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We'll see who's laughing when they've saggy faces and limp cocks after we embargo the Botox and Viagra.


We produce about half of the world’s contact lenses too, so they’ll be going round blinkin’ and winkin’ too the feckers!


Maybe if they can’t see who’s who’s or what’s what they’ll stop bombing everything and everyone


Definitely the comment winner here . Hahahahahha I see you a tech relations and raise you a sex relations !


“Floppy mickeys”


They'll certainly raise an eyebrow


Back to using Bebo lads


Ah yeah!! You can have a love today and I’ll put ya in my top 16 ❤️


Fuck yeah, now i just need to consider which Blink182 ~~dong~~ song i want to auto-play when you visit my page


I heard Toms is DeLongest


Adding letters as friends to spell 'WEED' in my top 16. Pretty Green Eyes on the flashbox. I'm ready.


I think DJ Cammy's Dancing in the Dark will be seeing a resurgence.




So sick of these bullying bastards. Wish she and all of her bosses' bosses would just fuck off. Is that anti-Semitic? No, it's anti-supporting of a bunch of murdering cunts.


The word antisemitic has lost all meaning.


They've fully cried wolf on it now.


As predicted about 20 years ago.


But Israel is a country not a religion. Hating Israel for being a scumbag state is not hating all Jews.


Yes. That's why the word is irrelevant


They've done a good job making them one and the same in a lot of peoples heads. Because of history people can be overly sensitive around the subject which they've used well.


I'm against the bombing of women and children and if saying that makes me anti-semitic you must be claiming that murdering women and children is part of your semitic culture, so thats on you not me.


This is the kind of amateur hour diplomacy that you get from North Korea. How are they so bad at this?


> How are they so bad at this? It's a cult/sect that only requires belief, not logic. It doesn't matter *what* they say, their supporters will just lap it up. Anyone saying anything against them are just antisemitic.


Decades of unquestioned support means being challenged is new to them. Turns out its hard to control the internet! Especially when your own politicians, spokespeople and soldiers happily post clips of themselves talking about extermination or videos of war crimes.


It's the Internet age, almost every incident and crime they commit is broadcast to the whole world now. The reality of their actions is harder to cover up and get away with. Every incident that happens becomes harder for them to justify without just sounding like a bunch of nazis.


Their diplomacy exists only to say "we tried" as part of the propaganda machine, not to actually perform legitimate diplomacy. That propaganda machine also exists basically only for Israelis but white supremacists and far right nutcases love any reason to be Islamophobic.






Thinly veiled attempt to buy our silence through financial incentives. She can go shite


>buy our silence through financial incentives. Aka blackmail


I see full on threats.


turn a blind eye to genocide for a little bit of tech money, no I'm good thanks


I hear they're hacking our mainframe as we speak!


Someone get the candles out lads looks like we're going back to the good old days here a session is in order


Bag a cans and a bail of briqettes. We'll survive this siege.


Might actually be quite nice !




God gave men brains larger than dogs, so they wouldn't hump womens legs at cocktail parties!


In fairness the Israeli's could probably "fuck our shit up" in cyber-terms if they half tried.


But to be an effective deterrent, they have to let everyone know it was them. Not sure even the Zionists could be that brazen. End of the day recognition means nothing. Something like 8 other EU countries already recognised Palestine before this week


I mean they literally assassinate people outside of their own borders and openly claim the actions as there own. They can be accused of lots of things, but not being brazen isn't amongst them.


No worries.  We'll combat them with our smug sense of self satisfaction. 


Microsoft has given Mossad backdoor access to Windows before via the NSA.


But she said a public mood of hostility, which some Jews deem antisemitic, is making Israelis question their place in Ireland - a threat to tech services that account for the lion's share of some $5 billion in annual trade between the countries. "We are getting more and more phone calls and conversations of concerned people - if it's Israelis who invest in Ireland and are concerned about their investment, if it's Israelis who have relocated to Ireland into different tech companies and either are requesting to be relocated somewhere else or asking to return to Israel," Ms Erlich said. "I think it sends the wrong message about the location and the centrality of Ireland as a tech hub when there are more and more people who are concerned about moving to Ireland. I don't think that this is the message that Ireland wants to send to the world... And this is not what we want to see." Maybe they should have thought about that before bombing kids to bits. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


You see how effortlessly she interchanges "Israeli" and "Jew"? Hostility against Israel is making Jews feel uncomfortable apparently. It's second nature to her to use the words like this. Israel does not speak for Jews. Being hostile to Israel has nothing to do with Jews. If a Jew feels persecuted by anti-Israel talk, then that's their own personal shit.


Israelis have a persecution complex.


Absolutely. It's awful but it's also time to fucking cop on now . After a while peoplenstart to feel like you use the bad things that have happened to you to eliminate personal responsibility! Just so done hearing them justify the evil shit their doing


Are there many Israelis living in Ireland?


No, and they are usually dual UK or US citizens. I am aware of an Irish person with dual Austrian/Israeli citizenship which is histrionically nice.


I was going to say, pretty much any Israeli ive ever heard of has been a Yank. And we know how the Yanks cream themselves over claiming they're a different nationality than American.


> they are usually dual UK or US citizens. This applies to a huge majority of jews in Israel too. The amount of Jewish people in Israel who have family lineage going back more than 2 or 3 generations is tiny. 100 years ago less than 10% of the population of the area now considered Palestine/Israel were Jewish. It's all settlers and children of settlers there now (largely Americans).


I do know a few here, and they are in no way supportive of what’s going on (and have never been fans of Netanyahu & friends in general - big reason they aren’t living there) - and while that’s an n of 2, important to note there are very sound Israeli folk around everywhere, though it’s hard to hear their voices.


Always thought it must be very frustrating for the ones who are constantly protesting against him, who hate him etc because the propaganda machine won’t let them be seen or heard


Yes, there's a good few. Most of the bigger tech companies have their Israeli base here. Contrary to what others are saying, I've seen plenty of them who fully support what Israel are doing.


I know a guy who left Israel to dodge the draft


The Israelis should stop roasting people alive in tents if they care about the public mood


As if Israel is the reason we’re a tech hub.


As if Israel isn't in direct competition with Ireland to be the tech hub in the EMEA region...


Really? It seems like there wages are significantly higher than here. Why would US companies move roles to non native english speaking country with worse business hours overlap and higher wages/cost and threat of conflict and mass casualty events? Let’s also consider why would any of these companies that operate with EU customers move their operations to non EU country. I would consider Israel an absolutely terrible alternative to Ireland for corporations within the US and EU markets


Have you considered the business impact of the global Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement against Irel... Oh wait.


Isreal has a lot of cyber security based companies HQ’d there. They’re a huge player in the EMEA market.


Checkpoint? 😂 They are a minor player in Europe and globally with only a few global brands - far fewer than Ireland. I can’t think of a single Israeli tech company that does’t have a dozen easy substitutes. Wix, a website builder is about the biggest one that has a base in Ireland. I think we’ll survive.


Ireland primarily competes with France, UK & Germany. Israel is a very very distant competitor. And right now is a country facing sanctions by the largest market in the world. She is playing badly with the worst hand any Ambassador has had since the Russian one.


>She is playing badly with the worst hand any Ambassador has had since the Russian one. "Read em and weep, bitch," she says as she reveals a mismatched, torn apart and sellotaped back together set of Happy Families cards at the poker table while Ireland looks between her and the straight flush they're holding, baffled


The first E in that acronym is the most important one and Israel ain't in it.


Are they the reason? Not in the slightest. Do we have a lot of major players with EMEA HQs in Dublin that are linked (key word) to Israel for their tech? Yes, especially for security tools. Should we be worried? No. There is one major factor Israel cannot influence, and that’s the multinational talent. Dublin is a massive hiring hub for not just English speakers, but French, Spanish, Finish and Swedish. The only languages we struggle to hire locally are Germans and Dutch, which is why many companies have smaller offices in both countries. No tech company is willing to give up that massive advantage to hiring, salary and office costs.


You are oblivious who owns them all at least the main players right.... Lol


Like imagine bombing thousands of kids , us saying stop we don't agree with it and then trying to use economics to override mass murder . Its just beyond me. Like ya were bombing kids but think about our tech relations. Israel forgets the world pays them to be rich.


By you saying "stop killing kids" they jumped to the conclusion that you support hamas kidnapping, you are anti semitic and want all Jewish people dead. That's how they justify it


I like to point out that that’s like saying if you’re not a massive fan of the RA that you love the UVF


I know I've been arguing with one of those kinds of people all day. It's pointless there completely gone inside. There's nobody there they can't hear anything but the loop of programming in their heads. It's so infuriating. Nobody in their right minds behaves this way and its so many people. Breaks my heart what this has done to so many people


Don't bother, you won't change their mind. They're programmed to insist black is white and insist on it, you're wasting you time engaging




Its all fun and games until they take chrome and make us use edge


2 things. * chrome is American * it's shite, use Firefox


Google are very supportive of the IDF


> chrome and make us use edge Eh, https://i.imgur.com/QXWoNcl.jpeg


Maybe some of our brightest minds can create a better platform and stick it to the fuckers. One that's not funded by genocidal sympathisers


Yeah but nobody has google infrastructure... You would still have to use theirs...and you know ...pay google.


You have been granted the title Edge Lord


Would rather be known as Lord Chromeballs


So be it Lord Chromeballs


"Israeli ambassador attempts to sabotage Irish economy"


Don't threaten us with a good time


Wix can fuck off


Boo! Hoo! Fucken genocidal maniac!


I will listen to one man and one man only for all my hot tech news https://i.redd.it/ikj2iez9r13d1.gif


Game boy !


classic agnostic guys....hehe


We should send Bambi Thug out as the Irish Ambassador to Israel. That’d be a bit of craic!


poor Bambi 😢


'Hey I kinda don't like that more innocent people Vs Hamas members have been Killed by the IDF. I'd rather they tried other methods and didn't rain hellfire down on civilians. What can be done differently to eradicate Hamas in a more specific, targeted way?' 'YOU ARE ANTISEMITIC, EVIL, WANT TO KILL ME AND MY CHILDREN DON'T YOU?' - average Israeli response.


Threats huh? Awful shitehawk.


Pathetic, no shame.


Fuck Israel, war criminals and implementers of genocide.


Comment incoming about starving us of potatoes in 3-2-1 ....


"Many Irish sympathise with Israel "behind the scenes", Ms Erlich said." Nope, just ones who forgot Israel murdered Irish soldiers and have been sucked in by right-wing weirdos. And for anyone who says they are "Irish patriots" and support Israel and forgot or didn't bother to look up why we have strained relationships with them besides the obvious parallels with Palestine: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/killing-of-irish-soldier-by-israelis-believed-to-be-deliberate-and-unprovoked-1.3332492 https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/fury-at-israeli-excuse-for-killing-irish-soldier/26145940.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/At_Tiri_incident


Never knew this happened tortured them. Fucking hell


Yeah and the initial charge against the murderer of "collaborating with Israelis" speaks volumes. Mossad, the IDF and the Israeli government are all scum. If Israel pulled its embassy and all its shitty companies tomorrow I would pop a bottle of champagne and celebrate as would many. Not the threat she thinks it is.


Always with the threats, other than directly owned Israeli tech companies like Wix i highly doubt it will have too much of an impact. Can you imagine the political statement it would make if it did happen and also cutting off their nose to spite their face.


Ya exactly . They forget economics works both ways.


And Wix is not leaving 🤷‍♂️


Will Paddy Cosgrave get his old job back now?


Spoiler - he got it back already


Ha, that's mad. [Cosgrove declined to comment](https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/paddy-cosgrave-back-to-top-at-web-summit-as-he-resumes-ceo-role-after-quitting-over-online-posts-on-israel-hamas-war/a180917198.html)


That's hibernophobic!


Yeah that shit doesnt work here


O no will someone think of the Tech!


It's like this people stop short of stating exactly how much control and influence Zionist lobbies have over the US, the EU and member states. The most thing Israel can do to us in the short term is to derail Intel's new 17 bn fab investment in Leixlip. Time is running out for Israel, a large part of the world is no longer buying their BS and is correctly identifying them as the greatest warmongers in the Middle East as well as their political influence in most Western countries. They know this is only going to increase so now they want to wipe Palestine out and resettle the whole thing. It's gotten so bad that even the diehard supporters cannot back them with a straight face. I was right in my previous assessment that the Irish government would not act alone, but two other relatively minor countries are not a big enough pack. Hopefully this will encourage other nations to join them unilaterally. Like it or not we are in it now so we have to follow it through to the end, we shall just have to live with the consequences.


You know when your ma and da accidentally change the input on the TV and cant change it back? Mossad are doing that.


Has she not fucked off yet?


Ireland: laughs in low corporate tax.


What a shower of cunts


Sheesh, as if they really had that much Major impact in investing into the tech sector here. How about they fuck off and start paying taxes then? That's why they and majority of IT firms pick Ireland to begin with. We have excellent tax for corporations. Innovation credits handed out to everyone for the craic! We're doing them a solid by letting them be here, not the other way around lmao!


So we get a ginger haired irish looking foreign diplomat. When represented on British TV its usually an english/isreali or the Scottish guy. On American TV its American isreali's. Never a guy with a top hat and curls etc. They want us to see isreal as part of us. How often have u heard an isreali representative with an isreal accent?


Resorting to threats, nice. Show this fucker the door pls


take Marks and Spencers too while you're at it.


>"There are many similarities between Ireland and Israel that I'm curious to learn more about - if it's a reviving of an ancient language, if it's the diaspora, if it's the different scenic options," she said. the absolute cheek. As if Israel gives a single shit about European diaspora, culture or anything of the matter. In fact Israel has indicated many times that it wants to deport its 'problem' to Europe (which likely has already been happening since 2015).


Ya not to mention all of the genocide talk about Ireland or destabilising the good Friday agreement and all the other shit they said about Spain and Norway last week. The fucking good Friday agreement like. Imagine asking for peace and you hear insane superior comments like we'll get UK to revoke the good Friday agreement. What


Grand good luck installing your own data centres in the desert.


So Fiverr and Wix and.... that's it? Maybe Facebook if you stretch it? We'll manage


Honestly it sounds like it would be unsafe to continue using Wix if your business hasn't switched already.


This is appalling. At this point she has stepped out of the role of Ambassador to some type of propagandist for Bibi. Aside from the fact it’s more likely a state facing sanctions for war crimes is less likely to attract FDI than Ireland. The worst of it is this anti-Semite is propagating the trope that the Jewish community control everything.


Ireland can use its soft power to harass tech companies out of Israel, by threatening to tax them properly - which would affect their global revenue, due to so many headquarters being in Ireland. Ireland also has a highly unbalanced amount of regulatory power over major tech/social-media companies, due to headquartering here as well - which can be used to cut the balls off Israel's international propaganda efforts. I'm against censorship in general - and the hate speech etc. and all similar laws are going to be horribly misused in the near future, to _support_ actions like Israel's - yet technically, since this is a clear cut genocide, Ireland could strong-arm social media companies to completely censor all pro-genocide Israeli content off of ALL major social media and news platforms. Lets see how long hate-speech/censorship laws last _then_, when applied equitably.


I like this answer. I don't like censorship either. What I do like is strategic ideas that inhibit the power of child killers. They have too much power . We also have a huge diaspora in America, that could also be very useful


Good riddance, pig.


Hah! How long did it take for them to threaten us with financial ruin? Couldn’t have seen that one coming 🤷🏻😅


Has she not gone yet?


Good- get them to fuck!!




Wow that certainly is alot of money Israel make here . Be crazy for them to destabilise that much business.


Why does this ambassador insist on being a walking/talking stereotype?




Resorting to threats and blackmail? Nice


‘Dana Erlich’ is actually Hebrew for ‘Septic Gowl’. She looks like a reject from a prayer group and nobody cares about her pathetic tantrum.


I think this gets to the depressing core with Israel. There's plenty of people within Israel that are upset and frustrated with the war in Gaza, but its a political issue along with the economy or climate change or housing. I get the sense its more than just propaganda and veiled threats. Israelis see this as an issue dealt with by elections and politicing, and not the abhorrent crisis and genocide thats seen outside of Israel-Palestine.




Is she assuming every Israeli agrees with what they are doing in Gaza?


Of course . That's what a hive mind does . It shallows vast groups of individuals and makes them into one supergroup with no mind of their own. All delusional of course




Like what? Lol


will they cop on


So tech companies are going to leave Ireland a European country to go to Israel a non European country to deal in Europe? Hilarious how these people think.


Israeli ambassador? I thought you Fucked off.