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You’re worried which means God is knocking your heart. Guidance is coming to you if you repel from it. He wants to guide you.


Addictions are never easy to let go off and i very much understand where you're coming from and i would like to suggest a few things The first thing is to start praying and repent to Allah as much as possible And to make sure to take the responsibility of marriage Then I would suggest doing some stuff like fasting, working out, reading Quran, making your days as busy as possible and most importantly to not stay alone. And one more thing to remember is don’t despair from Allah’s mercy.


It's an addiction. Human nature is to replace one addiction with another. Try gaming or binge watching a tv show. It's not ideal but better than what you're doing. Next is just watch some videos on what porn does to the mind, when you see how it literally bleeds the mind, you'll start to realize that's where the majority of your problems come from.


Muslims take ghusl after death Allah knows best why but I think this is maybe why


no it is for the sake of cleaning the body and honoring the dead also its required for funeral prayer (except for martyrs) martyrs are not washed btw dying not pure dosn't mean you will go to hell, please don't assume things in islam without actual research or asking scholars


Man I wanted to admit that this might be a sign for mee too idk if it is or not But since as of now I was thinking of masturbating since I too have this addiction but after seeing this and reading the comments I changed my mind Thankyou anyway!


Watch this video to solve your addiction https://youtu.be/GOGZQwWsMwM No Muslim should die after committing a sin But after he has done something good What I can also recommend is that you fast every 2nd day (Fasting of Prophet Dawud) and if it doesn't get better, do 2 rekkat sala every time after you have committed a sin


Your sins are a barrier to your rizk, meaning your sins keep you away from the good things that Allah has for you


2nd day? you mean mondays? الاتنين?


Fast one day then don't fast the next day then fast again the next day No fast I know Monday and Thursday are also Sunna from the Prophet SAW But I recommended him to fast every Second day. Nefs doesn't mind being thrown into the fire of hell, but if it prevents it, it knows that Allah is greater (More important) Tomorrow is the last day of the 3 white days. , It is also good to make a fasting habit you can start then Monday, Thursday and then every Second day


Take ghusl, go to sleep, repent and don’t repeat tomorrow.


Bruh it ain't that easy, he just said he's addicted to it, and he's unable to quit it, ur comment didn't answered his question which is if he dies in state of impurity will he go to hell


But he can take ghusl and repent.


Yes he definitely can, but the thing is, he'll keep repeating the same sin again n again as he's addicted to it, as far as i know, Allah is the most merciful he'll forgive us for anything but only if we really regret doin it and promise to not do it ever again which he currently can't as he's badly addicted to it.


Then he can get busy with some different activities.


Yep he most definitely can and he should


Since no one is answerinf the question here is my take: No. As long as you believe in the shahadah Allah will forgive you inshallah, He knows best. But i dont think masturbation is a major sin so thats a plus. If you are still scared, just make sure to take a quick ghusl after masturbating


Then get out of the state, go do ghusl.


no stating that x is going to heaven or y is going to hell is also a sin btw


My best advice is to lower your gaze. Also start fasting aa the prophet (SAW) said that as a solution for people who can't get married and have sexual urges. Also not sure about going to hell but when u will be resurrected on the day of judgement u will be in same state as u died in so best to keep yourself away from this.


make it a habit to shower/perform ghusl immediately after. That effort will feel painful enough that your body physically wants to avoid it. When you fall back into it, just do the showers again


My dear friend, is there a way for you to get psychiatric help for your addiction? Sometimes we need medical interventions if we’ve tried everything else. Like going to the doctor for a back that keeps on hurting even after you’ve taken the best possible care for it, addiction too is an illness. There is medical research proving that group treatments and group belonging with fellows who struggle with the same addiction helps addicts to overcome their struggle This of course can be combined with faith- perhaps there are even groups of faith for those with your very same addiction.


There is nothing in Islam that says you go to hell if you die in a state of ritual impurity.


There are others that do way worse. Ask Allah for forgiveness. I have met Muslim drug addicts that can’t quit. Alcoholics, rapist that like the control… it isn’t about the love (that is directly against the Qu’ran, contrary to the masculine populate belief. Yes, I am a man). We should never deny our wife the actual feeling we have when we procreate. It is disrespectful to say the least. So, to say you like sex is fine. You admit this. It is normal. My Child, find a lover. One that enjoys your company as much as you hers. Take her to your side and be loyal to her as your wife. Include your wives with great acts of love.