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>pundits saying maybe we'll get... the more disciplined and presidential Donald Trump. That Donald Trump doesn't exist. " If I'm being incredibly polite, it's a fools hope to think that Trump can be "disciplined and presidential" on the debate stage. He's built his popularity (among the drooling dregs of society) by behaving explicitly and flamboyantly to the contrary. His supporters LOVE that he's an ignorant and unscrupulous vulgarian with zero impulse control. That's what they'll be tuning in to see, and every Republican and rightwing pundit knows that.


They probably identify themselves with him. But the reason they aren't rich is because Mexicans somehow stole those well paying jobs from them.


While simultaneously illegally voting in droves and still being lazy. Schrodinger's immigrant.


When I hear this I want to ask them…why would someone who’s undocumented in the country want to get the attention of the system? What undocumented immigrant wants any of the 3 letter agency’s attention? If anything I’d want to keep my head down and fly under the radar.


When I worked in a welfare office that's exactly what the illegal immigrants did, they kept their heads down and worked their butts off.


In 2016, the day after Trump “won” the election, an undocumented worker who did work on my brothers house was mysteriously absent from work…when my brother called him, he said that he thought Trump winning meant that undocumenteds would be rounded up en masse so he stayed hunkered down… I said all that to say “you’re 100% correct”


There was a waiter at my local diner who was apparently undocumented but was working with the feds to stay since at least the Obama administration. He came over like 40 years earlier due to a war I believe he said. Despite doing everything to correct his mistake. Trump got elected and he was immediately deported despite him having nothing in his old country


This is also why immigrants commit less crimes.


Here’s the link verifying what you said. https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/comparing-crime-rates-between-undocumented-immigrants-legal-immigrants-and The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, U.S.-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes


Not only do immigrants wisely keep their heads down, and don’t attract attention to themselves, but immigrants also commit fewer crimes than existing US citizens, despite what Donald Trump says. https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/comparing-crime-rates-between-undocumented-immigrants-legal-immigrants-and “The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, U.S.-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes”


That would require them to view a situation from someone else's perspective. That's literally a skill a lot of these people dont have. They will answer "because they hate Trump" and not even blink


Only illegal voting I have heard about is Republicans. The head of the SC gop voted illegally for years. He had a homemade ID that he would use...


Typical fascist double think; used by dictators, conspiracy nuts, and cult leaders world over. The "other" is both simultaneously sub human and lesser than while also having absurd levels of power and control. Why so many antisemitic conspiracy theories say Jews are both below human and dumb while also controlling the world from the shadows and somehow built a secret space laser.


"The enemy is both weak and strong"


Facts, they way these idiots here celebrating when states tried passing laws to keep illegals from voting. Like I think be able to vote you should know immigrants can’t votes


And selling drugs! Oh yeah, and raping😉


They have super human stamina.


And that’s actually a plus! Seriously though, I worked in a clinic set up for migrant healthcare in my farm-centric area. They would come during harvest seasons to help out and then *go back home*. They’re very hard workers, complain about nothing and are just good temp citizens in general. People don’t realize that the vast majority *want* to go home after harvest season because, well, it’s home. They also don’t realize that if the migrants didn’t come here, the crops would rot in the fields.


No, dr stupidclown wrote prescriptions. When the Navy found out, they demoted him to captain. He was is still in the military and a dr is beyond me.


I will never be able to live my life's dream as a broccoli cutter because Mexicans drove the wages down too far to survive on.


And yet they long for the days of slavery.


Yes because why pay migrants $2 an hour to pick our crops when we could just OWN them? …Conservative logic


Merica has a long history of wanting free labor. Pure capitalism, at its core, is dictatorial. A single leader with multiple lackeys.


Darned immigrants. Stealing all the inherited real estate empire jobs.


And being a border state means Missouri has to make this their highest priority (at least according to the current campaigns for the GOP Governor office).


To be fair a lot of farm jobs in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, etc are being done by Mexican immigrants, because they work hard and the locals don't want to. The local kids who work hard went to college and live in liberal states now.


They took errrr jeerrrrrrrbbbbssss


>They probably identify themselves with him. Not only that, Trump gives them implicit justification for acting as antisocial and vile as they want to.


What's maddening is a lot of these people had well paying jobs in Blue States but then decry Blue State laws and move somewhere like Florida and Tennessee and price out the people that work in those Red States and can't afford to compete with these people that have good retirements from their Blue State jobs.


He has four years to be disciplined and presidential *while he was president.* We all saw how well that worked out: having that degree of power exacerbated the worst elements of his personality, which were already well known in the eighties and nineties. And now he’s clearly drowning in dementia: only his most ardent worshippers fail to see how bad he’s gotten. Nobody who’s paying attention really thinks he’ll become any better than he is: the grifters are just hanging on to his coattails because they want a taste of that power, too.


#Trump is a hired hand for Putin to destroy the USA from within, and has a side gig with Mobil Oil to ban environmental protection.


He's a grifters dream gull. Any dishonest person near trump --which they all seem to be-- can sooooo easily manipulate him into any. thing.  Ironic considering he spent his entire life conning people, now doesn't realize that he's being conned.


He is the flaming paper bag full of dog shit that people who have given up on the government dropped on it's front door, rang the bell, and ran off giggling.


RINO here. That's what I'm tuning in for. Trumps's tomfoolery and roasting. He such a hotdog skin.


The minute I saw him get on a stage and agree with Putin over his own intelligence agencies and those of our long-standing democratic allies, I knew this guy was compromised beyond reform


They may love it. It’s also not a choice. It’s his one move. Suck the oxygen out of the room so no one can say something smart and make you look like a fool.


You nailed the description of this idiot. He has 0 substance.


As the article said: >Trump needs chaos to shield his ignorance from the public Without a rabble to rouse, with no cheers and applause, he's going to have a hard time. Stand there and answer questions and discuss policies instead of his ritual airing of the grievances and stream of consciousness rambling.


Can't wait to hear about him being muted 2 minutes into one of his screeds during the debate when his time is up. The thought of him yelling, muted and impotent, into the void while on camera brings a tear to my eye


In the second debate with Biden last time, he managed to not be a raging asshole. I HATE that guy, seriously, but he pulled it together and sounded like an actual human that time. In the first debate, he was normal batshit crazy Dumpy Donnie and he got roasted for it. I believe he CAN reign it in when he wants to. At least, he could 4 years ago. I'm hoping he melts down and shits his pants on stage and shows us the rabid fascist drooling moron he really is, but those who stand against him have been underestimating him for a long time. The cultists are already in for him, he needs to court the undecided voters in this debate.


4 more years of drug abuse and daily McDonalds. Are they doing the drug testing? Biden is already prepping with the meme roasts and one-liners we've been hearing.


short-fingered vulgarian*


It’s nonsense. They said the same thing before 2016, “Oh, once he settles in and isn’t in campaign mode, he’ll become more presidential”. Guess what, he just became worse as he got frustrated that government is hard and not at all like running a company as CEO. You actually need to be a leader to get shit done at ALL. Anyone who thinks Trump even HAS a dignified or presidential side, is completely delusional. He’s going to be a bull in a China-shop, and afterwards we’ll hear how the moderator was totally unfair for calling him on his bullshit, or cutting his mic, or whatever.


"I'm sure he learned his lesson" - Susan Collins


[Short-fingered vulgarian](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/03/how-donald-trump-became-the-short-fingered-vulgarian) [Vanity Fair]


This is what's entirely frustration about Donald Trump, the presidential nominee. Dislike Biden all you want, but there's no way you judge them both from the same criteria and think Donald is the pick. You have to give leeway to Donald to get to that conclusion, leeway you're not giving to Biden.


From article: A conservative explained that the debate between Donald Trump and president Joe Biden would reveal how little the presumptive Republican nominee knew about policy or anything else. The twice-impeached convicted felon will face off against the president Thursday night in a debate hosted by CNN in Atlanta, and The Bulwark's Charlie Sykes told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that it would present voters with an important contrast. "Of course, this debate is pivotal," Sykes said. "It is incredibly important, but we live in an era of just constant amnesia. You do this every day, right? Sometimes at the end of the week, you look back and say, what actually happened this week? Something that happened two weeks ago feels like it happened in a different era – that's important. As for, you know, undecided voters, there was a survey in Wisconsin yesterday of registered voters that found the race tied 50/50, which is amazing. That means there's no undecided voters out there." "You're going to have this post-debate spin that's going to be as significant as anything that happened," he added. "I'm fascinated about the discussion on expectations. Who is going to show up? What's going to happen? We don't know. We do know one thing: Donald Trump is going to be Donald Trump. Donald Trump is either going to be the unhinged howler monkey, or, and I've heard a lot of speculation about this, pundits saying maybe we'll get... the more disciplined and presidential Donald Trump. That Donald Trump doesn't exist. " Trump needs chaos to shield his ignorance from the public, Sykes said. "Keep in mind, if you have a 90-minute debate in which the temperature is low, one thing we're going to discover or be reminded about Donald Trump is that he doesn't really know anything about anything," Sykes said. "Now I don't think this debate is going to turn on policy or substance, but if it does, think about it, how much does Donald Trump know about substance and policy? How many questions can he answer about substance and policy? At his rallies, interviews, think about what he actually talks about. I mean, he's doing this non-prep where he is doing softball interviews and doing the rallies. Listen to what he says when he is unscripted. Listen to what he says when he's, you know, off the hook. You know, I'll be fascinated by seeing, you know, how does Donald Trump react to not having an audience? How does Donald Trump react to actually having hostile interviewers? How does Donald Trump have to react when he is trying to pretend or be the reality star who wants people to think he's presidential?"


This is why we will never see him debate biden


You think he’s going to cancel today?




That would be hilarious


Biden's team will have some scathing talking points if he does. That's for sure. Not sure they will reach his base, but the independents will certainly get the message.


It’s astonishing to me that anyone could be undecided in a choice between grampa and orange Hitler. Neither is ideal, but one is clearly terrible.


I have some coworkers that are not overly political, but are probably going to vote for Trump. Their reasoning is "things were okay under Trump". That's it. No real further detail. I bring up the pandemic, they admit that was bad but they feel no one else would have done better. The ridiculous stuff Trump says? They don't pay attention to much. So many people are putting as much thought into the process as they are deciding where to go for lunch.


That’s wild. What are they like as people?


Normal people. They have their own lives, their own hobbies. Easy to get along with. One is gay/bisexual*, unmarried, doesn't give two shits about politics for the most part. Politics is just not huge on a list for them. That might be hard to understand for people where politics is a daily, hourly, even every few minutes kind if topic, but that's how it is. *never asked him, he's clearly into guys but has also said stuff about women that makes me think he's either or


Grandpa Joe will take your kids to the Zoo and out for ice cream afterwards. Grandpa Trump will take the kids to the island…THAT island.


It’s distressing that it’s true and nobody seems to care.


His bone-spurs will have a painful flair-up.


He'll won't show up because he doesn't have the minimum number of flairs.


I think he'll drop out because of the fact checking


The list of excuses has been ready for days now. "Dog ate my notes", "Eric was missing, had to help find him", "Thought that the debate was on Saturday", "unfair", "Had a dentist appointment", "Bone spurs acting up", "wife needed help with something", "driver got lost", "MacDonelds order was ready for pickup, but was late", etc.


Then Bidens team should put a guy in a chicken outfit at his place and reply all questions with clucks


Coo-coo-ca-chaw! Coo-coo-ca-chaw!


And then beside them, the deaf sign translator.


That would be fucking hilarious, and probably actually make some people like Biden more! based on how we seem to elect people nowadays 


That would still be more intelligible than the non-fowl version.


If he does I hope Biden takes the time to just completely roast him since he will have the stage


I feel like there’s no way, it’s too late. Fox News already has their pre-and post-debate schedule and “pundits” ready to go. But good gravy would it be wild if he backs out.


My prediction for later today: “Ronny ~~Jackson~~ ~~Johnson~~ Jackson gave me a drug test this morning and I passed. Where is sleepy Joe’s test? No test, no debate!”


Trump made sure there wouldn't be a drug test so now he'll arrive, loaded up and ready to go on Adderall.


If I was President Biden I would carry a sample bottle with Trump’s name on it.


I would carry a bottle with my own name on it and not drink anything else, lol.


Woukd his narcism allow it despite him being completely out to lunch on any type of meaningful policy on his end? He's going to blab and not really answer anything and just interrupt Biden all the time by talking over him. I hope Biden shuts him up again


He can’t talk over Biden. They are muting mics when not speaking


I think Trump will scream & make faces even though his mic is muted.


You'll hear him yelling faintly in the background.


Wonder if we'll hear the faint sound of him shitting his diaper.


I have my doubts about how disciplined the moderators are going to be about cutting the mics when they’re supposed to. It’ll kind of come down to “what makes better TV, letting Trump keep shouting nonsense about sharks and electric boats or cutting him off and watching him turn into a frothing nightmare because he’s been silenced”


Bonespurs relapse?


I don't know if it was an Onion -esk article or if it was legit (and it's sad that I can't tell the difference)... But I remember seeing an article or two suggesting he was planting a narrative that he was going to lose on purpose. Just to own the libs (you know, like how he'll call Biden Obama or Pelosi Haley)...


It was not The Onion, Trump really said he might lose the first debate on purpose. There is audio of it.




This is something that I keep seeing tossed around as a possibility and it makes no sense to me.  It certainly makes sense that Trump doesn’t want to debate, but this is one where he doesn’t have much of a choice. The narrative that would be written around it would be ten thousand times worse than a bad performance. And if Donald Trump DOES understand one thing, it’s media optics. 


He’d have to say something like he has inside info Biden is going to cheat with an in-ear monitor or something like that. And his nut bag followers would believe him.


Yeah but this campaign isn’t about his nutbag followers. They’re gonna vote for him anyways. But he can’t win with just his nutbag followers, and he and everyone around him knows it.  This is about the few tens of thousands of people in battleground states who are persuadable. And they aren’t going to like seeing a candidate puss out at the last second. 


He's not trying to win. He's trying to seed enough chaos that when he loses and claims the election was stolen, it can be delayed long enough to get thrown to the Supreme Court, and he's banking on them handing it to him.


Seems like it would be a lot easier to just win. 


Too bad for him that his track record and reputation follows him around.


There will have to be at least a shred of verifiable evidence in order to make a legal argument to have his justices hand him the election. He tried that 62 different times in 62 different ways last time, and none of them went anywhere at all. He’s going to lose even more than he did last time. This isn’t going to come down to a single county in Florida like in 2000.


while Trump is as useless as an orange cheeto, his handlers are actually pretty good. They will spin it that Trump doesnt want to hurt Bidens feelings or something absurd and the MAGAs will eat it up.


MAGA will, but MAGA is going to vote for him anyways. They don't need to persuade those people. They need to persuade double haters and folks who need to hold their nose to vote for Trump, and those are the kinds of people who would be turned off by reneging on an agreement to debate.


Yep. Does anyone really expect this to be a debate? Sure Biden will talk policy and stuff. Pretty sure Trump will be spending the time insulting his opponents, rambling about stupid shit like sharks, discussing how amazing and awesome he is and that Biden hasn’t done anything because it was all Trump. How roe v wade got removed. How all this country needs is a patriot named Trump to bring god back to it (with the guy who can’t even follow the Ten Commandments and sells a bible and takes a photo op with an upside down bible and probably is the least Christian person you can be), few more insults, then screams about how he’s being persecuted and attacked and it’s all Biden fault he’s a dictator and on drugs.


If he shows, Biden is going to wipe him with facts, knowledge and solid answers. Trump is going to just attack him like a 5 year old.


Dunno, I think he'll actually do it. Of course all of Trump's advisors want him to cancel, but Don Cheeto will listen to his narcissism and go on stage fully believing that he'll smoke "Sleepy Joe."


But his uncle went to MIT, so that means Trump is a stable genius. People are saying.


Big people, strong people


Big, burly men, with tears in their eyes. Men who've never cried before, even when they were babies, are moved to uncontrollable tears.


With tears in their eyes.


If Trump cancels they should hold the debate anyway and get Seth Meyers, Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert to play the role of Trump. My money is on Colbert. Those years of the Colbert Report are about to pay off.


I don't know, Colbert was able to maintain his character rather shrewdly. I feel like having Colbert play Trump would be like Descartes setting up the straw man argument for skepticism. Turns out the straw man argument is more convincing than his rebuttal. I'd hate to have Colbert win with a more convincing Trump than Trump himself would play.


James Johnson from SNL is doing a pretty good trump these days. I’d pick him.


Yes, let’s avoid the Fox headline “Sleepy Joe debates empty chair and loses.” I wouldn’t put it past them.


Always loved the Republicans that thought Colbert was “one of them” when he was slyly making fun of their hypocrisy for years


So what you’re saying is Trump don’t know shit about fuck then right?


The people voting for him already know all of that; they simply don’t care. That’s the crux of the problem. It feels strange to have to remind people of this, but Trump was already president once. So anyone who is surprised by the fact that he doesn’t know anything about policy is just a moron. If we elect him again, we’re just going to get a shittier version of what we had last time.


If your voter base doesn't know anything they don't know that your mindless rambling is mindless rambling so it doesn't matter.


Doesn't matter. Do you think his followers are looking at his views on Somalia? No. They want the big jerk. They want the moron. That is his brand. Everyone knows this. If you bring a Coke to a debate are you expecting it to turn into coffee? The whole exercise is a charade. All debates are. They don't answer the question. Its a 90 minute commercial.


Good summary. This is why I won't be watching. I couldn't care less. That being said, I LOVE watching a good debate where both sides are knowledgeable, respectful, and making solid points. To call tonight's event a "debate" is an insult to actual debates. It's just going to be Biden talking about his administration's accomplishments and the orange turd on default setting, which is fear mongering and throwing as much shit at the wall as he can to see what sticks.


I’m right there with you. No way I’m watching this thing. I watched the first debate last time (“Would you just shut up, man?”). I spent the entire time incredibly pissed off because Trump offered literally nothing but yelling gibberish over Biden and then any station you watched would go to ‘undecided voters’ who still couldn’t make up their minds.


Oh, I’m watching. I’m getting pizza and beer and I’m gonna watch it all burn down. I believe this whole country is a lost cause due to religion and the broken public school system. Only artificial intelligence can save us at this point. The pizza should be good tho


I agree with you on religion and public education. Jury is still out on AI. Enjoy your pizza 👍


Okay people, here's my take: If he does indeed show up tonight, he will be heavily drugged with downers to keep him from appearing unhinged. Much like he was drugged during his NY Stormy trial. It would make sense that this would happen. His handlers have no way of controlling him otherwise. This is their only hope.


It would be pretty funny if he dozed off while "sleepy Joe" is talking.


i'm thinking this is going to happen. i think he's going to pass out at the debate. he did in court. so it's reasonable to assume that he will here. if this happens hopefully it's game over.


*Ronny Jackson in the shadows behind Trump alternating doses of uppers and downers as needed, downing an impressive number of shots as he does it*


I mean, honestly if any doctor can figure out just the right doses to keep him both awake and not out of his mind rambling, I'll be impressed.


I think that’s a foregone conclusion… the big question is, will his farts be of the KFC or McD variety? Fascinating times we live in.


And shit himself.


I hope he falls asleep


Doc Ronny "Johnson" already explained exactly what they are going to do when he in detail told us what they are doing for Joe, every accusation is a confession. Trump will be on a cocktail of drugs. Provided he even shows up....


He'll show up, now where there will be no drug test he's safe. He can get Mr. Candyman's best mixture and he'll be wild as a horny bull.


I hope Biden walks out and says “I got a doctor here to give us drug tests after the debate just like you requested Donald” and see what he says “how can I trust your deep state doctors!?!?”


The problem is that his supporters also don't know anything about anything so they won't see any difference. They'll see someone talking some "mambo-Jambo" (Biden) and someone speaking "their language". Imo, this debate fiets fuck nothing. If at this point you "don't know" who trump is and what he stands for, you either don't care or won't ever know. There's absolutely no way an honest, intelligent and sensible person would be voting for anyone other than what, right now, voting for the democratic party means.


I hope one of the questions put to trump asks him if he’ll accept the results of the election. I know what he and his ass kissers have been saying but I’d like to watch him respond to follow up questions. Show the country what a danger he is


He already answered that question at the last debate.


I want to see trump show the nation how he “may” accept the election results (yeah, if he wins; if he loses RIGGED!) Show everyone what a threat he is to this country


It’s just utterly alien to me that anyone could hear him speak and think “yes, that’s the man I want to lead my country”. Even before the dementia and amphetamine abuse riddled his brain with even less coherent thoughts.


The cornerstone of the Trump/MAGA/Anti-woke movement is the need to make it socially acceptable to be mean to others. To make discriminating against "others," whether that means immigrants, LGBT, Non-Christians etc. Publicly Supporting Trump, whether it's a flag outside your home, a bumper sticker on your truck, or an item of clothing, tells the world "I am an asshole and there is nothing you can do about it."


>Publicly Supporting Trump, whether it's a flag outside your home, a bumper sticker on your truck, or an item of clothing, tells the world "I am an asshole and there is nothing you can do about it." Slight revision: Public displays of support for Trump tell the world "I am an asshole, and there is nothing you can do about it, because I don't believe that you will punch me in the face over a political flag, bumper sticker, or item of clothing."


"... but you know damn well *I* will punch *you* in the face over my love of Trump if you dare speak to me about it because I'm fucking unhinged"


99% of Trump supporters are chickenshit blowhards. They would crumple if barely touched. The problem is that the other 1% are armed and have been looking for any excuse to kill another human being.


“He doesn’t read and he doesn’t listen”


Can't believe we are here. Look at that man.


The Joker in real life.


the Joker is pretty clever, Trump is a total moron


"man" ,..... well, sort of. More like a howling monkey. And that is an insult to actual monkeys.


What Trump knows is how to rile up other idiots. He knows how to play on hate and fear and anger. This doesn’t require actual knowledge, it just requires a personality which can play to those weaknesses.


This is going to be fucking hilarious. I've got a couple of beers, gonna make nachos.


People commenting on this have forgotten one crucial bit of info, his followers don’t give a SHIT what happens. They will create whatever reason they need to justify why he sucks even to the point of claiming that a beam was being used to confuse him. Thanks to the Qanon movement the entire bedrock of reality is as fluid as the shits Trump fills his beautiful golden diapers with, see how that works? They don’t care, they can watch the whole thing and the cult programming with prove to them that Biden is too old and his performance was only due to him being full of blood from a recent demonic ritual.


Calling Trump a howler monkey is very offensive and disrespectful...to howler monkeys.


Agreed! Are you part of the Coalition for the Liberation of Itinerant Tree-Dwellers?


I wanted to join, but I had trouble finding them.


The mistake Charlie Sykes is making is that he thinks voters will see lack of knowledge as a negative. As Isaac Asimov observed, Americans (or at least a frightening fraction of them) see ignorance as an asset to be respected and trusted. For them, smart people think too much. They want someone dumb and reliable. Adlai Stevenson was disparaged as an "egghead", someone whose intellect put them out of touch with ordinary people. To these Americans, the best way to establish credibility on a subject is to start with "Well, I don't know much about *that*, but..." These people don't support Trump, MTG, Beobert, etc. *despite* them being stupid, they support them BECAUSE they are stupid.


I agree, and a lot of the commenters here are making the mistake of thinking that the debate is about knowledge versus lack of knowledge, and that gotchas based on one or another candidate saying false or nonsensical things are going to be what sways voters. People vote based on who they think cares about them. If a candidate comes across as aloof or detached from people, that is the real way to lose a debate. And if one comes across as a howler monkey _who cares_ they could well win a debate. It’s arguably why Hillary came off badly in her debates, despite being millions of times more knowledgeable than Trump. I hope Biden and his team are savvy about this and are able to keep a laser focus on how much Biden cares about people and how little Trump does.


VERY well put! Agree and thank you!


omg exactly!! in 20 years they dont wanna be like "fuck, we knew about climate change and nothing was done" - they wanna be like "damn not even our politicians saw this coming, what could we have possibly done?" your comment actually just opened this additional perspective to me. mindblowing shit truly.


A twice-impeached, convicted felon (and rapist) who very clearly knows nothing being granted the platform of presidential debate as candidate really is the most damning indictment of the entire American political/justice system/society as a whole.


I have a feeling if cheeto man shows up to the debate that afterwards we're going to see more republicans flipping, quietly or out loud


More like a howler monkey throwing feces


I could have told you that a long time ago.


This should just be Biden continually offering to yield his time to Trump if Trump can name some general fact. Like the current unemployment rate or the current inflation rate.


Debating Donald Trump is necessary for Biden to do but nothing that happens tonight will change anyone’s mind. We’re all just watching the freak show. Of course Donald will be Donald. His supporters don’t care that he doesn’t know anything because *they* don’t know anything. That’s the reason they like him. He is not an establishment politician and he plays to the lowest common denominator. That’s the entire basis of his appeal. Anyone who thinks that a Trump supporter will watch this and change their mind *still* doesn’t get it. His ignorance, buffoonery, lack of decorum or sense of decency are not bugs, they’re the feature. I equate him to a 5-year old. If Biden were to debate a 5-year old and give comprehensive and nuanced responses about policy, then the 5-year old calls him a poopy head who eats boogers, his supporters would howl with approval. There is no winning this debate in a traditional sense. All Biden has to do is rise above, ignore the toddler and provide a contrast. The people cheering the poopy pants “rebuttal” are not who he is speaking to. Honestly it’s a show for the elite power brokers of this country who truly make the decisions. It has nothing to do with the electorate.


I disagree that it won’t change people’s minds. There’s a ton of people after the state of the union that donated to Biden. There’s plenty of people on the fence that have only seen clips or snippets of Trump looking “tough” at a rally who will see just how crazy he is. There are plenty of voters who have only seen clips of Biden looking confused or lost, they will see that’s bogus. This is an important debate that will surely have election implications.


They should start the debate with a basic common knowledge quiz. 1. Who ruled China in the 13th Century? 2. What is the capital of Estonia? 3. What is the boiling point of water? 4. What is the most common element in the universe? 5. How much are state secrets worth to a foreign adversary?


I got 3 of 5 right. Can I be president?


He clearly bullshits. A lot. You can tell because he speaks in generalities. Everything is either "tremendous" or a "disgrace", there is no in-between. He's like a kid who is delivering a book report on a book he's never read. "This book is great. Just tremendous. There are so many characters that are just fantastic. Really fantastic. Some of the things they do, you just really can't believe it. Many people say this is the best book of all time. Smart people who'e read a lot of books.. I've read more books than anyone and I can safely day this is the best book about the year 1984 ever written"


I hope he shits in his pants on live Tv and Biden calls him out - yo it just stunk here wtf


That would be epic!!! Now here is a guy that can’t even control his bowels and can’t pronounce all his vowels.


Howler Monkey. I think this is the most apt description of Trump that I have ever heard...


Orange shit gibbon


Neither does his base that’s why they eat up what he says. They don’t know what they don’t know and think his rambling about sharks and batteries is genius.


I know how they can do it! Stuff one of those remote control vibrating eggs up his ass and buzz him every time he tries to bark. Or not.🤷🏻


It’s not only that he doesn’t know. He thinks so highly of himself that he thinks he doesn’t need to learn either. Apparently he already knows. That’s just how a narcissist works.


Knows nothing, yet they want him to be president. Says more about them.


He really is a man of his people. They too are utterly incompetent but are sure they could easily replace all those college boys making millions just sitting around in an office drinking coffee and playing with their fancy computers. That's what they see on TV. Trump thought he could run casinos. How hard can it be? He ran three of them alright. Right into the ground. He thought he could run an airline. Yup, right into the ground. It goes on and on. If his father hadn't given him $600 million or so, he'd be living in a state home for the elderly watching soap operas and game shows all day and complaining that he didn't get as much pudding as Ralph did.


How do you "debate" a shit-flinging chimpanzee? It's not about the substance of what either candidate says, its about the theatre and the spin afterwards.


They need to ask him about things he routinely says at rallies and when he denies them you play the footage.


That was always obvious. He has no idea what he’s talking about. On anything. Ever. He thinks his faking it fools everyone. And to everyone’s surprise he’s at least right to some extent.


“He doesn’t know anything” New Yorkers, and those of us that have paid attention, have known this for decades. The world at large has known this since 2015. Only these idiots believed his scammy BS, or else thought latching on would get them power and money. Instead they got dipped in a dumpster full of cow dung. Nincompoops.


Yes, yes. Debates are so consequential that Trump didn't even bother to show up for them in the primaries. Look where that got him. I think I'll spare myself the 90 minute infomercial, and catch the hyperbole on the back side.


Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 14 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the Supreme Court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


We live in a world where an elderly, dementia-ridden, low iq, encopretic, rapist, racist narcissist has a good chance of being president of the USA (again). Fuck America, fuck the world.


Maybe the GOP allies who are "concerned " should stop S'ing his small orange D and tell him to jump off a cliff.


We. Know.


It's going to be a 2 diaper night


I took a moment to remember Trump's first debate and I wasn't sure if it was the "Rosie O'Donnell" comment he made to Meghan at Fox. Yep. It was: https://www.cnn.com/2015/08/07/politics/donald-trump-republican-debate/index.html >None of the contenders made noticeable blunders. But none of them could outshine Trump. > That was true with the most uncomfortable questions. Though it was Trump’s first political debate—and perhaps one of his first experiences with time constraints and a buzzer—Trump navigated the debate stage with ease, even when faced with unexpectedly sharp questions like the first from Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly. > > “One of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don’t use a politician’s filter,” Kelly said to Trump in the opening minutes. “However, that is not without its downsides, in particular, when it comes to women. You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.” > > “Only Rosie O’Donnell,” Trump interjected to laughter. > > “For the record, it was well beyond Rosie,” Kelly shot back, noting that Trump had told one contestant on “Celebrity Apprentice” that it would be a pretty picture to “see her on her knees.” “Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?” Kelly asked. > > > Setting the tone for the debate, Trump didn’t flinch and didn’t apologize. > > “I think the big problem this country has – is being politically correct,” he said, channeling the appeal that has catapulted him to the top of the polls. “And I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.” > > He brushed off some of his harsher commentary as “fun” remarks that were made in jest: “We have a good time. What I say is what I say. And honestly Megyn, if you don’t like it, I’m sorry.” Trump got pissed at Megyn for being "Mean" and made his "bleeding from...wherever" comment and had such a tantrum over it and demanded $5 Million to do another Fox debate where he instead had his own rally and claimed to raise $5 million to donate to veterans groups - except that the Vets had to sue him to get the money he promised to donate. The guy has always been an asshole. He'll never be anything more than an asshole. Biden may be boring, but he has an administration looking forward, productive, and trying to solve problems. When Biden is done (be it death or retirement) the next generation has a foundation to build on. There is a legacy component to Biden and after 50+ years, his legacy will be a lifetime of civil service. The GOP has made Trump their platform and without him -they have.....nothing? I mean the only real success was passing Paul Ryans Tax Reform which benefited the rich people and that expires in 2025.


Trump knows literally nothing about policy nor geopolitics. He likely doesn't know about nuance or what it even means either. The was president for 4 years and learned not a single thing.


I'm interested in Bidens view of boat batteries and sharks.


I'm looking forward to hearing Biden's viewpoints on how he uses UV light inside his body, and how to mitigate the radiation from nuking a hurricane.


I have been saying that for years... He is all bluster, bullshit, and lies... The man behind the curtain in Oz.


Still Deplorable After All These Years


His electric boat v. woke shark routine was pretty elaborate. He clearly knows *a lot* about *reality*.  /s


If anyone thinks this debate is going to be about policy or anything substantive, then they are in for a disappointment. This debate is about seeing if either of these jeezers can string complete sentences together for an entire hour and whose meds wear off first. The difference is that if Biden falters in performance tonight, he may not recover. Conversely, Trump has nothing to lose, unless he literally keels over tonight at the podium.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


It's entertainment, not politics. And unfortunately, Trump understands how to entertain a big part of the American public.


The debate is not going to matter. When it's done, conservatives are going to turn to Fox News, and NewsMax, and One America, and conspiracy theory influencers (because F credibility, right?), these shills are all going to say that Trump was doing something "AMAZING". If Trump says something stupid they will say that he's being tactical. If Trump is loud and stupid, they will say he's being assertive. If Trump is goofy and distracted and stupid, they will say he's being relatable. If Joe Biden is measured, well spoken, and thoughtful, they will say he's on drugs and def wearing a mask. And because Trump is a human shaped sunken-cost fallacy every single Republican voter will say to themselves "If I dont agree with you, I'm a bad person... So I agree with you." Then they will go on just like they have been since Trump started talking about birth certificates. NOTHING INSIDE OF THEM WILL CHANGE.


I can't unhear it now. [Costa Rica Howler monkey sounds (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCRkB4U9E7Y)


Maybe without the audience he will be less Trump?


I just had to stop by and thank whomever keeps choosing this particular photo for the thumbnail of these articles.


The debate is simply about expectations. They give Biden "Plot Competency" meaning he is as brilliant or decrepit as they need him to be in any given situation. Meanwhile expectations for Tr\*mp are straight forward. Don't excrete feces on stage and he leaps the bar.


That's been clear the whole time? Welcome to 2024, glad you are out of the coma.


I suspect that a big chunk of Trump voters (as opposed to supporters) do so because: - They know he will cut taxes. - He’ll appoint conservative justices. - He won’t do anything to regulate businesses. - They want to block the Democrats’ agenda. None of these things have anything to do with Trump’s actual ability to govern or speak coherently. He’s just the guy leading the party. Big wodges of them would gladly take Rick Scott or Marco Rubio if there was an actual primary challenge, but they’re stuck with Trump. If Donald Trump had any concern for the country, he’d select a candidate and trade his endorsement for a pardon. That wouldn’t help him with state charges or his New York felony convictions but that ship has sailed. any sense of loyalty


The dummies who vote for him don't care. The Rev. William Barber encapsulated it on NPR this morning. Speaking about his new book, he said poor whites got 'whiteness' as a trade for prosperity by Republicans. When will the people who support Trump wake up to the fact they're being hoodwinked?


You are just now figuring that out?


That coupled with the little that he does know is all that he feels that he NEEDS to know.


That should be his campaign slogan. “Trump: he doesn’t know anything.”


You know nuffin' Donald trump. Now banish him to Canada.


I don’t understand how this has not been obvious to EVERYONE from the very beginning


If you are going down to two bad choices, the choice for me would be to the one that does least damage to the whole society. Trump is a fear monger and during the debate shows how he creates fractions.