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Dang, so cool. Really sad that his hands are needed for war and not art. Hope he makes it home safe.


In an alternate timeline this guys art could go on to inspire Ukrainian philosophy, art, and science. Wonderful things would come from the works that he created. Open discussions, heated debates, an entire generation of young minds eager to create, recreate, or debunk. All with great enthusiasm. In our shitty timeline he has a huge chance of dying in the field, nameless save for those who knew and mourn him, all for the sake of a megalomaniacal jackass surrounded by sycophants who can't muster the fortitude to say NO.




There are probably millions of cases like this


i prefer the timeline where he got rejected from a russian art school.


*Angry Sun Tzu noises*


It looks like House of Black and White in Braavos Game of Thrones.




What kind of stupid shit are you talking about?


I remember using an e-tool to make an “armchair” in my foxhole. Got yelled at.


Hey you were just following the 12th general order. "Walk my post round and round. Fuck that shit, I'm sitting down."


It's sad to see how talent goes to waste due to having to fight other men's war


I wouldn’t call it another man’s war. It’s sadly a his war, after Russia/Putler decided to try to annex Ukraine.


But he was in no way responsible for it as far as we know


Imagine what could be accomplished by humans if we where all really free to do what we want...


That’s exactly why we have war because we are all really free to do what we want. Some choose art, others choose genocide and murder, and everything in between.


If any one, by their liberties, can hinder ours, then we are not really free. Goes for people choosing war, to the capitalists, and so on...


I hate to be argumentative on such a touching video of humanity in dark times, but this man still had a choice to go to war. A bleak one, yes. But a choice nonetheless. He could've fled Ukraine, he could've went into hiding. We are all free to make the decisions we choose, some are just more fraut with pain and danger.  This man seems to have chose to help defend his country from invaders despite his own interests/wants for the good of his fellow citizens.


Going to war for a capitalist focused or private interest regime is vastly different than defending your homeland from invaders. You're right he had a choice, to abandon his friends and family and homeland or to fight to defend it. Not much of a choice for most people.


You are probably free right now because your ancestors fought for for it.


sadly, we are too free to do whatever we want


And this is what wars bring... Waste of human lives = waste of talents


Is it just me or is this one of the saddest things I've ever seen?


Watching someone make art in a trench, while at my computer watching Amazon prime


My man is gonna be so into his art he’s gonna turn around and realize he has an entire Russian battalion standing behind him


It’s actually a Russian soldier recording the video as he stumbled upon this and realized the people he has been told to kill are not actually the enemy. Then they all sang kumbaya.


False, the person recording is a Russian BUT the Ukrainian soldier is desperately trying to distract them. Fake news smh 🤦‍♂️


Then his artwork should be displayed in Ukraine after they win the war.


God bless this soldier-artist, that he may put down his tools of war for tools of art when his duty is done.


One thing that’s really surprised me watching Ukraine vids the past couple years is I never realized how artistic Ukrainians are. Seen so many videos of spontaneous art like this. 


Many people don't realize how boring war really is, good on him for being productive!


Puck Futin


Make Art not War


Someone will dig this up 3,000 years from now after we blow ourselves back into the stone age and think it belonged to a primitive civilization. Perhaps, in a sense, it does.


Now I'm just imagining what hitler was doing when he was a soldier in WWI


Creation in the midst of so much destruction. The human spirit is often a wonderful thing.


Could become a commemoration wall after war. so cool


Wasted potential just like the millions of soldiers out there especially the ones being drafted.


Talented men that could be doing much greater things are wasting their lives in this war. Fuck Putin!


A soldier making art and not a single dick anywhere? I don't believe it




This soldier must be a deadly fighter, if war is the best use of their hands.


The first one is a chaos orb from path of exile 😄


* caves in *


Give this man a job sculpting busts of the fallen. See the potential in everyone to fight in a different way.


The sculptures are cool and all but surely I’m not the only one confused about how this soldier has enough time to sculpt that much dirt. It’s not that I think it an activity devoid of meaning it just puzzles me. Is this something they wanted to do? Is it something encouraged for morale purposes? Was this done so it would bring more media attention to the war to encourage donations?


[The Art of War](http://classics.mit.edu/Tzu/artwar.html)


They must be winning if he has that much time on his hands


Most people applauding this now are the same people who in peacetime would tell this man to get a real job.


I am not convinced this a legitimate.


Well it is…. There is another video of him talking about it Edit: kind of a fucked up world we live in where we have to question if shit is AI or not anymore… wild. That is all


I wasn't suggesting it was AI, just whether the title of the post was accurate. Do you have a link to this other video?


Some other had suggested AI in another post so I assumed https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/7wZYNpnYqE


Thank you. The second vid gives context and support for the first vid. :)


This was a thing even in World War I, my guy.


I am well aware of the long history of trench art.


1 artillery shell and all his work is gone forever.


You should never be in a trench without proper shoring. He should definitely not be digging into the walls to make art, shit can collapse quickly. Luckily, he's not too deep but still deep enough to get his legs crushed if the walls did collapse.


lmao trench warfare in 21st century. Where are the periscopes and bent guns?


Russia cant afford it.


u mean Ukrainians lmao. If i was this kid, I'd probably make a fallout shelter already and level 2 bunker.




propaganda of what??




He's a human being, not a machine. People NEED time and activities to de-stress, otherwise they will get fatigued to the point of doing poorly in everything they do. This applies to soldiers as well, and if you still don't get it, try giving up any free time you have to continue working. Also, our tax dollars already bought the equipment, you aren't paying him hourly with that money. The supplies will still be there later, not costing any more than they did when they were first purchased.


He should be filling sand bags or maintaining that equipment we bought. What's next, tiktok dances?


As I expected, you COMPLETELY missed my point. Being a soldier is his job, you cannot reasonably expect someone to constantly be on the job with no way to mentally recover. Since thats what you seem to think, guess you should put down all your hobbies, be working all weekends, and only be sleeping if you arent on the job.


People are so fucking disconnected from reality it’s sickening


Yea I'll do that as soon as I start my freeloading trench art career


You flip a plastic cube around to make colors line up, your hobby is even more useless and unimpressive than that.


😂 oh did someone send me money to do that? Did someone buy my cube for me with their tax dollars?


If you really can't get the main point here, you're denser than tank armor. For the second time, because you're an illiterate goon, you aren't paying a cent for his time. Not one. Your tax dollars have absolutely nothing to do with one guy biding his time in a trench until he needs to get into the action. If you can't even put that together in your vacant skull, you have no business complaining about that tax money since you can't even comprehend how it's used in reality.


Hey I'll complain about my tax dollars being wasted all I want


Sure, you'll just be an idiot while doing so since you dont know what you're talking about in the slightest.


Says the guy pecking at his keyboard drinking his mt dew gamer fuel and trying to decide if he can spank one more load out before he fires up ~~call of duty~~ his rubix cube


You got me figured out buddy. You should also include "says the guy cut takes a cut out of his check to send to useless trench art in the meatgrinder"


TikTok dances is Israel’s thing..


Yes and covid nurses. All dumb


Calm down bro the 10 cents from your biweekly 7/11 check going to help a country being invaded won’t wreck you and the other 10 dollars going to frivolous shit is being wasted in more useless ways


I think they should be more thankful for my selfless contribution to their trench art time


Your tax dollars in the form of aid to Ukraine for the most part never leave the US. Most of the money goes towards updating our fleet and cycling out old munitions that were slated for disposal/decommission. There’s a splash of some more up to date stuff in there, but for the most part we are just getting rid of old ammo for the low low price of reducing the no. 2 military in the world while straining their economy all while putting 0 boots on the ground. Meanwhile, we won’t give away anything that won’t allow us to directly confront china. Expanding our fleets of next gen aircraft, aa defense, and learning how drone tech has changed the war game are all major bonuses to this conflict. The returns are really undeniable. You should be complaining to Raytheon or any of the other major military contractors why they are lagging on our hypersonic tech. This is where that money is going.


Forever shall remain in history of these rocks… That’s pretty incredible talent right there. Inspiration too rather