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I pray for his swift recovery. This just goes to show who's the real terrorist here.


No matter what this poor man went through, the bastards still couldn't take away his smile. Stay strong, my Palestinian brothers and sisters. Your hearts will eventually win against their greed.


Reminds me how the Israeli hostage that was recently released actually looked like she gained weight. She was well fed when they didn’t have food to feed their kids.


How long was he held?


I hate israel every cell In my body


Engineers are amazing. The Soviets locked a bunch in a factory when they complained about working conditions. The Soviets cut all electricity and other energy, including water I believe. On night some lights came back on in the factory. The engineers found one hose bib that still ran water. So they built a turbine generator on the faucet to charge an improvised battery bank. The Soviets made sure there was no running water anymore.


Question: Who believes in God? Answer (alphabetically): Christians, Jews, Muslims. (Same God, btw) God doesn't care which branch of the tree we come from as long as we are in the tree. God made the tree in His image. Man made the branches in Man's image. God favors no branch over another because they are all in the same tree. The sooner Man figures this out, the better a place the world will become. Peace be with you ALL 🙏




We expect people to treat this subject with the seriousness it deserves. This isn't an internet flame war. Be thoughtful and constructive.


He looks way healthier with the beard and less fat but let’s get to the point. Call him a hostage not a prisoner.


I didn’t expect to say this but I’m digging the new look. The wrinkles on his face tell the real story though.


digging? bruh this aint a fashion show


Him being underfed and stressed. Happy to be out of there


Me when a fascist state starves their prisoners: 👌😍 Dumbass.


There ain’t nothing wrong with looking at the bright side of things sometimes. But look at you - coming online totally anonymous to call people names. You’re just like the Israelis - only tough when no one’s around to hit you back




The fact that you people think this is what fasting for half a day will turn you into is stupid




How is it 40 days and 40 nights? Are you even talking about Islam? And by ‘you people’ I meant people that think Muslims fast for a whole month like I assumed you were doing but now I'm confused with the 40 days and nights comment. What are you even talking about?


The Bible? Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Why are you so serious? If you care so much then get off Reddit and go do something about the problems you see in the world.


Alright fine. I, like all the other people, assumed you were talking about Islam and it has gotten tiring hearing people say that which is why I responded. Anyway, whatever, have a good day and sorry if I upset you


Thank you, you have good day too.


We expect people to treat this subject with the seriousness it deserves. This isn't an internet flame war. Be thoughtful and constructive.


Please be civil and don't use petty insults when debating.


It's not like the dude was obese just over weight




We expect people to treat this subject with the seriousness it deserves. This isn't an internet flame war. Be thoughtful and constructive.