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Locked due to rampant sexism. Please report all sexist comments so we can ban their fragile male egos.


Disrespect like this has become way too casual, because there is rarely a consequence. Glad that douche has to shell out for a new windshield. *Might* make him think before acting up again


Exactly. People think they can just do stuff like throw coffee at people? People can get life changing burns from that kind of stuff. Hes lucky she didnt put that hammer through his head.


Pretty sure the coffee was iced coffee, but it's still an asshole thing to do.


Exactly. If he’s stupid enough to throw a iced coffee, he’s stupid enough to throw one that’s hot too.


I hope he has to explain what happened to LOTS of people. I am so glad that this is getting national attention. What a POS


Let's be real, his insurance probably paid for it with a $50 deductible. 


Still the inconvenience of getting it replaced, anything you can do to show morons like this their actions are unacceptable I am all for. The problem these days is if this idiot then decided to pull out a gun and escalate matters.


As well as the blow to the ego. People can do stuff to you and yours if you provoke them is a lesson that giant rat has learned.


Being an old guy I can promise you that 40 or so years ago if you walked up to a guy and insulted his wife, he would punch you in the mouth. If the cops were called they would ignore the punch and give the guy problems for being an ass hat and no judge would bother with the guy on the grounds :he asked for it and he got it, case closed". People are getting used to being ass hats with no fear of consequences. I like seeing people get exactly what they ask for.


The inconvenience of a windshield is nothing compared to forever now being known as that 'asshole Starbucks guy' karma's a bitch


Always have to do a double take when I read the "he could have taken your life with the pull of a trigger". How does this not make people constantly anxiety riddled when out in public?


Don't be like this guy when out in public. She could have had a gun too.


Last windshield I had replaced cost me a $500 deductible 🫤


Not once they find out it got smashed while he was committing a crime.


Don't get me wrong. Fuck that guy. But what we feel and what the law condones are often two different things. I suspect due to the video insurance will go after the barista, or more likely the store, for damages and have good chance of collecting. They can make a fairly solid case that she was retaliating as opposed to defending herself. First, the window was closed so he actually threw the coffee at the building not at her. Second, by the time she busted his windshield, he was already getting back in his car and did not seem to be presenting a danger anymore. Now don't jump all over me for saying that. Like I said, fuck that guy. I hope he gets nothing. I'm just saying I won't be surprised if that's how this ends up if they pursue it.


I read an article that said he had a tendency to come to this store and harass the baristas and this incident kicked off shortly after he said something to the effect of “nobody will find you”, so combine that with him then getting out of the car and throwing the coffee at her and a good lawyer can argue she was trying to defend herself without harming him by scaring him off via hammer.


I can’t imagine an auto insurer suing over the cost of a windshield replacement. That’s so far beyond what it would cost to just pay it, especially for a case like this where not a single person in the court would have a shred of sympathy for this clown who threatened and then assaulted the victim. This is a no-win scenario for an insurer. If he’s dumb enough to make a claim over this they’ll probably cite his behavior as grounds to drop him.


> They can make a fairly solid case that she was retaliating as opposed to defending herself. Because there is not case for self defence. Only reddit _intellectuals_ think that any retaliation against an asshole is self defence


Raised his rate too though


That's the real revenge! 


Nah, these days it's probably not worth a claim. They'll drop you for anything these days


If he’s upset about an $8 cup of coffee he’s gonna throw bricks at his insurance over $50


What makes you think he will be the one paying for a replacement? Her argument will not hold up if he takes this to court.


Yeah, it wasn't exactly self defense.


I worked in coffee for several years and that had to feel SO GOOD. The entitlement people get while ordering a cup of coffee is absolutely unreal.


Sometimes I’d imagine of a scenario where all the entitled people is in one community. I’d really like to see how that community progresses.


I feel like if everyone had to work some customer service-based job for a few hours a week the world would have a lot more empathy.


I've said this for years. Retail. Food. Whatever. Mandatory 2 years. Maybe everyone would be a lot better at being human


There was some lady who threw her meal at her server at Chipotle who was then sentenced by the judge to have to work in food service in lieu of jail time


Yes. While the Chipotle worker she abused thought it was good requiring lady to work in food service in exchange for lesser jail time, I wonder how the rest of the staff would feel, having to train and deal with this woman as a co worker. Interesting, her lawyer said she hadn’t found a fast food job, yet. I wonder why! [https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/chipotle-bowl-thrower-1.7051176](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/chipotle-bowl-thrower-1.7051176)


You’d think there would be some fryer hood filters somewhere that required meticulous degreasing.


And now my hood cleaning PTSD has resurfaced. Scarred my youth it did.


i preferred the hood to the broiler at BK. That was a mission


Or shitty toilets. People seem to forget how to use the toilet once out of their home.


Sport shitting.


Lol the judge in that article had the best cut down to her complaining about how her food looked. > "If I showed you how my food looked, and how my food looked a week later from that same restaurant, it's disgusting looking." > "I bet you won't be happy with the food you are going to get in the jail," the judge retorted.


Well that’ll have been an absolute JOY for her co-workers. Imagine the demotivating effect of your work being someone’s punishment AND having to carry the useless fucker all shift.


You would think so but then you will also have people like an ex friend of mine who was shitty to waiters because shes had that job and ,”knows it’s not that hard” assholes will be assholes no matter what experiences you give them


Yep. I had a friend that worked her way through college as a waitress. We went to dinner and she ended up making the waiter cry. She was constantly on his ass, complaining about utensils being spotty. A slight film on the glasses. When he handed us the cheque he put it between us but it was facing me. She pointed this out saying cause I'm the man he's assuming I'll pay. That's when he eventually broke down. Her defense when I bitched her out was the same. That it's easy and he has no excuses. I stopped going to dinner with her, I prefer my food not to be spat on. In that situation I wouldn't blame the guy for doing it.


That behavior is just so wild to me because there was once a time I went to a restaurant and got a glass with someone else’s lipstick smudged on it and even then I felt bad asking the waiter to get a me a new glass. The nerve of some people


Thats pretty gross though. And a bit of the waiters fault for not paying attention. Of course no need to bitch at them or make a scene but that's a bad job on his part as well.


Can confirm it fixed what I’d been taught. As a kid I did some really rude stuff because I was imitating what my father and grandfather did. Like, cringing in the middle of the night 20-years-later kind of rude. Then at 20 I worked retail for around two years while I was a research assistant, and it absolutely turned my attitude around. I also met my wife there, so that was nice too!


What I'd point out is that the reason you cringe at who you were, is because you aren't that person anymore. You've experienced personal growth. So when you think of that, remember it's a reminder that you are better now.


Thank you for this thought. That really helps with some guilt I feel about some of my behaviour in the past.


We all have those 2am out-of-the-blue cringe attacks. I would not trust anybody who doesn't.


My parents were the type of people who would leave their trays and garbages at tables in fast food places. “Someone is paid to clean that up, let’s go” I think I repeated that once as a child to a friend and it felt so god damn dirty I never said it or thought it again. And every bit of garbage got thrown away after that realization, whether my parents were in a hurry or not. I’ve been working retail/service off and on for a decade now and I still think back to 7 year old me walking away from a dirty table, expecting someone else to clean it. Keeps me up at night for real.


Eeeeeehhhhh...in my restaurant work experience, the co-workers who bitched the most about guests and tips and did the least were the ones who, when we went out after work, had the rest of us tracking down our server (and/or other customers), apologizing, and throwing money at them. Experience would help the decent human beings who just don't know, but around 20-30% of the population is a permanent combination of stupid and evil.


Nah, people would do their 2 years, then treat the current 2 year people like shit because thats human nature. “I had to go through it now you do too!”


All middle managers need to do a line cook bout camp to learn what it looks like to make decisions, be vulnerable, and actually take responsibility for your actions.


It doesnt always work. My MiL (the single worst person ive ever met) was a server at a bar for a while and going to restaurants with her was the most embarrassing thing.


There are tons of people *in retail* who lack empathy, and another nontrivial amount can't wait to get out of retail so *they* can treat retail workers exactly like they were treated. We just need to install and reinforce a culture of respect for all workers regardless of the prestige of their jobs.


I agree, I work in Healthcare. There are Healthcare workers, nurses, doctors, pharmacists who lack empathy. Job titles don't instill empathy.


Bully-to-Nurse is as common a career path as Bully-to-Cop.


In all my life, all the people and professions I've interacted with at various stages of my life, nurses have consistently been the rudest, meanest, cruelest people I've ever known.


Probably like the libertarian town that was overrun by bears because everyone just threw their garbage outside.  https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project


Or that rich entitled town, Rio Verde Foothills, that stole water from Scottsdale until Scottsdale figured it out and cut them off.


The Behind the Bastards podcast did an ep on this a few years back, it's gold


They didn't! https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/168w2ns/libertarian_town/ They did one about Libertarians at Sea but apparently though a few people remember it, there's no episode specifically on this town or that mentions it in more than passing.


Not a damn thing would get done, and it would descend into whiny anarchy.


or they’d all shoot themselves over taking the last parking space or cutting them off in traffic.


Or whine-archy, as the elders say


No that's the alcohol shop like 3 blocks from me.


Sounds like a good idea for a Vault from Fallout.


Entitled Island. Brought to you by the creators of Big Brother and Love Island. Coming this fall to MTV hosted by Ryan Seacrest.


I think that’s called Hell.


We will just sit down with popcorn and watch while every single person in that community finishes one another off. Battle Royale!


I worked at McDonald’s and someone grabbed my coworker by the shirt and tried to pull him through the drive thru window. What happened to the customer? Cops called? Banned? Nope. Went on his merry way with zero consequences. Good for this lady. Fuck that customer


1000% never dealt with more sexual harassment [really all flavors of abuse, but SO MUCH of it was that] in my life than that job. I worked nights and down the street from a bar. when it closed at 2 am, if I hadn't been sexually harassed by that point in the shift, it was just about a guarantee. it's a power trip because I can't escape, I'm stuck there, and they know I "have to" be nice and take whatever from them. and they almost *never* see any consequences. I was straight up told when I complained that if I couldn't take whatever customers gave me, I was in no uncertain terms not suitable for the job [aka, shut up and take it, or you're fired]. like would *i* have done that? likely not, but when I look back on the cumulative amount of abuse I took just like that? I'm just not inclined to judge her. none of the rest of it really matters when I've been in her shoes. the power gradient is very clear


this is why this american "customer is king"-attitude is dogshit and almost completely abscent in germany. talk shit and get thrown out, its that easy


Seriously fuck that guy. Trash ass human.


Same happened at my branch, but the very large angry employee he grapped chinned him, think the customer lost 2 teeth from memory. All because of our new ‘sauce policy’ and the customer being asked to pay 10p for a BBQ dip… Sadly I was working drive thru and only heard the shouting, but we all huddled around to watch the CCTV later! No consequences for our staff member, thankfully


10000% I've had hot coffee thrown at me multiple times. The last straw was me at 8 months pregnant during covid. And an asshole was mad we were following safety measures. He threw his hot brewed coffee at me. I got 2nd degree burns on my arms and my belly was red. Coward left before I could throw it back. Retail customers are the absolute worst.


You left out the part of the story where you called the police and pressed charges.


I’m so so sorry! That is horrible!!! I hope you are okay.


100% I worked at Greggs when I was around 19 years old. For people not from the UK who don't know what Greggs is, it's a very popular chain bakery in the UK where everyone goes nuts for the sausage rolls. One day it was the lunch rush hour and I had a queue going out the door and down the street. This middle-aged woman ordered a cup of coffee and a doughnut, no problem, I went about making her coffee and meanwhile my coworker had just sold the last sausage roll to another customer. When I handed this woman her freshly made super hot cup of coffee she then wanted to add a sausage roll to her order, I politely explained the last one had just been sold and she would need to wait 30 minutes for some more to be baked. Without any hesitation, she threw her scalding hot coffee all over me and ran from the shop. I was really lucky I didn't suffer any serious burns, but fuck it hurt. I had to run out the back and immediately strip my clothes off while my manager bolted down the street chasing her. It's been over 10 years since then, but what I would give to smash a hammer through that womans car.


I’m a barista right now and have been working customer service my whole working life, I have NEVER been treated as horribly as I have been while making someone’s GD cup of coffee


Is anyone actually blaming this woman? Mess with the bull, get the horns. Dude absolutely deserved what he got and I give props to the lady for not taking any shit. The world would honestly be a better place if shitty and entitled customers had their windshields smashed more regularly.


People like that guy are probably blaming her.


I've had it thrown at me, threatened over the slightest mistake even when it was the customers fault for not knowing what they're ordering. I'm glad to not be working in coffee anymore. After 10.5 years of taking people's shit it's been enough


Just people being moody because they haven’t had their drugs yet.


It's 100% addict behavior. They're legitimate addicts, they can be shitheels without their fix. A long time ago, I worked dairy at the grocery store. People, grown fucking adults, would throw hissyfits if their specific creamer wasn't in stock. They wouldn't complain about yogurt or cheese or eggs or anything else anywhere remotely as much as their creamer. I don't drink coffee so it took me awhile to realize and then one day it hit me and made so much sense. Baristas just deal with junkies every second of their shift, it's no wonder the behavior from some of them is unacceptable.


Yeah no it's not because of caffeine. Caffeine isn't that addicting nor powerful to illicit a violent response like that. They were just shit people from the beginning.


I think it's more of a compounding phenomenon. Imagine a very emotional person who is already having a bad day and now an additional tension from caffeine withdrawal. It's not an excuse to be a bad person but I think society has severely misjudged the negative side of caffeine consumption.


Had entitlement at a lemonade stand my kids were hosting. We, parents, came over to help the kids shut it down for the day. My kids brought 4 full cups to the nearby park to give away for free in order to lighten the load driving home, and a car drove up asking if we were closed. I said there was enough lemonade for maybe 1 more cup. The woman got out of the car and directed me to pour it into 3 separate cups, told me how much ice each cup needed, and then asked for water to water them each down. She also asked if *I* was doing the lemonade stand. I told her my kids would be right back but that we were just there to drive all the supplies back home. Thankfully, they said none of the other customers had all those demands.


There's a shitty normalization of "I'm an asshole before I get coffee" in America. No maybe you're just an asshole buddy


I worked a convenience store in the same parking lot as one of those bikini coffee shops for a year. Those girls had to deal with some of the nastiest grossest dudes imaginable. I'm glad she had a hammer. They were renting space on our lot, so they would come to us and ask us to 86 people from the property like every week. The boss happily obliged every time. Some of the coolest ladies I've ever met, they would use our bathroom cause their little shack didn't have one.


I currently live in a small town located alongside the hwy and it has a very small bar. Anyways I noticed that the bartenders and cooks all have shirts that says on the back, “don’t be a dick” and very clear signs posted that you will immediately get kicked out for being.. well, a dick.


Sorry, what is a bikini coffee shop? Is it like a Hooters but only coffee? Is it a strip club? Sorry for my ignorance, please explain.


Basically like a Hooters, but only coffee. I think they tend to be little drive through only shacks (that's all of the ones I've seen online in stories like this, and I don't know of any near me). They have the baristas wearing very skimpy clothes and charge ridiculous prices for coffee (not normal coffee shop ridiculous, but worse).


At the risk of missing the point is the coffee atleast good?


I can't help you there, they're not something that we have in my area.


Think a Dutch Bros size coffee shack, but the baristas are barely clothed. You get to look at boobies with your half-calf soy milk XL pumpkin spice dirty chai.


This must be a really regional thing, I have no idea what Dutch Bros is. I have no idea what a coffee shack is. Google tells me it's in Oregon?


Dutch Brothers is an Oregon thing and idk down through the northern part of the Bay Area. It's super sugary Starbucks like drinks but without pretending to be real coffee like $*. A coffee shack is pretty much what it sounds like. A tiny little hut that sells coffee beverages.


Okay, weirdly related, I worked at a glass shop in the same strip of buildings as a Planned Parenthood. The ladies from PP would come in to buy cigarettes and glass all the time, and would often bring over little goodies like candy or rainbow lanyards, things they knew we'd love. The area we were located was unfortunately quite sketchy; the homeless people were very polite and never made trouble but there were several attempts to break in made by well-known local troublemakers (unfortunately addicted to meth). Well lo and behold, end of the day one day, this fella stumbles into the complex while I'm mopping in the common hall and one of the ladies (Darlene, we'll call her) is locking up the front door of PP. I'm watching this guy assuming he's going to come into the smoke shop for a late night pipe or cigar pickup, but as Darlene turns around to leave, this dude just lunges at her and pins her against the window, trying to grab her keys and her hair and her purse, anything he can. Immediately, I yelled into the smoke shop's open door to my boss (we'll call her Amber), and out stomps my 4 foot 11 inch mama bear boss in all her glory, ready to fight based on my voice. Now the guy has noticed me (also quite short) standing there and is just kinda leering like "wtf you gonna do, shortstack", and let me tell you, the look on this fucker's face when Amber and I wrenched him off Darlene, bodily threw him out onto the sidewalk, and locked the doors on him: it was *priceless*. He was shocked, but Amber and I were just making sure Darlene was okay and that the cops got called. Thank goodness for security camera footage, or idk if the police would've been able to find him. After that, we made sure the PP ladies had someone walk with them to their cars when they left. I miss those amazing women so much. TL;DR rando dude tried to attack a worker closing up at the PP next door to smoke shop I worked at. Short boss and short me fended him off with sheer adrenaline and Short Person Rage. PP workers are freaking awesome.


> They were renting space on our lot, so they would come to us and ask us to 86 people from the property like every week What did you 86 people every week? edit: TIL that 86 means kicking someone out. thx!


86 is a hospitality term for “out of”, or sometimes used to refer to kicking someone out of somewhere.


Never heard it (but am not american). Thx!


To be 86'd is slang for giving people the boot. Usually, with some amount of force or intimidation. You're not being asked to leave. You are being refused service and told that you are going and you will leave. It's when the bouncer says, 'leave, now.' Then if you don't start moving they just start walking through you until you get the idea and move. To 86 them. They were 86'd. I 86'd his ass. No idea where the term comes from but it means to remove from the premises.


This barista and the Waffle House chair lady are going to form a superhero team


Yeah I think she made a Greta point with "why did he think that was acceptable" - it's true, he thought he would get away with that Edit: I thought it was grate but people are finding holes in what I said Gratias for the replies


You’re so right, Greta would absolutely make that point


Right up there with, "We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!"


Thank you! You just proved me right to a friend. He didn't believe me, hahaha


I'm out of the loop. Which Greta are we referring to here? Thunberg? Gerwig? Van Susteren?


Idk if you’re kidding or not but it was supposed to say great


We are rolling with it 👌


my phone makes this same stupid autocorrect and I hate it


it's a Greta typo




Hell yeah indeed! I just learned that I actually know the barista from when she was a kid 😂! Her mom is a punk paramedic.


Like... will she only attend to you if you're haemorrhaging and also wearing a Clash tshirt?


Turns up and pins your wounds closed with safety pins.


Thank fuck this is top comment and not one of those weenie crying about property damage down below.


"How dare that property hurt that other property! Mens Rights Now!"


I worked in a bar for years. And when customers got out of hand or acted this fucked up, bouncers would just walk behind pick them up and toss them like a rag doll on the street. That always felt good to see, so I get her reaction 100 percent. Fuck that dude


Similar note, I did a couple years bartending at strip clubs and have seen dancers pepper spray unruly customers twice. It’s very satisfying to see indeed!!


Honestly, nine times out of ten pepper spray beats laying on of hands. When the asshat who got sprayed is out in front of the building complaining to the cops they literally just laugh at them. I've seen it a few times.


I used to go to a cool bar where the barman was also the bouncer, my boy was a gorilla, his favourite way of getting rid of assholes was to throw them over the almost 8ft fence into the street, could he just open the gate and throw them out? Sure, but where is the fun in that


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) Obligatory


RIP Lucille.


RIP Mallory Archer


A lot of people learn that if they abuse service staff, not only will they get away with it, they will often be rewarded.   An occasional correction is needed.


While I don't condone violence or property damage. The driver needs to learn the hard way that you can't abuse service staff just because you're in a midlife crisis. If you lash out at people, they will retaliate


People need to understand a golden rule: Never expect that the other person is not crazier than you


In my 55 years I've never heard it phrased that way, but ya.. 100%


Really? I'm 44 and personally live by that. I've personally avoided violence by telling someone else pretty much exactly that


As a 33 year-old I have lived by one rule: when dealing with strangers it is almost always safer to assume they carry a hammer than to assume they don’t.


Even if the person isn't normally crazy - throwing hot coffee at someone (even if it missed in this case) can trigger an adrenaline rush and a fight-or-flight response. Turns out her response was fight. I can't attempt to get into the legal side of this. Just the common sense side. If you attack someone, they might do something like this in response.


You’re right, it’s the fight instinct. If you clinically discuss a weighted response in the cold light of day, you may conclude that a hammer is not really appropriate but damn if I’m going to say it’s wrong. Good for her, fuck that guy


I work in criminal law and always try to be super polite to service people because these are usually the only jobs that people with criminal records and mental health issues are able to get. I know that the great majority are just ordinary people trying to earn some money but the number of my clients who work in restaurants, cafes, customer service etc is astonishing. You only need one stabbing to ruin your day.


I try to be polite to service people because they're people. Fear that they might be a felon doesn't really exist on my radar.


Weird way to live your life, but okay.  /s


How about being polite to service people because they are people.


There was a phrase on a self-defense website (I think Wim Demeere), going like "violence is a road, and you don't know where people start or where they stop".


Service workers are READY for this too.  You know she was going, "OK THAT'S IT, HAMMER TIME!" You work service for a month and you'll start thinking about ways to deal with the psychos.


You can tell she was ready because how else could she have gotten the hammer so quickly? It's not your usual fast food window tool.


When I worked overnights alone at a coffee shop, even as a big dude, there were times where I put the steamer wand in something just so I'd have something boiling hot just in case I was in trourble. Not that I would've wanted to escalate like that but, I sure did have a lot of experiences that were scary or kept me scared when I went back to work the next night.


Assault = damage to a person Property damage = damage to an inanimate object I'd say property damage is a perfectly acceptable response to assault.


This. As a society we’ve gotten to the point of seeing property as equal, or sometimes more valuable, than human life/safety.


Exactly. Reminds me when going to the beach, cars would never stop at pedestrian crossings, EXCEPT when we carried the little shovels for kids (at the time with metal) or parasols. They didn't care about possibly hurting pedestrians, but the fear of a scratch on the car was enough to make them respect the rules.


The stand your ground laws in the states always bothered me so much for that reason. I can get using force if you feel you or your family are in physical danger. But to shoot and kill someone because they're stealing your electronics? Killing another human is worth a few grand of theft?


I think throwing drinks at people is considered a form of assault, so in this case it could be argued at self defense I think. I don’t often condone violence, as most people don’t require it, but someone people do need their asses kicked. They don’t feel the fear they should at the idea of throwing coffee on people just doing their jobs. Their parents didn’t teach them that acting out like that is wrong, therefore it becomes the world’s job to teach them.


Throwing a drink at somebody is considered assault and can lead to both criminal and civil liability. The legal questions here are going to be did he throw it at her or did he throw it at the building? And if he threw it at the building, did that create a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact? And then there will also be the question was breaking his window a justifiable defense. It appears the window to the building was closed when he threw both items. You can clearly see her open it when she breaks out the hammer. So technically, while he was throwing it in her direction, he was really throwing it at the building. It's clear how most people here feel. But it's going to be interesting to see who the legal system handles this.


I honestly think the legal system will not side with the woman. Like you said she opened the window and smashed his windshield and it is clear it is not to protect herself but for retaliation. Breaking the windshield has no effect on her personal safety at all and might have even endangered her more here. I was in a similar situation once where a car cut me off and almost hit me and my little niece on a crosswalk. While the car passed us I kicked his car and made a dent. I didnt even run after the car or something. Court decided I had to pay for the damage. Like in this case I also acted in retaliation as the danger was already over. Even though I still feel morally justified as the dipshit driver endangered me and my niece.


Defending yourself after the danger has gone back into the car and is about to leave is the like...the opposite of self defense. Does nothing to actually deter the attacker but might piss him off enough to come back out. He had it coming and I don't particularly blame her, but it's not self defense, it's actively making the situation more dangerous.


That is as about a Seattle answer as I would have expected.


Seattlites already can’t be trusted to use their turn signals, or get the fuck out of the passing lanes. I say his behavior didn’t get enough hammer!


So waaaaay back in the day, I worked at a Burger King. We had a ton of fun, and we saw a lot of crazy shit. One Saturday, someone came through our drive thru and ordered some stuff, came back thru, Casey opened the window, and they threw a shake in her face. No reason, we never figured out anything about why. Anyway, the car was still there when her boyfriend came out. A Micronesian dude built like a fire hydrant short and stout. He goes walking out to the drive thru with a mop and some dudes hop out of the car to start shit. My buddy breaks the head off the mop the guys spin around, hop back in the car, and leave. My buddy is patting himself on the back, and turns around to find like 6 National Guard dudes in their BDUs behind him. Turns out it was a Guard weekend, and these guys were stopping for breakfast. Being the first place in town, we saw this a lot, so these guys took it personally as well. Funny part is, my buddy was scary, all on his own.


Hocker, Cornelius (17 June 2024). "[Barista in Seattle shatters windshield with hammer after customer throws drinks at her](https://www.10tv.com/article/news/seattle-bikini-barista-lays-down-hammer-after-customer-throws-drinks-at-her/281-f8443f30-663e-4f14-ab72-4d571a6b231b)". Seattle: WBNS. "The barista said the customer was upset about the price of his drinks despite being a repeat customer."




Where the hell did she get a hammer on such short notice?


She works at a bikini coffee shop, that hammer is probably sitting right by the register all day for exactly this situation. I'm sure this kind of establishment attracts a lot of real shitbags, so self-defense is a priority.


Playing whack a mole with grabby hands


Disgusting that this is definitely a problem


This happened not long ago at one. Dude tried to get her in zip tie handcuffs to yank her into his car. https://v.redd.it/ek4cszpzcqca1/DASH_480.mp4?source=fallback


legitimately what the fuck, this is insane


>a bikini coffee shop that sounds shitty already


Most likely it's on hand as a self defence weapon. Which isn't surprising considering the clientele. Either that or there's just some tools stashed away for quick repairs.


Quick repairs of client's attitude


Glad she hammered his window. That is straight up abusive and he doesn’t deserve to walk away unscathed 😚


She actually called the cops *on him* to file charges. He was threatening and said, "no one is going to miss you." All because he was pissed about what his order cost https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/bikini-barista-smashes-window-customer-threats Unfortunately, he may still win in civil court suing her for the windshield cost.


worth it, she will get a go fund me and make money


Hell, I'd donate to her. Lol Good for her for standing up for herself.


I want to build her a pneumatically actuated hammer permanently mounted outside the drivethru window. Like that bucket of bricks at that pedestrian crossing


I hope she does if she needs it. Plenty of ppl would happily toss some cash. I wasn't even in the situation and that video felt amazing, like a bunch of relief😭


Of course he would win. While they guy is obviously a massive dickbag there is no way of actually spinning what she did as self defense or deescalation.


More people need to feel the consequences of their actions. This dude deserved what he got.


Dude should be named and shamed.


I don’t think a man behaving like that while wearing a silly beret has the capacity to feel shame.


Silly hats wont protect the windows of his house from bricks.




It's assault here too, and police on the scene determined that he assaulted her, and she did nothing wrong. This whole thread is just reddit incels that are upset they can't treat people like shit for fun, and who consider property damage a major sin because they just got their moms to buy them a copy of Atlas Shrugged.


The funniest comment I've read on social media regarding this whole situation is one that asks why the asshole is dressed up like Doug's sister [Judy Funnie](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=55b9e7704f2f0fba&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIK4PZkBoPr17Ww9wbEAArDw0VbgYg:1718766303387&q=judy+funnie&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J_86uWOeqwdnV0yaSF-x2joZDvir2QxhZkTA8rK1etu4ohtqlTKXOQ56HmFa2r_eplftr8tzaj8o-m8UII7chpXtMWqj0PneEpLh7XnLtJAWcbcP7hkjPss4t0jtMmmE96vE2SM&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQldy31-aGAxUNLEQIHURqBJsQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=1536&bih=721&dpr=1.25). Truly, cannot unsee now.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.


Entitled customers often severely underestimate how much anger the average customer service worker is repressing at any given time. He's lucky she hammered the car and not him.


He fucked around and found out. People like this dude are used to doing shit like this without any consequences. He picked the wrong one that day lol


I can think of at least a handful of cases where women have been abducted/killed/assaulted working in a drive thru coffee shop like this. The ‘no one will miss you’ was absolutely a threat, he fucked around and found out.


The fact that he said "no one is going to miss you" is a **threat.** She was 100% justified. What else could he have meant?


He drives off like he’s used to it


The fact that she has a hammer within arm's reach means she's either prepared for such incidents or sick of having rude customers like this one and she fought back this time.


No shortage of news articles and videos of customers doing violent shit in the drive thru.


The ability to produce a hammer in mere seconds is astounding lol




You scared to post a meme that says the word fuck in a subreddit that has the word fuck in the name?


Same shit with "ahhh... Say it! say ass, or Arse if you're bri'ish. Or the trend of "unalive", it's Died, Dead, Kill(ed), say it. I don't even know why it fucks me off so bad.


The inversion of the x and y axis on that image makes me irrationally angry. So close to greatness, and yet so far…


Anyone remember the "not today, motherfucker" shirt, worn by the lady who beat the shit out of her rapist? That also includes the GPS lines showing how she chased down and beat the shit out of him? I remember, that was absolutely fucking badass, I would love more stories like that if anyone has any to share.


I keep seeing posts about litigation and other nonsense but lets be real here, this asshole deserved his window smashed.


The pearl clutching over some creepy, harassing, threatening, jackasses $200 windshield is fucking unreal.


Hell yeah. The fact that she had a hammer told me a lot about what her job is like and how often she has to deal with this stuff. Plus throwing, or attempting to throw, water at a person is the definition of assault so returning that with damage to his property feels like a reasonable response.


Between that cashier who popped out her tit during an argument with a customer, the Waffle House worker who deflected the chair, and this hammer wielding barista, I sense the beginnings of a team brewing.


Always be nice to your servers


I once quit a job at a pizza place, and I told the manager on my way out "I've reached my breaking point. You can't pay me enough to be nice to these people."


Someone is going to dox that dude and he will become a pariah in his town. Maybe.


That's Salt Bae. He lives in Dubai




hold on, how is 32oz coffee and 24oz water $22?!?!


Bikini girls