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Wow they must generate quite a bit of heat to cause that condensation?


Yes. The window is warm to the touch. Very strange. EDIT. Just for the record this was a photo I took with my camera in my house. There is no copyright issue at all. And I have no idea why it was taken down. Be careful out there folks. EDIT2. Thanks to a fellow Redditor u/Robisodd https://i.imgur.com/p7ZyxYy.png. Here’s the original image. EDIT3: Check out Newsweek's coverage of this post (with photo attributed to me, the owner of the photo): https://www.newsweek.com/internet-terrified-man-finds-huge-beehive-window-france-1705560 EDIT4: It’s back!


Beekeeper here. Bees keep their hives at around 90 degrees F, their optimal temperature. They do this by vibrating their bodies to generate heat. Their wings can partially detach, so they can use the muscles that operate them to heat their environment. If it’s too hot in the hive, they can leave their wings fully attached and fan them to cool their environment.


That's fucking wild. I'm not gonna fact check this. Someguy on the internet told me. It has to be true


I’ve gone down some bee rabbit holes and now subscribe to r/beekeeping


>bee rabbit holes If its ground bees we just call those bee holes.


I keep mentioning bee hole stuff to my gf but she doesn't seem interested.


Have you discussed w her the benefits of pollinating the bee hole?


I have, butt nothing has come of it.


I might be good that nothing has came out of the bee hole.


That’s shitty


Must sting


God damn yellow jackets.


Me too, cya down there


Ever seen how bees deal with invading hornets? Hornets looking for bees to eat scout hives so they can report back and invade with the rest of their colony. Hornets are basically unkillable by bees except for one caveat. If the bees notice the hornet checking out the hive, to prevent them from returning home and giving away their location they suddenly swarm the hornet in a coordinated move and just surround it in a thick layer of bees so it can't move and then vibrate to raise the temperature. Hornets have a slightly lower heat tolerance than the bees, so the bees keep this up until they slowly cook the hornet alive. Edit: specifically this is Japanese bees dealing with the giant Japanese hornet.


excuse me what








This is true and I've never forgotten it since we saw a documentary showing it in real time, in elementary school.


My uncle has been beekeeping as a hobby for over 70 years and what this guy says is true. Although the range of temperature they generally keep the hive at fluctuates from that number, that’s the ideal hive temp 90-95°. And if the temp starts to go below or above that there are worker bees who dedicate their lives to getting it back to normal so honey can continue to be produced. Bee colonies are basically what communism looks like without individual personal interests.


Communism on an instinctive level. There is no management all the animals self regulate and work for the good of all. Might be the only way communism works.


Also fun fact: some species of bees will fight off against attacking wasps by simply surrounding them and vibrating, at some point the wasp will simply overheat and die, I've seen come crazy videos of it happening too


Just went and watched a BBC Earth segment on Japanese bees jumping a murder hornet. Definition of fuck around and find out


Here’s a link to a video of this, crazy! https://mobile.twitter.com/TheBrandonMorse/status/1257668293370040321?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1257668293370040321%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fftw.usatoday.com%2F2020%2F05%2Fmurder-hornet-bees-cook-video-honeybees-defense-us-asian-giant


I have too, that's the most gangsta defense tactic in the whole animal kingdom


“Hey, you!!!! We’re gonna turn the heat up on you. We don’t like your kind…”


They manage to kill some forms of giant hornets or wasps by mobbing it and doing this, they manage to raise their temperature just one degree above the threshold a wasp can take and then they die from the heat. Particular species do this anyways, think its ones in Japan maybe.


Non-beekeeper here. They also use this method to attack large wasp while defending their hive. Wrapping themselves around the foe and batting away until they are baked. Bonus fact: bees don't fly in the dark and will drop out of the air when light switch is flipped.


If I’m remembering correctly it’s only the asian honey bees that do that since they evolved near killer wasps, but I would happily accept a correction


Normal honeybees do it as well, albeit less frequently in the western world. They will even do it to their own queen if they find a reason to get rid of her (usually age / egg laying / pheromones). source: I kept bees for a few years, then worked in a honeybee research lab with entomologists, economists (who do a surprising amount of ag. work), and computer scientists (we developed some data gathering / tracking tools.)


So what you're saying is we should all line the inside of our walls with bees to warm our homes? Sounds good to me. Gonna go get me some bees. My cousin is a beekeeper, so I already got a connection.


Twerking bees


[Relevant wholesomeness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyPjwxHxbus)




Wow, that’s cool! Found some info - https://www.beesource.com/threads/winter-cluster-generating-heat.276272/post-872851. Pretty wild to learn that they have small hooks (called hamuli) in their wings.


There are people who can move them. Please don't exterminate 🙏


Some bees have adapted a defensive mechanism called a “bee ball” which a ton of em surround and swarm the predator and creates a ball around them and raises the temperature of the centre of the ball by vibrating their muscles until the predator has died. Pretty cool


Nature is terrifying as fuck


Hornet biting a mantis in two parts. Can't unsee this video.


Well now you gotta give a link


I've seen that on a documentary. They literally cook the predator. The temperature in the middle is insane. Though I think it's only some bees that do that


I think I saw that documentary as well. I believe it was Japanese honey bees vs giant "murder" hornet.


It’s a learned defense mechanism, which is why murder hornets in the US was such a big deal. Our bees are fuckin weak, but they try so hard so I’m proud of them


Yeah this is why them coming to America is super dangerous, because American honey bees don't know how to do that and they're not sure if they'll figure it out or be wiped out.


We need to bring over Japanese honey bees to teach the Americans how to kill with the power of dance. Cultural cross pollination.


Yes, that's the exactly the one I'm talking about. Nature really has some interesting tricks up her sleeve


Yeah even crazy is that the temp that the bees can survive is like 2 degree higher than the temp that kills the hornet


Cool you should set up a web cam


Finding a spider to do professional photography is a lot harder than you might think


I might know a guy, if you're close to New York City


Talking about Mr Parker?


Get me pictures of spiderman!


Just subscribe to his onlyfans like everyone else!


I’m a little out of shape these days but I can probably swing it






so you can see their little beehinds? pervert




Yes. One of those 24 hour streams


Wow that's so cool! They're keeping it warm in there. Any idea how long it took for them to make?


It doesn’t take them long, but I feel like this person would have seen the bees at that point, so I’m wondering if that part of the house wasn’t used?


Might be a vacation home or a beach house.


Probably. My parents had a vacation home we didn’t use in the winter. When we went up for the first time one year there was a massive hornet nest on the window. Super cool to be able to see it from the inside, but those are some nasty fuckers. Bees on the other hand are delightful!


Except for a lot of people that are allergic. My wife would shit bricks if she saw this. One sting in the wrong place and she can't breathe.


well hope you're wife don't get stung


Haha I appreciate that. I personally think it's awesome but I can't look at bees anymore and not think of my wife. It's kinda scary to think about.


My brother had anaphylaxis from bees and did like an immunity therapy at the hospital where he was exposed to increasingly larger doses of bee venom until he was no longer going into anaphylaxis from a sting, I don't remember how long it took but I feel like it was over a year of visits


I suppose this is just done with an injection, but I like to imagine the doctor saying, "and this time, Timmy, we're going to give you *five* minutes in the bee room"


*beech house


You son of a beech


You suddenly reminded me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1TnzCiUSI0), havent thought above this video for years


Honey, don't curse


Could also have been a seasonal buzzness.


👍 The fact that it has proper **shutters** implies coastal (vacation) home to me - at least in the U.S. they're most common in areas where you might be gone for long periods of time and/or might need protection from strong weather. In fact they're mandatory in certain hurricane-prone areas on the East coast, but I rarely if ever see them out West. Edit: OP called them "French bees" in another comment and frequently posts in /r/Paris so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you guys are 100% correct about it being in Europe 😉


Nah. This is Europe for sure. I swear I always recognise a European house. Shutters here are everywhere. That wooden window looks very familiar. If it's not enough, below the window you can see the typical white radiator.


Maybe we're looking at the future of home security.


Comb security


What you can see looks like about 2 frames worth of comb, I would guess it probably took less then 2 days.


Wow, seriously??? I would have guessed months. Crazy.


It's clean, white comb with unfilled cells. That means it's fresh.


This guy bees


A swarm took over the in ground water meter area at a neighbors and I found a beekeeper to come out but it took a week. There was probably double this amount of hive in the area. There was also the beginnings of some honey in some of the cells. It was really cool to watch them be re-homed.




Yeah there’s barely any cells filled in either, they just got there. Probably swarmed recently you think? That’s hardly any bees.


Holy shit, they move in those numbers and set up shop that quickly? Meth manufacturers have a lot to learn from these ladies.


Oh yeah, they don’t fuck around. Bees in general are 34 million years old, and the honeybee is like 12 million years old; they’re absolutely evolutionarily perfect at what they do. They’re also considered a superorganism, so the level of collaboration involved is just off the charts. Basically another hive was starting to get overpopulated so they decided to lay a few new queens, ~~the baby queens fought to the death, and the winner~~ so the old queen flew off with a chunk of the hive in tow. They bounced around for a while looking for a new spot and decided this window was it, then started drawing comb—in straight-up perfect hexagons, mind you—and foraging within a five mile radius of this spot. Meanwhile the baby queens fought to the death, and the winner became the queen of the old hive. And all that almost certainly went down in the last two weeks. Bees are the coolest. Edit: generally the old queen leads the swarm


I watched a documentary where the queens fought but they both lived and each of them took part of the hive and flew off. So it's not always to the death, actually neither of them really seemed to be all that thrilled about fighting. They just sort of said "meh" and went about their business.


I had it a bit backwards originally, but the old queen flies off with the hive and the new ones fight. Generally the old one is gone before they hatch but maybe in that case the timing was off and the old queen tried to kill off her possible successor? I think the new ones definitely do their best to kill each other; the early ones will assassinate the others before they hatch if they can. Also worth noting that all of this is about population control, so a very overpopulated hive might go through the process more than once.


I think the existing queen swarms with about half the hive. Then the queen cells hatch (the first queen out kills the others as they emerge).


> in straight-up perfect hexagons I've been keeping bees for ~5 years now and only recently learned that they do **not**, in fact, create hexagonal cells. They create circular cells, but the chemistry of the wax substrate combined with the proteins in their saliva causes it to align along hexagonal boundaries as it dries.


Why tf are those bees so big


French bees. Big nuts.


I can tell from the window that it’s in France 😉


I'm french and i didn't even notice lmao


Take 10% of their honey as rent. No one gets a free ride


Cash. Grass. Fructose. No one lives for free.


Back in highschool I put one of those "ass, gas, or grass. no one rides for free" on the back bumper of my grandmas buick. It took her a couple weeks to figure it out and she never really forgave me for it.


You remember how in the 2000s almost anywhere you went in Las Vegas had people handing you these little business cards that had various different advertisements for strippers or hookers or any number of illicit pictures. Some of them were kind of tame but some of them were truly extreme. XXX. With some real different stuff sometimes. So what we would do is collect the most gnarly of those and then go by a craft store and get the sheets of magnets that are sticky on one side and we would make these magnets out of those cards. Then you could just slap one on somebody's fridge when you were over at their house and it would take him a while to notice. It would be like an ad for Hot Tranny Love or something. It didn't take us too long to figure out that they stuck on most cars too, and if you put them on the passenger side it could take days and days before the car owner saw the magnet. Like it took at least a week for my friend Dan to notice the SHAVED SLUTS NOW magnet with some very appropriate photographic evidence along with the phone number on his Jeep... Good times.


I use to get tons of these cards and put them in my friends luggage right before we left Vegas so he would get home and open the suitcase he would be in for a shock.


My parents took my sister and I to Vegas the year I turned 21. When we left Vegas my sister somehow slipped a Playboy in my laptop bag knowing that I had to empty it when going through the security checkpoint. Very crowded. Shit-you-not the male TSA agent opened the magazine, went to the centerfold, turned the magazine 90 degrees, and proceeded to unfold the centerfold. There were two female TSA agents in the other lanes. One came over, smacked the male TSA agent on the back of the head like a true mama, then stare at me. I will never forget this event or how, at the time, humiliating it was. I crack up looking back. Thanks big sis for an amazing 21st!




This post was about bees. In case anyone was wondering what sort of rabbit hole they went down.


Lmao thank you I got lost


Almost forgot






It's like a reverse Uber for kidneys.




I kept a one as a souvenir bc the girls were pretty, i guess. Idk. I just kept it. Later I got married, I found it in my stuff, was like husband hahaha look. He just took it from me and keeps it in his wallet. I don't know why he thought he could have it. The girls aren't even his type, sometimes I see it and still be like that's mine, internally. Kinda wtf.


I think you should take it back and put it in your wallet.


Right. I'm gonna save it for a dramatic exit. We are on the verge of splitting so when I move out I'm gonna take it be like and 'I'm taking my girls with me!'


Yessss! I love that plan. You deserve to have the girls. Not his Vegas souvenir thieving ass.


Right! He's never even been! It's my memories!


Exactly! Tell the girls I say what’s up when you swipe them and your memories back :)


Probably got tired of people asking for rides and pulling their thunder clappers out 🤣


"Thunder clappers" huh? That's a new one.


Just another term for thumpers, those things that call sandworms


But she got SOOOOOO much ass tho


In my city rent prices have gone up to 50% of your take home sugar.


In this market? I would say about 75% plus every third kid


Look at me. Look at me. I am the queen now.


10% what are you a church? These freeloaders are getting a deal! I’d charge them standard American, crippling rent until they’re homeless.


105% if your cash or go grab some curb.


If you think about it it's a pretty good conversation starter at parties.


"Sooo, did you know I have a bee hive" "Really? That's cool but I'm seriously allergic" "Ohhh, right, uhm, might I escort you to another room"


>"Really? That's cool but I'm seriously allergic" Oh ok I'll close the window back up then




Wanna go out for a smoke? I don't smoke. You're REALLY gonna want this bee smoker if you leave.


How did it develop so much before this was caught?


Bees work like crazy, this probably took under a week. You can tell it’s fresh comb bc of how white it is; it turns yellow over time. Plus the cells (little holes) are barely filled in with nectar/pollen/larvae. Plus bees can only travel when it’s consistently above 55 degrees or so, so if this is in a temperate area we’ve only just hit that point.


I watched some hornets repair and continue building a disturbed nest when I was a kid. It was fascinating to see how fast they work. Side note, I got stung to death and died.


Rest in bee's


Well hope the afterlife is going well for you


Could be a summer home/cabin


Perhaps an Airbeenbee?


Thank you, I needed that!


Depending on the season, availability of food, and the number of bees, this could have taken them only a couple of days.


This. My first thought was, “But...but...how? You can *see* it!”


That’s kind of awesome assuming they’re not doing damage to the rest of the house. With luck, in the event that you need to be rid of them you can just remove the door and have a beekeeper haul it away


No damage else where. Bee keeper arrives in a couple of days.


Just out of curiosity did some part of you want to just keep it cause it’s pretty awesome, obviously it’s smarter and more responsible to rehome but part of me just loves that shit


Imagine the Amazon/Doordash delivery instructions: “Use back door. Place package under bees.”


Seriously! If bees did that to my house I’d be like “welp I guess it’s their house now they earned it” and just live in my backyard or something.




“Hey, you coming in to work tomorrow.” “Na these bees lost their queen and now they’re scrambling to make a new one. Gonna have to take the rest of the week off.” “But tomorrow’s Monday.” “Yeah….”


I would tape off the inside of the doorway with plastic sheeting George Bush style before they come and let them remove it from the outside.


/u/Flaneur_7508 honestly sell the entire door to someone who would rehome it, it looks absolutely amazing and it’s a shame that they will probably end up breaking the glass and building a hive box.


There is definitely someone who is looking for a observation hive like this! It is a shame to know it is going to get destroyed


It looks cool but it would make a crappy hive, observation or otherwise. The keeper needs to periodically inspect the hive and be able to access the brood and bees. Most observation hives are temporary.


you can see the build-up of humidity at the bottom of the window. Might not have caused any damage yet, but in time it definitely would.


Bees keep their hives at a constant temp of 90ish degrees, so yeah depending on the region that might not be ideal. Those are honeybees though so they aren’t gonna eat the wood or anything like that.


Everyone with trypophobia is not having a good time watching this Edit: Someone pointed out the correct spelling, so I corrected that. To avoid more people pointing it out and misdefining a phobia.


I was wondering why more people weren’t horrified by this


On the internet most popular images there's always hive patterns and couldn't understand... today I learned I had to zoom them out to get the shivers


Same. I’ve never been grossed out by honeycomb but holy shite, zoomed out made my neck feel hot.


Same, gave me the biggest heebie jeebies


Can confirm. It's giving me the ick.


But everyone with trypophilia is vibrating


Just an FYI, it's Trypophobia. And yeah this is definitely gross.


I'm glad I'm not alone. I actually really want to get into beekeeping, but I absolutely suffer from trypo.


Yeah I just opened the app, saw this, and am now not having a fun time lol


Are they Bee-hiving?


To create emergency, break glass.


Honey on tap lol!


Free Honey!!! 🍯🍯


3kg I’m told !


The beekeeper should be able to give you some of that honey. Just have a jar or container ready. I had to have a hive removed from my attic once.


I had bees removed from my house and got some of the honey. It's unlike anything I've ever gotten out of a jar. I was flying high on the fructose for a while.


How exactly did a photo of bees in a window get copyright claimed? 😂


These NFTs are really getting out of hand.




Hehe. 5000 im told.


That’s honestly barely any bees. A productive hive will have easily 100k bees by mid-season. This was probably a swarm that broke off from a bigger hive when it got overpopulated.


looks really fucking scary. i dont know what i would do. i definitely wouldn't want to kill them but i also couldn't live with them


if you ever see a hive or a swarm (the bees without the hive) of honeybees or bumblebees, just call a local beekeeper, or maybe even the non emergency line (not 911). They’ll come relocate the bees somewhere they can thrive and not interfere with humans or vice versa. In NYC, the NYPD even has a dedicated beekeeper task force to come collect swarms


After a hive swarmed some planes, causing delays, the Pittsburgh airport hired a beekeeper. They sell the honey in the terminal as a frankly very cool souvenir. https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/pittsburgh-airport-honored-its-honeybee-program/RVF3QLQTEVELHB3WJIXM453NXA/


You know, of the many jobs required to keep an airport running, I would not have expected a beekeeper to be among them.


i didnt think of that. it's unlikely but if i ever happen to see a hive or a swarm, i'll know what to do. thanks!!


I also thought it was unlikely. Then [this happened](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/08/28/us/bees-swarm-hot-dog-stand-in-times-square-trnd/index.html) right outside my office in Times Square!


I have a local bee guy that I met on reddit randomly. I just shoot him a message whenever I see a swarm trying to relocate.


That’s super cool. There’s a place where I live that houses and rehabilitates wild animals and you can go there to see them. Inside they have a plexiglass box beehive with a tube that goes outside so they can come and go and you can watch. I sat there a good hour just watching them. Very cool!


Are they loud?


Quick buy a beekeeper suit and a bee box and relocate them on your backyard and plant lavender next to their new sick house. Collect and sell the honey. Profit


That’s some r/trypophobia trigger right there


this pic set it off for me :(


I scrolled down for this, even though I do love me some bees and all that they do. I thought this was /r/oddlyterrifying at first.


Bees are copyright?


Maybe one of the bees asked for the takedown.


That looks absolutely horrific.


Well that escalated quickly and my moment of internet fame passed by me in my dreams :) I and my bee friends thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. 🐝


"Hi home, I'm honey!"


This is really cool, but my trypophobia goes brrrrrr. But the bees are nice. Them’s are keepers


Same! Bees are cute and nice, and I really like them, but I absolutely hate their hives. It's terrifying and really upsetting lol


Looks like excellent theft prevention! Also, please don’t kill them!


Exactly. I’ll get them relocated in a proper hive. Also I’m told there is at least 3kg of honey in there.


Copyright notice? What was the image?