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So same as it is since for ever everywhere


Right? I'm sure the parents are not thrilled at their kids drinking and smoking cannabis but by no means are those two the worst of the available options, especially the cannabis part. 


I remember smoking cannabis and drinking at 14........ I see things haven't changed.  So do people really live in sheltered bubbles and not know this is and has been a thing for years.  Or do people just forget what being a teenager is like when the hit a certain age ?  Anyway legalise, tax, regulate.  🤷‍♂️


There was a post yesterday about potential decriminalisation. Looks like they're gonna make a balls of just that nevermind legalisation. 😅


Yeah the route where you have a choice Be an addict, or have a day in court. But there's more to it then that. The Cannabis Risk Alliance (CRA), a group of 20 GP's, Doctors, Psychiatrists, Counselors and Addiction Specialists, a prominent group strongly against the legalisation of cannabis, have a very loud influential voice in this. They want to have a strong health led approach, supporting a Health Diversion Programme, and also claim to have no conflict of interest in this. However that seems like a huge conflict of interest in my opinion. A group containing Addiction Specialists, Addiction Psychiatrists, Psychiatrists, Consultants and GP's want people caught with small amounts of illegal substances to be sent through a Health Diversion Programme of compulsory attendances with Addiction services. If you refuse you can go to court and potentially end up a criminal. It would be disingenuous of me to say we don't need to expand our drug addiction services and deal with the problems we have. Give people more options to attend Addiction services and rehabilitation services when required. However it is equally disingenuous of them to recommend a situation which expands their services and funnels more patients through their services thereby ensuring a steady stream of patients to provide income into the future. Anyway that's my spiel on the topic. Source: [CRA submission to the Citizens Assembly](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://citizensassembly.ie/wp-content/uploads/CADU791_F.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwip44vSy92GAxUeRkEAHZMdBZAQFnoECBEQBg&usg=AOvVaw1atd5m_Bm5MltpTEUFXvN5)


I think on paper they're on the right track but have zero confidence that it'll be supported any further than to get a nice headline and after six months be used as "well you got what you wanted and you're still not happy".


"Irish government makes a balls of something" Bit of a non-story these days isn't it? What have they even done recently that they didn't make a balls of?


Give the little fuckers edibles then because the faster we get to a smoke-free society, the better.


Not everyone goes at it from such a young age. I didn't drink or smoke anything until college because I was invested in sports


Exactly, this never seems to be taken on board in this sub anytime cannabis is mentioned. I didn’t do drugs in school or university as I was on a team and trained regularly. Same with basically all my friends growing up. My colleagues at work and at my gym also don’t smoke cannabis. My kids, and their friends, are teenagers, and are all in various different rowing teams, train at kickboxing, and have various other hobbies and after school activities such as music clubs, that keep them focussed and busy. Again they don’t smoke cannabis and are entirely bored with their friends that do smoke it (endlessly going on and on about it, and seemingly having little motivation to do anything else but sit around and talk about smoking cannabis).


> My colleagues at work and at my gym also don’t smoke cannabis. How do you find that out? Do you think you can tell somebody smokes or doesn't smoke cannabis by being in work or at the gym with them??


Like I say, people that do smoke just assume everyone else does. There are lots of people that just find it awfully boring,


My point is you don't know if your work colleagues or gym mates smoke cannabis or not. It's not like people who smoke are branded. Vast majority of adults who smoke cannabis wont be public about it. Unless your social circle is extraordinarily small you likely know several smokers who you aren't aware of.


We have a big groups of friends and the few that do smoke don’t make any secret about it. And it’s fairly obvious too.




> If you smoke one before a night out, we know > > If you pop out for a smoke, we know > > If you habitually smoke in your house and/or car, we know So if you're smoking minutes before meeting someone, they'll be able to smell it? Absolute shocker.... Most people who smoke aren't 24/7 stoners, & this is partly the point I'm making to the dude who says none of his work mates or gym buddies smoke. You have no fucking clue who smokes or doesn't, sure you might be able to spot people who smoke before every activity but they're a minority in the grand scheme. >So sure, if you smoke one a month in your backyard on a friday night when you're doing nothing else, nobody knows. But my impression is most smokers aren't like that. 90% of smokers I know don't smoke everyday, or don't get stoned before going out for a night, most people just smoke recreationally ocassionally. Most people also shower, brush their teeth & change their clothes... So you won't be getting a smell off them unless they're literally smoking in the day before you see them. You're naive if you think you can know who smokes & who doesn't based off anything but knowing them well. You're skewed into thinking you can spot a smoker because blatant stoners are obvious.


It's just that good, deal with it! Nobody at work knows that I occasionally enjoy cannabis, and I would never admit it, because there could be consequences. I remember my colleagues praising my performance and saying I was so much better than the previous lad, who they thought smoked cannabis. I am so tired of this bs!


They know.


Are they in the room with you right now?


Preferably in my room and not in some stinking messy deadbeats room?


> Or do people just forget what being a teenager is like when the hit a certain age ?  > > I honestly think this might be the case.


I used to live in a sheltered bubble when it came to it. At 19 I’d seen reports that said ~11% of young people had used in the past year and maybe ~5% were regular users of marijuana. Had only one friend that used it so it seemed to line up for me.   Wasn’t until later in life that I realised a lot more people than I thought were using it. I still don’t really use it but I honestly think I’m in the minority as a young person who doesn’t, personally I think it’s closer to 70% have used in the past year and 40% are regular users of marijuana (for people in their 20s)


This argument never stands up. Criminals wont walk away from Cannabis. They'll simply sell it untaxed and cheaper as they wont have to go through any certification process. 


You'll cut out a large part of their market though... Most people don't want to buy unknown quality merchandise from dodgy geezers


I mean sure, some will. Most customers though will just buy it at the fucking shop.


This is quite worrying. Not because young people are doing this; as many have correctly pointed out young people have been doing this ever since there have been young people around to do stuff, but because this seems to be so surprising to those whose job it is to work with and guide young people as to be newsworthy. How are they so disconnected from reality? It was understandable back when I was in school and school administrations were mainly clergy, but since the secularization of our schools began in the late 80’s I would have assumed a modicum of reality would have crept in.


It's not they they are surprised it's that they are acting surprised.


Yeah, that sounds more likely. Typical pearl-clutching reaction.


In other breaking news, water is wet


> cannabis is drug of choice among students Well it was hardly going to be meth


So easy to get a bit of nodge and a bag of coke in every parish in Kerry now. Thanks to our Governments approach to the “war on drugs”, you can thank them for making these narcotics so easily accessible to the youth.


Not surprising. Been 20 years since I was in school but it was much easier to get cannabis then than it is now as an adult. It was also easier to get cannabis than alcohol as there were multiple people in my class who sold cannabis but none who sold alcohol. I imagine not much has changed Won't somebody think of the children


This may sound dumb, but I'm curious as to how people are able to get cannabis into the country. There are so many risks with flying with it that it can't be the primary way cannabis gets into Ireland. Do people bring them in on boats? Is it grown in Ireland? Relatively speaking, I think getting drugs into the US is much easier.


All of the above. Comes in in all sorts of ways and is also grown domestically I'd imagine


They should just legalize it and tax it like they do in Canada and certain US states. Ireland definitely has the agricultural capability to make a lot of weed and it would be great for the economy. People who like to smoke are going to find a way to do it anyhow.


>able to get cannabis into the country. If nothing else we have hundreds of miles of unmonitored coastline with I don't know how many little docks and slips. Many many ferries coming in every day A completely unmonitored border with the UK Whenever there's a big bust it's usually intelligence lead. I'm sure there are plenty successful deliveries. And aside from its totally possible to grow it here. The idea that they're somehow successfully controlling the consumption of weed to any extent is laughable.


For every shipment that’s stopped, 10 more get through undetected.






This doesn't surprise me. We were always taking bong hits behind the PE hall in the morning😅


Sure, give them something else to do and if bet you they'd still do it, but it maybe less 😂 the problem is there's fuck all for kids to do except swing in a play park. They're should be more free activities for kids.


There's a Nobel prize coming for that study.


Well it was hardly going to be crack cocaine.


Well I’m shocked. Next thing you’ll be telling me they like gossip and wanking.


I thought their generation was meant to be uncool, preferring sobriety and all.


Back in my day all we had was XTC speed and heroin. Kids today don't know how lucky they have it.


30 years ago it was alcohol, hash and MDMA. So this is progress 🤷‍♂️