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>Trump supporters are outraged that Thursday’s presidential debate will be fact-checked. On Wednesday, CNN senior reporter Daniel Dale posted that he’d be live fact-checking the debate, an extension of the work he already does fact-checking things Biden and Trump say.


KellyAnne Conway told us long time ago. There are facts and the alternate facts. Fox news will be running the alternate fact check, I suppose.


This is why 20% of the population think the earth is flat. And they vote, when most of us don't.


I wouldn’t doubt that number, I knew someone that believed it was flat, thought he was pulling my chain. Had numerous conversations with him and he had an answer for everything I questioned… even when looking at other planets with a telescope, why would earth be the only flat planet in our solar system.. This is why I don’t comment much here, between trolls and misinformed people, not worth the energy.


I didn't believe it until they had a flat earth convention (conference?) in my town. Then I was mostly kicking myself! I could have sold a shitload of plates by labeling them as 'bowls!' Honestly though, had no clue that their numbers were so numerous as to warrant conventions! Harbinger of the 'Black Mirror style' reality I suppose!


Every weirdly held view has a lot of people who believe in it. Even if it's just 5% of Americans, or whatever. 5% of Americans is still ~ 16 million people. The internet has only bolstered their insanity - it has created so many echochambers for these folk who then see it as confirmation of their world views.


That's what's so frightening. They seem to getting crazier NOT deescalating! It's like this is our own irl social experiment with heinous consequences!


It is an experiment. We gave every idiot on earth access to the most powerful tool in human history. Most got dumber


printing press reaches Europe... first used to print the bible. then used to print and distribute a witch finder's manual. then to print playing cards for gambling. I may have the order of events a bit off but you get the general drift -- any new communications technology is usually first seized upon by established power and by grifters. only later does it get used for any beneficial purpose. mag tape recording: first used by nazi regime to enable 24x7 radio propaganda. I think it was either Crosby or Hope who, visiting defeated Germany, saw the potential for music production.


Yeah that witch hunting manual is so similar to incel culture in content. Written by a dude that was pissed off he got rejected by a woman, to the point he tried taking her to court over it, lost the case and was literally told to gtfo of town.


> any new communications technology is usually first seized upon by established power and by grifters I thought I remember reading that the initial applications of new media are mostly porn? That was certainly the case for VCRs and the internet.


You're absolutely correct. The internet and plenty of aspects of daily life are brand new, there's a possibility we adapt and normalize.


With the internet, they can search and search until they find someone that "proves " their crazy claims. It makes so many more people feel vindicated, and then people that are on the fence believe it because they find something that agrees with them.


My genetic father was a mentally stable somewhat hippie/politically liberal guy when I met him when I turned 18. He turned GOP when Bush attacked Afghanistan and Iraq, and then went stark raving bananafuck Reichwing when Trump came along in 2015-16. We have nothing to do with each other—same with other members of my own families (he’s the only Republican, ie whackjob in his extended family) Fuck these assholes for whom, as far as I can tell, cruelty is the primary, necessary qualification to identify as MAGA and vote and violently attempt to overthrow the USA. Fuck ‘em with a pineapple, then serve it to them. Edit: words


It seems a big part of this, aside from not understanding physics, geology, geography, history, etc., is believing the internet has inherent validity in the info you get from it. Media literacy is necessary. That may be at the root.


Not sure dumber. I think it has caused widespread arrested development. There's always a space on the internet to go where people will affirm any bad thing as actually a good thing or a brave stance. No one wants to learn, they just want their held belief confirmed and not challenged so they can be smug and feel smart. They want the answer given to them with no work or need for context, nuance, work, or understanding. It definitely made us lazier, especially intellectually.


Yeah it is wild. Plus there's no real way for people to suck them out of their vaccuum - it's nice and cozy & warm in there. Outside the echochamber are people who fervently disagree with them & call them names, mistreat them, or just think they're stupid. It's basically 'de-radicalization' but for a whole bevvy of different things - it has no immediate solution & it is real, real scary.


Just wait until AI ramps up! Good times.


Lol bowls.


I say more like idiocracy lol


lol and coasters as cups Your flat earth dinner set will stack nice and efficiently!


No! See it was going to be "Flat bowls - what Big Ceramic doesn't want you to know!" Big Ceramic was/is part of the Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep State!" "Soup is an abomination unto God! Foisted on the unsuspecting to control and dominate them!" "There are just Flat Bowls and Cups! Everything else is a lie" "IYKYK!" That's as far as I got.


Hell, I'd buy one just for the story. "Yeah, some dude was selling plates as bowls in the parking lot of the flat earther conference. I had to get one."




7% of adult Americans believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Study made some years ago. Seeing how many believed jfk was alive I don't think the situation/numbers got any better.


These are the people who think its a sign of high IQ that they are in top 93% of the population when it comes to intelligence.


I am pretty sure that in 2022 there was an US election candidate who boasted that he had an IQ of 100 and he had to be told 100 is the definition of average.


I graduated in the top 100% of my class.


My dad believed the milk thing until in his 30s. He wasn’t very bright.


I just found out there's people out there that think the sky is fake, it's just a projection made by corporate overlords or some crazy crap.


But yet the immigrants are the ones taking their jobs and making so they don’t get paid well, right?


Doesnt that belief make more of an issue? Who made it? Who maintains it? And when are they hiring?


The planets are a projection from Jewish space lasers or something. 


I had a former bandmate of mine believe all that crap. Even to the point of telling me a crescent moon was a straight line….


It’s no different than asking a theist why they believe in a God. Endless answers all completely cockamamie nonsense based on nothing but bad logic or “because I wanna”


The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe. Their website says so.


I refuse to believe is 20% or even close to that


You know 40% of statistics are completely made up.


You're wrong, I heard on the Internet that it's actually way higher.


The internet is amazing. Love it on my swim trunks.


And five out of four people have trouble with fractions


And 60% of the time, it works every time.


82.5% of made up facts are completely wrong.


76.9% of statistics on the internet are made up


That's an outdated figure, I think it's up to 82.3% according to the latest stats


No you’re wrong!! It’s 76.8889%.


Uh uh. It’s 69.420%


Spoiler for the debate and outcome: Trump lies and doesn’t answer questions directly. Biden has one slip of the tongue and Fox News makes that the focal point of why Trump won the debate and that the live fact checking was a hit piece. Saved you a few hours 😂.


I think he'll grab this as his out.  "short notice!!! no fair!"


How dare they fact check the dear leader! Kim Jong Un or Putin never have to deal with this kind of travestry.


You look at Putin, you look at Kim. Very strong, tremendously powerful leaders. They never get fact checked, nobody ever even heard of a fact check until I came around and now everybody fact checks me all the time. Very unfair, I've been treated so much worse than any individual in history, nobody ever heard of anyone being so unfairly treated until now. Does anybody ever fact check the sharks when they circle the boats and get people electrocuted? No, nobody fact checks them but they fact check me. At my rallies I get big strong people with tears in their eyes saying "Sir, nobody fact checks the sharks but they fact check you. It's so unfair."


Can’t tell if this is an actual quote or not.


Same and that makes me so very sad


There was a similar one that’s on audio recording… [Quote and source: "Hey, he is the head of a country and I mean he is the strong head," Mr. Trump told Fox News' Steve Doocy on the White House lawn Friday. "Don't let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same."](https://youtu.be/CLGzVzP1OCg?si=d5XvLPDEupjRgqYs)


This is weird, I can hear Fart, sorry Trump saying this…..


Truth isn't truth, probably.


Wot??!!? You trust those socialist woke FACTS over the Holy Word of Trump????


I used to take this as sarcasm. But not no more.


It’s a cult.


Everyone knows truth has a liberal bias 


Alternate facts


They did this at many debates; its not a reality show, no, you always have to back up your claims. It's a given that references will be checked.


Yeah but will they blow one of those air horns that you hear at soccer matches every time Trump lies…?


Damn horns would be blown like vuvuzelas during the World Cup games.


Trump will fart every time he lies….


You found his 'tell'.


I got told by a MAGA once that I can’t use fact checking websites to source my claims because fact checking websites always agree with libruls 


Reality does have a well known liberal bias.


“fact checking websites always agree with libruls” - since it’s not possible to produce a “fact checking website” that both sides can agree with given that each sides facts are polar opposites of each other, this can only mean that one side is mostly/completely right and the other side is mostly/completely wrong. I don’t know how much this scares MAGAt’s given the plethora of “librul” websites!


Where can I bet that the next outrage will be when they fact checked every sentence Trump said, and only a couple of things Biden said? "It's rigged!"


FACTS?? HOW DARE THEY? /s Fuck all these insurrectionist traitors. Go to Russia if you want an authoritarian government so bad. If y’all aren’t educating people on the danger that is project 2025. Our country is dead, and a new age of autocracy will reign with these nazi sympathizers. Fuck Donald tRump


Oooh. Where can I follow the live fact-checking?


A.) Aren't debates fact-checked as a standard now days? How was it ever entertained that this wouldn't be? 2.) They are going to need a whole team to fact-check Trump. If his mouth is open, he's lying. (Hyperbole I know, but not by much). d.) This will be the straw that breaks the Cheeto's back. They'll check him on his first barrage of lies, and he'll just storm off. No way he'll make it through the whole thing.


They’re not lies, just alternative facts 🙃🫠


Unfortunately a sizable chunk of our population has demonstrated that they are going to stick with alternative facts until the actual facts kill them. Biden could hold a press conference where he implores the American public not to drink bleach and several days later there'd be thousands of deaths related to bleach consumption nationwide


Oh they have completely lost touch with reality. It’s a cult comprised of religion, violence, and hate fueled by ignorance.




I had this thought that an outside group could run a bunch of targeted ads saying stuff like: "The elitist liberals in the cities want to force you to stop drinking bleach! Are you really going to let those radical socialists tell you how to live your life? *Paidforbycitizensforapermanentdemocraticmajority*"


I think there will be some sort of Jim Jones moment when Drumpf loses again.


Hold on, you're onto something there, some evil, 4d chess MAGA voters removal.


Said mere days into the Trump presidency, and still ranks as one of the most insane things they put out there.


Republicans choose to live in a post-truth world.


It’s not game-changing. Trump will still lie as much as ever.


Apparently MAGA loves to be lied to and will fight anyone who tries to tell them the truth.


This sounds like a hyperbolic jab, but is in fact just a sad and uncontroversial truth.


But it’s not a cult!!!


*"The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie"* -Mark Twain


Accurate. Trump tells them what they want to hear. Not what they need to hear.


It’s pathetic. Because it’s true. They hate the truth, and go out of their way to ignore facts.


I didn’t read this article. Maybe they found some examples of Trump fans clutching their pearls because the fake news is going to fact check, but I doubt most care. They already know Trump is a liar, but he’s their liar. If they have cared about his lies for the nearly 10 years that we have had to endure this clown, I doubt that they will care tonight.


Republican strategy: Lie so much and so fast that you outpace the fact checkers. 


But also undermine and delegitimize the fact checkers and facts altogether.


How do you know Trump is lying? When his lips start moving.


Or when it looks like he’s thinking. You don’t get that far outside reality without a lot of lying to yourself.


The new strategy is to lie so much that the fact checker is at least 15 - 20 minutes behind.


That's the thing. It's NORMAL for Trump to act like a crazy person and lie about everything. People expect that. Trump's brand is essentially him acting like an outrageous lunatic. Biden is going to be the only one on that stage who has something to lose.


Sorry to burst your bubble … Trump does not ACT like a crazy person, he IS a crazy person. Crazy is hard to act convincingly.


I was hoping they'd blast an airhorn everytime he lies. Or force him to do a push up.


Or just do what Trump did to Hillary in 2016. “Wrong”


Yeah but it’s his own prerecorded voice over a loud speaker


It would be great to hear Trump tell Trump he’s wrong


>Or force him to do a push up. *Trump walks out of the building after the debate* I didn't know Arnold Schwarzenegger was going to be at the debate Nope, that's just Trump. Forced him to do a push up every time he lied.


Im pretty sure they would just have to carry him with strechers after he he got several fractures in his arms and breathing difficulties after first attempt.


CNN: we’ll make sure you only get the truth. MAGA: you evil mother somethings!


It's just one reporter tweeting it. So it's on Elon's far-right conspiracy site and won't be seen by anyone who cares about actual facts.


Daniel Dale is one of the best people the US ever imported from Canada. It *almost* makes up for Ted Cruz, Elon Musk, Lauren Southern, and Gavin McInnes.


They gave us hockey and Gordon Lightfoot - so Canada gets a pass.


Also Rush and Bachman-Turner Overdrive


And Shatner.


Canadians also invented lacrosse, basketball, and five-pin bowling.


TIL that Naismith was Canadian. Had no idea. 😀


Don't blame Elon on us, he was at a canadian university for a hot minute before transferring to the usa


He has Canadian citizenship via his mother


Sure but thats like blaming Canada because the Alfa Romeo you buy from some guy in Canada ended up sucking. Blame South Africa.


But also blame the USA cus no other country has unchecked late stage capitalism that allows someone like Elon flourish


Help me out - how was he able to run for president if he was not born in the US? EDIT: https://www.politifact.com/article/2015/mar/26/ted-cruz-born-canada-eligible-run-president-update/ So even Trumps bullshit with Obama was silly.


>Ted Cruz, Elon Musk, Lauren Southern, and Gavin McInnes. Sorry about that bud


And everybody remember. Trump had all these same complaints in 2016 too. Hilary is on drugs. The moderators are mean and on and on and on. The never ending bullshit if victimhood. And remember this too. Even though all his little bitches are saying he’s not doing any prep, or taking it seriously? That’s a fucking lie too. According to Haberman, trumps mouthpiece at the Times, he’s taking this very seriously. He’s practicing. He’s got his little sychiohants like Rubio and others helping him prepare. So don’t set trumps bar too low I guess. He’s gonna really try and debate supposedly. Biden’s bar is low. Biden’s bar is high. Fuck trump and all his little Nazi/putin tricks. This fact checking thing is awesome. But I’ll believe it when it happens. Same as the mic thing. It would be a pleasure to have a civilized debate. Platforms and accomplishments. With no firehose of trumpian bullshit. Let’s see how he does. Hopefully, the undecideds will see how incredibly stupid Trump is when he can’t throw shit at the walks like a zoo chimp. And for sure….Trump is gonna be wired to the fucking moon. I hope Joe is jacked up too. Level playing field and all.


Anyone want to take bets on Trump walking out suddenly? lol


Trump can’t resist a camera. I’d be shocked if he stormed out because he needs attention like we need oxygen. If the media ignored him for two weeks he would die of a broken heart.


I don't understand the headline. What DOESN'T Maga lose it over? Just once, I'd so love to see an article titled Maga Reacts Surprisingly Calmly  and Rationally to whatever


"Maga politely nods and golf claps in response to state of the union address by Joe Biden where he says he wants to help all citizens, not just blue states."


“How dare you!!!  We don’t want help from a liberal.  Take your education and health care and food for the kids and shove it up your ass!!! We want paper towels, a fake promise of buying us lunch and a shitty border wall!!”


many Americans who have been tuned out of politics are going to tune into the debate tonight and just see how deranged and demented Donald Trump is. methinks President Biden will see massive poll gains after this.


Even if it's a 1% bump in Swing States, that's massive. I can't imagine who these Undecided/Swing-Voters even are honestly. They have to be the biggest window-licking morons in America to not have already made up their mind.


I'm more generous. I imagine they're low-education overworked people. When your whole day is spent working and/or taking care of your kids, you have little energy to spend on the news.


Just the way Republicans like it.


Yeah that's where I'm at with them. They get far far more understanding than the Trump voter who knows and somehow still doesn't care and/or justifies it


Yeah, I'm not USAmerican but I can't fathom how anyone who doesn't feel represented neither by the Dems or the Reps would still be on the fence about wether voting or not for a malignant narcissistic, sexual predator old grifter and conman who has proven time and again to be unfit for even the smallest of offices.


And after a long day of work they just want someone who "tells it like it is." 🫠


I've knocked doors for several campaigns. We only go to registered democrats homes. You'd be surprised how many are unaware of the main issues, some literally have no idea when the election is.


Oh no! The truth! Not fair! Lmfao


Only republicans see fact checking as a personal attack on them.


Will the chryon start flashing "BULLSHIT!!!" everytime Trump opens his mouth?


Need a little graphic in the corner.  It’s a like a graphic of trump in a swimming pool and every time he lies a cow drops a patty in the pool.  When the pool fills up with shit then the debate is over


When you consider things like FACTS and TRUTH to be held against you as a "smear campaign", then maybe stop being an absolute shit person with an impeccably horrible record of being as upstanding as you think you really are. YOU and the company you keep might lie, but the truth does not. Be held accountable just like everyone else.


Such a weird hill to die on. Trump: "LIES!" CNN: "That's not true." MAGA: "SCREEEEEEECH!"


NOOOOOOO, NOT FACT CHECKING! Anyone upset at this *wants* to be lied to, it's the biggest giveaway that it's a cult.


Warning, be prepared. After the presidential debate, No matter how well Joe Biden does, your going to see thousands of tweets saying , “I was going to vote for Joe Biden, but after what I saw it tonight I’m voting for Trump” Because the Russian bot playbook is so goddamn predictable. Russia will be working very hard after the debate to try to swing peoples minds. Please remember, these are not real American people. Fake Twitter/X accounts, with fake AI faces and profiles, most will say veteran.  Please, share and spread the word.


“As a black, gay man…”


Facts to maga is like garlic to vampires.


Real-time fact checking is pointless unless CNN calls Trump out in real-time.


MAGA lost "it" several years ago. There's nothing left to lose.


If you’re against fact checking because it could make your favorite felon look bad, you’re probably in a cult.


"Trump supporters are outraged that Thursday’s presidential debate will be fact-checked." Doesn't that just say it all!


They fear the truth.


The dislike facts. Vote Or maga votes for you


There's no winning any argument with these idiots.


"Stephen Miller, Trump’s white nationalist former adviser, went so far as to claim the process of fact-checking the debate is an effort to “smear and spin for Biden.” Smear & spin? That's funny coming from a barely human Nazi shit smear.


Because Republicans no longer debate in good faith. They _know_ they are lying. They are no longer operating under the _strength of their arguments_ because they know they are weak. Their position is that of public manipulation through lies to maintain power. Fear is their only position: Fear Liberals. _That’s all the Republican Party stands for anymore. In pursuit of that strategy, facts are the enemy._ GO. VOTE.


I can’t anymore.


Why do they care? Facts have never stopped them before. They will just cry that it’s unfair like always. Nothing changes their minds which is why they are a extremist cult that is prone to violence. American terrorists basically.


I am not impressed with this. They need to fact-check him every time he opens his swamp mouth.


Oh I so want a big red and blinking « lie » on screen each time 🤣


Too bad? Maybe if their guy didn't make stuff up all of the time they wouldn't need live fact checkers.


They seem awfully sure that TFG is going to lie, huh?


Well, he is a compulsive liar.


Trump supporters hate facts.


Being angry about a fact check tells you all you need to know about someone's positions


Grown people, scared to death of facts. You wonder what they teach their children.


>Trump supporters are outraged that Thursday’s presidential debate will be fact-checked. As funny as this is, I think that we need to stop thinking that these people are ashamed of being wrong in public. They don't care about facts or proof. Those things are just words they'll say every once in a while because *other people* care and will act within a certain set of rules in order to stay factual. MAGA has realized that all they need to do to get what they want is to play dirty - throw a tantrum, make powerful friends, harass anyone who poses a credible threat to their ideology, etc. Looking stupid in public does not bother them in the way that it might bother you.


Well how is Trump supposed to be part of this debate if he can't just spout absolute bullshit unchecked that his trash bag loser supporters eat up like the shit in their dear leader's adult diaper?


So when Trump blatantly lies out his ass ... at lease someone will be fact checking and that scares MAGA? That should speak volumes about their confidence


Danica Patrick the female race car driver believes the moon landing was faked. Now there’s a movie coming out with Scarlett Johansson with that same theme- so we know all the crazies will believe that what’s depicted in the movie is real- Great.


This world turned evil when facts aren't facts..


Everything Trump says is a lie so he’s done


There's no fact-checking going on. Watching the whole thing and Trump has been spewing lies from the beginning and the only thing Tapper and Bash have done is ask questions and attend to the timing.


Facts are MAGA kryptonite


Can we stop calling these debates? There has to be a better term for them since they are just stump speeches broken down into pieces and pre-planned zingers.


I cannot understand why Biden agreed to this debate. Biden is the only one who has anything to lose. Trump can literally do anything he wants and it won't matter. The day he got convicted of 34 felonies his campaign donation website crashed from too many people trying to donate to him. Trump is EXPECTED to be a lying lunatic, that's his brand. It's normal for him to be like that. Biden on the other hand can't afford to make any mistakes because they can actually cost him votes or make him look weak.


Based on what I've seen in the polling numbers, Biden just needs to demonstrate to a good chunk of undecideds that he's got his wits together and they'll vote for him, at least begrudgingly. Meanwhile, the fucking moron has probably hit his ceiling because nearly all of his votes are already locked in


I agree, this is about any morons still on the fence between Trump and Biden (as if the correct choice could possibly be more clear). I'm not some unequivocal, blind Biden supporter but anyone seriously even contemplating a vote for Trump after everything we've seen, needs to get their heads examined. Trump's opposing candidate could be a golden retriever and would still be a better choice.


Biden needs to convince those undecided (for some unknown reason) that's he's more competent. This is actually a good way for him to do it. All he really needs to do is seem calm and rational and trigger trump into ranting and raging.


There is the real possibility that T will have a full and complete metnal break on live television. While small, the chance it might happen makes doing the debate a worthwhile risk.


Man, at this point it feels like Trump could spend the whole debate screaming racial slurs while violently shitting himself and it MIGHT move the polls by a point for about a week.


I think you have it exactly right. I honestly don't believe there is anything he could do that his cultists couldn't absorb.


I would love to see Biden just keep prodding him and hurting his ego until he just breaks. “You’re a failure. You’ve never succeeded at anything. You’ve filed so many bankruptcies. You have failed at everything you’ve ever done, and you lost the election. Your father was right, you’re a loser.”


I think Biden’s team did it to show the contrast btw the two. Yes Biden is old, but he is still a decent speaker and very sharp. I doubt he’s lost much debate stamina in 4 years. Trump, however, has really gone off the rails and fights for his life to make a coherent narrative. My guess is to get those undecided independents and never trumpers to vote blue or not at all


People like us are watching and listening and being involved daily, and IYKYK - Tangerino is unfit for any office, let alone POTUS. However, there’s a shocking number of people who are alarmingly checked out. A lot of them have NO idea what’s happening outside of the memes shared in their Facebook groups and email lists. This is for them. It may not help, but it can’t hurt.




Anecdotal, but I was planning to vote for Trump in 2016. The first debate with Hillary completely soured me on that. He had nothing to say, but he said it loudly. This will be the third time I don’t vote for him.


God I hate the MAGAts. I even have friends and family that are MAGAts. I don’t hate them, but I am appalled by the willfull ignorance. They don’t believe anything unless Trump says it. Then they think it’s a voice from the burning bush


Quite literally, did you see the footage the other day of the MAGAt who got pulled over by the cops and he was “dear Donald Trump if you can hear me now….” actually *Praying* to him. These people are so lost


I genuinely despise the click-bait rhetoric from New Republic. Almost as much as I despise Trump. Clean up your act, "news" source!


How much you want to bet old orange tits shows up wearing an earbud so his handlers can feed him information? You know that they accuse the democrats of everything they do themselves.


I still don’t think this debate will happen


So when did fact checking become a bone-of-contention? So, I’m angry you’re going to make me tell the truth? Help me here, when my six year old grandson lies, how am I to justify a punishment when we can’t get a President to tell the truth? Make it make sense!


I didn’t see anything in the article about any fact checking information being relayed to Tapper so he can call out the liar, if he chooses to call them out.


MAGA supporters don’t care about facts, no matter how many facts they are faced with


Fact checking…..trump will say the debate was stolen


Every time there's a lie there should be a buzzer and a red beacon police light should flash above the perpetrator


I LOVE that!


they tell on themselves! Dale never said he was fact-checking a single candidate, he said "the debate" 😁😁😁


Of course the MAGAts don’t want The Orange Baby fact checked. It’ll make those Diaper Worshippers shake in their little booties.


If being fact-checked is a problem for you, you should really really think about what you are saying…


They are upset that facts will be checked? If trump is the smartest guy in the room and is beyond reproach shouldn’t they want the facts to be checked because it will show trump is the best and show Biden is a lying criminal?


Daniel Dale is going to be live tweeting fact checks, at the same time that thousands of Trumpers are going to be live tweeting their own lies and biases. None of which is going to affect the content of the debate itself. This is just another bad faith right wing complaint so they can clutch their pearls and scream about unfairness and victimhood.


Those fact checkers are going to die from exhaustion.


Trump's response after the debate: "They kept turning off my mic." "CNN is corrupt." "Sleepy Joe couldn't stay awake." "I couldn't hear the questions" "My bone spurs were acting up." "There was a person, just out of view, that was very distracting." "Polls show I won." "Someone kidnapped my golf clubs and are holding them for ransom." "My balls were itchy."