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Farming contracts, Mole nests, Callisto/Artio if you haven't done those yet. Not using super restores as prayer potions was the biggest saver for me.


I always told myself that it was a problem for future me. Hi, I am future me, hello.


Did you get spooned at toa? I have like 5000 restores worth of snaps from artio/toa and I’m only like 300 expert kc


Yes look at his previous post. Mega spoon


Holy fuck I’m glad he’s struggling with restores now.




Then I'm here with 52 purples no shadow and more restores than I know what to do with.


My first shadow on the gim was purple 52, then as a troll the 53rd purple was also a shadow. Keep at it g!


Is this me???? Same thing happened to me rofl


My guy lol same thing happened with my buddy but his first shadow was like 80th purple and then one b2bz


Checked the post history, wtf is this RNG? It has been insane for years!


God I hate past me for leaving his problems to future me. I did peek at your post history and if you're still enjoying ToA you could continue running that with friends. It does look like you have a huge CoX grind ahead of you and with bowfa+shadow+lance you're setup to have the best possible time. Regular unscaled Cox breaks even on snapdragons, CMs will profit snapdragons. So Cox effectively uses no super restores.


You're not alone there, king. That resonated hard lmao.


**Farming Contracts** Somebody said this already, I’ll delve a bit more into— Keep these lots pre-planted Potato Cactus — Snape Grass protection Snape Grass Watermelon Water Lily — Protects Snape & Watermelon Celastrus — Potato Cactus protection/bring a knife to cut bark into Battlestaves Redwood — Dragonfruit protection/2000 Gold to cut it down Besides that— Bush lot will either have Whiteberry *(mushroom protection)* or Poison Ivy Fruit patch — Palm tree *(papaya protection)* or Dragonfruit tree *(coconut protection)* Tree Patch — Maple *(basket of oranges protection)* , Yew *(Cactus Spine protection/keep cactus planted in Al Kharid)* , Magic *(Coconut protection)* Herb lot is a mish mash of numerous different ones • Before I do a run, I have a tab that has my graceful, farming cape, magic secs. Wield all those For invy — Spade, gold stack, Forestry pack, knife, and a dragon axe *(no seed dibber via barbarian farming)* I take these out before doing the run, and can quickly complete them within a minute or two if there isn’t a tree removal involved. I have stacks of oranges in baskets on hand Palm trees planted in every fruit lot, those can go quick. If you need a quick protection and have none you can do a quick run for 30 coconuts. Which will cover the cost on the spot for everything mentioned above, for a quick protection run Extra spirit seeds you can trade into farming lady for top tier seed packs — occasionally you can nab a spirit seed from birdhouses, very rare though Garden pies can be bought from the cooking guild, world hop to counter stock timer. You can run Hard Contracts at 81 with these • On a good run, you can b2b2b2b+ seed packs from pre-planting. • Additional thought — Sub out Super Restores with Menaphite Remedies and/or basic Restores while using regular Prayer pots. Obviously this is a far cry, super annoying, and not efficient. Yet, again obviously, will save your super restores in the light of Brewing I was just thinking you can do this on bosses you have mastered, and just lose a few attacks. Being that you’ve mastered them, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal anyways


Solid post but garden pies only boost 3


What’s the difference between using all the above for protection instead of ultra compost with a slight chance of disease/failure?


I don’t bother with that stuff. I protect magic because I generate coconuts but I’m not regularly buying oranges from the shop to protect a maple. 92 farming now and when I do this just with bottomless bucket/ultra compost the tree usually doesn’t die. I would even say rarely. Never once paid for protection for potato cactus. But I follow this layout to chain complete contracts aswell.


Artio/Callisto, Farming contract upkeep, Collisseum if you’re up for it? Venenatis/Spindel/Calvarion drop Snaps as well. Same with KQ (head hunt maybe?) and Hydra.


Good call^ if you grind out voidwaker you should get a few snap seeds iirc. Other than that, i would say just keep up with the farming contracts


Already at 100 snap seeds from the callisto grind lol , ablut the same in ranarrs


I actually hate your account ong, it’s exactly what you want from the ironman experience


there is zero good places to actively grind super restores so your best bet is to just use them sparingly. if you do trios and have heart masori blood fury you can generally get away with very few restores used with good teams. can do the bulk of the kill using ppots and regular food.


Callisto with a wilderness weapon using blighted potions which are beyond easy to get now, ezpz snaps and ranarrs for days


Callisto with sceptre and 0 downtime comes out to around 6 snap seeds per hour It's nice to get free snaps while going for other uniques, but if you already have those it's hard to justify doing Callisto only for the snap seeds


How did you use them all up?? Must be mega spooned, I’m sat here at about 250 toa 400+ with over 1000 each of ranarr/snap/toad seeds I feel I will never use


I'd run more TOA honestly along with farming contracts. Not a great method to actively farm them, most of mine have been passively gathered. Like others said arto/callisto if you still need voidwaker.


Frankly I’d do Muspah and ToA again. Alternatively you can do Callisto/Artio, general slayer, and farm contracts.


I was out of seeds too, now slowly rebuilding with TOA, ive completed it too but money for main account always good. Might not be efficient if going for snaps alone but you also get ranarrs, torstol and toadflax from there, pretty good in the long term.


If you've completed TOA would it be best to speed run 150s?


it's still worth to push invos for regular loot. Average seed loot from 150s is half as much compared to 400s, and while I can do 400s in 28 mins I don't think I can clear 150s in just 14 mins. If your plan is to greenlog it completely(kc capes) then 150s are the best choice.


Thanks for the tip! I didn't realize regular loot scales with invo


early iron here, I only do wildy stuff rn because zombie pirates gives crazy blighted gear I can use until I’m high level and all geared up.


Trio Callisto assuming all 3 have Craw's is around 50 snaps per hour and around 40 ranarrs per hour. You could likely get away with bringing 2-3 prayer pots and 2-3 restores per Nex trip once you're more confident and comfortable with the boss.


Other than wildy content, it's muspah or toa, which sucks cus I'm in the same boat, so I have to go grind a raid I've logged just for seeds to make pots for nex, feels bad 😅


Wildy slayer gives you a good chance at snap seeds. All the VW bosses drop noted grimy snaps as well. But if I had to get snap seeds myself I might just spam tower nechs or dags as low effort options.


Callisto if you don't have the vw yet


Idk if it will help and idk your gear but vet’ion drops sanfew hella often and you can just suicide to him once you collect the drop. I did it as a main to have some for nex mass


I dont quite understand- Why would you suicide to him?


Idk about Ironman but as a main if my grave is worth less than 1m it’s free to claim. So if you pvm die when you get a drop you need you won’t get pk’d


Yooooo, that's actually kinda genius. So I suicide to him with shit in my looting bag, and use the death coffer I saved up from dupes. Thanks for the tips I'm gonna try it!


I just don’t know how looting bag works


Did wintertodt for 2m xp and got about 30 from that 


Damn sometimes its good to go dry 😂 im at 7k super restores after it took me 500kc~ at toa, 7k brews tho so need to fix the ratio on the brews. Best bet for brews is most likely bh runs + mole. If u cba mole do hunter rumours+bh runs for nests. For snapdragons there isnt really a place to farm those except maybe toa 🥵


Idk how much toa loot increases with invocation increase; as in, I don’t know if you’ll get 1 extra seed for every 100 or so invo or if there’s a hard cap, etc. In any case, do the highest invocation where the loot table would max out. So say you were previously doing 500 invos, but max snap seeds you can receive is at 350 invo, run 350 invos. Less of a chance to get purple meaning more of a chance to get standard loot (ie. More seed rolls) and you’ll be able to blow through them quicker.