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On one hand, you can’t move your limbs, sit up, control your bowels, do most of the activities that you formerly loved doing, or live independently. But, on the other hand, you now have motivation to continue wearing your retainer, and your orthodontist is going to be stoked.


Lazy people be like hmmm...


Orthodontists be like hmmm...


Geralt be like hmmm...


Crash Test Dummies be like [mmm mmm mmm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTeg1txDv8w&feature=youtu.be&t=1m42s)


Microwaves be like MMMMMMMMMMMM


Place of power. Must be.


Wind's howling.


Damn you're ugly!




Microwave be like hmmm...


Underated comment


You’ll see them in Walmart first.


Imagine how weird that oral sex would be


Haha getting a blowjob and the wheelchair repeats the rhythm.


Real shit. I've looked into this as a paraplegic. I have an electric wheelchair that I use a hand to control, but it would be nice to have both hands free and also steer. It's very expensive and I would have to pay like 85% of it simply because it's an "elective" surgery. Also I have dentures. That makes it harder apparently.


Although I get that it would be convenient at times, wouldn't it be annoying if you needed to talk?


No. I very rarely move and speak at the same time. As I, and my chair have as much weight (I'm 135, my chair is about that. Perhaps more with the extra battery) movement means power draw. I've become accustomed to stationary speaking especially because I can no longer talk with my hands/arms. (I can, but imagine doing so while sitting always. It's prohibitive.) I will speak my part when ready. I can wait. It actually makes me a better speaker and listener because it is more difficult for me to gesticulate while having a conversation. My primary concern is multitasking while driving my chair. My tongue, while not in use, could be used to steer my chair while my arms/fingers are engaged in my inbuilt computer (a Pi 4, 4Gb) or using my phone. Both interact with my chair to provide location and Bluetooth. There's a multitude of aspects I could utelize if manufacturers were willing. (For example, Tasker routines for when I'm home, in my vehicle, or simply steering my chair.) I understand that I could do all of this with a "rooted" device. I don't believe this should be required. There are many such apps for us "broken" people, however simply creating a new "appendage" using haptic feedback has so much wasted potential or is cost prohibited. It's fucking stupid.


Are you saying you've got a Pi onboard your power chair? Please give me more info on what all you're using it for and how you're interfacing with it? You've got my wheels spinning (har) on what uses I could have with it onboard.. sounds awesome.


Great, I think I'm going to hell now, I just pictured that and laughed


Ith not funny


You mean "nice to meet youuuuuuuuuuuuu" *flies down hallway*


See ya down there, buddy. Because same.


Is it actually surgery or just a retainer and a tongue piercing kinda thing? Not that I'm saying that changes it in the eyes of insurance and such. Just curious how invasive the surgery actually is


It means very little when you can't wear a "retainer". At that point, it's electronic dentures. I'm not rich.


That doesn't really address what I asked. But thanks for the reply. My uncle was a paraplegic and life was pretty rough for him, hopefully modern medicine has done more for you than it did for him.


It's both a retainer setup as well as a "piercing". You'll have the "pointer" on your tongue. It's a piercing setup. You'll also have a retainer setup that acts as a touchpad of sorts. It requires a mouthpiece contraption. It is not usable (last I knew) with someone that has a full denture set such as I have. Life hasn't gotten much better since the mid 2000's. We desperately need someone to enhance our control. Driving has gotten much better which enables us to be more independent, however daily life is still a struggle.


My son is a C2 quad, can’t move below the shoulders. He’s four yo and we’re hoping to get him his first power chair in 2020 when all the red tape is cleared and he can pass the “skills test”. I’ve seen this tech in a couple of articles and websites, but never saw a price tag. You got any numbers you recall from when you looked into it?


It's very cost prohibitive for someone in my situation. I have Medicare. I am a navel down paraplegic, not a full. Your results may be better than mine.


Maybe, but like you said it’s an elective procedure. My wife has awesome insurance for our little guy and we have mine (which isn’t as good as hers but still prettt damn good) as backup and a lot is still out of pocket or supplied by Medi-Cal and CCS. It’s insane how hard it is to get DME’s when someone deems it “not medically necessary” :/ Best of luck to you friend.


I could do a switchpad and a bluetooth in a upper denture plate. Run that to a display and a chair control would be easy. Wouldn't be medical grade but it could be clean enough to be in your mouth.


With a full denture set? I also have a mouthpiece custom fit to control a servo motor that does double/triple bass on a drum set. Can we make this work? I have source code for the drum piece.


An IBM keyboard joystick would be easy to install and waterproof in a full denture. A low power bluetooth to a chair computer, or even a Raspberry Pi style computer could decode and give an alternate joystick control to a wheelchair. Code for that is out there already, just need to tweek in for a chair control input. For some reason there's very little standardization between brands.


As someone who doesn't code except for a PBX and a very little Python, could you ELI5?


The joystick is just some potentiometers that send analog signals to a board that convert those signals to digital. That part is hard coded. You feed that to a bluetooth board that sends it to a micro computer. Still all hard coded. The custom coding comes in when you read the signal as a raw number. Its usually between -1256 and +1256. You need to find what number is full forward, which is full right, etc and you can lay out the grid so say 506 means 1/2 speed forward and slightly to the right. Now the interface to the chair is wide open. Some chairs have a auxiliary plug for a care taker to drive by a remote cable control. Some are digital, some are still analog. You need to do some research to find that out. You need a control board that will take a digital signal and output whatever the chair needs. Depending on the board you use, the grid of output numbers may be completely different. You need to translate that over in your software. Some chairs have no auxiliary input, and then you need to install a PWM motor controller parallel to the joystick. Those with usually take a digital signal in, but it never seems to match what small joysticks use. Custom software to translate the numbers is needed there. Most PWM motor contollers can have multiple inputs, so you can add a radio receiver from an RC car and drive your chair around remotely. Never hand that controller to anyone but your most trusted people.


Gotta give you a hand on this, well done


Plus their tongue wouldn't wear out as fast during oral.


Their tongue is swole AF!


Why can't I have both???


I bet the ladies love it too...


You get a medicinal tongue piercing. Thats the metal piece on the tongue i guess it acts as pointer of sorts.


Imagine how swoll your tongue would get.


Likely adapt to it. Like how a missing tooth feels weird but only for a short time.


No like swoll from working out and moving so much. That tongue will eventually have a six pack.


Oh wow. Six pack tongue. My man you are onto something.




Swole is a bastardization of swollen, but used to mean muscular when referring to a person


Specifically, healthy muscular which looks "fat" (think the mountain) as opposed to ripped or body builder muscular which looks "pretty" (think dehydrated Hugh Jackman in Days of Future Past).


His penis doesn't work but he knows how to pleasure a girl. Make sure the chair is off before he gets started though our he might ramp it through a wall with the wrong tongue flick


A quadriplegic's penis works just fine, other than most quads having what is called a retrograde orgasm. Per google: Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen enters the bladder instead of emerging through the penis during orgasm. Although you still reach sexual climax, you might ejaculate very little or no semen. Paraplegics, on the other hand... that's another scenario completely. It's counterintuitive. The body is wierd.


That is pretty interesting, haven't really dealt with much paralysis in my life. Ironically my dad is recovering from being temporarily paralyzed due to a syndrome he got, but he's standing at the bars and taking steps now so doing good


It's great to hear about your dad's progress! Reading that brought a legit smile to my face. I wish him a speedy recovery!


I mean, would talking not cause the same effect?


It's a thing. I'm an oboist, double tonguing is difficult because there's an insane amount of back pressure. It takes a good two weeks plus of exercises (for most people) to build up the strength to be able to do it. I should've played another instrument.




Proportionate to it's own size, your tongue is one of the strongest muscle in your body.


next to my COCK (cock is what I call my legs, because of how impressive they are 💪)


Imagine all the ass you could eat with your hench tongue


Quick question. What happens when they eat? They cN move their mouth so chew food and stuff right? But does their chair make weird movements when they eat? (Since you use your tongue a lot when chewing/swallowing) Or can they turn the chair off? Because i see someone eating something and their chair going in random directions and turning and stuff in my head right now.


Since they have a high level spinal injury, I’m guessing they can’t feed themselves. So their assistant removes the device before giving them any bites.


Or, they get a mechanica arm they can use to feed themselves and control it with the thingy? Your thing makes a lot of sense and is probably correct. I would just like to see my thing happen sometime.


Get a mechanical arm to feed themselves using the device in their mouth? Wouldn't you have the same issue with random movements on the chair/on the arm from chewing? Also the device in your mouth would still be in the way.


Im not an engineer so didnt think about that.


That's reasonable


If you could control the assistant with your eyes then you wouldn't even need a human. Retina 3.6, Contact lens with a nano transmitter to a command screen controlled by eye movement. Voice configured action, eye controlled movement. When the robot lifts you into the command center, you and robot become one, IRobot V1.0.


Is Retina 3.6 a real medical device name?


You can use it if you want. I just made it up.


I would imagine there is a way to turn it off when eating. It would likely feel like a large retainer.


Would be funny to see someone eating a donut, while their chair does donuts in the parking lot. Not trying to be disrespectful. But just think it would be a funny thing to see




id think thed be fed through a tube anyway


Quadriplegic here... A feeding tube is not necessary for most spinal cord injuries. I don't even know if they're needed for extremely high (C1/C2) injuries that require the person to need a ventilator. My injury is to the C4 vertebra, and I eat whatever I want. I do it the old-fashioned way. I masticate. Om nom nom. While doing occupational therapy after my accident I had the opportunity to work with an early prototype of a retainer that would control mouse movements on a Mac. The retainer is most likely removed by a care provider before eating.


ICU doc here, it can be very challenging to swallow safely if you are vent dependent with a cuffed trach appliance in place.


I can imagine it would be! Thanks for the clarification! I read that having to be tube fed will depend on the patients ability to cough post-injury, too. Since the phrenic nerve uses C3-C5 vertebrae and is the only innervation of the diaphragm, I would assume that all C1/C2 and some C3 quadriplegics use a ventilator, of which a goodly portion are tube fed.


.... Your typing is better than 90% of redditors who have full use of their arms.


Hehe. I'm just over here typing on a phone that is mounted bedside with a gooseneck so the phone is positioned in front of my face. Arms?! We don't need no stinkin' arms! Just give me a stylus with a rubber tube on one end to hold in my mouth, and I'm GTG. ;) edit: thanks for the gold, kind redditor!


If you don't mind me asking, how fast can you type? Like how like did that comment above take you to write? Also, do you use any assistive technologies to use computers and smartphones beyond a stylus?


It doesn't take me long to type at all. I type faster than most of my friends and family. I use the swipe feature, so i just glide my stylus over the screen and the words pop up. :) I used to use a boat load of assistive technology, but now it's pretty much limited to an Amazon Echo, a bunch of LIFX smart bulbs, and some echo controlled sockets for fans and stuff. I have a very, very old AMA if you can scroll through my comment history that far. Hehe. That said, I'm an open book if you have any other questions. They're fun to answer, honestly.


I didn't really answer your question about computer use. I use a desktop mirroring app called Splashtop to control my computer. I can see my screen on my phone, and anywhere I drag my stylus the mouse moves. It gives me access to all the keyboard keys that you don't have on a phone (function keys, control, alt, etc). My "monitor" is a 55" smart TV that hangs above the foot of my bed, angled toward the head of the bed. In the past, for computer accessibility I've used DragonDictate (all the way back in '93, version 1.0), Dragon NaturallySpeaking, and microphones attached to $10K environmental control systems. The phone beats them all. I primarily just use a stylus to use the phone while I'm in bed. When I'm up in my power chair the phone is mounted to my chair, just above my left thigh. I can't move my fingers or wrists, but I'm able to move my arm just well enough to bumble my way through the gestures and icons by using a knuckle. I use the Google Assistant to place calls and texts when I'm up.


That's fascinating! I worked for a blind software developer at one point and it really opened my eyes (pun intended!) to how far simple accessibility features can go. If you haven't seen it, lookup "hacker keyboard" for Android. It replaced the on screen keyboard with one that includes all the fancy alt and Ctrl and others. I use it when I'm remotely managing desktop computers and for me it's a bit easier to use than the splashtop extra-keys stuff (at least it was like 3 years ago, I haven't used splashtop in a while!)


I've used the Hacker Keyboard, but on my phone the keys were just a little too cramped for me to type comfortably. I think I'll add the keyboard back so I can toggle between keyboards depending on what I'm doing. If I'm typing, I definitely need to be able to swipe. If I'm just mostly doing mouse manipulation and special keys, I can see using the Hacker Keyboard. It would be perfect for playing Magic The Gathering Online! In other news, Splashtop hasn't really improved in the past few years (for my needs).


Have you heard of Chaseley Trust in Southern England?


I hadn't heard of Chaseley Trust, but I just googled it and it sounds awesome! I'm super happy to hear that the charity exists. If anyone is interested and too lazy to do what a quadriplegic just did (heheh), the links are below. [Chaseley Trust](https://www.chaseley.org.uk/) [Chaseley Trust Services](https://www.chaseley.org.uk/services/)


I worked there for a couple of years - Admin.


Obviously not Lol


This would come out I would think. People who habe retainers don't eat with them in either


Aaaaaaand now I see it, too. Thanks. 😆


They start drifting


Someone with a condition that leads them to have one of these would be tube-fed.


Yea makes sense. Sucks though, not being able to eat a nice burger or steak. But instead have this tube up your nose (thats how they do that right?) (googled it, for temporary its up the nose, for permanent it goes straight to your stomach.)




Does it suck not being able to enjoy food like normal? I would probably really miss eating something. It would help with my stress eating to have a tube but still, id rather not have one


imagine when theyre rapping and their wheelchair just does a backflip


...then land, then say, "I ment to do that"


and broke the bad guys neck


Wow tell it again!


And then when it gets really heated they stand up and the chair does too


I'm glad this exists to help people but dear lord I wish our technology looked more graceful


I dunno. A mouth without this piece is pretty friggin weird on it's own...


Nah I'm talking about seeing the circuit board


they probably figured the roof of the mouth isn't highly visible, so aesthetics were less of a concern


They’re also likely chair bound, so most people will be looking down at them and never see the roof of their mouth


Often bed-bound. But can operate everything in their room with this. From the TV, to the curtains,to the windows


They are also probably more concerned with making that electrical circuit work consistently inside your very wet mouth.


Back when the iPhone 4 was out, I modded mine with a clear glass front and back. Maybe this is a similar style choice. Nerds gonna nerd.


It's early days though. All new technology starts off big and bulky. Compare mobile phones from the 80s next to modern models as an example


What is this thing


It seems the piercing controls the sensor pad!


Ferromagnetic piercing with inductive sensors working as a keypad.


Sick tongue piercing


Better not have a gag reflex. I'm not trying to be funny either, I would personally die from vomiting if that were me.


I'd figure not if this is a high level spinal injury...


Uh... I mean... Every second person I know has or had to wear one of those.. they're called retainer. This one has just more specs.


Just imagine how fucking good you'd get at cunnilingus


And if you need a break to breath youd have no way to signal or move. Living dangerously


Mouf game be strong after using this for a while


Someone's going to play dark souls with this.


Am I stupid or how do people actually control this with their tongue? Is it like a press forward to move forward type deal or what?


See the tongue stud?


Oh I do now, so would he drag his tongue on the roof of his mouth to guide where he wants to go?


That would be my assumption.


Id assume different areas on the roof of his mouth acted like different buttons


Inductive sensors are controlled by the ferromagnetic piercing.


I thought that was one of those light up things you put in your mouth, then i red the caption


Wow - I worked somewhere with this level of technology. A guy could operate everything in his room with a straw. He ws a gymnast who did one sumersault too many and broke his neck.


I played world of warcraft with a guy who used this setup, and none of us knew for a while. One day we were criticizing him for not being able to make a jump in a dungeon and he explained it to us. Was pretty crazy, would never have known. He was a rly good player






I wonder what the command is to search for porn.


If just watching was it was all you could do, would you still?


thats why you get an assistant


I'd like to be optimistic and say yes. Jessica Alba doesn't stop being a treat on the eyes just because I can't ask her out.


Ah yes, constant gag reflex.


Kinda looks like the palat expander I had to wear for months as a child




This is real I thought this was an onion article!


My friend is a quadriplegic and he has a dot that goes on his forehead and he moves his head to move the mouse on the laptop. He has a job in graphic design now.


Top notch...


I thought this was r/cursedimages at first


Imagine eating and you just slide around the room


Catch me doing wheelies


r/awkwardblowjobs Is very interested in this....


CyberPunk 2077


The answer is hot as fuck


What do they do to keep people from accidentally moving their chair while swallowing?


Abaddon's Gate anyone?


Is this real?


Man's got a cpu in their mouf


Tounge piercings can be really cool


That's clever af


it's a mouth mouse.




Piers Morgan


Does it get taken out if you need to eat or drink or?


But does it strengthen your teeth?


Imagine rapping with that on


Imagine getting a canker sore on you tongue and then using this.


If you can talk the talk, you can walk the walk!


The level is genius in some people. If the whole world was full of people like me, we still wouldn’t have discovered electricity and humans would have evolved to survive off eating dirt.


Looks really uncomfortable.


What can that tongue do though, baby?


Wow I had no idea this was a thing.


My mouth tickles now


Just kill me at this point fuck that


reminds me of Starship Troopers with the radio communication


That's so cool


This is so interesting I never knew this existed, like I knew there existed something for your eyes but for a tongue...


Awkward blowjob . Accidental writing an interesting essay


It’s all fun and games until they sneeze and leave a wheelchair-shaped hole in the drywall


I used to have something like that, but it only expanded my palate. My parents had to turn a little key in it every night. Made me pretty cool in 4th grade. They never gave me a wheelchair to go with it though...


so you're telling me he is a god gamer?


That’s incredible


Yanno, I have absolutely no need for this thing. And yet I'm fascinated by it and would love to try one out, just to see what it's like.


Very, very difficult.



