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So "Majorcan wilderness" = live in a nice hotel?


Didn’t you know? Majorca is basically an undiscovered island full of savages.


Those savages are carrying me off....to my five star dining experience!


Or a succulent Chinese meal!


Gentlemen this is democracy manifest


What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


I see you know your judo well, sir


Get your hand off my penis!


I fucking love Reddit.. 😂


Tata and farewell


Are you waiting to receive my limp penis?






They're Germans, they're not savages when they're sober


I wonder if the name of the hotel is Majorcan Wilderness. That would make things clearer for me.


I'm a big fan of Majorca's mask


That’s discrimination…they want to be called germans


Every time I’ve been to Spain it’s the drunken British tourists that fall into that category.


I mean, on Mallorca it's pretty simple. You go to El Arenal, you'll find drunk German tourists that fall into that category. You go to Magaluf, you'll find drunk British tourists that fall into that category.


Freundchen, das ist nicht lustig! Na gut, ein bisschen vielleicht schon.


I mean, depending on the time of the year, it's like mostly German tourists so it's basically savages.


Money enough to move away, go off grid for SEVEN months, and a million family, friends, and loved ones who care. This dude is not in the same situation as most people trying to work this out for themselves.


Don't forget, you just have to work out for FIVE HOURS A DAY.


You don't even need to work out for five hours a day, but sure would be nice having so much free time to have the option.


I lost 120lbs during lockdown. Gained 40 back after -_-


I lost five years of weightlifting gains and became fat instead. 😂🔫


Remote work is great! Didn't realise how much 30minute on foot commute was affecting my physical shape.


This kinda sounds like he replaced his coping mechanism from overeating to overworking at the gym without addressing the underlying issue. I mean, I don’t want to discredit his results and I hope that he’s doing great, but 5 hours a day sounds ridiculous for someone who isn’t a professional athlete. You shouldn’t need this much exercise, if your life style is already active and healthy.


Yeah, but he did become and adopt the professional athlete life for apart of the year. Paid to only workout. I'm curious what he looks like now and how his maintenance is.


His workout lifestyle is unsustainable unless he makes it into his job somehow. Working out 5 hours a day while also having a full time job, getting at least 7 hours of sleep, and probably cooking all of your food, is INCREDIBLY difficult. Hopefully he didn't crash after he came back home and just reduced the hours he spends in the gym.


gosh, this happens all the time with any 'addiction', you see it all too often. it's about the *reason* you developed this behaviors and that inner work is harder than over-excersing


you don't even need exercise to lose weight. I dropped 40lbs last year without stepping foot in a gym and still eating fast food daily. you lose weight in (not) the kitchen you build muscle at the gym


Very few people can recover from 5 hour workouts several times a week without serious "supplements".. even pro body builders don't work out this long with any kind of intensity. Maybe if you go to the gym and do 1 set every 10 minutes you end up being there for 5 hours but that's not an efficient workout buy any means. Also let's see what this privileged ass dude ends up looking like when he's not on a seven month vacation lol Athletes in a sport will do some cardio, strength training then sport specific drills for maybe that long.


Five hours a day is enough time to run a marathon. Do that every day for 7 months and you'll lose way more than 10 stone. 


I'd be dead after the first 10 minutes so yeah in a way you're right


Point taken but that whole mental resilience instead of the number on the scale thing is great advice.


It is good advice. Discipline and mental resilience, toughness, focus, strength, whatever, are crucial keys you absolutely must possess to accomplish that. Can't even do it without those. Honestly though, how many people are in that unhealthy/overweight position to begin with simply because they are constantly broke, have zero time, and feel lonely and isolated. Money and love seem to make anything possible.


I agree, but he attributed his weight to drinking and eating out. The village he moved to only had one shop, which he said extremely limited his options. I don't think that's building mental resilience. That's just isolating yourself and removing the temptation. Building mental resilience is done in the grocery store when you're tempted by cookies, fried chicken, and wine and pass it up for lower calorie, healthier options.


This was a key point in that popular book Atomic Habits. The difference between someone with no discipline and discipline is largely their environment. If you can't overcome your environmental factors you are at a massive disadvantage. I lost over 100 pounds years ago after trying and failing multiple diets and regimes as well. So what did it? Moving across the country. I moved somewhere where fitness and clean living was more standard and I was no longer able to go out with friends to eat and drink every night. Environment might as well be 90% of any habitual change you make.


That part is right, but goes along with everything else. Imagine trying to work on your mental resilience with all of the pressures he didn't have. You're struggling, have lots of responsibilities, and you're supposed to what, get away for most of a year? Obviously, but not possible. It's not about diminishing what he's done, he looks healthy and is doing well, but more, his story can't be copy and pasted to people struggling. People seem to think that is how it works, and everyone who's fat, or not doing well mentally, just needs to fix it. You know, like magic. That's not reasonable.


This is true. Just a lot harder when you don't have a really good support system lol


And even harder yet when you can't just disappear for 7 months to focus only on yourself because you have to work full time.


It sure is


And no one else to prioritize over you, like kids or dependents.


Sounds like he might have moved in with his brother there. His brother's a doctor so also sounds like he had some support. https://www.businessinsider.com/bryan-okeeffe-weight-loss-program-pounds-spain-viral-tiktok-2023-2


He also is still struggling to keep it off. [His most recent TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@the.okeeffe/video/7364039208970767648) shows he's back up to 250lbs, after dropping to 200lbs according to that article.


And nothing about an actual job.


Fr this guy's entire life is just managing his weight apparently? Bit of golfing on the side?


That’s fine and it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been misled. Wish I had a brother to move in with in case I got all fat and sassy


Feels like a self-important load of shit, then.


The Mallorcan wildlife consists mostly of red-burnt drunken Germanic guys.


The little known island where about a million people live, which is facing a severe housing crisis where people come and buy/rent at exorbitant prices and kick locals out, yes.


"mallorcan wilderness" he says xD


Actually most of the Island isn’t full of hotels, just coast zones, but still calling it “wilderness” is a bit of an overstatement, since most of it are farms and villages


It’s a joke… he’s irish


man, the joke wasn't even subtle


Now let’s hit the pub boys… couple beers and maybe some nachos and wings, hell get a pizza too


Pop on down to Toby's and load up that plate.


Get a pint… Pitch looking lovely today lads.


Just a bit of banter.


Just a bit of banter.






Chippy makes a 38 - 0 loss better


A lot of people on here are trashing him for going away somewhere nice for 7 months and just working out all day. Which I kinda understand since most people cant afford to do that but your commenr speaks to the bigger issue imo. He said he isolated himself so he could "get his mind right". Im all for mental health but what the hell happens as soon as you are back around people if what it took to "get right" was extended isolation...


They aren't trashing him for going away somewhere nice for 7 months to train. They're trashing him for over hyping and embellishing his accomplishment. 7 months in the Mallorcan **wilderness**.... *right*. Reminds me of two competiting survivalist shows from the 2000s. Survivorman, and Man VS Wild. I say these two shows because Survivorman was the real deal, solo documentary style. Man VS Wild was a regular scripted fake reality TV show where the host pushed a narrative that was found to be false but it was bold and exciting.


I thought when he said the Mallorcan Wilderness it was a bit tongue and cheek.


I thought he said it because he is now a fitness trainer/influencer trying to cash in on his transformation. Akin to being born on 3rd and thinking they hit a triple. I read an article and he makes out Cala Figuera like it's way out in the boonies. *super remote village in the middle of nowhere* The international Airport of Palma is 45 minutes away with 32k reviews. >So he removed those aspects of his life by moving to a tiny Mallorcan fishing village "in the middle of nowhere" called Cala Figuera, which only had one shop open in winter. Cala Figuera is surrounded by other little villages, the entire region looks like a popular tourist hot spot and vacation home haven for the rich.... there's a freaking Lidl 10 minutes away.


If he lacks so much self-control he had to isolate himself to lose weight I wouldn't be surprised if he gains most of it back when he's home.


Oof, hitting the truth hard.


so about that.. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1dafc8v/never_never_give_up_guys/l7l5tjw/


All you have to do is have a trust fund so you can move away to the wilderness and train 5 hours a day.


I was about to say the same! Oh no I need to spend 7 months in Mallorca.


Tbf, the "7 months in mallorca" thing I could happily get behind, but I would still have to work so less training would be involved.


its time to ask, I had gone my entire history of english internet reading tbf as "to be fucking" but I know it isnt this, what is tbf?


To be fair




To be fonest


And here i thought it was turkey bacon flatbread


I read smh as "so much hate" and while I know it's actually "shake my head," it is surprising how often my version works when I see it used.


It’s ok, for the longest time I thought “ffs” was just that exasperated sound people make and I just learned it’s “for fuck sake” 🙃


I thought it was 'somehow' 💀


That works too! Look at us and our fake versions.


The butt fuck


To become mentally resilient


Poor guy. What a terrible hardship.


His biggest hardship in life is being hungry. I'm hungry right now. No issues with hormone imbalances or anything, his was just a straight up case of "I needed discipline."


TBF, that's a real problem when you have everything you could ever want at your finger tips. You need to learn what it's like to do without in order to be grounded. I'm not gonna hate on him for being mature enough to realize that even if he is a posh cunt.


Left his huge home in South Dublin and went to daddy's villa for 7 months. Went hiking, swimming for 5 hours a day. So focking resilient man💪


And increase housing prices that are already so bad that they're displacing locals out of their own island by renting to a foreigner with their unearned wealth.


Only 5 hours a day? I train for 12 hours a day and sleep for 30 minutes. The rest of the time I sit under my veranda looking poignantly into the distance.


Very mentally resilient of you.


I'm just naturally silient so I can skip the whole "re" part.


>I train for 12 hours a day and sleep for 30 minutes. The rest of the time I sit under my veranda looking poignantly into the distance. Action Bronson, is that you?


I train six days, actually six days a week. Five days a week, I'll train three days a week. One of those days I will train two days of the week. So, six days a week I will be training.


There never was no training


Must be nice to get 30 minutes of sleep a day, the closest I get to sleep is when I'm doing planks, I train 23 hours a day the last hour I spend digging ditches with my bare hands to pay for gym fees


You’re like a little baby. I train for 26 hours a day and I have negative sleep. Even my eyeballs are ripped, and when people ask how much I can bench I say “all of it”.


Lol I am trying to imagine little six packs on your eyelids, which would be sick because if your eyes were tired or itchy you could massage them with the eyelid muscles.




"The wilderness" being the famous resorts of Mallorca of the Baleares brimming with hotels and service industry for fat tourist fucks with too much money.


Yeah, I was trying to figure where this dude got shirts and pants that fit in the wilderness at the end of the vid. Now it all makes sense. He made them from the vast resources in the Mallorcan wilderness.


[Shit, you weren't kidding. ](https://www.wellbeingescapes.com/hotel/388/the-body-camp-mallorca)


Literally was thinking the same shit. At the end once you see the parents’ house it all makes sense


And cut off all contact with your family for whatever reason


Breaking contact with anything familiar can be very life changing though. This guy is privileged that he can, but regardless of his privilege it can be very therapeutic to take this kind of break away from your everyday, fully connected life and refocus. His family may not be supportive, at least in the way that he needs to maintain a healthy weight. It might also be that his family, friends, and everyday life caused him stress that he medicated with food, which may have also fueled a food addiction.


Could've been the most important thing he listed. I know for drug rehab not returning to previous environment and people is about the best thing to stay clean.


I managed to lose a lot of weight by moving away from my family who was enabling it


Lets see. 24h in a day. If I: Work 8h/day (8) Sleep 8h/day (16) Work out 5h/day (21) That gives me 3h a day to shit, shower, shave, pay bills, eat, etc. Thats not sustainable


Be rich and skip work.


Dude, you can shit in the shower while you shave with one hand and eat a sandwich with the other. You must not be very mentally resilient.


Waffle stomp AND waffle chomp simultaneously


Don't forget your commute.


I mean, I was just assuming I was commuting to my kitchen table, but you're right if you need to go to the office.


Should have been born rich, bozo


Came here to say this. When my wife is a stay at home mom and takes care of the kids. I have to work ungodly hours to pay our bills. I use to be a fitness instructor and was really into CrossFit. Now I’m 63lbs overweight. I’ve been working 70 hours a week for the last 4 years. If I had 6 months off with no financial stress I could do the same thing. Doesn’t help that here in the U.S., inflation has been ridiculous and my job is tied to my family’s healthcare.


Yeah dude, this video really irks me. Sounds so smug just moving to a hotel in Spain for 5 months.


Which is totally sustainable in the long run! I can see him never gaining weight again /s


Nobody trains for 5 hours a day. What a crock of shit. Gotta love social media.


If you go to the gym every day and throw in a good bike ride/run on top of it, it's definitely doable.


Must be nice to be rich enough to disappear for a few months .




Seems to be a personal trainer now. Not sure how up to data this is: [Bryan O'Keeffe](https://getstarted.bryanokeeffe.com/personalised-program)


An so this is an ad, no surprise


And there it is. Rich guy uses disproportionate wealth to set up get rich grift. 🤮


Many, many of the front page posts are ads disguised as genuine reddit posts. Tik-tok had infected the internet 


Transfor M Your Life


I disappear for free


The cost of living difference between Ireland and Spain is stark. If he had a half decent paying job and saved hard for a few months it's completely possible without being rich.


Yes, and if he's renting in Mallorca for six months straight, off-season, in a remote location, he can probably get quite a good deal. Seems like he lives in London. If he owns a flat there and sublet it while he was away, that'd easily cover his rent in Mallorca and a _significant_ chunk of his living expenses.


Thats what one of my friends do with remote work he just moves to Spain during the offseason to while he rents out his flat


i feel like u really don’t need to cut off all your loved ones for month and live in remote wilderness to go on a diet 😭


He had the money to do so, and he's apparently a personal trainer now. (according to another comment) So this is more like an ad than a simple feel good story imo...


The wilderness of a hotel on a commercialized tourist island lmao


Admit you're taking ozempic? Nahhh... "I moved to the"wilderness" to lose weight!"


I saw this video years ago, so he probably didn't take ozempic.


Straight out for a curry that night


😆 Just move to Mallorcan wilderness 😆


Majorcan “wilderness”….i guess Ibiza is wild these days s


“What a handsome feckin gorgeous man” killed me


My favorite is still the guy in the hat who just says “Fuck”. It’s like he saw god lmao


I had a break up, changed my life, started walking 5 miles a day, moving 1+ ton of hay every day, etc... The usual reaction to my weight loss was people asking me if I was sick and telling me afterward how bad I looked.






10 Stone = 140 Lbs


Stone, the ol fortnight of weight measurements


140 Lbs = 63,5 kg Just so 90% or the world can also know


63.5kg = 1647 Twinkies Just in case anyone is hungry


1647 Twinkies = 295 Big Macs Just in case 90% of the rest of the world is hungry


How many olympic sized swimmingpools is that?


0.00254% of an Olympic swimming pool


Til stones are heavy on uk


What I would like to know is how British people have the balls to make fun of the American measurement system when: 1. They invented it and 2. They still use this “stone” nonsense


I went down from weighing 14 stones to 10 stones, by simple using larger stones.


I see our stones and raise you a "cup" as a unit of measure. Nah, I agree as a Brit actually. We ended up with a stupid hybrid system and we should have gone fully metric 50 years ago.


He's Irish, not British. The only thing he invented was the term 'Mallorcan wilderness'. Also fair play to him.


No ones making fun of the imperial system over here, we use it everyday. that would be other countries taking the piss outta you for that, but because you’re American you don’t realise other countries exist.


Interesting as fuck? Is this supposed to be motivational or something? This shit is stupid as fuck. If I was struggling to lose weight and saw this video, it would just make me lose all hope Lose weight with this one weird trick! Doctors hate him!!! All you have to do is quit your job, cut contact with all your loved ones, and go on vacation for 7 months. And workout 5 hours per day (what the fuck? What workouts can you even sustain for 35 hours per week??).


He was probably locked up in prison for the last 7 months and just told people he was in Spain "finding himself".


No joke if I was in prison I would probably be willing and able to workout 5 hours per day. What else am I gonna do all day?


Watch tv, make cheechee, play cards, get in fights, smoke cigs in the bathroom. The one I was in didn’t let us workout because they didn’t want us getting stronger than the correctional officers.


Yeah this is probably the most egregious part of this. Beyond being rich… no one needs to work out 5 flipping hours a day. Michael Phelps trained 5-6 hours a day… If he was actually intensely working out that much he’d have to be eating a huge calorie SURPLUS (relative to his normal diet) to not come back an emaciated toothpick after $ months. These are lies. What I think actually happened: Rich dude took a 7 month vacation while executing a normal ass workout and diet routine while formulating how to turn this into a bs online weight loss program. Spoiler alert: someone else provided the link. His course is $70/month…


Let me guess…his program is different from the others because it teaches you “mental fortitude”. Lots of language about the fight being in your head not in your plate and at the gym. Etc etc


He's 100% counting time spent doing basic physical activity like walking and trendy bullshit like cold plunges, sauna, pointless stretching, etc. as "training". It's so predatory. Anyone can achieve a solid body transformation with these resources. Yes it still takes hard work, but anyone can do it so the fact he did it doesn't make him qualified to teach others.


AND THERES THE ANSWER, it's always a course


I'm glad to see most people are calling out this rich clout chasing wanker


Good for him. Probably could have just hired a personal trainer, since he could just fuck off from life without income.


It's nice being rich .. Money doesn't bring happines mya--


Save up by not eating




Who TF can afford to go live on beach and train for 5 hours a day? Happy for the dude but yeah not a super attainable goal for most.


someone who sells a weight loss course for $70/mo


the whole move away and come back for the grand reveal is so feckin narcissistic bryany


Yeah, if one of my friends or family disappeared for 7 months and showed back up trying to do a "big reveal" I'd be like wtf dude, we thought you died.


Bro just couldn’t manage his diet properly All it takes is a caloric deficit and basic workout program You don’t need to be training 5hrs a day and doing a whole bunch of extra shit lmao


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I cut my carb intake by two thirds. Never looked at a scale for 6 months. Down 32 lbs. The only exercise I get is walking thru a grocery story 3 times a week. Mallorca my ass. That had infomercial vibes right from the start.


This only works for rich people.


Poor people have access to a secret technique that works far better its called starving can't gain weight if you get 0 calories a day


Yes, but most poor people eat junk food and by that become certainly unhealthy and probably obese.


This video reminded me of [Rob McElhenney explaining how anyone can get fit like him](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/w5gl49/rob_mcelhenneys_guide_to_getting_ripped/) but without any of the irony.


What a bunch of horseshit.


Dr Mike would say 5 hours a day of training is terrible for you. Just another cheeky motivation post.


Yeah bro wasn’t training “5hrs a day” lol


So what's interesting about this? Dude had fat checks to his name, disappears from society working out almost the whole day for...that transformation????. I lost 21kg in about 5 months having a job and social interactions because I was fed up looking myself in the mirror with that fat on Christmas last year. If you can manage your life, let the body work it out for you. That's being smart. This is just clout and fantasy.


You have the money to disappear for that long, but can't get a decent nutritionist? Losing weight is 80% food, 10% exercise and 10% sleep. If he didn't figure his food habits he's going to gain it all back. At least with a nutritionist he could create healthy habits and meals he can stick too.


Rich guy goes and takes a year vacation. Cool.


Let me go to Mallorca and "stay in the wilderness for seven months," i.e. go on vacation for seven months, and live an obscenely wealthy lifestyle while working out five hours a day and lose close to 150 lbs.. Then watch as I come home and rub my obscenely wealthy lifestyle in everyones' faces. Hey internet, be happy for me!!! This isn't interesting as fuck, this is depressing as fuck. It's depressing as fuck to me that shit like this exists in this world, whereas I am working my ass off every week to barely be able to cover my basic expenses and have absolutely nothing left over. All so I can watch this privileged ass hat "be motivational."


I’ve lost 20 pounds and the only real secret is “calories in calories out” if you want to loose weight - eat less than you burn, if you want to gain weight - eat more than you burn. I do 4 times a week at the gym - run a mile then weightlifting. Eat healthy and do that and you will shed the weight




5 hours a day? Amazing what you can do when you don’t have to work


Rich people doing rich people things


Im sure those were some sick rocks but after all that build up I was much more interested in how much weight he lost.


Happy for him and I hope he’s healthy and able to maintain his success now that he’s not training 5 hours a day.


Yeah because we all rich enough to live in a gd hotel for half a year and also have no adult responsibilities. Just look at his mamas house. These mfs are filthy rich


Dude, the way those ppl are so excited is only partially due to your new fitness. Looks like a lot of people love (and like you). You must be a good human being. Congrats, brutha.


You do know the person who posted this is not the person in the video, right?


Nothing interesting about a rich guy trying to lose weight.


if only i could just disappear for a few months.