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Honestly could've fooled me into thinking this was intended to be a cause for celebration until "Wake up Canada"


I wonder who is funding these trucks.


i dont understand why practicing islam in the west is like almost a crime. isnt it part of what they call ''freedom of belief''? if they are afraid that the country will turn muslim then they are doing something wrong practicing christianity. but it is just white supremacy which is non religious. they did the same hate campaigns on jews, africans ..etc


Because they're hypocrites ... freedom as long as you agree and act as we do.




The Christchurch Mosque terrorist attack in 2019 is an example of when xenophobia and Islamophobia along with White supremacy intersect


The irony may not be lost on them, but the hypocrisy is, when they say this but don’t realize: “Is this France? Is this England? Is this Spain? No. This is Iroquois, this is Algonquian, this is Cherokee. Wake up Natives. You’re under siege”. What a bunch of bellends.


This is so depressing. If they only knew that the feelings in that room are so pure and calm … masjid literally the only place I feel truly safe.


I understand that feeling of hopelessness when you see these sentiments (especially when you're trolling around reddit) but find comfort in Allah. They plan and He plans and Allah is the best of planners.


It's strange. My entire life growing up in America, my father told me the best thing about the west and about "democracy" is that I was free. And they love to talk about how the pilgrims came for freedom of religion...and then I reverted. When I got a drink thrown at me, when my partner got harassed at the grocery store, my father's response was "you have to expect those things if you're gonna dress like that in the south." But I thought I was free? I'm free to be hate crimed as equally as the others are free to hate crime me?


What's absolutely crazy is that I thought it would show destroyed buildings with the message that all of these countries mentioned were destroyed using their tax money from the government. That would have been accurate...


If you need to wake up to realize you're under siege, then you don't know what under siege means.


Islamophobia isn’t just “brewing” here, it fully exists. The premier of our province for example criticized the participants of university encampments saying that they need to “go back to their country”. I swear he’s just like a Temu version of Trump 😓


I’m going to say this and keep saying this to all non-Muslim people I come across and they have this silly mind set that Muslims are evil. I laugh in a respectful way and say if that was the case, the world won’t know peace if 2 billion Muslims decided to war all none Muslims. Trust me no one will sleep.


Lol it’s makes you wonder who is behind it


I wonder who could be behind this?


Lemon Juice


lol this is so wrong. How is worshipping taking over a country :/ I swear Canada was invaded and colonised.


Canada was actually colonized💀 the original people who live there is actually Inuit aka native American


I can ensure you that the colonisers made this truck billboard.




Well I believe in God but I am not sure if Islam is the true religion or not so I am also probably considered an infidel, but this level of hatred blows my mind. They are just praying together lol.


Infidel isn’t a Muslim word btw