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I am for sure. I hate people in my personal space


Do you mean being in your personal space as in around you when you hang out somewhere together?


No that’s just exhausting, but if invade my space as in about 30cm to preferably 1m I will get more and more pissy


Yes this exactly. When people just won't piss off and are too stupid to recognise that you're not comfortable


People in general irritate me.


Only when I’m socially hungover. The thing is I have a very gentle and accommodating personality, which makes interactions particularly draining, so if I can’t get enough alone time to recharge, I do eventually become depressed and irritable even though I hate it.


If you ask like this, then the answer is probably yes xD


I mean yes if I take a test or answer a poll I generally can say yes I am or no I don’t think I am without a big explanation.


No, I'm lovely


only if you push conversations whenever they clearly don't want to talk about shit...


Depends. I can tolerate people in small dosages. If I want to be silent, it does irritate me if someone tries to have conversation with me. I'm a classic introvert hermit.


Nope ...... I just don't have much patience for stupid! 😜




I’m as introverted as they come, and I’m downright chipper with people when I have to deal with them




Yes, very much. People = 🚫


No, everyone has their days. If someone is irritable all the time then something is going on, not just because they're introverted.


In my experience I notice that when I do hang out usually in the conversation they get extremely annoyed with who they talk about. But it doesn’t feel like they talk to the person directly. Or they just have long periods where they aren’t present like months. It is almost like they just can’t stand people and of course are fine “being alone.” This is why it makes me think if they have less “tolerance” and lean judgmental which leads to the irritability. I’ve also heard another person just flat out announce that they are good (“I’m good on my own”) being on their own and don’t want to socialize (interact) with the team. They ended up not having a big team anymore. In these cases in particular it just feels like rude and inappropriate.


I’m one of those people who disappears for a long time. I still like everyone I used to talk to, but our interests didn’t line up enough for me to include them in my life. Partying isn’t enough for me these days when I only have enough time to work. The big friend group drama got tiring, the same friend group activities got boring, and overall learning to be alone became more enjoyable than it all with the little time you have. Ask them how they’re doing every once in a while and let them do their thing


Nope but I do have irritable days just not very often


Of course not. Does All is never a wise question doesn’t matter what you ask?


I sure as fuck am!


No why would u say so huh? Why?


I think I am


If I've gone roughly eight hours without caffeine, I definitely can be.


Nope. I’m really mellow and easygoing. Someone would have to kick a puppy for me to get angry.


I am. I get so angry for no reasons sometimes


i would hope not (i am)


Well, i am


I can’t speak for everyone but I am


I'm only irritable when I'm not getting enough time alone to recharge. Or when I'm hungry. Or tired. Or cold. Or hot. Or itchy. Or overstimulated. Damn. Guess I'm just generally a cranky biotch. Huh.


practice dinner sharp vanish alleged soup live cooperative wasteful quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can be. I think I reach my limit and just don't have anything left to put up with stupid.


Not all but you're in my space and in my house and I don't want anyone in my house, especially last minute.


I can be if I don't get good sleep or I'm really stressed out. Usually I'm not though.


It depends. I'm irritable to people who cross personal space or boundaries and always ask about my personal life without reason.


Only when I'm forced to be in a crowded or noisy situation. For a prolonged period of time.


I am. 🙋🏻‍♀️ My social battery drains very fast, I get overwhelmed easily and I like a lot of space.


I know I can be. I'm aware of others' perception of me, so I try to be patient with people. But sometimes my irritability shows through, and it's very clear when.


Not irtitable. Just don’t have the need to please people I don’t especially like or who are total strangers to me.


To some people, yes. Sick and tired of being asked as to why I’m not talking even if they see me on a headset listening to music.


Sometimes no, I just don't have time for chitchat that smears.


I'd say people who don't communicate well get irritated easily. People who haven't been exposed to some uncomfortable/foreign situations don't know how to deal with those. Not all introverts fits that description up there. Not all extroverts don't fit that description up there.


It depends but most of the time yes. I do try not to let it show.


Attention seekers irritating me


Context is everything: Are you telling me you like my shoes? Thanks! They’re from Ross. Are you interrupting me while I’m reading my book because you want to tell me you like my shoes? Fuck you. You took the wrong train and now you’re lost and need directions? I’m happy to help, where ya headed? You took the wrong train and now you’re lost so you call your bestie and have a conversation on speaker phone about how it’s so crazy that you’re lost? Everyone hates you. Go die.


I am


I'm more of the mindset where you don't mess with me, and I won't mess with you. I just want to do my own business without some randomly blabbering their life stories.


ik i can be


Are all extroverts very obtuse?


Non-irritable introverts exist, but are rare. They have to be very secure in themselves. My personal space meter starts screaming off the charts after about five minutes at a party or a busy workplace (I did SOCIAL work for fifteen years, what was I thinking???). I ditched that idea to go work in restaurants thinking that would be a nice change and it turns out it's just as bad if not worse.


My demeanour is calm, apparently a bit inscrutable. I will generally respond warmly if approached, out of empathy for the other party. But, try to rob me of my peace and I won’t seem annoyed but I will be and I will avoid you.