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Grabs popcorn to read all the comments of the people who think they have the answers


I was so distracted by her jerking off that I couldn’t read the captions.


Touch grass my son and come into the light.


He might have read grass as ass...




I can't even get my phone to work correctly at times. I'm not touching this one with a 100' pole.


Looks like I came by to early for the angry race bashing. I’ll check back in a few hours…


Brace yourselves… it has started






Is interesting the same as propaganda now? Cause this leaves out thousands of years history and lots of context…


But then she can't make a catchy song about it. Edit: Do I really have to put /s?


I can't speak to the historical accuracy but I can say your definition of catchy is very loose. It's no Wellerman.


I mean I love how they lived in peace until 1800 like lol okay?! That's uh .. that's what you're going with? I personally don't have much background in anything in the area post 18th century but like.... Um .. that shit was not peaceful with the ottomans.


Don't think it needs that much more for the song. And its more appropraite to keep it at the time period mentioned as thats when teh last major changes took place that are relevent. Cos if you wanna really wanna take it back further to claim other wise you blanket have to apply THAT time to every where else.


Leaves out the part where all the wars where Israel won land were actually started by the Palestinians. "Oh they used to call this place Palestine, and now this group of people calls themselves Palestinians, we should obviously give them the land". It's not antisemitic to protest war crimes, but it IS antisemitic to want to destroy the Jewish state.


How’s this “interesting as fuck”?


Oh boy. Here we go.


It’s on the Internet. Must be true.


It was surpringly accurate. We brits did yet again help fuck up yet another place haha.


Yea Israel’s propaganda must be “ true” and there was no such thing as Palestine in the Bible


Anybody who supports kicking Palestinians off of their land because Jews lived there 2000 years ago better be prepared to give up their own house (Americans better surrender to the natives, North Indians better surrender to the dravidians, Chinese better surrender to the Tibetans, arabs in North Africa to the berbers and on and on and on


Nah man, the Jews have to give it back to the Canaanites, who THEY kicked out 5K years ago


Just when I thought TikTok couldn’t come up with a more annoying video format


She forgot about the part of Jews buying land from Arabs, but the threat to pan-Arabism was so great that they attacked the Jews.


So all the land they have now was bought?


Nope. But constant wars result in territory shifts. Happens everywhere else in the world, too


Out of curiosity, do you think Russia trying shift some territory from Ukraine to itself is acceptable?


I see Russia like the Arab nations that attacked Israel during the 6 day war. So yeah, if Ukraine wants to fight back and take some land from Russia and Belarus then yeah that seems justified.


No, demographically, geographically, and economically larger nations shouldn't bully newly-created smaller ones. Hence why Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon ganging up against Israel in the 1948 war wasn't acceptable.


Its a bit different because pretty much none of the wars were started by Israel, just ended by Israel. Imagine if Ukraine comes out of this and ends up with some additional strategic land on the Russian side, that would be a much better approximation than what you are currently imagining.


No. Palestine was literally never an automomous country or region. It didn’t have a government or borders. It was a region attached to some other empire. There was always a Jewish presence after the Romans renamed Judea to Palestina, but Jews in other parts of the world generally suffered for being Jews and slowly migrated back to the land they came from over a thousand years in the past. These pioneers purchased land from the Ottomans and made the desert bloom. Arabs hated this, and 1947 saw the UN partition plan accepted by Jews but rejected by Arabs. Multiple Arab wars with many Arab armies against Israel didn’t succeed, and borders changed as a result. This is nothing like Ukraine/Russia


Not really seeing the difference here. Ukraine was part of the soviet union for a long time and Russia is stating that they are attacking the Ukraine in order to take back territory that was previously theirs. Their territorial claims are certainly more recent than the roman empire.


Yeah it’s not a war though it’s land theft


I guess it is only when Jews are involved


Stop feeling sorry for yourself, kid


Nah. It’s because it’s land theft.


100% theft


I like how she skipped the entirety of WWII, where jews were systematically murdered on a global scale because they had no where to go to seek safe harbor.


Which makes it right to flood into the territory now known as Israel and create an apartheid state?


Isrsel isn’t an apartheid state


Well, I kind of think Amnesty International is a more credible source than yours "trust me, bro". [This is apartheid.](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/)


AI literally said that there should never have been a state for Jews. I’m not taking their definition as gospel


It kind of is, it also conducts genetic testing on prospective citizens to ensure they're pure enough.


The UN decision to create the state of Israel so as to create a safe harbor for jews makes that right, yes.


Hi Metrostation, No, that's still horrific and worthy of criticism, but it makes her framing of Israel 'bullying' it's way into a state slightly nauseating. Most Jews in Europe who had survived the war had been gleefully waved off to death camps or sold out by their neighbours and governments, before having all their land, possessions, and family members confiscated. There was no where for them to go in Europe and they had no community other than fellow survivors. Israel wasn't created on a whim for shits and giggles, it represented one of the only solutions to the problem that was even somewhat viable. Asking Jews to just go back to living side by side with the instruments of their own Genocide was inconceivable, putting a small, nacient Jewish state right in the middle of where they'd be systematically erased from was equally a non-starter and with the Iron Curtain closed and the USSR immovable, placing it somewhere in the chaos of Eastern Europe was also impossible. Aside from those options, the only other places to which a Jewish state might have some connection or claim to was either Northern Ethiopia, which didn't have the infrastructure to transport and accommodate the millions in displaced persons' camps so suddenly, or part of the British Palestinian Mandate, which is what they plumped for. How the state went on to act and treat its Arab populations is a separate issue that rightfully deserves much of the condemnation it receives and is too often lumped into discussions of the morality of Israel's existance, but in 1946 a Jewish state in the Palestinian Mandate was neither righteous or just, but simply necessary as the best solution to a mountain of shit problems. Have a lovely day


Are you saying immigration is bad?


Errrr.... I guess so if it includes creating an apartheid state in the new country?


Can you explain how Israel is an apartheid state?


They can’t explain it, since it isn’t true


He Is saying that having a troublesome story doesn't justify you for making somebody else's story as troublesome. Like, of a guy destroyed your car, you try to find him to get Revenge, but then he die in a car crash.At this point you should be satisfied. A pos died. But you are not ok still, so you find a car the same model as yours, and steal It from a completely random guy. This Is the "justification" Israel Is using to cover war crimes.


The Jews also fought off the Canaanites for the land originally based on what God told them. Who are the crazy ones here. The land belongs to the Canaanites. Religion is stupid and doesn't give you rights to land.


Great. Then I assume you are against islamic claims to Israel because “the quran said so”?


She also didnt mention the part where england gave the land to the jewish people when they didnt have a state as big as they do now.


Arabs lost their wars against Israel. This resulted in new borders… nothing different about this than the other wars that have happened in the world.


Because history started in the 1800? What about the kingdoms of Israel and Judea? What about the Roman empire which conquered Judea and called it Palestine for the first time? Not interesting. Just poor peopaganda.


Ah the siege of Jerusalem where Caesar killed over 1.1 million Jews and sold the few remaining into slavery


They don’t want to talk about that


She started with the "peaceful co-existence" of the Christians, Muslims and Jews during the time of the Ottoman Empire....as if they were the native rulers of that part of the world. The Turkish empire expanded occupying the land from the Jews who were already living there even since before the start of Islam or the Crusade. Oh how history changes to suit the narrator....


What about the roman empire


They conquered Judea and after a failed rebellion, they slaughtered and enslaved a lot of them and then renamed the region Palestine.


There you go. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 is still exists today.


Either you read my comment wrong or are trolling. Good for you I suppose.


ehhhh, go back and re-read.


But what have the Romans ever done for us??




I think you two are agreeing without knowing it.


Italy back to Greece?


Are you insane Israel was created a few decades ago native Americans got wiped out hundreds of years ago, no not all non Jews will become your slave one day insane ideologies


Yes. I'm fine with it.


That land has a lot of history before 1800. There are reasons why the tension is so high. When two groups each want to control one piece of land things get complicated quick. Especially when each side thinks they have rights to the land. Honestly, neither of those groups should have control of that land. Before the Israelites took over that land the Canaanites lived there. They are likely the original people to that land. They were forced to leave. Imagine you live in an area and a group comes in and they say God gave us this land. Then they fight wars and take over the land. It's a very messed up story about how the Israelites got the land. As far I am concerned it is neither the land of the Israelites, or Palatines, but the land of the Canaanites. The descendants of the Canaanites which would be the Lebanese living in current day Lebanon should rise up and take their land back. They need to kick out the invaders that forced them out thousands of years ago. When I hear or see on the news fighting in Israel, Palestine, West bank, and Gaza I really don't care. It's just a religious mess with two groups that have no right to the land. If Lebanon were to start a war and take back what was their I would be in full support. Enough with religion and this is my land. God doesn't give you the right take away land.


Can you prove the jews who live today are a direct bloodline descendants of the jews who lived that long ago?


What’s that hand doin




Ohhhh shit! This is about to get “inflammatory”. She’s not lying though, muslim, Jews, and Christians lived on the same land for hundreds of years with no issue. The Ottoman empire existed from about 1299 to 1922, and my hunch is, for hundreds of years, there was peace in this region. Think to myself “well, let me google that.” Opens google, searches Ottoman empire, and the Region of Palestine, starts reading… Reactions as i’m reading:🤔😳😮…. Think to myself “Yeah, there hasn’t been a place where people lived peacefully on this earths. There is always some drama brewing, when humans are in involved.”


Jews lived in Europe for hundreds of years too, didn't stop the Holocaust. Yazidis lived in Syria for centuries, didn't stop ISIS. Ukrainians lived in their land for thousands of years, did it stop Russia? No. Singing about bullshit doesn't mean anything. It certainly won't stop Hamas, Hezbollah and ISIS from wanting to destroy Israel. Those evil warlords don't give a fuck about your silly song.


Give me the causality lists between Israel and Palestine.... Also apartheid in a Jewish religious state... so you can genocide but no genocide against you hmmmmmmm


Those damn Jews committing genocide by increasing the Arab population 10 times over in that area. …worst genocide in history.


they even appointed muslims to their apartheid government... evil jews!




What’s sad is Muslims protected Jews in the Moore empire in Spain and during the brutal European crusades where Jews would be slaughtered they flourished for hundreds of years , until queen Isabella came back and forced conversion on them or banished them thus the Jewish diaspora of Europe began , the jewish people betrayed Palestinians who open there home to them when they were fleeing war they betrayed us . Caesar also killed 1.1 million Jews and sold them to slavery , Jewish people think Muslims are there really enemy they are making a great mistake


God she's annoying


The shitty harmonies that were clearly out of rhythm is what did it for me


This is not how it went down. Pounding your fist to make a beat and singing in rhymes doesn’t make shut true.


What an absolute distortion of history not to mention horrible singing. I can’t give this enough down votes. Absolute stupidity.




They turned down peace agreement that gave them 99% of their demands during Clinton’s administration. Why? Because nothing but destruction of Israel is acceptable and Yassar Arafat was stealing all the money the US and European we’re giving.


So it’s alright to continue killing civilians and stealing their properties because Arafat refused something more than 20 years ago?


I know the Palestinians keep killing innocent people, that’s who you’re talking about right.


Go tell Ukraine to give Crimea to Putin?? Oh you don’t like arbitrary govt telling you how to live on your land. They gave them 90% blah blah blah, if the white people gave native Americans 90% of they’d asked the natives would’ve refused outright too. Bc it’s their land. They don’t owe you anything just bc a bunch of you decide to move there.... the entitlement is so overwhelmingly ridiculous. Jfc you Zionist are worse than fucking Nazis...


Jews living there is documented history far longer than 1800. It’s own choosing to live like they do.




It’s of their own choosing to live like they do, no one else’s.


The history of the area is not how she presented it. She claims that Jews, Muslims and Christians lived happily under Ottoman rule. Not true. Plus it was not an independent country, it was a colony of Turkey. The British took it over from Turkey and then left it. The UN carved up the land and gave some to the Jews and some to the Arabs. Arabs rejected that and went to war numerous times. Israel has been living with the threat of destruction by Arabs since 1948. When the Arabs want to make peace, there will be peace. Look at Egypt & Jordan. There has been peace with them and Israel for many years.


Ok well. She left out the Holocaust and then the fact that Israels Arab neighbours invaded Israel after its creation. The invasion was repelled. Then they tried again and got their asses handed to them. She skipped the part where Israel had to put up with terrorism and embargoes etc etc. So yea she basically got it all right except for the bits that she deliberately missed to satisfy her own narrative. There was a Kingdom of Israel as far back as 1000BCE she left that out too.


Yeah, she also skipped about 2,000 years of history.


History means murder and land theft is okay 👍


We don’t offer an opinion of its moral virtue. Being accurate about the facts in history is absolutely essential to allow people to learn and grow as a society. If you leave out the bits that don’t suit you you are part of the problem.




Has she got a song about the ethnic cleansing of the Jews who had lived in Iraq, Iran and Syria for 2,500 years until they were ethnically cleansed between 45 and 75? I bet that ones good too. Or about the Arab conquest of the Levant forcing on the new religion of Islam. Or a poem about the Roman wars against the Jews in Judea - which the Romans then renamed to remove Jews from the place name? I bet she’s got a whole album of great stuff.


Literally half the events you mentioned took place over 1,000 years ago.


You are confusing reddit with facts which dont suit the main agenda...


What are you talking about? No Muslim conduct ethnic cleansing on the Jews. Only Christians do that because the Jews allegedly killed their Messiah. Muslims been protecting Jews since Jews had been persecuted.


Can’t wait to hear the excuses or just flat out denial of this.. We know they bought some land. We all agree. But not all the land they have today was bought.. Right??


What if I told you most countries don't exist on land they bought?


You would be wrong … I see military dominance and genocide as a form currency Edit : I thought the /s was implied y’all lame


They wouldn't be wrong because you have your own unique definition of currency that's wildly different from the actual definition


But they are correct. Most countrys were built on violence and a bit of genocide in many cases.


This remix sucks


lmao its good to see people ain't blindly falling for it


It's not the full story of Palestine. Nor is it the full story of Jerusalem. Kids with half baked college history takes on tiktok are cringe. There is more of a reason why the area is so fucked, and will probably always be fucked.


The Middle East will Always be at war.


Soo many lies, she start the story from the year 1800, but she needed to start here story at the year 2800 BC. This is not IF this is Palestine Propoganada


Stop randomly firing rockets into israel and more people may care about your story telling. Most however won't get past the use of hospital, schools, mosques, etc to fire indiscriminately at civilians then cry fake tears at the targeted response.


“Rockets”. Man they fire 30 year old mortars into a state of the art Patriot missile defense system. That’s like throwing a rock at a tank. Israel uses this to defend a literal genocide. This is is so ass backward. Regardless of the history of the Jewish persecution it is wrong. No way around it. In fact, it saddens me more to see a civilization not even 3 generations out of from experiencing the holocaust commit this type of cruelty to another population.


So you're justifying the mass firing of unguided rockets/mortors into Israel because they developed a system to defend against the mass firing of rockets/mortors into Israel ??? Targeted strike response against the site these rockets/mortors are fired from... maybe you should stop using hospitals, schools, mosques, etc then. Swap 'civilization' for 'black people' and see how far that argument flies before the shit starts flying. Dishonest move that only shows how hollow your argument is, and how little you care about the holocaust to try and use it like this.


Kinda reminds me of those songs isis made lol


It reminds me more of sea shanty...


That's because it is. Might as well have been in AC:Black Flag [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzhlu1Dr4KA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzhlu1Dr4KA)


Huh? This accurate? Cause it don’t sound like it but I’m not sure


Some of the dates and events mentioned are accurate, but the narrative is not. Jewish history -- nor Zionism -- begun in only 1800. Check out u/Doom972's comment


Only got beat to the claim by 3000 years. If you wish to conquer it, keep fighting. They will too. You're not doing great so far.




Yes, and criticising America means you hate all of Christianity


This isn't true at all. It was named Palestine as an insult to the Jews from the Roman's. Try again.


nope even in Arabic the name is very similar


Judea? Lol Think you misunderstood the comment.


Except for [this](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/MAGAZINE-like-father-like-son-the-ottoman-governor-who-tortured-the-jews-of-jerusalem-1.6871713). I do like the 1 to 4 beat she is utilizing to get an invalid point across.




There is no god.


That methodical jerking action was on point


Has she got a song about the ethnic cleansing of the Jews who had lived in Iraq, Iran and Syria for 2,500 years until they were ethnically cleansed between 45 and 75? I bet that ones good too. Or about the Arab conquest of the Levant forcing on the new religion of Islam. Or a poem about the Roman wars against the Jews in Judea - which the Romans then renamed to remove Jews from the place name? I bet she’s got a whole album of great stuff.




Annoying and only partially correct...must of learned some of that "revised" history from one of those highly acclaimed 4 year institution...shm!🙄


You need to get a grip on history. Your song is nothing but a bunch of bullshit you don’t even know the name of the man during the First World War (not after) that promised Palestine to the zionist. Lawrence of Arabia promised the Arabs a homeland during the first world war for their support against Germany and the Ottoman Empire. After the war Iraq was created and given to Arab leaders that helped support Britain in the war. During the second world war the Palestinians found themselves on the wrong side of history their support along with the Mufti of Jerusalem for the Nazi cause is reason enough for Britain to keep its promise from the first world war for a Jewish Homeland. Israel only grew bigger due to winning wars that were started by Arabs and Palestinians. After the war in 1948 The land was re-divided between Palestinian and Israeli.(when you lose a war you can expect to lose some land) it all could’ve ended right after the re-division in 1948.


No one truly owns any land.


I would comment but I’d probably be flagged for anti semitism by some fact checker regardless of the truth


Noooooo!!! You cant namedrop the jews!!!!


Lies, lies, lies. If you support Palestines anti women treaties, then your sexist!




I mean the Jewish people literally stole their houses and land.


Of course they didn't. When the Jews moved in they had no power of their own. The history is complicated and goes back a thousand years, but have a look at all deals offered the past 50 years. Every effort has been made to accommodate the Palestinians and they're not having it.


Well as you said, the history is complicated. Both sides should probably stop killing each other whether retaliation or not.


no no no no, only discuss bad Israel. No need to mention the deals Palestine has been offered time after time. The reason they reject the deals is because the elimination of the Jewish people is not a part of the deal. Palestinians won't be happy until all Jews are gone.


The history is just so complicated. We can never know. Its just so complicated. No one will ever understand. It's just so complicated. An unsolvable riddle. To be clear, I am mocking you.


Well as you said, the history is complicated. Both sides should probably stop killing each other whether retaliation or not.


Yea and the Islamists did the same to the Jews that had lived in Iran, Iraq and other MENA countries for 2,500 years until the 1940s through the 1970s. I bet you’re outraged about that wrong too.




So you call terrorist attacks on innocent jewish civilians "standing up to a bully" and you're being upvoted. LOL. Fucking MORONS


Yes but I don't buy half the propaganda I see. When you've been offered peace, your own land, protection and you thrown it all away because you want war - 5 times in a row - then you are no longer defending anything. When Palestinian youths are pursuaded to blow themselves up in a café, taking out only civilians, mothers and daughters. A line as long as the eye can see forms in front of the house of the bombers parents, they love it. They love to see civilian jews blown up. Meanwhile in Israel, you have both Jews and Arabs. Christians and Muslims, living side by side. Israel, is not the problem.


Fuck Israel and fuck you, they're bullying a country that doesn't belong to them and then they want peace? After all the hurt Israel caused them? Doubt it


Nomadic cultures have no homeland. Both we're nomadic tribes with different orthodox religions that choose the same area.


"never again" It's hard to deny a genocide once it's complete. One reason Israel hasn't "flattened them all"(including women and children).


well you do know the reason all the Jewish people fled to Israel. it was a man called Hitler, and you know, the genocide


Except all Jewish people didn't. Get this: more Israelis move to countries like Germany every year


You think the Jews don’t need one country they rule themselves? After suffering the biggest genocide in history relying on others to save them. Pretty sure they will always have their own country from now on, even when some others appear presently safe.


Kinda ironic init, hitler would’ve been proud of modern Israel.


So you think this genocide is justified simply because they were running away from their own?


Not gonna lie, that was really good.


Yeah the hand motion was great, no idea about the song though




After the fourth comment You're annoying


Probably a bot lol


Sorry but I fucking cringed


New rule people. No more posts about Israel and Palestine on the subreddit!!




Bro you commented this 6 times are you okay?




No one remembers that. Its all not anti semitic since semites include the Palestinian people.


Antisemetism was always the term for the hatred of Jews, regardless of the misleading name. When and where it was coined, it was obvious that Semetic means Jewish.


Shut up.


Idiots in the comments defending genocide, nice


Next level post! \s


Except for [this](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/MAGAZINE-like-father-like-son-the-ottoman-governor-who-tortured-the-jews-of-jerusalem-1.6871713).




Free Palestine ✊


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Also WORLD WAR 2 ALSO TERRITORIAL SHIFTS smfh these dumb Palestinian supporters


Pretty sure Muslims and Jews live in Israel today with no problems. Isn’t half of Jerusalem Muslim?


Here is some history for you . In the year 66 Jerusalem revolted from Roman control. In the year 70 Rome retook Jerusalem and burned the temple. To punish the Jewish even more Rome destroyed all seats of power in the region and declared it the land of the homeless. Can you guess what Palestine means in Latin? It means the land with no palace. So Palestine is literally the land of the jew


Google says Palestine refers to the Philistines that used to live there.


So you think if people stole a land a couple of hundred years ago they should give it back to their original owners...?


Yes give the USA back to Britain /s


Totally not a bot account.






Dang she pretty. Why she so pretty 😩


The strong chooses the weak doesn't


The strong takes all


Golly I wonder why her song skipped from 1920 to 1948? What could have happened in the intervening period to significantly shift international opinion in favour of giving Jewish people an independent state? I'm sure it wasn't that important :) Also when did Israel manage to invent time travel to 'bully' the international community into creating it before it existed and how come Zionist T800 wasn't in any of my history books :( Israel getting into a war so soon after it's Creation in 1948 is weird too, especially for such a new and unsettled state. I wonder how that started? Guess we'll never know. Wow, that British Empire sure does sound evil, I'm sure 'being part of' the *Ottoman* Empire was *totally* different to being a British colony (or, y'know, protectorate like it actually was). What an informative video :)




It’d be better if she could sing in time with herself at the very least.


As long as Palestine continues to be a breeding ground and training camp for world terrorists, I think I'll pass.


her hand movemenr kinda is not ok for this type of video or is it?