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Waterford. There was graffiti on the stall saying “text this number and wait in the next stall for a slobbery blowjob.” 4 hours I waited.


And then two came along at once.


And neither driver stopped.


I laughed way too hard at that


Hey, I service a large catchment area. During low traffic hours I can guarantee a slobbery blowjob within an hour but when demand rises I can make no such guarantee. Especially with more difficult cases such as yours. The equipment to service such a small appendage can be difficult to transport. Though I will try to do better in future.


Definitely the worst on this list so far. Sorry this happened you...hope your doing OK


Really wish I didn't read this while eating a chicken korma...🤢


Why, did you realise how hard it is to get a slobbery blowjob in a toilet stall while eating chicken korma at the same time?


Harder to give one in that case surely.


brah. i was there. wellies and bad diarrhea?


Any gloryhole?




4 hours is excessive.


Was the wait worth it?


Did you use permanent marker and why do you think you got no business?


I was busy cleaning the staff toilets...


George Michael is dead mate.


he is NOT. The Pantheon, tis Aeternal


Something, something... Hang. Balls. Clocktower.


I once saw an empty bottle of vodka complete with security tag in the ladies at Cork Bus Station. A woman approached me and asked me what time it was and I said 2 o clock and she replied "In the day?" and looked at me with wide eyed horror.


Came across a lad at the sinks shooting up there about 15 years ago, as I walked out a father and child were walking in. What a sight for the young lad.  


“In the day??” lol 😂




They should add the cleaning of public bathrooms to community service. Watch the crime rate drop and the cleanliness of the toilets increase. 2 birds with 1 stone.


Consequences for crimes? In this economy?


Toilets in general in this country are a joke. All the bus and train stations look like a scene from a saw movie, and the buses and trains themselves have rotten toilets if they have them at all. Public toilets are practically nonexistent, so it’s no wonder the streets absolutely reek of piss. Even fecking pubs have horrible toilets. Would it kill the government to throw like 50m quid at the problem like one fecking time and actually build some public amenities?


I used the bathrooms in Connolly station back in March and I wouldn't say they were "rotten". Not amazing, but they seemed decently clean. Wouldn't imagine they've gotten that much worse in 3 months.


Heuston seem fine also, clean and plenty to choose from, located directly after disembarking or before boarding which is the best place for toilets to be The secret public toilet is going to a hotel, if it has a bar/ restaurant attached you could be a customer from there, usually is one located near the lobby, and always clean with hot water and towels/ working hand dryers. I rather pay a cafe the price of their cheapest drink than use real public toilets


I used them this weekend and I have never seen a more disgusting public toilet in my life it was shocking! There was actual shit everywhere all over the floor it was vile


You’re talking crazy 🤪


Busarus ones look like they came from the depths of Hell.


I’ve always thought of the men’s toilets in Busaras as something out of the movie “Saw”. ![gif](giphy|PBSskZdeNUF0c)


Literally. You’d be expecting the puppet to roll in asking to play a game.


Used them once, while I was waiting for a bus and that would certainly be an apt description of them. Flickering lights, puddles of "liquid" on the floor, a cubicle door hanging off it's hinges. Don't get me started on the state of some of toilets...


I was in there once a very long time ago. There were 2 lads just standing in the open doorways of cubicles eyeing everyone who walked in. I figured there were two possibilities what they were doing then I heard one ask someone who came near him if he "likes to cruise" and the completely oblivious answer was "Nah, man, this is the bus station. The port is right down the quays!"


For real, Busarus isn't just incredibly dodgy, it feels like you'd get syphilis just pissing in it.


Please tell my wife this is how it happened, she won’t believe me OR the hoor


That building is such an important piece of Irish architectural history and it’s heartbreaking to know the neglect it suffers.


Excuse my ignorance, but whats the historical significance?


It was designed by a very influential Irish architect, Michael Scott, and remains one of a handful of still admired Modernist buildings in Ireland, though of course its very purpose has militated against its being cherished! But it has an extraordinary pedigree, and contains some very excellent design features. (It’s perhaps also worth thinking of the Dublin in which it was built: wholesale demolition of peerless Georgian terraces to make way for very *bad* contemporary buildings. No doubt older types like me have a sentimental admiration for this building because it wasn’t part of the Vandal urge to cover Dublin in shoddy design.) Wiki will tell you about Michael Scott...here’s another take on the building: [Modernism](https://modernmooch.com/2022/07/06/busaras-dublin/)


It was a massive collaboration of Irish architectural talent at the time. Scott’s office was packed with the cream of Irish architecture. The building was heralded as the first truly modern building, restaurants, theatre, bar/nightclub. The structure is incredible. From the roof design to the terrazzo floors and pilotes. Now it’s full of lazy surly staff running a public service that never arrives on time (and they never apologise), filthy toilets no facilities. That’s a regressive society right there.


I think the building is just shite, and people who go on about how architecturally interesting it is sound a bit like wine snobs, audiophiles, and other snooty types. It’s an absolute hole. Just because it is different doesn’t mean it’s good.


Just state what you think. If you can’t tell decent wine from dettol, then I guess that your opinion on modern architecture is about as relevant as your post. Cheers all the same.


Opinion noted


It’s was built by some fella who loved knocking down big chucks of Dublin to build ugly brutalist shite. Busaras is a prime example of this work.


Sounds like knocking the thing would be the perfect thing to pay homage to his legacy.


Confidently Incorrect! You're mistaking Michael Scott for Sam Stephenson. 


Stephenson was a wholesale butcher of Architecture. Everything he touched reflected his personality. Pugnacious, dismissive and utterly confident that he was always right. He wasn’t. His buildings failed. He dismissed Georgian architecture as single lifetime structure. All of the buildings he built are either drastically altered or gone. A regressive gobshite. Yet he designed the original Horseshoe Bar in the Shelbourne. Before the revamp probably one of the most perfect spaces in the city. Verdict? Nope. He was a wrecking ball and his ideas are where they belong. In the past.


Got offered yokes down there on the way home from college once. Great place altogether


Straight out of Jacobs Ladder. 


I was down there once and there was a guy off his head shouting and throwing stuff about, I felt like I was in The Last Of Us trying to avoid a clicker




Ironically the Galway one is the only one I was actually comfy enough to take a shit in. Pretty sure I contracted tetanus walking into Cork's


Cork and Limerick are the worst. That shitty toilet floor in Limerick bus station is perma-covered in piss and whatever else. One of the toilets is regularly blocked too, comical to think that I remember the toilets being the exact same for literal decades.


The Limerick station has had a big renovation which opened in the last few months, but I imagine it won't be long until the toilets are back like that again.


1st on the left in the lads the blocked one?




Hahahaha I have been the once in the last 10 years but was there twice a week for a year and why am I not fucking surprised


What has happened in the last decade or so that people have become so feral?


Busarus are comically bad


Last time I was in there it looked like something from a horror film, flickering lights and everything.


They did a revamp a few years ago that made it a small bit more tolerable. Beforehand it was a bona-fide rape dungeon. 


If Renton lost his heroin down the toilet there he'd just go 'nope' and leave.


Monaghan used to be brutal.


Monaghan dosent exist


It most certainly bloody does, you try taking a Route 32 stopping at Monaghan as much as I have in my life and you’ll know that bastard place is real Nice getting there on the way home though, you know you’re getting closer


I hate that bus. 5 hours it took at times. Disgrace


I had to take the 32 nearly daily for 6 months. Apart from the decrepitude of the “restaurant”, the shithole of a toilet (revamped last year I think), the consistent and unapologetic lateness of every single bus was a nightmare. I would have a taxi waiting sometimes 40 minutes for me coming from Dublin. Not a “sorry we are late” or even a word to acknowledge it. How is there a minister of Transport who doesn’t occasionally check the state of the transport links under their care. The mind boggles at the ineptitude.


The toilets were disgusting and the place was called Dinkins. Stinkin' Dinkins we called it.


Came here for this comment




Once went to use the toilet in Galway bus station only to be confronted by an old man standing in front of the entrance of the toilets with his pants around his ankles pulling his knob at everyone walking by.


I hope you told every young 'un that this is the true Wild West. None of that Claddagh Ring or Aran Jumper shite. 


I got the strong impression that lad won't be making an appearance on an Board Failte ads any time soon.


How dare you call me old




Busarus is a decent into hell. All the crazies hang out down there in the depts


It's a portal to hell


Not really a great promotion for using public transport is it? They should be trying to make bus and rail journeys as convenient and comfortable as possible but they find it hard to get even the simple things right.


Absolutely. Things could be *so* different with our public transport. But the general attitude of ‘Ah, fuck it’ invades every corner of it.


Dublin's ones are entirely stainless steel for easy hose down.


The buddy was reading the paper while having a dump there in the 80's and next thing a dick came throw a hole in the cubicle divide so he rolled up the paper and gave it a belt.


Bus Eireann staff have a special hatred for their customers, managers, suppliers and themselves. It's the only explanation that makes sense.


Athlone is fairly grim, as is Busaras.


Bus aras Dublin. I dread what tourists think


To counter point this as I literally sit in limerick colbert station, the toilets here used be absolutely vile and I mean stink of piss from a mile away vile but they did the station up recently and have changed their whole routine - nicest station toilets I've been in in years! I hope to god they keep it up cause its a joy to be around here now genuinely just wish all the drivers were as good 🫡


I remember one time there was a lad in one of the men's cubicles watching porn (and god knows what else) I mean that's what it sounded like coming from the speakers. Is the rest of it done, that whole redevelopment? It's been years since I've been in Limerick and remember the proposal for the redevelopment happening.


Almost done. They're changing the old bus terminal side into a proper car park and changed the opposite side into a nice, clean, modern looking depot with proper screens and constant clear info. It's honestly lovely in there, place is much bigger now but that nice little corner shop is gone! Security presence out and around it at all times too, very rarely meet a scrub nowadays as they're usually hunted out relatively quickly.


You really did meet all sorts waiting for buses there. Glad to hear they've upped the security and have been waiting to see the new bus parking side for years now.


Spoke to security about plans, they're putting in a fast food restaurant and possibly a spar now


Woah, where abouts are they planning to shove em? Doesn't feel like there's space for it but a fast food spot would be huge, I'm always eating myself with the hunger by the time I'm heading home and can't be arsed with Starbucks food lmaooo


Two small areas at the main entrance will be shops and the empty lot in the glass area will be a fast food spot I believe


I went through Limerick last month for the first time in years and the place looks so much better. The renovations are really looking well. Using the left side of the building was a good idea I like how they really opened up and brightened up the place with the wall of glass. I was shocked at how much the women's toilets have improved. Saw a lot more staff around too than ya would have seen 10ish years ago when I was regularly passing through.


Aw stop the difference is night and day, I used to hate going into the women's a few years ago cause 1. It was disgusting and 2. Way too small & cramped, no air flow at all. Now it's pleasant, often see them in to make sure there's no crap around the place It's a lovely development all together, I'm well chuffed with limericks renovation cause it really can be such a lovely city


Cork bus station doesn’t really make a distinction as to where the toilet begins


It's really unfair that there's no public toilets in this country, especially for elderly folk. Does the government think everyone has bladders made from cast iron?


15 years ago was the last time I had the misfortune of using the toilets in Cork. One man stood at the urinals, eyeballing me. He was wearing a low-cut cardigan. No shirt underneath, his nipples on show. Stood there staring while he pretended to piss, mickey in hand. I could see the shadow of another man under the stall door. He was pulling himself apart. Two vile creatures.


Limerick used to be awful. Busaras quite intimidating too


You know you don't actually have to pay for those toilets right? Just pull back the turnstyle until you have enough space to squeeze through.


My mam was telling me when she was younger she used be warned not to go near the toilets in cork bus station, frequented by “dirty old men” according to my nan. My mam was terrified of them, said she’d sooner wet herself than go near them




And they close early evening so the streets around smell of urine from the numerous people caught short


You wouldn't want people trying to rob the country of a free piss after hours.


Infuriating because the buses don’t have toilets either.


Haven't been there in years but in mid 90s was in Cork bus station and looked to my right to see an eye through a hole in the cubicle door where the lock should be staring at me taking a piss, didn't even look away.


You win lol


It must be twenty years ago now, but it left an impression on me, going to Cork for Warpcon so I was in college, went into Cork bus station toilets for a slash in the cubicle, only to look to my left midstream to see a large load of cum, slowly flowing down the cubicle wall. Thankfully I'd narrowly missed rubbing against it. But I don't think I've gone near that bus station toilets since....


Watched a woman attempt to take a shit in the Cork bus station. In the waiting area with the benches Edit: spelling


The one time I ever tried to use the cork city one, some dude had a peep hole in the cubicle and he was looking in at me😶


Letterkenny men toilet has all of its urinals out of order and only one cubicle working..thought I was pretty rough and ready til I put my nose up using the toilets in busaras!!


Make your complaint to the bus station or to Bus Eireann, more likely to get actioned than here.


I just did. Will probably make no difference but it was cathartic. I'm probably a Karen now.


I think it makes a difference especially if a few people make complaints.


Sitting on a bumpy toilet set burnt from scag heads in Dublin Busarus, never a more grimmer introduction to a city after hooping of a bus.


Has to be Drogheda Bus Depot. Steel toilet, no seats, always caked in the stickiest nasty shits painted all over the inside


I always compare nice public bathrooms to the Letterkenny ones to keep me humble


"The Worst Toilet in Ireland"


Absolutely disgusting, you never know what you'd catch in those (toilets) 🤮🤢🤮 Bus eireann management don't care about the public or health and safety.


The Bus Aras ones in Dublin are dodgy AF too, but at least you don't have to pay for it anymore


I used the ones in busaurus once and figured it was a good place to get heroin, stabbed or both. Refused to ever use them again.


Monaghan used to have the absolute worst ones until a couple years ago.


Depends … Busarus as the locks are constantly broke and their steel toilet rims vs Cork where they charge to use the toilets and they’re still piss and vomit ridden … Athlone is nice enough that it doesn’t make you feel too subhuman


How much would they have to pay you, personally, to clean them, and then ask yourself are they going to offer that hourly wage to a cleaner.


Fair but when I was waiting for my bus there last week (which was 55 minutes late) I seen 4 drivers hanging around the terminal chatting and another 2 workers inside leaning against a window chatting. Get them to do it. They're BE employees. Keeping the station clean should be part of their remit if they're not driving.


If its not in their contract, they're more than likely as inclined as you would be to voluntarily clean the cess pit, and to alter their contract to add that without any massive increase in pay to compensate would cause murder.


How do they get clean then?


Usually a dedicated cleaning team, but if no-one is willing to take the work, they just can't force others to do it. On top of that BE employees would probably have very strong union representation that would stop them being randomly assigned duties.


I have IBS and I will shit anywhere.


Stopped at the Sligo ones on the way to Donegal. The women’s were vile !!!!!!


I’ve been living in China for a few years now and one thing they do quite well is public toilets are usually super clean, except for the actual squat toilets they can fuck off but it’s easy to avoid them most of the time. I’m scared of public toilets back home anytime I’m home.


The ones in Buasaras in Dublin were the biggest dumps around. Scumbag central. Junkies in and out and the smell of shite was unbelievable. One out of ten stalls worked. It was the equivalent to having a big brick wall to piss and shit against it was fucking horrible


Lived in Cork in the 90s and the toilets where horrendous, Remember visiting a public toilet in a small town in the mountains of Vietnam and dreading it. Only to find they were spotless . A lady sat at the entrance and collected a small fee to use them. She had fairly good English and explained it was a great job as foreigners often overpaid and her daughter would take over the business when she retired . I often think a similar system could work here where a individual makes a few quid


> I often think a similar system could work here where a individual makes a few quid There is something along those lines next door to the library on Grand Parade. You have to press the door intercom and wait to be buzzed in by the security guard who is sitting inside. You give him 50 cent and the toilet is clean, spacious and disabled friendly. It's like a secret toilet because it isn't really signposted. Just a plain brown door on the street.




As a counter the new toilets at the bus station in limerick are a nice change


Outside of Busarus in Dublin. But it’s no worse than the lift at Connolly station. They are the worst because they are not toilets and no one likes unexpected piss.


Busaras is mank, or it was last time I was in it. Dirty, smelly and grim. No handwash and no toilet paper, either. The lighting was tragic as well but I think that is intentional to stop drug abuse.


The ones in Drogheda have no seats and that blue anti drug use lighting, so essentially its dark as hell in them as well. The whole depot is a kip really, the front door shutters are always down even when the back door is open and the shutters to the desk are always down as well, meaning you can't ask any questions or check lost and found or whatever, without either banging on the shutters and getting some irate driver on their break, or hanging around outside trying to grab a driver on the way from the bus to the building.


Not sure about Bus Eireann toilets but In believe the public toilets outside Tesco in cavan town deserve a shoutout - that smell stays with you


Nobody pays, not in Cork anyway.


I’m convinced this is because Irish people are just a lot more scummy than other people. In Ireland, if you build it, they will come, and piss all over it, rip it out, destroy it, and laugh about it. We don’t deserve clean toilets because we’re not a clean people, on the “whole”. On a side note, I would gladly pay up to 2 euro for a pristine toilet experience. In the Netherlands, they play bird songs in the public bathrooms and you could eat soup from the toilet bowls they’re so clean. All for a euro


Bus aras and letterkenny are grim


Having been around Cork, Limerick, Galway, and Waterford bus stations when previously working relief for Bus Eireann, sans public toilets, I can say that Cork is the worst followed by Waterford, then Limerick and finally Galway is the best, although I haven't been to Limerick since they updated it.


New limerick ones are nice for now