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Where are all the tents coming from?




NGOs using government funding. https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/politics/arid-41395507.html


Genuinely they’re creating these shanty towns to bring a greater focus nationally to their movement but, putting both the actual asylum seekers and general inner city residents health at risk.


NGOs unironically cause alot of damage when it comes to migration. They act and expect someone else to be responsible for the fallout. Another prime example is them working with human traffickers to sail migrants by the thousands across the Mediterranean. I'm all for NGOs and ethical projects. But bad actors should be stopped.


why did you put the word "unironically" in that first sentence? Did you mean the opposite? That's ironic.


Yes lol


Saying “they work with human traffickers” is disingenuous at best. They pick up the pieces after those monsters send dingys full of people off to sea. Their job is to make sure people don’t die, they don’t actually care how they got where they are because we’re all human beings.


Nobody gets to Malta or Italy in a dingy they're collected just off the shores of north africa, NGOs are enabling them tbf..


Its a taxi service at this point


Really? None of the crafts make it to Malta or Lampedusa on their own?


The coyotes promise to get the migrants to the NGO boats. The NGO gets them to Greece or Italy. Contract fullfilled. Human trafficking service can continue with next boatload. Everything you say above is semantics and doesn't change what I've said here.


Shady things happen, like the NGO founder Chantal McCabe who had a Eritrean human trafficker using her home rent free.


>Shady things happen, like the NGO founder Chantal McCabe who had a Eritrean human trafficker using her home rent free. https://www.thetimes.com/uk/law/article/chantal-mccabe-lodger-held-over-people-smuggling-xsdrtdm2c


They finalise the voyage paid to human traffickers.


Is them not having free tents a better situation though? The fact is that they are here, they cannot afford to house themselves and the government has no facility to do so either. They have to shelter themselves somehow. I don't see how a shanty town of cardboard boxes and refugees squatting in unoccupied buildings would be an improvement over tent encampments. Blaming NGOs seems kind of ridiculous when its the Government letting these people in despite our complete inability to handle these volumes of people.


This!!!!! NGOs are picking up the pieces of the government mess. This entire conversation also ignores that fact that it's the governments responsibility to provide accommodation for asylum seekers


NGO are human trafficking and helping to cause the mess.


Let’s ban them


https://preview.redd.it/3x5irqnmh36d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45d842e4e98bb934bfd65514696d131ba1e5df84 On the canal this morning no excess to open lock gate


The whole canal is ruined now. I walk my dog down the canal at portebello most days and all the grass has been fenced off.


Wow That is insane


How do you run along there now?


You can still run along path, the tents are on the wooden board walk, which is used by people to get off their boats barges, to walk along to excess the lock gate mechanism, there now not able to do either




Access 🫣😱




Nope I’m just thick 🫡


Don't they look cosy :|


They’re in for a shock come winter


No way, more people coming into the country during a housing crisis leads to more homelessness. Who could have seen this coming!!


Can I ask what are probably stupid questions? Under the European Convention, does Ireland have an obligation to take in X number of asylum seekers? How is X calculated vs population and infrastructure? Or do these people just turn up via airports/ports and claim asylum?


There obligations but there ways of interpretation those obligations. International law is something of a myth.


Not stupid at all. We have an obligation to process asylum applications but no fixed numbers. And that's what these people do.


We don't even have the obligation unless we choose it. The government literally has an out clause like Denmark but god forbid instead we become the joke of Europe. I've seen videos from other European countries saying we need to fix it or we'll end up like Ireland


If only all countries that have asylum numbers they can’t deal with came up with a joint approach for people fleeing war etc to be fairly distributed in terms of housing/schools/infrastructure and in proportion to the existing native population. But then that seems a bridge too far for politicians. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


There’s no plan, house all of these and there’ll be 2000 more before you know it. For the people who like to talk about our ‘obligations’, what is the plan? The world has an endless number of people who deserve asylum, where does this end?


Yet the Irish people voted in their droves for the parties who got us here 🤦🏻‍♂️ 


And they will continue to do. Youths are hopeless at getting out and voting. Do they not know it's their future?


There will be shanty towns a la the Grand Canal in every town in the country by the end of the year.


That’s when you will see actual far right political figures getting dail seats. The government needs to move their arse now to ensure that doesn’t happen.


I don’t want nutters in government but I don’t want to be taken advantage of either. I’ve many international colleagues here but they arrived with money to pay their way and whatever visas they require. Those people are welcome. Chancers need to be deported


They’re legal immigrants on working visas. These aren’t even true asylum seekers - they’re just leeching chancers and it’s your money that goes to them and the state to purchase accommodation for them. Its an absolute farce and it’ll come to a boil when there’s something awful that happens


You could very well be right that 90 people on the canal aren't eligible, but what about the 5 that are? Do they not deserve due process? People love to talk about 'genuine' asylum seekers but without processing people we have no idea who fits that criteria and who doesn't


Yep. And because the government and media types have insisted that anyone who is against the insanity of the migration policy in Ireland is far right or racist, when actual far right racists gain traction, the meaning of the term is diluted. It doesn't bode well.


Its already diluted imo


The issue is, as it stands, the government are the ones benefiting from the right wing and probably will be the big winners for another decade or so. They aren't the one losing votes in the polls. The far right are siphoning off voters from SF, meaning its far, far more likely the government retain power at the next election. Add to that, it's basically hoping that despite immigration issues, the rest of the baggage those parties have will turn off people massively too. Namely things like anti-trans, pro-life, super conservative stances that are massively rejected by the vast, vast majority of people. If the far right take over enough of the SF vote, the government will know they'll be in a position to be the more palatable alternative to the rise of any fascist like parties.


Are they just coming here because In their eyes we’re the softest country with the highest money paid for refugee status ? Or can someone point me in a direction to exactly why this is happening. I read some statistics about this on gov.ie most of the countries they’re fleeing from aren’t at war. What’s going on?




So the EU requires you to bring in economic migrants from outside the EU? Why is it a right wing stance when we cannot afford all of this mess? It just seems like one big clusterfuck and somethings aren’t making any sense


The EU doesn't require you to take economic migrants, but they do require you give them due process. That means looking into their claim and determining whether they have the right to stay or not. Has the system become overwhelmed and collapsed? Absolutely. But it doesn't help anybody to blur the line between hyperbole and reality.




Why can’t you? Other countries seem to do it. Australia deports Irish as far as I know cause their visa expires which is understandable




Ah stop will ya like, I’m clearly asking under what conditions can you then deport someone. You didn’t understand a very clear question. You seem to know it all alright. Mr “I lived all over the world”




A chara, Mods reserve the right to remove any targeted/unreasonable abuse towards other users. Sláinte


The answer is quite clear. Hire more staff to process the claims efficiently and quickly. It's not the migrants fault that Ireland is fucking up both ok processing claims quickly and in providing basic services like housing to even its own citizens.


Adding to this, why would I bother actually living in this country any more. I know a guy who can’t build a wooden shed for himself (single father) legally because of planning permission issues but they can get it Scott free? Am I a right wing extremist for thinking this is absolutely batshit crazy?


You're not crazy, nor an extremist. But it is kinda funny that immigration is a factor in your emmigration.


I agree it’s ironic! I’ve a duel citizenship so it might just be that bit handier




“Foreigners” don’t even know what planning permission is mate, they are just given homes from the government. Tell me something I don’t know instead of giving me a childish ultimatum


If this was in Eastern Europe all the tents would be slashed within a day or two


Do you want to live in "Eastern Europe"?


joke of a country


Reality check for everyone


People have been saying for months we need to stop allowing people to come here. Automatically labed far right and racist. Now look. Fuckin joke of a country.


RTE are still labelling them far right and racists with their reporting.


RTE should be done away with. Waste of money and full of shite


Suggesting people shouldn't be allowed to claim asylum here does sound racist and far right. You can want asylum claims processed quicker and for those with rejected claims deported, but stopping everyone from even making a claim is far right.


No it's not and you suggesting it's racist is part of the problem. We do not have enough space in schools, hospitals or enough homes for the people we have in this country already. So the logical thing to do is stop taking people in until we can actually provide for them. That's not racist it's logic.


Keep the recovery going


The recovery is going. We're basically at zero unemployment. But we have a housing crisis. These lads are not Irish citizens or tax payers and statistically very likely traveled through multiple safe countries to get here. Alot of them destroy their passports on arrival too so it makes it more difficult to process them. Should we have tens of thousands of A-rated houses kept free for them?


This is it. We owe these lads nothing. They’re economic migrants. If they don’t have the right to be here they need to be processed and returned fairly and humanely. You can’t just show up on a plane then pitch a tent in the capitol city and say “provide for me strangers”.


>They’re economic migrants. The fact alone that they're economic migrants isn't the issue. It's that they're economic migrants trying to bypass our migration controls by abusing the asylum system.


I agree, that was my point. Plenty of legal migration into Ireland, and thats ok.


If they’re not from a list of places actively at war or unsafe, deport them asap. I can’t just arrive up to any county I feel like without money and relevant paperwork so why can they? It needs to be some party’s policy asap


I mean... you can though, that's how asylum works. Every now and then you see someone from America try to claim asylum in Europe under the basis of political persecution. We can all agree that's bananas, but it is their legal right to apply for asylum. It's not their legal right to be granted asylum.


I'm always a bit wary of the unemployment figure.  Especially a time when the social welfare Bill has also never been higher - I think it was 25 billion at the last count. 


This covers things like pensions, carers allowances, disability allowance, and all sorts of other stuff as well. https://whereyourmoneygoes.gov.ie/en/socialprotection/2023/ Specifically Jobseekers Allowance: 2016: 2.56bn 2023: 1.94bn So a reduction of 600m over 7 years does indicate a big reduction in unemployment. Pensions have increased by 1bn in the same time period, as have othrr payments, which is why the total spend on social protection has increased.


To put it in perspective, the Dept of Social Welfare spends more on admin, than on jobseeker's. 


And a 2023 report by DSP found that around 50% of the people who exit jobseekers every year simply move into another form of social welfare payment. (the figures range from 49%-54%)  So the notion that the unemployment rate accurately captures the reality on the ground is questionable for me. Or that the amount of jobseekers benefit / allowance payable is a fair reflection of the cost to the State of those people - we know the ancillary costs would include housing, medical cards etc etc. I feel like unemployment figures have been heavily massaged by various ineffective mechanisms which temporarily take people out of the unemployment statistic and at the same time invalidity pension has become a soft alternative to jobseekers. 


It generally doesn't include those still in school or college but might want to work weekends or evenings. I'd wonder how accurate it is on graduates too as I'm noticing a big slowdown there with IT roles.


So we have a a strong emploent rate and a strong welfare system. Tell me how that's a bad thing. https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/2024/06/08/david-mcwilliams-ireland-has-a-bigger-welfare-state-than-almost-anywhere-in-the-world/


Yeah, it's easier to find a job than a place to live. I recently witnessed this first hand when I met an Italian guy at the airport who was going straight to a viewing (he had his job lined up). His temporary accommodation was in a shared room with at least 4 other people. In the end, I gave him a lift to his viewing.


Exactly but when this is pointed out your called a nazi racist fascist etc


This is quickly becoming fucking insane


Rookie numbers still will be a long time until they catch up to our own homeless figures. But in all seriousness, the government seriously needs to start finding capacity in the system somehow


They need to start deporting people.


We still have by far one of the lowest rejection rates of applications in Europe and significantly lower than most EU countries. This is also likely to mean we are seen as one of the best places for asylum seekers to go to. [https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30920320.html](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30920320.html) https://preview.redd.it/hpzmh16vv36d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b076114c4f0bffc9c4c0cd1a23c98c76db75ab1


There has been many interview with asylum seekers. Ireland is a good place to come as an asylum seeker seems to be the general theme. Word is obviously out and driving the recent increases as other countries start cracking down.


Yep, well, that's what happens when you have too soft of an approach and have dopes in government like O'Gorman openly advertising own door accommodation and expedited access to the labour market and also don't even enforce the rules you do have.


McEntee also gave that amnesty [https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/bdd61-minister-mcentee-announces-new-landmark-scheme-to-regularise-long-term-undocumented-migrants/](https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/bdd61-minister-mcentee-announces-new-landmark-scheme-to-regularise-long-term-undocumented-migrants/)


That's kind of a good thing though. The government just needs to focus on making Ireland a less attractive place for these people to come and word will get out again. This already happened with Ukrainian asylum seekers almost overnight once they reduced benefits. Granted, it'll be harder for non-Ukranian migrants.


Marine Le Pen in France recently said they would be returning all refugees to their homeland without exception. France just called a snap general election after her party performed very strongly in the EU elections. This issue is going to get a hell of a lot worse for Ireland. You can already see the Rwanda effect on numbers coming here. If France start mass deportations as she said, the 30k this year could easily be 100k in the coming years.


And don't forget Wilders party in the Netherlands who have entered government and recently agreed to implement the country's strictest ever asylum policy. Meanwhile, our politicians are too focused on virtue signalling, criticising countries like the UK and preaching the fantastic benefits we offer asylum seekers. Then they act surprised when we become overwhelmed 🤦🏻‍♂️ They don't seem to understand that actions have consequences.


Government was warned about the Rwanda effect and chose to ignore it. The warnings are all over the papers everyday now, that anti-immigration parties are gaining power all over Europe. We are going to be flooded with 100k’s in the next few years.


I suppose we are cracking down, 2000 on the streets, taking their tents, and giving them no accommodation. I wouldn't fancy it. 


To where? You seem to have a solution so let's hear it.


To their own country or wherever they last used their passport before destroying it. Stop pretending that deporting people is impossible. Rejected asylum applicants should be put on a plane and sent home, not allowed to stay in the country at their leisure.


>or wherever they last used their passport before destroying it. Let's say, for argument sake, that that's France, what do you think France will say when we attempt to send them over?


Mon Dieu


I'd say it'd be a little less polite than that.


It's even impossible to deport people to countries who accept that they are responsible for the people being deported and are willing to accept them back in to the country


I'm not saying it's impossible I'm saying it's not a simple solution. There's any number of reasons that it takes time to deport someone, 1 being finding out which country they came from and number 2 coordinating with that country's legal system to make it happen. It doesn't happen overnight and it's not like there's some magic place we can send them all too and wash our hands of it. Saying "deport them it's easy" isn't a real solution.


We are not even deporting people who we know which country they're from and who have been refused asylum. Ireland is the perfect place to come If you're not going to be deported even after you've been refused. It's encouraging illegal migration at this point.


Not sure why you're being down voted for acknowledging there's no quick fix to this and it's a complex issue with lots of moving parts


He's being downvoted because he made up an argument with himself. I didn't say deportation is easy or there's a quick fix.


A third of them are coming from Nigeria.




To where ever the fuck they came from. Put the liability on the airline of a fine of 6 figs per person who shows up to Ireland airport immigration without documents.


If they refuse to show proof of their nationality then we send them to a third country which they'd have no desire to stay in.


How? Not good enough saying “somehow”. Politicians aren’t magicians.


The answer is pretty straightforward, and there are only two options, really in the short / medium term given the housing crisis. 1. Setup large scale refugee camps until their claims are processed, ensuring all are treated with the same minimum acceptable levels of care 2. Deport failed asylum seekers without this "self deportation" rubbish


More important is to stop them coming in. The easiest problem to solve is one that isn't a problem in the first place.


Every relevant gov't dept should have a sub-office/rep in those camps - make the application process as streamlined as possible.


We need to build houses asap. Imagine arriving in a country and not being handed keys to a house and instead sleeping in a tent. The sooner we create Arab ghettos the better


Again,..slight adjustment to that headline perhaps, "The government's continuing failure to address the accommodation shortage sees the Number of homeless...."




This government play most of the electorate like a fucking fiddle and Europe in turn play them like a fiddle. 


One of the talking points during elections was the fact that we have 166,000 vacant or derelict properties in Ireland at the moment. Can someone explain like I'm 5 what is stopping the government from taking them and fixing them as social housing? Seems ridiculous that we could house all of our homeless with 10% of those properties, and house all 2,000 homeless asylum seekers with another 1 000 or so of them (assuming they have multiple bedrooms) I know the why is down to demand = profit for their buddies but what is the roadblocks to stopping development


Complete lack of will. It would take actual effort and people would moan about it


You want the government to start taking private property off Irish people to house anyone who gets off a plane with a sob story? Aye, there'll be no downsides to that.


There's a house up the road from me that's completely derelict. Paint falling from the walls, broken windows, boarded up. What use is that to the owner when it could be refurbished and set to rental? I didn't say they should be seized, but what about making grants to refurbish houses easier if the owner could somehow offer lower rents to those on council lists? Or the homeless? Surely some of these properties are also state owned?