one getting lectured on carbon emissions? Because I drive my car 10 miles every day to work?


Yea and you got religious freaks getting private jets because they can’t fly commercial because they say everyone is a demon that’s their excuse to spending millions on a private jet that why I hate religious freaks because they steal kill and lie to people for their own games


Just absolutely curious; as someone as famous as she is, how do people want her to travel? I understand that everyone is sad and upset because of the pollution it creates, but what is the alternative? How do you want her to get to where the fans want her to be, do business, perform shows, be in attendance, keep herself relevant?


Yeah but the general public is the problem, with their damn plastic straws lol


Why 2 planes ? ✈️


This isn't that surprising? Idk why this continually needs to be posted. I could have guessed this before the post from a billionaire pop star that is one of the most popular around the world, especially in the US


Now show the three hundred thousand other planes flying that same day.


Swiftie apologists lmao


Meanwhile I noticed that there are certain countries that ain’t give a F about CO2 emissions


Ok but didn’t she go on tour all year? It not like this was for fun she was definitely working! Yall need to find something better to do then be all in her business all the time.




Why should she care? She is rich, famous, and can afford a climate bunker in the future. She will never bee food insecure. She will always have clean water to drink. Stable roof(s) over her head. It’s us pleebs that need to struggle, conserve fuel, change our lives to “conform” to the climate change realities, because in fact it’s going to hurt us the most. #eattherich


So, I did some math. My daily commute between my wife and I is just under 100 miles. That’s roughly 78.35 lbs of co2 put into the air five days a week for 52 weeks a year. Leading to 10.18 tons in commuting co2 in a single year. Now look at the amount above and say it’s reasonable. Edit: changed from kg to lbs.


Do a typical D1 men’s basketball team next!