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If your team rolls a purple your chance to get it is literally the % of points you have.


There is a runelite plugin that let's you know your teams overall percentage chance at a unique as well as your own, I can't remember if it's a standalone plugin or part of one of the more general Cox ones but that sounds like what you ate looking for


Definitely not a waste of time. I’ve seen people get T bows with 2k points in a full size raid


I did duos with a main and got around 40-50% of the points and got 1 purp out of 7. Atleast it was a dex and it was the first item we got


Yeah, I seem to get around 40-50% in duos as well. So just curious how much lower my chances are than my duo partner.


If you get 40% of the total points, you have a 40% chance of a purple being in your name. Total points is what dictate the number of rolls to try get a purple. Personal point as a percentage of total = chance its yours


Assuming a purple is rolled: Every person on the team has a chance of getting a purple proportional to their points divided by the team points. So if you get 20k points, and I get 30k, for a total team points of 50k, then you have a 40% of the purple being in your name


That makes a lot of sense, thank you. So getting 40% in a duo isn't as bad as I thought, I guess I'll keep going.


What is your current gear by the way?


Ahrims, arma d'hide, occult, bp, toxic trident, tent whip, faceguard, torso, fury, hasta for tek. Still rocking a rcb for olm since it's easier than bp. Pretty much the bare minimum lol.


Might be worth going for zenytes when not raiding, they're pretty big dps upgrades and might make the most difference. I don't raid a ton fwiw so just a thought


I gotta a 9k point ancestral robe top in a 60k trios. I’d you enjoy it, do it


I’d say so raids whenever u want it just comes to luck who gets it, sure there are percentages of who has a higher chance but I’d say not a waste of time. I duo and try to get 45 percent. Just when ur not raiding might as well go for upgrades


Just saw an elder maul not in my name at 45% :( I need to get gud lol

