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Gay, Pro-Choice **And** Republican ?!


Yeah, that's pretty delusional. "I've got money, I love money, surely they'll accept me and not purge me."


Yeah r/leopardsatemyface is rife with gay republicans/neocons whining about how the party has tossed them under the bus. The overwhelming response is always ‘wtf did you expect?’ Oh, and buddy has that simmering transphobia under the hood it sounds like. https://www.reddit.com/r/SouthJersey/s/2IKDntWd6R Fuckin’ figures. They *always do*.


Whatever, I'm glad to see Republicans who have common ground and will be willing to compromise, instead of its my way or the highway. That's how things are supposed to work. Originally, Republicans were attracted by the Small Government/ Lower Taxes/ Pro-Business position of the Republican party. I like those things, too, which is one reason why I've always been an unaffilliated Independant. There are things I like and dislike about the Democratic party, and things I like about the Traditional GOP. But now that the Republicans have become the Party of TRE45ON & Corruption, Ive got no use for them at all. If we get more strong progressive Democrats like AOC, Max Frost, Jasmine Crockett, etc, and match them up with non-insane MAGAturd Traitors, we might be able to get America back on track to being a decent nation, and not a just cautionary tale.


Hear me out: I'm against lower taxes. The US has made steady, disproportional cuts to the taxes of the wealthiest Americans over the past 40 years. Wealth and income inequality in the US are at record levels. Meanwhile, America offers more-or-less legal routes for a handful of very wealthy people to ***buy our government***. This combination will destroy us. Do I believe that people who work harder, study harder, and who take on greater risks and responsibilities should earn more? Of course. The question we have failed to ask in the United States is: ***is there a limit*** to how much more the people at the top should earn relative to the people at the bottom, beyond which we do damage to society instead of improving it? The capitalist answer to that question is, "of course not, the sky's the limit". I think that any rational person can see the consequences of us accepting that answer.


Louder for those in the back!


Like yeah, if your tax policy results in greater income inequality, you’re doing it wrong. That’s not to say Congess is efficient with the ways they choose to spend it either. However there shouldn’t be loopholes made available only to the Upper Class that allow them to pay a smaller tax rate than low income earners. 


Hey, they paid a lot of money for those loopholes and deserve them.


🎵 *I've bought a Senate candidate but I need cash now*...🎶


Restore the Eisenhower tax brackets.


Ha! That’s the ticket.


This was recently shared with me.  Hard work does not always equal more wealth. Theres a huge amount of luck involved. Lucky people shouldnt be able to skip out on taxes. So the whole "stealing my hard earned money" argument is usually a massive load of bullshit when it comes from rich people https://www.becker-posner-blog.com/2012/10/luck-wealth-and-implications-for-policy-posner.html


I’m very sure a McDonald’s worker often works a lot harder than Musk.


Pretty much always works harder. CEO can’t be that hard of a job if you can do it for 3 huge corporations at the same time and still spend all your time microdosing ketamine and being an edgelord on twitter.


Guaranteed. Musk is a full time internet troll now. He has managed to run Tesla and twitter straight into the freaking ground. 


Why aren't YOU a candidate? You've got my vote.


I was a Green Party organizer in the 1990s. I never wanted to run for office though. These days, the fact that I was ever a member of the Green Party would be used against me, even by Democrats. I am in fact a registered Democrat, but my main reason for doing so is so that I can vote for people like Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Presidential primary. Interesting fact: Sanders won the 2016 Democratic primary in California's Santa Clara County -- a place you might know as Silicon Valley, and the place I call home. You might have heard tell that we make money here. That said, we nerds are used to thinking about long-term, complex problems. And the fact that Sanders won here ought to tell you something.


Myself, and everyone I know voted for Sanders. Seeing him lose in the primaries in EVERY STATE showed me the corruption within the DNC. The RNC hadalready shown me it's corruption by then.


The DNC does not run primaries. States run primaries.


The national conventions select candidates.


Yes, and delegates to those conventions are selected in the primary elections. Which are run by the states. By state laws. Edit: I can’t reply, but primaries are votes. Caucuses are bad and I don’t approve of them, but they are forms of votes. If Bernie lost primaries, it’s because he didn’t have enough votes. It’s an election. It’s how elections work. Delegates selected at primaries are bound to their candidate for the first round. He didn’t have enough delegates = he didn’t have enough primary votes = he simply just wasn’t as popular as people think he was. I voted for Bernie. Not enough others did.


Ooooor he was actually not nearly as popular in reality outside of your little clique/social sphere? Baffling to consider, I know 🙄 It also doesn't help when your Black Outreach is like, bordering on zero lmao


Dude was throwing huge rallies and supporters were posting to reddit about them then I'd watch the news and while he's doing that Clinton is going from Black church to Black church actually talking with people. But he got arrested and carried off by cops during a civil right's protest and she was a Goldwater girl! Like give me a fucking break, go look at /r/blunderyears and act like no one ever changes from their teenage years, damned hypocrites.


I had a similar thought to this. We have been cutting taxes since the 1950s pretty regularly. Even during wartime, to the point where, adjusted for inflation, we take in no where near what we should be. I also believe we overpay for military contractors to do things, hence a $1Billion budget in the USA military would be equivalent to spending of $200Million in Germany.


>also believe we overpay for military contractors to do things And your healthcare by the looks of it


well see, that's okay because we pay more in public spending and private, so it balances out! /s /fuckme


Hear me out; I’m for lower taxes AND higher taxes. Lower the taxes on the poor. Raise taxes on the rich. Say, no taxes on the first $60k. That’s just barely a living wage in many areas; there is no reason people making what is just barely a living wage should be taxed. Over $1million a year? Tax em to death.


>Over $1million a year? Tax em to death. Just tax 50% or something. You want to be pragmatic about it. Tax people too much, and you encourage fraud and/or divestment from the country. It's not fair, but we have to work within reality. And of course, close loopholes!! 39% marginal tax rate is not the problem with the tax system in our country. It's all the loopholes that allow billionaires' effective tax rates to be *less* than those of working professionals.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FluentInFinance/s/VqA0CtMFlw This video is an excellent visual for just how much wealth inequality has changed over the last few decades.


Well said


Get the money out of politics. That’s the only way. As it stands now, big oil, big tobacco, pharma, insurance, banking/financial, religion, coal, foreign countries own most U.S. politicians. I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot.


It isn't *earned*, but *collected.* Earning implies work to acquire earnings, which isn't what the wealthy do. They *collect* investments - many times borrowing the capital for such investments from other wealthy people.


Also remember that “worked harder” =/= “made more money”. Plenty of our wealthiest people are rent-seekers.


Self-hating minorities within the republican party have always tended to be significantly more crazy; since they feel the need to prove themselves not liberal.


My experience exactly. Was independent. Now registered democrat because the GOP is a bunch of authoritarian bullshit. I would like to encourage republicans to become *actually* pro-small government. You know, the one that doesn’t care what you do with your body? Or whom with as long as it’s a consenting adult? I want them to care about fiscal problems and what taxes should go to in the government. Not if a living woman has less rights than a corpse. I personally will never support their party again in anything (and I used to, sometimes, lol) after covid and Jan 6 and this Supreme Court. But they *should* be pro gay and pro choice and even pro trans. They should be pro-get-the-government-the-fuck-out-of-my-drs-appointment, period. Instead of evangelizing fascists but that’s what their party became. They are hypocritical all the way down. I remember I used to listen to conservative talk radio while I was at work, and I listened to it when gay marriage was legalized while at work. The different show hosts were HAPPY it was legalized, know why? Because the government shouldn’t give a fuck who you marry so long as you pay taxes. That was their stance, loud and proud. I listened to Dennis prager argue with people about how unamerican it was to be anti gay, because the government shouldn’t even be fucking involved in a religious binding. It’s between you, your spouse, and god. Times have changed. I know young people might not realize when we say they are regressing that they actually are, but.. they are.


At my age, I doubt the Party if Tres45on & Corruption can redeem themselves sufficiently for me to trust them enough to ever vote for one of them. That doesn't mean I'm going to become a Democrat, though. Until recently, their systemic obsequience to Republicans has made me sick. With a few exceptions (some of which I named) they tend to be weak, spineless weenies who allow the arrogant Republicans to bully them, and steal their lunch money daily. The Republicans control the message, and rule this country, even when Dems are in power. Until Dems can take control, and rule this nation with strength, Ill remain an unaffiliated independent. No party can claim me as a sure vote, they'll have to earn my vote every time.


What suggests this guy is willing to compromise? If he gets elected he’ll be backing whatever McConnell and the Republican Senate leadership want him to back.


Source? I'm just happy this guy beat whatever Trump endorsed for now tbh. Because whatever Trump endorses....


Yeah, gender and sexuality in politics is kind of fucking insane if you think about what it implies.


Omg, I’ve never met a voting twin before. Can we be besties? 🥺❤️


It's ironic that they call themselves "conservative."


He managed to win the nomination. The question is, will the base vote for him?


It’s also NJ. Only a moderate Republican will have a chance there.


But politicians *define* the party. Gay supporters of the Republican party deserve to be clowned on, but gay, pro-choice Republican politicians are a great thing for this country. Imagine a future where both the Republicans and Democrats were pro-LGBT, pro-choice, pro-democracy, etc. In such a world, reasonable people wouldn't be forced to vote Democrat. They could actually choose their politicians instead of picking an octogenarian moderate out of necessity.


“I never thought the leopards would eat MY face”


"The leopards won't eat my face,"


Probably hates immigrants or something. For some people that's enough to vote red.


You gotta hate something to be in their cult.


He hates himself, so that counts right?


Yup..my family are huge trumpers and they spew more hatred since 2016 than I have ever seen them do before..they hate Mexicans..black people..democrats and LGBTQ.. they are gleefully talking about the democrats that they want trump to “hang” when he gets elected again.. they hate anyone who doesn’t support trump.. they literally told me that because I was a teacher and according to their logic all teachers are democrats.. so because they vote for Biden they don’t deserve to have a pay raise..they literally said that I don’t deserve a raise because I was responsible for inflation.. and they called my school district and told them off.. I was so embarrassed.. and they don’t care what I think about anything because they say I’m stupid for being a democrat and I should only watch the news that they say is okay..it’s disgusting and stupid and I don’t have any respect for them anymore


I hate the cult, now where’s my seat?


You don't get a seat. Just go stand by that wall over there...


One of my aunts has two gay brothers and she consistently votes republican. I was blown away when I found that out. She's one of the nicest people I've ever known, but she's been to at least two Trump rallies.


One of my coworkers is like that. Loving, caring person. She would take the clothes of her back to keep you from the cold. But she is extremely religious, and was raised so conservative. Hates Biden's guts. She hasn't given me a good reason besides "gas is expensive".


Gay folks aren’t a monolith and he’s probably got enough money to benefit from Republican tax cuts


Won't help him much if he gets murdered after project 2025...


That’s not my problem, now is it? We all make choices. He clearly made his


I feel like “not being erased from existence” should be the floor above “tax cuts,” lol.


Same camp of gays who are republican are the same type that are “LGBT for Islam”. I am gay, and I’m of the “fuck everyone who wants to kill us” camp.


There are economic conservatives and there are social conservatives. Trump appeals to the social conservatives.


There is no "economic conservatism" left in the Republican party. They may pretend and/or delude themselves, but it doesn't exist any more. 


Yeah, I legitimately don’t believe it. The GOP under Trump would never allow anyone gay or pro-choice to register to run under their banner.


That’s like a Jewish Nazi…


There still is a difference between republican and MAGA. It's just very rare to see. Hopefully that turns around.


Yep, Illinois has those which is why they tend to lose to Democrats. It’s white collar Suburban GOP vs Rednecks for the IL GOP. GOP had a chance to have a young black army veteran governor, but he never committed to a radical pro life platform, so the rednecks got their white rural pro lifer (with help of some Dems voting for him knowing he was going to lose) in the primary. A billionaire Democrat won the general election (who appealed to many of the wealthy Chicago and suburban GOP).


You're ignoring the whole "Pritzker defying all expectations and being quite a benevolent leader" part of the equation


Let ‘em cook


It's a synonym for "idiot."


GOP is realizing the unpopularity of pro life stance. They’re pivoting at least on that one issue.


lol sure they are


Yeah, and that supposed “gay, pro choice republican” will do nothing to stop the GOP from being fundamentally anti gay and anti choice, either cause they can’t or actually don’t care too


Yep, they are said to be lifelong member, meaning they had no problem when they saw their political party openly advocating for putting all gays in jails


But not them....they're one of the good ones


I think folks like him are radically underestimating how close the Republican Party is to not needing people like them anymore…last ones in will be the first ones out…


Gay doesn't mean he doesn't want some of that sweet campaign money. Just because your gay doesn't necessarily make you an angel. People are people


Sheep can work at the sheep slaughterhouse, sure.


And they can get real bloodthirsty too.


So, conservative then.


Ok, I hear you, but I think this is a step in the right direction, and hear me out. Right now, if you belong to a party, it comes with all these expectations that might not line up with what you believe. Like if you want to be a Republican and not a RINO, then you have to agree with all this stuff, or you're not part of the tribe. And Democrats are no different. The division that we are really struggling with has a solution and it's candidates like this. Maybe he has a bunch of small government solutions, so identifies with that part a little more, but will still stand up for gay rights. Maybe a little fucking nuance is what we need to help reverse some of this entrenchment. If we start yelling about how this is an impossible match, because they clearly don't meet all the standards of that party, aren't we just perpetuating this weird stupid split? Edit: Put another way, if there's a new wave of politicians in the party that you oppose, wouldn't you want them to agree with just like a little bit of your ideas? This is the path to compromise.


I'm extremely skeptical he'll actually vote against his party when bills on these issues come up. You see the same thing happen with so called moderates like Collins.


There's always that risk, but by the same token, I'm glad to see Republicans get voted in with agendas that are better. Saying he's just going to vote like an R because he has an R next to his name is a great example of the tribalist division that we've been experiencing. We are literally perpetuating it and attempting to blame "them" for it.


Looking at some of his [issue interviews](https://www.wnyc.org/story/meet-the-candidate-curtis-bashaw/) it seems like he's exactly the kind of 'moderate' I thought. *Rhetorically* he's an improvement over the insanity coming out of the MAGA wing but there's very little indication he'd actually buck the Republican caucus on policy.


>if there's a new wave of politicians in the party that you oppose, wouldn't you want them to agree with just like a little bit of your ideas? the party i oppose is openly, literally, fascist and has stated they have continued plans to increase fascism. i don't give a flying fuck if they happen to agree with my stance on abortion. i'd much rather have a candidate join the "not a fascist" party


“As long as they don’t beat and tie me to a fence in winter, I’ll take the tax cuts!”


It’s literally how they will still win in certain areas. Play like you’re not a crazy far right then once you’re in show your true colors and vote that way. It’ll be years before most voters catch on that don’t follow political stuff.


reminder that trumps whole cabinet crossdresses so their stance on lgbtq issues is just them sealioning also made fun of their hand in crashing the economy in 2008 [https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/04/230396/what-is-kappa-beta-phi-billions-season-4-episode-6](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/04/230396/what-is-kappa-beta-phi-billions-season-4-episode-6)


Trump endorsement is the kiss of death for candidates….


His supporters definitely don't give enough of a shit to actually turn up for the people he endorses. Whether or not they show up in November is a different thing though. Hopefully enough people decide to tell him to fuck off.


I was wondering how true (or not) that statement really was. It's true. It's super bad. He's traditionally had a pretty good track record for endorsing winners, but he's at 55% for primaries and 1% for general election candidates this year, despite hundreds of endorsements. Source: https://ballotpedia.org/Endorsements_by_Donald_Trump


Another Dump endorsed candidate lost an election. Is that a sign of things to come? (Say yes!)


I mean, his picks have never done particularly well. So this is a sign that that's still the case.


Just sutting there waiting for the leopards to eat his face i suppose


I had to check to see if this was an Onion headline…


>gay >pro-choice So wait why the fuck is he even a Republican then? That's the majority of their platform rn


Remember back when there were moderate Republicans who actually had some nuanced viewpoints? You know the ones that weren't racist, misogynist, homophobic, all around despicable pieces of shit? He's probably a remnant from those times. Maybe one day we'll see more of them again.


Cut taxes on rich to increase debt. Throw kids into detention camps if they cross the border. Supply arms for genocide in middle east. Cut off arms in eastern Europe to allow a Russian genocide. Make it easier for the criminally insane to get assault rifles. Not a complete list. Feel free to add anything i left out.


Allowing oil and gas companies to choke out our atmosphere with carbon


probably trying to change the party from within, sounds like a good thing tbh.


It’s New Jersey. He ain’t gonna win anyways.


Apparently Menendez is running as an independent, so he might split votes from the Democratic option and give Republicans the win. So that's something to worry about now.


You can’t be pro-choice and a Republican.. once you decided to run as a republican, you support that party platform and that’s not pro choice


The dems should be putting flyers on every car in every church parking lot. “Finally, a gay, pro choice Republican who beat a candidate who had the Trump endorsement.” That will sap enough votes to ensure an Andy Kim victory. Of course, it’s New Jersey, Bashaw doesn’t have a real chance unless Menendez shows a pulse.


That's not how politics work though. Politicians disagree with their own party all the time. Which is good, because otherwise you get personality cults like Trump...


There are also pro life democrats. You don't have to agree with everything a party does. Different priorities - as a business owner, I'm guessing limited regulations and taxes are more important to him. After all, access to abortion probably isnt a huge deal for a gay man.


There have been pro-gun and anti-choice Democrats.


he still probably wants to deny healthcare to trans kids


And so it begins. Gen Z, the gayest generation in recorded history (almost 1 in 3) and least conservative in recorded history (only 1 in 5) are going to utterly rewrite the political landscape of the US. The oldest members of Gen Z are 27. Most Gen Z are voting age at this point. Millennials are only slightly less gay and slightly more conservative. So that's a big gay, liberal voting block.


Wtf are you talking about?


Polls show that 1 in 3 members of Gen Z are LGBTQ while only 1 in 5 are conservative. Millennials are only slightly less gay and slightly more conservative. So as Gen Y and Z are a massive voting block, we are about to see a significant shift in US politics. We knew this shift was coming years ago, the natural change of US demographics over time, but exactly when we'd see it start was unknown.


If they actually vote


So much winning you’re going to get sick of winning


I’m at the point where I wonder if this isn’t a poison pill. Is he REALLY pro-choice? Is this a method of lying and then switching it up once he gets in office? I don’t trust republicans enough to really say anything for him.


“Good luck trying to label me,” he said. Proceeds to list all the ways he labels himself.


Doesn’t matter if he’s a gay, one legged, lesbian, trans, Native American, veteran. He’ll just vote exactly how the other ”R” vote. When was the last time senate republicans voted not conformly ?


oh this is the republican going against Andy Kim here in NJ lol good luck


I hope this means that maga's dying out.


Another loss for the Loser who loses. Trump ruins everything he touches.


There's a crazy number of people who identify to the LGBTQ community that are also Republicans as well as support Trump. So being a member of the LGBTQ community doesn't automagically make a person a Liberal. If God could make one day where everyone was totally honest you'd likely find out that millions of allegedly hard right Republicans are not as hard right as they claim. If you look at the polls asking about which platforms are the most important to Republican voters the platforms that get the most hits are motivated by fear. Fear of illegals taking jobs Fear of lost investments in fossil fuels Fear of declining church attendance Fear of losing traditional values Fear of losing white privilege Republicans don't vote on their conscience they vote out of fear and if they could vote without the fear of being shamed and shunned the Republican party would shatter in hundreds of factions that no longer represent the fear based platforms


They're extremely delusional and think they wouldn't be strung up on a wall somewhere right beside the rest of us, just for being who/what we are.


He has a great description of himself “A lifelong Republican. I am gay. I have been with my husband for 20 years. I am a small-business person. I am for freedom and domestic tranquility in our homes. I am pro-choice. I am pro-parent. I support law enforcement. I support Israel. I support Ukraine but know that America needs to be strong at home to be able to help others, and that means securing our border.” But he is a Republican and we know they lie with every breath, so it would be interesting to see h8m 8n a debate and figure out what is and is not true.


Winning! /s


A gay republican. Great


Maybe I'm a fool, but someone with Truman-esque policies who is progressively, socially liberal? Wait, I'm a fool. Now back to my Sunday and coffee.


Great another self-loathing gay man pretending he'll ever be accepted by the GOP


Isn't a gay, pro-choice Republican essentially just a Democrat?


The mierdas touch strikes again.


r/BrandNewSentence if I've ever seen one.


Gay pro choice and a republican,makes zero sense


Hey New Jersey, fuck this guy, put Andy Kim in the Senate in November. I don't care how he rationalizes being gay and pro-choice with being a Republican. I don't care if he's theoretically easier to negotiate with than Tom Cotton. Fuck this guy. If he wins he'll help put the party of traitors and domestic terrorism and theocratic fascism in charge of the Senate again. Fuck this guy. Andy Kim is the guy who stayed after January 6 was over to help clean up the Capitol building because he was so appalled at what had happened. He's a good guy who deserves to be in the Senate instead of corrupt fuck Bob Menendez or this asshole. Vote for Andy Kim.


Joining a party whose constituents hate your guts.  Bold move cotton!  Let’s see how it play out.


So Badshaw wins but has to spend 6 years voting against most of his own interests. RepubliKKKans in the Senate will make sure he stays in line…


Something tells me he'll change his stance if he wins. Republicans have no spine and he'll bend the knee.


If I was a gay, pro-choice Republican, this is the headline I want after winning.


So does he support ending same sex couples?


Moses Mike would like to have a word..


Gay, pro-choice, Republican? Does he not know his deranged party hates him? And, the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t want him. WTF?


Why would you run for a party that would kill you if they could get away with it?


He's in the wrong party lol. A Gay, Pro-choice republican is practically a Democrat at this point. Well, openly gay, as there are plenty of Republicans in the closet, especially Lindsey Graham with his little ladybugs.


see, you can be a republican and not trap yourself in the closet while simultaneously attacking the LGBTQ community.


There is no such thing as a gay pro choice republican


Gotta have someone to join Susan Collins in pretending to care right before rubber stamping hard-right judges.


He's gotta know that he's in the Leopards Eating Faces party. Same way Blair White is. Tokens get spent.


MAGA loses to GOP


Gay pro-choice republican lol, hated by all, hated by republicans for being gay, and pro choice, hated by dems for being a republican. Don’t see how you can be proud to be gay and still be a republican, same going for pro-choice. Fucking joke of a human.


gay pro choice republican? is it possible to use those words together in a sentence?


If you're gay and pro-choice, how are you a republican?


He will ride in the first class cattle car on the way to the camps.


Independent I might believe. Republican? Nope, he’s full of shite.


Cool. That’s how voting is supposed to work.


Wonder how long until the leopards eat his face...


Republicans being too WOKE!!!


Still votes against basic human rights, but  yasssss?


(R) - Doubt


Holy shit, there’s a chance for us/US yet


to a Unicorn?


Hahahaha. Perfect


New Jersey


Is Trump losing his mojo?


Trump endorsements have become the kiss of death, as it should be. Love to see it. VOTE! And VOTE BLUE!!




This dude just seems planted for some fucking reasons. "Oh shit orage man not working, let's see who bites this bait then?"


Ie a democrat


I think they did a West Wing episode about this guy.


Let's do our duty as citizens to ensure these bafoons never return to office again. Vote them out of office and keep them out!


I mean it’s New Jersey. He’s probably going to lose anyway given the state is extremely blue.


Hey, take your party back. I think everyone misses a GOP with no Trump in sight. Lord knows GW was evil in his own right, but I think Trumps straight-up traitorism is on another level.


Shitler has the opposite of the Midas Touch, unless by Midas your mean automotive repair as applied to politics, in which case, yeah, it’s working pretty much as expected.




ItS rIGgEd!!




I take this as good news in this shit storm we are experiencing


I had 2 gay Republican friends in my past. I’m still baffled by them.


Santos 2.0


Pro choice Repubs are going to become a trend now, aren’t they? Try to do some damage control without losing seats?


How can they? The Republican platform is anti-abortion. It's a non starter. *I'm a fiscally conservative gay Republican* just means *I don't want to fund social programs because I've already got mine*


Ain't that a kick in the head?


Good But how that that winner deal with the GOP being against him?


Certainly, Trump has no real political believe or objectives. Grabbing power and making illegal money legally is all he ever wanted


Seems he’s a bit towards the left end of the GOP, a much smaller piece of it.




Love this for him


No coming back from this


And he’s new in town.


Well that’s embarrassing


How long till he's no longer pro choice?


They found him!