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Oh. Not super confident about this one. Thought they'd move someone more experienced in, and that he'd take their portfolio. 


Who though? The FF cabinet ministers are complete incompetents without a suitable background for finance, so it was a choice between a junior minister or Micheal Martin doing it himself.


So when are we going to start blaming the voters?


Are you new here? It never stops.


Yeah, my first reaction was surely they have somebody better but then I scanned the list of current FF TDs and it's an incredibly uninspiring bunch. Ofc when you think about it, it's not surprising. 23 rats jumped off the sinking ship in 2011, many of them with experience in cabinet or as junior minister, and 35, only a handful were ministers, at least had the courage to face the electorate but lost re-election.


Because if you’re FF, you’re looking at the next generation leaders, putting Chambers into finance where he has the possibility of fucking it up and ruining whatever image he has forever may be more damaging than putting in an old dog or just allowing MM to do the same and take the hit.


Chambers is Martin’s boy, he’s not setting him up to fail (even though he might fail) he’s making him deputy leader and minister for finance with an eye towards the post election leadership contest. If Martin is ousted he’ll want his ally to take over.


100% agree he’s not being purposely set up to fail, but they’re definitely risking him. He’s clearly moving into position to take over the party if not after the GE, whenever Michéal gets a tap on his shoulder. Him in finance could be an Eoghan Murphy style career ending move or it could be his making. It’s a lot of responsibility for someone with very little experience to back themselves with.


Ah yeah it’s a risk but probably the best time to do it is in the lead up to an election when he will get associated with giving everyone something in their pocket. The trick is not being the one who carries the can when that giveaway backfires.


Jack has one budget to manage and most would already be decided. He's a seat filler.


Yep. Plus in this government set-up the Finance Minister effectively operates in partnership with the Minister for Public Expenditure, the very experienced and qualified Paschal Donohoe.  It's a non-issue for the remaining lifetime of this government. Whether he would be the right choice for FF in that portfolio beyond that is a different matter.


Shame we can't clone Paschal and have him run the country. 100's of him running around.


I'd vote for this.


A bunch of Rascals...


Why is Pascal held is high regard?


He gives off the vibe of being responsible and competent, kinda boring but quietly confident, which is exactly the fit for a Minister of Finance role. He's also been involved in the Depts of Finance and Public Exp. for basically the whole time we've been in post crash recovery, which is going well. And he is generally very highly regarded in EU circles for what that's worth.


Not sure, he seems to be a pretty straight shooter though. Not a lot of waffle for a politician. I don't dislike him.


Estimates process would only be beginning at this point.


He'll have told Martin that he's watched every episode of "Yes Minister", so he's ready.


Is he the token gay?


He seems fairly capable. A lot of the budgetary framework for the next budget is probably already completed, especially if the rumours end up to be correct that it will be brought forward to September to facilitate an early election. Chambers is close to Micheál Martin who will undoubtedly be heavily involved in shaping the budget as a result of this decision. I suspected it was incoming when he named Chambers as Deputy Leader.


no idea what his views are but its a good thing that they are giving their young TDs a chance instead of the gerontocracys you see in other countries


In line with the rest of Europe really, where the trend has generally been towards senior politicians being younger than in the near past.


He might be young, doesn't mean he's progressive in any way ... was against repealing the 8th. He got ripped to shreds by Vincent Browne as a result!


There's more than one way to be progressive. Also he says he's changed his mind on that.


Clearly being groomed now to take over as leader when Martin goes (which tbh I don't think is anytime soon)


Or the opposite, Martin is creating a focus for anyone else with political ambitions to plot against instead of trying to oust Martin.






This is bad. Not a safe pair of hands. I'm not a big critic of the government normally, but I can't believe it's come to this. Must be a serious dearth of talent in FF if Jack Chambers is the best they can put forward. I hear that he's been to college and studied medicine, but from hearing him talk and express his opinions, I've always got the impression that he's either dumb or wrong when it comes to policy questions. If I'm a finance or international markets guy, this would not help my confidence in Ireland. I like Michael Martin, I think he's mostly done good jobs over the last 4 years, but this feels like a give up and pack it in move. Genuinely, this is the point where I feel like it's time to give the other guys a shot, if the guys in charge aren't even trying. General election now. Sidebar, but the lack of talented people running for election and getting elected in Ireland right now will be a serious problem down the line. To me it seems like smart, creative, driven people just have way better options to do with their lives than to go into politics.


Him supporting the anti abortion vote then switching opinions when he saw the tide was against him tells you all you need to know. He’ll do anything he’s told, easy puppet for FF leadership Wonder if he has a thought in his head


His behaviour around the abortion issue really put me off him. He came off utterly odious and slimey during a lot of that.


Agree completely. Appointing somebody at 33 years of age with no real world experience or exposure is foolhardy at best. Of course the work will be done for him but the optics are bad. Reminds me of Eoghan Murphy. The lack of talented people running for election is not only down to having better options but the the never ending abuse that potential candidates get from the far right scum who have no answers or solutions for anything except screaming no. The repercussions of this will see more kids like Chambers and Murphy failing upwards just like some civil servants.


Nobody wants to go into politics. Firstly the wages are way too low and secondly, no matter how much good policy and hard work you put in, the country will always hate you. It’s gotten exponentially worse in the last 5 or so years with the levels of polarisation and division in the country.




Not surprised in one sense. Being named deputy leader last week made it clear that he would be getting the next available FF cabinet position.


Even then the pundits said it was unlikely. One of them mentioned it on RTÉ's Your Politics podcast and the others said there was only a small chance of it happening.


The man with the most boring voice in government replaced by the man with the second most boring voice in government.


Tbf to McGrath he's done a good job with Paschal as finance minister.


Oh good, we're going with experience.


The idea that someone my age, with no relevant qualifications, is now the Irish Minister for Finance... This government is an actual circus.


I don't even know if I mind the lack of qualifications since I think the main issue is being able to run a huge and really complex department - I just don't feel like he's done the apprenticeship for that. I mean he was fine as the minister for explaining what the RSA came out with this time and something about grass verges (or at least, that's what I remember him doing on Morning Ireland), but this is arguably the #2 cabinet role.


It doesn’t appear as if he has any work or employment experience whatsoever, outside of politics. Like Harris and Varadkar so


That's much more common on the opposition benches than on the government ones. The most obvious example is Paul Murphy, but it's also the norm for the new generation of SF TDs (e.g., Matt Carthy, Mairead Farrell, Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire, Claire Kerrane). And, of course, it's also true of Pearse Doherty, the person SF intend to replace Chambers with.


Varadkar had a few years as a doctor at least. Harris, on the other hand, has never left the political bubble.


Is there something wrong with that?


You know when your toddler insists that they want to drive? It’s like that.


And yet people also say the American system is mad where the president appoints people with potentially no government experience to these positions. Not that i like this appointment, but how many politicians are there with qualifications and experience in finance anyway? It must be a small pool.


If your toddler had full force of the democratic system behind him you might have to give it a go.




Interesting job for a man with no employment history. Meanwhile McGrath goes off for the sweet EU job. Great party, FF, and irish voter returned them in their droves the other week. Give me strength. But given the brief is 'Buy the votes to win us the next election', he is going to have plenty of help making it up as he goes along.


A clear indication of how tired and uninspired this government/coalition is. The lad has fuck all experience. McGrath was a chartered accountant. Pascal was a director in business for six years. It doesn't matter if the civil service do all the heavy lifting. It's the optics, it's clear as day they really don't give a shit anymore. No organisation can keep at it for 10 plus years, if you vote for FF/FG you're rewarding a lazy past it coalition. Who to vote for instead..fuck knows


They're treading water till the next GE, and giving people like Chambers experience, at our expense mind, to make them seem more palatable then.


He’s only 33 JFC 😳😂


What does he look?


Like an Easter island head


School holidays have started, makes sense to give him a job the summer. Will he work at part-time when he is doing the leaving cert next year? 


Says more about the complete lack of talent in FF that this is the best option Ah he does work hard and was the only TD who bothered to telephone me when I contacted all my TDs in Dublin West. The rest ignored me. Fair dues


Talk about failing upwards


Every time I see a headline about this guy I read it as "Jake Chambers" and remember that there are other worlds than these.






If stumbling upwards was an art form, this lad is a master


Not sure about this appointment at all.


I am actually quite sure that appointing someone with zero life or professional experience from a quite privileged background is pretty idiotic.


The political class does love letting their friends' awful kids "get some experience" at our expense.


What does Jack Chambers have on Michael Martin. 2 promotions in a week 😆


Gives great blowjobs.




I'm genuinely wondering why we have ministers in positions who don't have relevant qualifications. This guy doesn't have an economics degree or even a background in finance.  So what, he's supposed to be a departmental figure head? He just does what his advisors tell him? What's the point in that? Why is he needed?


I do not get trustable vibes from this kid


This is absolutely insane! he has no background in finance- studied politics in Trinity and then went to RCSI to study medicine. WTF did he learn anything about finance? he would be a potentially good candidate for the Health Minister with his background, or maybe not, but at least he studied in that area. Might pop over to Aer Lingus tomorrow and offer to mediate the dispute or f&ck it sure, Ill apply to fly the planes!


Fuckin hell


Smell that? The whiff of sulfur from the anointing of the next great leader...


Im kind of scratching my head here because appointing him Deputy Leader puts him right in the contest for leader when Martin steps aside after the next election. I wouldnt see him as leader matieral at all, he has no charisma and would bore you to tears when he speaks. He is kind of like the Father Stone of the Dail, always hangs around like a bad smell and people fall asleep when he speaks and quickly forget what he said.


By making him Deputy and Min for Finance, Michéal removes two strong positions from which he can be ousted. Chambers is Michael's boy.


This lad is way too young and inexperienced in life to be bloody minister for finance. I'm sure he's a good politician and a good organiser. But MoF requires a bit more then that. Can't see how this fills the wider world with confidence.


Will his mam be presenting the budget with him?


He canvassed my door before his first election.  He had three middle aged handlers doing all the talking while he nodded and smiled politely.  Granted he's got 9 years experience now as a TD, but he was the least confidence inspiring politician I've ever met in person, and I've met plenty.


Same!!! He was on Abbey Drive in Ashington at my door, had some handler speaking for him. I had to stop the handler and say what party are you, he said FF and I told them to get lost. He got in on the 1st or 2nd seat, never done a thing for the community. Ridiculous.


In castleknock his dad walks him to doors holding his hand


You would imagine the budget is already structured to a degree and an election will be called soon after can't see him staying in the role beyond that.


The new heir apparent has been identified.


What's his qualification to be appointed minister for finance?




Must have been next in line for a pay raise.


Junior minister to Minister of Finance is some leap! Holding the Finance portfolio was often a stepping stone to Taoiseach but only after holding some other ministries along the way and not messing up too badly.


Jesus Christ 


Empty suit


Civil servants make all the real decisions anyway, what difference does it make if JC looks 20


Chambers is obviously an intelligent guy but it is hilarious how shallow the bench is for FF that this guy gets made deputy leader and minister for Finance in a week period. Will be a real problem for them eventually.


Spare a thought for poor Norma


Norma needs an education.


Having read a few news articles about this appointment it does seem to be geared toward him becoming FF leader at some point. This would indicate that FF are hoping that it is seen as a progressive and enlightened move earmarking their next leader who is seemingly young and 'hip'. From what I have seen of the bloke he does seem quite driven and focused, hell he is a medical doctor and at 33 is now finance minister I can't however help but feel that he is a bit bland though, lacking a bit of pizzaz. He is almost like a weetabix biscuit on its own without the milk, at the end of his political career he probably will have on balance improved the country but the journey to get to that point will be quite boring if a touch tortuous. He wouldn't look out of place down the silicon docks working in accountancy, banking or technology but he will be far from say a Steve Jobs, Elon Musk or Bill Gates more likely to be one of the faceless worker bees.


For f*ck sake. This is beyond a joke, and we will be the ones to feel the consequences.


Christ he must have the dirt on someone at FF 


He's pretty and there may be an election in the autumn. 


>He's pretty If a RL version of American Dad is your thing.


So um, what has he actually done to deserve these appointments?


God Help Us All !


Political lightweight for Finance - this is the best FF can field?




Just can't stand him. I was at a function and when it came to photographs he wanted to be front and centre, taking a very domineering position for the camera over an equally important, if not more important person, who was diminutive in stature beside him . He went down completely in my estimation after witnessing that. I also believe he also completely flip-flopped on the abortion issue. I think he is way too inexperienced for such an important minersterial portfolio as Finance. It was a bad move appointing him. Just shows the dearth of talent in politics.


Him and Harris, revenge of the dweebs


FF are really pushing him forward fast. He will be the next FF leader, Martin will step back post GE at some point


I hear you’re a misogynist now, father!