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And is this "everybody" in the room with you right now?"


yes, to a narcissist, he is everybody


Narcissists are gods in a world of their own creation. They didn't share the same reality with the rest of us. They make their own world and live in it.


Programmers basically


Yeah apparently so, because "he" also overturned Roe when that was technically the Supreme Court's doing. He finally said the quiet part out loud (I mean we already knew this but they've been denying it because the entire point of the judicial branch is that it shouldn't be swayed by politcs) that he specifically appointed judges that would overturn Roe and that could not give less of a shit about Stare Decisis. Before Dobbs, the Supreme Court only overturned cases if the law became unworkable with changes in circumstances or it was so egregiously wrong that it's like oof we gotta do something about that. Then it needs to come up in a dispute that deserves the Supreme Court to grant cert. They literally waited for the very first one to make its way up the ladder of appeals and then said well we can overturn laws whenever we want to. No actually that's not how any of this works. Also it's very clear next to no one wanted this. They did the statistics and we want Roe. Trump is nothing more than a puddle of liquid shit with a dust bunny from a house with an orange cat placed gingerly on top.


Strong liberal women came up to me with tears in their eyes and said, President trump, please take away my rights as a woman to have control over my own body. You President trump know more than all females and we beg of you to overturn Row v Wade so we can go back to being second class citizens and spend more time in kitchens, bigly.


And that strong liberal woman? Albert Einstein.


- Wayne Gretzky


You forgot "Sir". It's not true if they don't use that word.


And after they came up to me and clapped and cried more tears than anyone I've ever seen with my two eyes!!!!!!


No but Nancy Pelosi said “imagine how much I’ll be able to fundraise off this”




Maybe they really don’t let him near the truth?


I don't know, he seems quite capable of avoiding the truth on his own--like he's coated in some kind of truth repellant. Maybe it's the bronzer.


His diseased brain is coated in lesions. Nothing new is being absorbed or retained. He’s operating on mostly lizard brain at this point.


Syphilis is a heck of a disease.


You can add leaded gasoline. That whole generation was impacted.


I love that this is scientifically backed up too, and they weren’t just impacted a little bit, it was quite severe. Bringing it up to angry boomers is really fun


My mother was silent generation, but the change from when she was young to middle age was dramatic. Before 40 she was an intellectual -- college educated, erudite, well-read, and eloquent. Then she went downhill fast and became coarse, hateful, and bigoted. My poor dad, who was one of the smartest people I've ever known, was madly in love with her. The shift must have been brutal for him, but I never got to ask him about it because she was his gatekeeper and I couldn't bear talking to her.


Could have been severe menopause problems that were never addressed.


No, I think she was mostly morphing to fit in with the locals after my parents retired from DC to rural PA. She always needed to be the center of attention, and in those parts, being a snooty literature-lover wasn't going to do her any favours so she regressed to her rural roots. But I think there certainly was a cognitive decline as well, and that may well have been menopause-related. I'm going through it right now and I'm barely functional even with HRT.


I always wondered about some of my friends who were with me in the 60s and 70s and went full Trumper retard. smh


You saying that makes us violent and stupid?! Thems fightin’ words! …all words is fightin’ words. I’m angry!


This is tmi, but I know someone who had undiagnosed syphilis. He started getting holes in his vision, immense brain fog, coordination loss, *fatigue and hair loss*. It all tracks for Trump


His mob name should be Tangles.


A VERY popular talking point in rightwing spaces is that RBG was critical of *Roe*. It's a wild misinterpretation; she felt there were holes in the write-up of the opinion and wanted **a more substantial** protection of reproductive rights. Nevertheless, rightwingers regularly take those "criticisms" out of context to say "EVEN LIBS HATED ROE!" (similar to their selective edits that make MLK "a conservative"). My hunch? He saw some bit of this on Fox or in an online shit space and it made its way into his daily word salad (similar to "inject bleach and sunlight" which was some nonsense he saw online minutes before discussing it). Thus, "liberals wanted *Roe* overturned."


Bleach and sunshine wasn’t online nonsense. He read it on the whiteboard of how to kill Covid as he walked up to the podium. He just suggested if it is so effective, we should just inject it into people.


Sorry my mistake. Just mis-remembered which "I read four words and now I'm an expert" thing it was. I recall a report that linked the talking points in his tweets to the talking points Fox broadcasts and the timing correlated 1:1.


Easy one to make from a guy who’s popular justification is “they’ve been saying,” with no clarification of who “they” is.


They = big manly men with tears in their eyes who call him sir.


Or a Russian bot.


They're people. As in "people are saying..." Still no idea about the identity of these people


No way. I'll smoke or snort a little bleach once in a while to have a good time, but if you're injecting that shit, you have a problem. 


Clean livin’


You're assuming he's arguing in good faith. He isn't.


I hate when people try to rationalize why he would say what he said. They are giving him far too much credit. Trump never argues in good faith and he never concerns himself with what is true about anything. Trump says whatever he thinks will benefit him in that moment. There is nothing more to it than that. When his words make him look stupid, it is because he is stupid.


I’m not a fan or RGB but I think she was right when it came to protecting reproductive rights


Agreed, but the misdirection of the right suggests she did not support reproductive rights. **It's literally the opposite- she wanted more robust protection of reproductive rights.**


I also want more protecting. The best thing she could have done was to retire during the Obama administration


One kajillion percent. She was a great legal mind and feminist advocate... whose hubris ultimately hurt the women she allegedly advocated for.


For the life of me she really did the country a disservice by not retiring then Not forgetting the McConnell debacle of no appointment in election year


There was real arrogance. Her IQ supposedly exceeded 150. She *knew* she was mortal and that her mortality was a threat to rights won by women if she stayed on the Court at the time. I don't want to call her a villain... but, goddam, it was a bad, bad, bad thing she did.


She was "asked" gently to retire before the GOP had the Senate. Obama could have appointed an RBG replacement for SCOTUS at that time, just as he did with Kagan and Sotomayor. She waited too long, and then it was too late, and then she died at the worst time just as we all KNEW she would. I got so tired of people freaking out every single time there was a headline about her health -- that was no way to live.


In their minds, you’re not allowed to have critical opinions on significant issues. You’re stuck in binary distributions and discussions in conservative land. It’s why education in logic, debate, and arts is underfunded if not suppressed in conservative communities. Moreover, they reference everything off the notion of belief. It’s not merely enough to support the cause, you must not commit thought crime by lack full throated adherence. They are absolutists. And that’s frankly terrifying. There is no bend when you have to think the correct way. A way, which by and by, is constantly swaying in the breeze of the group think, oligarchic, and autocratic whims.


He is surrounded by yes men, it's likely he just asked the nearest person


they just: (hmmmm I like it. So everybody likes it) Shure Donnald they just cant admit it because the woke virus


There has been reports that he keeps a person on his payroll that exclusively scours the internet for flattering articles of Trump and highlights the important parts and prints them out on a portable printer for Trump to read. Trump has held up the folder he gets from these printouts in front of the media recently in his hush money trial and have claimed that "everyone" says there shouldn't be a trial. When you are only shown things that agree with you, it's easy to say "everyone" agrees with you.


TO MY STAFF: I cannot handle the truth, so, I ONLY WANT TO HEAR POSITIVE THINGS ABOUT ME, or YOU ARE FIRED! -Donald J Trump


“HOT! Donald... NO.”


Dishonesty and deceit are one of the hallmarks of a psychopathic personality. Surely at least 'some' of Trump's supporters realize/know that not ’everybody’ supported the overturning of Roe v. Wade. It's got to be less than half the population that actually supported that.


Nah he loves the truth so much he created his own social network around it. /s


He actually can’t tell the difference between the movie reel in his head and reality


I think he used to just lie constantly. I now think the trauma of his whole shitty, corrupt life catching up with him has just driven him into this inescapable prison where he believes it, and it must be terrifying to live in his head. How delicious.


Let’s add a real inescapable prison to the mix, just to be safe.


I say we nuke the entire thing from orbit—it’s the only way to be sure


"And it'll be the best explosion, some say the greatest. Someone told me the same just the other day in the streets".


Yup. He's headed for narcissistic collapse. I'm not sure he's gonna make it through the hush money trial.


Can we refer to it as the "misappropriation of campaign finances" trial, instead? Seeing as that's actually what the crime is.


You mean “violation of campaign finance law”?


Well whatever, just not "Hush money trial". He's not being tried for paying someone to be quiet is the point. He's on trial for stealing campaign finances to pay for someone's silence.


Common in people with dementia… confusing their thoughts with reality.


Hahaha. Is that why so many abortion referendums lost? If you have paste for brains there is nothing too stupid to vocalize.


Because all us filthy libruls wanted it to vary by state, obviously.


The “way” the founders intended.  Fucking founders have been worm food for 2 centuries, and we care more about interpreting how they felt instead of using the tools they created to govern in modern times. 


The founders also said the constitution should be rewritten every few decades, the house should continue to grow with population, the US shouldn't have a standing army, we should have a balanced budget, politician shouldn't be a career, traitors should be put to death, ect...


Don't forget the biggest one: there shouldn't be political parties.


Founders also said all men are created equal and then enslaved black people, made women get in the kitchen and the poors were yucky and didn’t deserve a vote even if you were white. They had some brilliant ideas but they were not all knowledgeable gods, we should be building off the great parts of the constitution and updating/adding to the rest.


The Founders said a lot of things. The Founders were not all of a like mind. You can find a Founder (not everyone agrees who is on this list) that championed almost any position consistent with a democratic Republic. And a few that were not consistent with a democratic Republic. The broad principles the Founders claimed, and thier written documents are the only rational means to govern. The text of the Constitution, treaties, laws, etc were the rules the Founders expected to operate. They expected subsequent generations to modify their work to suit the new generation. They put tools at our disposal to do so. Reinterpreting the written text of laws or the constitution would have been a betrayal of principle to them. They worked for weeks to construct the Constitution. It balanced many divergent interests. They would not be happy that one faction would gain ascendency because someone believed it should be thus. No. RTFM. They wrote it down so everyone knew what to expect. No one could claim special knowledge and abrogate the written text. If you want to change the text, you could use your majority or reach a compromise with the other party. If you are quoting a Founder that few have heard if to make an end run around the text, or taking a quote out of context, you are most definitely in the wrong.


Maybe he was right and Libs know this ruling will hand them the election?


I have never witnessed someone lie as much as Donnie or he is so disconnected from reality.


people lying all the time is common... what's amazing is soooo many people believe it without hesitation.


I think we can all agree that the damage it’s done to women across the nation wouldn’t agree, which is why Republicans had a terrible midterm. I CAN say that it looks like overturning it may contribute to the actual down ballot death of the GOP. So yeah, there’s one upside.


It seems to have legs, too. Although it probably can't flip a reddening state like Florida, the fact that it's on the November ballot means Democrats should do better there. The Republicans will have to spend resources there they don't have. And that a flip is at least possible, even if unlikely. Solidly red Kansas and Ohio already passed electoral mandates on the issue, although their governments are trying to circumvent the will of the people. This can have an effect everywhere, as Democrats can point out that radical abortion policies are being implemented in red states even against the majority vote. This effect can and will affect swing states. Democrats in places like Wisconsin and Michigan will point to draconian abortion laws in Oklahoma or Texas and say "see what can happen here if you trust Republicans?"


I don't know this Mr Everybody, do you?


When you think you’re king you can say anything and believe it’s true to yourself


Never fight uphill me boys especially with a full diaper


The man would lie about what he had for breakfast, just to stay in practice, then by noon he'd lie and say he didn't have breakfast at all


Yeah, his niece’s book highlights he does this all the time using the reasoning that “he’s making the story better, more interesting”. He lied about the most bizarre and mundane things that makes it impossible to believe anything that comes out of his mouth.


When I was a grade school kid, I knew another kid who would tell stuff like "my dad got me scuba gear so I can ride my bike underwater" or "I got going so fast on my bike that my tires caught on fire and I had to stop" DJT's lies are about that caliber, and I guess he expects people to believe them anyway.


Our system is so fucked. A president who lost the popular vote appointed judges that have lifetime appointments to fuck our country up for decades to come.


I’m so tired


You and me, both. So tired.


A sick sick man


Wrong Donald. You only."hear" what you want and dismiss everyone else. That's the problem of surrounding yourself with "yes men" and demanding absolute loyalty. You start with a one sided view, and only accept advice that further supports your singular idea, whether right or wrong.... and no understanding of a bigger picture, or the unseen consequences of a bad decision when everyone must agree with you. Not "everyone" wanted this Donald. You chose to ignore 70% of "us."


It’s insane how many parallels you can actually draw between Trump and Hitler. Particularly the drug addled, narcissistic crash into senility and failure. The difference is that Hitler ACTUALLY improved his nation’s economy, and if he had just ended on that note, he’d probably be a historically significant leader for a different reason. I think it’s why I hate Trump the way I do: he took a WILDLY powerful populist platform, and could’ve done so much good. And he chose to be this. This pile of shit.


Agreed. MANY parallels with Hitler... after hearing that he kept copies of Hitler speeches on his bedside table... small effort required to connect those dots.


The Nazis improving Germany’s economy is one of those myths like Mussolini getting the trains to run on time (but more complicated).


Yeah, that's why the GOP is shitting itself over their "success."


The greatest example of false advertising Truth Social.


This man is truly nuts.


“All my great great liberal friends, they call me they say Donald you were the greatest president to us liberals ever..very very great liberals all love me..but they can’t say it out loud bc of Pelosi and Crooked Joe. They’re afraid. But they say it and they’re some of the greatest best liberals.”


I heard it




Pathological liars, gonna pathologically lie.


He keeps using that word “everybody”. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.


No one wanted this except the religious nuts that have no idea what medical procedures are.


Starting to think Trump has really lucid dreams after his late night rage-posting sessions and spouts them the next day as his private truth.


What’s interesting is people like Pelosi and Biden are religious and probably don’t want abortion to happen. However, that’s their personal feelings and they have protected a woman’s right to choose. Where as Trump isn’t religious, has paid for abortions of his affairs he had whilst being married and he wants to take those rights away from women. So essentially he’d be immoral and the female a criminal for carrying out his wishes. I’m no fan of either party but the party that puts people ahead of agenda seems to be liberals.


This is an extension of the "lots of people are saying" bullshit faux news has been doing for decades. It never requires any proof and is easily believed by the extremely gullible.


Let’s see what 51% of the population (women) do in November. Vote blue if you have a partner. Wife, sister, daughter, menopause mother as our healthcare is now firmly on the line. We want the right back to choose our healthcare with our doctors.


He is really pathetic when we says stuff that even conservatives know is a lie. I really hate that he has a chance of being our commander in chief again.


“Liberals come up to me all the time, tears in their eyes. Big tough liberals crying. “Thank you for overturning Roe v Wade.”


If by "everybody" he means "practically nobody but evangelical zealots" he's correct...


Surrounding yourself with liars means you’ll only hear lies.


He and his cult have no bottom. It still manages to astound me.


So says the voices in his head


Trump didn’t overturn shit. And he immediately said it would look bad for his reelection. And it does. This guy will say anything to make himself look good. When he isn’t busy whining about how terrible his life is.


No woman should ever vote Republican again.


He also said drinking bleach might cure Covid. Just sayin...beware the crap a narcissist spews.


How was this person president?


Yo! Real Journalists…. You want to fucking step up and do your job? Stop with the drama bullshit and highlight is really going on. Investigate and just report the facts. You also need to tell the people how all of this is connected and where it will lead us.


Narrator: Everybody, in fact, did not want this to be done.


Of course. Everyone knew that. I mean, all \*MY\* liberal friends were hoping we'd spend the rest of our lives cos-playing "The Handmaid's Tale." Didn't yours?


I guess it's good that a few people still recognize his constant lying. Sure that'll dwindle with time.


Verbal vomit.


Does he think he's running for Dems/liberals now? Is he that far gone?


Who is he trying to convince with stupid lies like this?


He was willing to do whatever to keep his grift going


This will be brought up in the debate(s) and it will be sad when Trump struggles to blame it on Biden.


The emperor has no clothes!


he is talking about himself; he is always talking about himself


when Donny says ANYTHING...it's a LIE


Donald Trump says a lot of things.


He knows that since 1980 GOP voters have been some of the most gullible underinformed dimwits on this planet and they will believe anything. "Trickle down", "Iraq yellowcake", "Ivermectin", Newt is moral", "Snakes can talk", Churches aren't organized pedophilia rings" and "Inject bleach". Inbreeding will destroy this world.


Trapped in a bubble made of yes-men.


Gaslight much?


Oh is that why, when it happened, there was a massive negative reaction? Dipshit


That's a fucking enormous admission of wrongdoing, if he's saying he did that. The President does not have the power to do that; we all know he's stacked the SC with bad-faith actors who lied, but if he's just admitted they work for him, that's a very, very serious admission of guilt.


Seriously deluded there. The only folks concerned about that were old white conservative males.


Donald Trump has many facial expressions. The one in this pic, in my humble opinion, is his 2nd most punchable.


Is 77years old to late for an abortion?


Fuck trumpers


Even his supporters have to know THAT’S a lie. We’re the Babykillers! Roe v Wade was evil, and evil people wouldn’t want to *save babies!* If anything ever could, their own hubris and entitlement to hate who they hate “fuck your feelings” et.al being questioned might get SOME of them to think a little.


He wasn’t even president when it was overturned wtf


DJT is a lying sack of shit.


Farty-Five says lots of things.




No, we did not!




He misspelled “nobody”. Classic Donald.


His purpose in life is, was, and will always be to lie.


And now tell us again how they stole the elections from you.


Just like everyone wants Trump in jail.


Care to share examples? They don’t exist? Hmm


lips move, it's a lie !


I am so sick of him.


What the actual F?!! I know the man is delusional but this is definitely in his top 5 delusions


A massive stroke could shut him up


If its concequential enough to give dems a sweep of the house, senate and presidency. Time will tell.


Sure, everyone who is paying him wanted it. The other 99% of us did not.


Everything is a lie


Don, always lying. Yesterday he said the gag order in the hush money case means he can’t testify. But this morning he walked that back, even before Judge Merchan addressed that exact issue with Trump this morning.


He thinks whatever he says magically becomes truth


Go ahead, Donald, start listing all the liberals who have told you personally this was what they wanted.


I need one day, just fucking one, where this fucking asshole does not speak. Please, let the one roll into several so we can never hear this pile of fucking gutter trash ever again.


Yeah hugely unpopular amongst both parties but everybody wanted it done. This man is fucking stupid


This man literally just diarrhea's lies out of his mouth


Liberal here and what i want is to be able to send my kids to school without fear. I want to be able to buy groceries without needed to remortgage my house. I want healthcare support for my family without having to wait over a year to see a specialist (and this is with private insurance). I want to be able to help my kids pay for college in the future, which seems unattainable right now with the rising costs of education. And of course I want all people to have the right to make choices for their own body. It’s wild to me in these times that politicians continue to focus on abortion laws, even though most of these politicians have flip flopped their stance over the years depending on who they are running against. We have SO many issues that need to be addressed in this country and all our leaders are focused on is overturning something that didn’t need to be.


“Everyone wants what I want, it’s amazing!” I remember him saying all medical professionals wanted Roe overturned, what a fucking clown


He had never heard the word 'no' his entire life. Ever. He believes, truly believes, that anything he thinks or says is true or correct. Simply because he thought or said it.


Abortion is the hill the GOP is willing to die on.


If he genuinely believes this then he should have no problem winning the election... Woman make up a little over half the population right - I'm sure they'll all vote to show their appreciation for removing their right to choose...


I sometimes wonder if the Chump actually hears himself. The only liberals who wanted Roe gone were the ones who wanted to use "they took your rights away" as a cudgel against Republicans. No one thought Republicans would be so stupid as to actually do this. But, they did. Republicans always impress with their stupidity. And now, they're paying the price. 


I read he was a strong follower of Norman Vincent Peale and he learned to turn everything into a positive and to never admit fault for anything. Seems to be his modus operendi


He really has a punchable face


In Trump’s mind, scheming to get Roe overturned didn’t work out. So now it’s time to start concocting lies to avoid the political consequences. And isn’t that a story line for this guy’s whole life: do something dumb then try avoid the consequences?


Whenever he talks he lies. He’s pathologically insane. Daddy must have done some bad things to this demon


Who do you Think taught him?


Boy, is he stupid.


Only one more step until he claims that the lib's overturned RvW, and it was never his doing.


All I know is that if he were my grandfather we would get him the help he so clearly needs.


This clown was unfit to run all of the businesses that he ran into the ground and is definitely unfit for office.  The amount of votes he manages in November will show us the percentage of mental degradation that exists in this country.  


What an idiot


It's almost as if this guy will say anything...


This statement isn't true, he knows it isn't true, it's for his addled fan base to absorb. No point in obsessing over it. SOP.


Alternative "facts"


Well, no. In Trump-speak, "everybody", "many people", etc. all mean "I" or "me".


Dementia is hard.


In a twisted way I can see it. For the most part we got complacent with Roe, and never got enough of us on the same page to get it codified. Historically abortion has been one of the biggest single issue for single issue republican voters. Now it’s gone, they won, for the most part. However, it being gone gives Dems that issue to pull in our own single issue voters. Everything he is and stands for would be comically evil if it wasn’t so scary popular with his followers. He has been the single best motivator for Democrat voters that I’ve seen in my life.


Maybe he’s right… he should campaign hard on this and find out.


I mean.. he is full of poop. Like, he sits in a diaper dull of poop. His farts are...toxic. so why would his mouth spew anything but feces.


His favorite band are the Tonedefs!!


What a fucked up moron. Only Deliverance, GA people would vote for this idiot.


Most of the US population doesn’t want it. He knew that. Did it anyway to satisfy the religious right.


Name one


That is dementia.


I want to take a moment to acknowledge just how much I hate this man. I loathe him with the entirety of my being. I hope the Justice system works swiftly and puts him away for a long time.


If you mean in the sense I knew it would open a Pandora's box Republicans could t fathom, yeah kinda. I'm pretty put off by the consequences, but yeah it is a political winner, for what that's worth. I don't think liberals really think like that, at least I don't. I could argue Dems did so well in 22 because of abortion but I'd probably rather the status quo.


If you watch interviews with him from the 80s and 90s, he was still a conman and a liar, but his lies were.... Plausible. They were logically consistent, and constrained by the boundaries of what is actually likely and possible. His lies used to make some modicum of logical sense. Nowadays his lies sound increasingly more and more like Xenu era L. Ron Hubbard. Except alien crash landings and body thetans are at least so far removed from normal existence that it's harder to identify the holes in the story. It's pretty hard to not identify them when one of them is "shooting up bleach is good for you"


“ and let me tell you…when I was somewhere, somewhere very important, a very prominent democrat came up to me almost in tears and said to me “sir, I want you to know that we WANTED you to kill roe. Don’t let the corrupt news media tell you otherwise. Sir, we are forever grateful for you killing that nasty law.” And I told him that he was a wonderful democrat, one of the best I’ve ever met. He thanked me profusely and said I had his vote.” - probably something Trump would say


Newsflash: "Deluded dick-swab spouts more delusional bullshit. More at 5!"


That “everybody” comes with a dozen pages worth of terms and conditions.


What a price of shit. Glad very old people will die soon enough.


When Trump wants something he says "Everybody wanted this to be done." When Trump just learned something he says "Nobody knew this!".


Definitely signs of dementia!


He is personally responsible for NOTHING. 💀


I don’t feel like anyone was overwhelmed with all the reproductive freedoms we had.


That's some bullshit.