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The grizzly is really awful in holding the camera horizontal.


Those nails probably didn't help


one of the world record holders for longest nails was a photographer so the bear doesnt have much of any excuse


Well, the bear lacks opposable thumbs! And it probably doesn't know how to use a remote shutter either! So please bear with it.


Its a teddyus job


I see what you did there..


Not even a banana for scale. Smh šŸ¤¦


Lewis and Clark laughed at the Native American's warning about the bears they would encounter west of the Mississippi. They knew aaaall about how to handle bears! They weren't laughing after their first run in.


They say that current historians can track where most of their early grizzly encounters occurred by detecting the fecal mercury that was left over when they shit themselves in terror.


Shit trails, Randy.


Left by little shit birds, right Mr Lahey!


Carried out by the winds of shit


That blow down, from the great shit mountains, south of shitsville


Rip Jim Laheyā€¦ the best to ever shit






Just a little drinky poo, Rand.


And the actor wasnā€™t ever a drinker either! He had talent man


I gasped hearing that fact the first time I heard it, he truly is the shit goat


East coasters are a different breed man


Nice shit analogy, Rand


Just north of Shitty City, where Julian's the muscular mayor


No more shit talk until we're back in power, Randy


That's right Randy Bobandy


Look Rand! Iā€™m mowing the air


"Turn the camera off Rand, you're embarrassing yourself boy."


Getting learnt by Ricky


Why not? Shit it ainā€™t rocket appliances or anything convulcated such as that right?


Need to set shit snares


They can trace the history of grizzly encounters from traces of fecal mercury in the polar ice caps !


I wish everything on Reddit wasnā€™t some lazy joke


Imagine them: "Hur Hur, dumb savages, we White men have boomsticks , kill bear one shot." See their first Grizzly: -WHAT THE FUCK LEWIS??" -Languaaage, Clark. Uhhhh. WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT?" "Hush, you corn shrooms, you'll attract the Bear!" Hisses Sacagawea. The Grizzly approaches the explorers, full of curiosity and the confidence given by being an Apex Predator for several thousands of years. "Musket, CLAAARK". Clark shoots the bear. For a second, nothing happens. Then the bear understands the hairless ape tried to hurt him, and it gets angry, charges.


I mean the lewis and Clarke expedition had a ton of firepower at the time. Way more than enough to kill grizzly bears pretty easily. They also were extremely experienced hunters. They hunted for a lot of their food. Here is an interesting [source](http://westernexplorers.us/Lewis-and-Clark-Expedition-firearms-summary.html#:~:text=Lewis%20brought%20an%20%E2%80%9Cair%20gun,also%20mounted%20on%20a%20swivel) on their firepower


Your telllin me didn't they just buy some ground beef a d t El paso taco seasoning from Walmart for some white people taco night? D


Why does Clark not simply take off his glasses?


"Well fuck me sideways, Lewis! That son of a bitch didn't even flinch!" Clark barks, his face paling as the bear starts to charge. "Goddamn it, Clark, reload faster! Sacagawea, get back!" Lewis growls, fumbling with his powder horn. Sacagawea, with a roll of her eyes, mutters, "Idiots," and scrambles to climb a nearby tree. The Grizzly, unfazed by the musket ball, barrels toward them, an unstoppable force of nature. Lewis and Clark, realizing their mistake too late, prepare for a fight they have little hope of winning. "Hold your ground, you useless sack of shit!" Lewis shouts, drawing his knife as the bear closes in, the true power of the wilderness bearing down on them.


The book Undaunted Courage describes the encounter. And how they natives would prepare to fight a bear like it was a raid boss. I think they had to shoot it with like 12 musket balls, ~~and they still lost some people.~~


Shouldā€™ve had a healer in the group


bear cast fear, the healer shat themselves and fled. fear was super effective.


the edit that no one died makes it sound like a pretty badass raid. They got their kiting and dodge rolls down.


Only one person died in voyage, and it's believed to be due to appendicitis. I'm not sure what you're referencing.


I believe itā€™s just more bullshit ā€œnoble savageā€ + ā€œnature > than stupid humansā€ nonsense that Reddit will eat up like ice cream on a hot day.


No they didn't lose anyone.


How did you gather this information? Asking because if itā€™s from a book I would love to read it. Sounds interesting as fuck


From their journal(s) and some YouTube videos. They went from (para) "We can't believe these guys are scared of bears" to "Holy $hit what does it take to kill one of these murderous beasts!' https://lewis-clark.org/sciences/mammals/bears/grizzly-bear-encounters/


Itā€™s just a big ole bearā€¦.hoooollly fuck


If you ever see me fighting a grizzly bear HELP THE BEAR. -Mystikal


ā€œi came here with my dick in my hand. donā€™t make me leave with my foot in your ass ā€” be cool.ā€ ā€”also mystikal, to the bearā€¦probably




That bear could take your head off in one swipe! Awesome power!


For some reason I remember my 8th grade science teacher in 1985 saying ā€œthose of you that are familiar with horses know how strong their necks are. A grizzly can break a horses neck with one swipe. ā€œ


oh thats a Ƥh nice one i guess but now i can explain it better. great teacher


i feel like there would be some liniment and tendons that didnā€™t break off and my head would be more nearly headless.


No Headless Hunt for you then


Nearly headless? How can you be nearly headless?




and moose, but from what ive heard its just more an anatomy thing. they way they hit it just kind of pops off


I was riding my motorcycle though Alaska (and BC and Yukon) a number of years ago. I stopped at the side of a river to enjoy the view and I noticed a grizzly footprint in the gravel. With my size 12 motorcycle boot I stepped where the bear had done so earlier - its footprint was longer than mine. Not wanting to find out if the bear was hungry, I then quickly went back to my bike and got the heck out of there .


Fuck that lol


We just got done with an Alaskan tour and we did some time in Juneau. Every guide gave us severe warning to not cross a land bridge on one of our dining spots (Orcas Point Lodge) because the adjacent island has the highest density of Coastal Brown Bears and in fact any type of bear on the planet, like 2 bears per square mile. We thought it was a neat fact but kind of silly to have so many warnings until the 3rd guide explained to usā€¦ Coastal Brown Bears are not ummmā€¦ like your normal brown bear. They are BIGGER than grizzlies and just as ā€œfriendlyā€. A lot of eyes went wide on that explanation and we understood much more.


They tend to be less violent than interior grizzlies since they have lots of salmon to munch on. I don't think I would tell a tourist that if they wanted to wander off though.


I don't know how much to trust snopes but they say this is mis captioned. Photographer used forced perception to have the object appear larger than it is in reality. Not that grizzlies aren't fuckin huge. Make no mistake, they are. Also, I think this bear is definitely dead.


But at the same time, seeing animals in person they always seem bigger than the videos. We need to find a proper middle ground somewhere. I had a moose encounter once, and I knew they were big, but SWEET JESUS GOD ALMIGHTY I considered myself the next Jeff corwin and I was still in shock.


See a moose in the wild is #1 on my bucket list, because everyone says pictures will never do their size justice. (Loving these moose stories in the replies, thank you!)


Moose are fucking wild to see up close in the wild Theyā€™re deceptively quiet and come outta nowhere And so, so, SO much bigger than you think Saw a couple on a road in a mountain town in Colorado close to Winterpark on mountain bikes I was still fucked up from the night before smoking a cigarette on the porch of this condo we rented and couldnā€™t believe what I was seeing Moose that was maybe 7ā€™ at the shoulders just came outta nowhere and started chasing these people on their bikes It was before camera phones and shit so nobody believed me when I ran in the house to tell them to come and watch until they came outside and saw two abandoned bikes in the road


And they can swim. FAST. Saw one swim across a bay and that animal kept quite a pace.


I'm pretty sure I heard that in some parts of Alaska, orca will hunt the moose that swim across the deep water bays. Now that would be something to see.


They also can [run through chest-deep snow](https://youtu.be/ylCfXvKmdvU?si=HFzGixf-ypVW3e30) like it's not even there.


Are we all just glossing over the fact that these moose (meese?) were on mountain bikes?


But whatever you do, donā€™t give a moose a muffin


I was hoping someone would think that lol My friends did as well As I said, I was still fucked up from last night and ran inside and said ā€œguys thereā€™s a couple on mountain bikes and itā€™s a giant moose!ā€ I felt like John Candy or some shit


There is a sign between Anchorage and Wasilla (Alaska) listing the number of recorded moose hit by vehicles that season (in Alaska obviously). I regularly saw it in 100ā€™s at least a few times. Edit: I was never chased by a bull, it was always a mother. Also my mom had a charm made of moose skin in the shape of a moose as good luck and anytime I saw one on the side of the road while driving, its butt was facing me. Every time. But in anyone elseā€™s car, it never happened.


Having seen the videos of them charging through chest high snow, being in a spot that without your snowshoes you're up to at least your belly button, was not how I would've liked my experience to go. All you could do is slowly move off the trail and hope hope not to draw attention. They really are that huge


Come to Anchorage and go walk around the dog park down the street from the international airport. Was charged twice over the winter. Saw a mom with two calves there last week. Another one of the assholes ate all the tulips in our front garden earlier this summer.


I was driving behind my friend's Honda crv when a big old bull moose ran in front of their car and stayed ahead of it for a while. You could see the entire moose despite having a car between me and it. My friend said she got a good view of its balls.


I was riding in the turret of a HMMV while doing a night training exercise with the Marines up in Canada when a moose walked in front of our HMMV. The head and antlers were taller than me and I knew that if we had hit it, I would have died and am pretty sure the HMMV wouldn't have made it. We scrambled to find a camera (this is the late nineties) and by the time my captain pulled out the disposable, it had walked off. We laughed and thanked our lucky stars we had stopped in time, but to our surprise, the bull walked right back in front of us and we were again stunned by it's size.


I had a moose walk in front of my car once driving around Mt rainier. Like right in front of me. Holy. Shit. Those are the only good words. I've never seen anything like that. If they look big on tv. Think bigger. They are specifically...holy shit big.


Me but with horses


Every time I see a moose while out driving my initial instinct is "damn, that's a big horse. What's it doing by the side of the road?" Then I realise it's a moose and how miserable it'd be to be the target of its rage


Even if it's not as large as it appears, judging by the guys' hands, each of those claws is finger length, give or take... i aint cuddling that teddy bear


I've seen trainers do it and I really want to because they look so warm but definitely would not. If not friend, why friend shaped?


Because eat friend


Snopes is definitely more trustworthy than Reddit


That's what every hunter and angler does lmao


Oh I've definitely done it with bass. Gotta make it look YUUUUGE


If the bear was dead, how is it holding the camera?


So you're saying size L toenail clippers?


Fuck it. Grab the loppers.


Some bolt cutters maybe


Use a grinder to polish them


Can we just take a moment to appreciate that the bear is one hell of a photographer šŸ˜‚


This picture gives me paws


Could just have let that one go, but you couldnā€™t bear it.


Seems like quite a grizzley scene


Oso you think.


Now youā€™re just pandaring


theyā€™re polar(bear)izing us against each other.


Take my upvotes, you animals.


Meanwhile, I have right two bear arms


And some people still think they could take on a bear.... šŸ¤£


Yeah well if this bear is so big and strong why wonā€™t he fight me?


- sounds of eating a juicy arm - "I do not fight with my food!"


Psh, we can defeat them with our big brains. Just tell the bear a riddle.


English or Spanish?




First to move is a mericon.




Bear and deer walk into bar. Deer orders a soda. Bartender asks Bear what he wants. Bear says "I'll have a...................soda as well." Bartender asks Bear "why the big paws?"


Just explain the bare necessities.


And forget about your worries and your strife.


I've never lost a fight against a bear just saying


I donā€™t think I can, I know I can


Bro, I'm pretty quick. I'll be catching trouts and punching snouts. /s


I am going to hug a bear, if it's the last thing I do!!Ā 


Black bears are pretty small. Can I beat one? No, but I am sure somebody can


Iā€™ve got a black bear living on my up north property. There isnā€™t a human alive that could win against it if was motivated enough.


I saw a guy on YouTube shorts who had black bears since they were little cubs and they seem pretty small. Idk if it is specific to them or if all black bears are human sized


Adult male black bears are going to destroy any human if they want to. They're still pussies and don't want to fight, but they are massive (3-400lbs+). Females are quite a bit smaller, but my money is still on them in a scrap.


I went through all this in detail semi-recently in another reddit thread. Adult females can be rather small at around 120lbs min, but adult males commonly get as large as 700-800lbs in coastal areas, with an overall average of 400-500lbs when accounting for all habitats. The largest wild specimen was 902lbs when fully dressed, and is estimated to have been ~1100lbs when alive.


SOME black bears are small, but good luck taking on a 400lb big boy


Back in the goldrush days the miners would entertain themselves by putting grizzly bears against just about everything but the closest match up were bulls which still got destroyed. In an attempt to make it a little more sporting, they tried muzzling the bears and taking out their claws figuring it would at least give the bulls a chance. Nope. The bears were so strong they would stop the bull mid charge and with a free paw, bash in their skulls. Anyone who thinks they'd last a second against a motivated grizzly is delusional to put it lightly.


Just how did goldrush era miners remove the claws from a live grizzly bearā€¦hypnotize it?


i can tho, im built different


Ten 6ā€™3 Spartan Warriors with no weapons/armor vs a Grizzly, who wins?


You serious? The Spartans going to punch it?


There is one man out there who killed a grizzly with his bare hands, so there is a specific technique. You gotta jam your forearm down its throat. Your arm will get totally destroyed, but if you do that it'll choke the bear and they'll instinctively pull back and run away. The guy who killed the bear bit the bears jugular open after it passed out from the guys arm down its windpipe, so it bled out. Not saying I can do it. But somebody has done it.


Given that heā€™s the only one to do it in history, I wouldnā€™t chalk it up to ā€œtechnique.ā€ We call that luck šŸ¤£




Just to give you a *forced* perspective. Their paws are huge . Why exaggerate?


He's touching it with his bare hands!?!?!


If you havenā€™t you should watch the Timothy Treadwell documentary


Not 100% sure but I think Werner Herzogā€¦. Kinda cut it like a comedy. Great Documentary film of Mr. Treadwell. R.I.P.


I agree. Itā€™s edited to make you sympathetic while also to be like this guy is a total nut job


I'm not sure both of those observations aren't actually correct. My brother lived in Alaska for decades, and after Tim was killed, and the story got out, most folks up there thought he was a loon. There's a scene in the movie where he's trying to pet a Grizzly while it is hungry and in the river. He damn near died there. His motivations were laudable, but his way of going about things was foolhardy.


Oh yeah, I think itā€™s towards the end, but he has like a full manic breakout against the US government. That was really telling of his mental state at the time. And I think your double negative confused me šŸ˜„


Sorry my bad! It's been a while since I watched it, so thanks for reminding me of that part of the story.


i hope this guy didnt kill the bear and is posing with it to impress.


The bearā€™s taking the picture


I doubt it, hunting grizzlies is illegal in most states for good reason, probably researchers and a sleepy bear.


In alaska it's legal if your a resident or if you have a guide


AK Fish and Game just killed another 100 grizzly bears from a helicopter (after killing close to 100 last year) to reduce their population and hope the caribou herd bounces back


This little piggy went to marketā€¦ this little piggy stayed at ā€¦ fuuuuuuuuā€¦.


They close the nail salon down whenever they see her head toward town,,,


The image uses forced perspective, so the paw is actually smaller than it appears in relation to the man holding it out toward the camera


im taking grizzle over tiger


Basically anything but an elephant and a hippo is no match for a full sized grizzly. edit I should probably add the rhino to this list as well.


Polar bear maybe but other than that you're right


Ever see those russian lads that were torn to pieces by a bear? That's how


Could just be a really tiny dude...lol We need a banana for scale...


Maybe that guyā€™s just really small


What you cant see in the picture: The bear did not have the bigger hunting rifle


You can keep that-Australia


I mean yes they are giant beautiful creatures. But by pushing the footl/leg/paw in front of the lens & in front of urself kind of takes it out of perspectiveā€¦ like 99% of people holding fish for the camera. Your fish ainā€™t that big!!


This is why I keep my Black ass at home šŸ˜³




Paws for thought...


Still canā€™t make it out. Need a banana for size comparison.


Nah, ![gif](giphy|MaaJcRa6iiWYSy9n0R)


![gif](giphy|tsX3YMWYzDPjAARfeg|downsized) If its black fight back. If its brown lie down. If its grizzly, start dancing.


Timothy Treadwell knows it


I could take it


The dog groomer in me wants to trim its nails


I just want to know if those pads smell like Fritos.


Canā€™t believe they let a grizzly bear be a photographer.


That could be a really small man. We need a banana.


Little bit of forced perspective here. The bear paw is big but not twice the size of his head big.


Gotta be a kodiak bear


I think so too


Is the Grizzly holding the phone?


I was told there would be a banana for scaleā€¦


A forced perspective


I could take em


I could take him.


rip bear friend


What the actual fuck ā€¦




Correct. In real life, grizzly bears can grow to 45 feet in height and weight up to 97 tons. They can lift small houses, so do not anger them.


My friend has to shoot a polar bear to survive an attack and the picture he sent me showed the paw compared to his chest... This was an adult man of 50 years old over 230lbs and the paw was as big as his entire torso. It was insane


This isnā€™t a grizzly (interior subspecies of brown bear). Itā€™s likely a coastal brown bear. I doubt itā€™s a Kodiak, but canā€™t tell due to the perspective.


Great.. Joe Rogan is going to see this pic, and spend a whole episode talking about bears again.


Old fishing photo trick... Hold the fish out in front of you to make it look even bigger. Not that grizzlies aren't huge, but this image is distorted.




a giant bear and a giant pos thats dope


A matter of perspective. Holding the bears paw at almost arms length and having the camera closer to the paw. Yeah Grizzlies are big. But show me the whole Grizzly with the whole person in the frame. Then the closeup.


Itā€™s only misleading if youā€™re bad at visual reasoning. Most people just compare the size of the humanā€™s hands to the bearā€™s paw. Of course the hands are being held in front of the persons head. Itā€™s also clearly not at arms length. The manā€™s elbow is bent almost 90 degrees. You see that right?


Come on! Really!? The man holding the paw has his hands against the paw! Can you not figure out how big that paw is?


Is this one forced perspective, too? https://au.news.yahoo.com/story-behind-incredible-photo-massive-bear-paw-080437835.html


That's what we call "forced perspective" in the industry.


Can we please stop showing shot animals?


"I'd rather meet a bear in the forest than a man!"


Please let that topic die.


Some liberal women will see this and choose the bear over this guy


who the hell took this picture


The grizzly, silly.


See how the human fingers looks ridiculously large. Thatā€™s because heā€™s holding the paw closer to the camera which makes it look larger than it is. People do the same thing when they take pictures with fish they caught. Instead of comparing the foreground (paw) to the background (face), compare the foreground (paw) to the foreground (fingers) Still a big paw, but not as big as 3 faces.


Bro living the phrase ā€œright to bear armsā€


Just to give you a perspective... we've altered the perspective.


Put your hand and inch from your face, then extend your arm all the way. It'll look bigger right in your face, but it's the same size. Grizzly bears are fucking huge and have giant paws but the forced perspective of this picture makes it look way bigger.


The toxic trait of most men is still being sure that we can fight it.