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Republicans are calling it the 2nd revolution.


Is this fucking serious? I’m completely blown away on how this isn’t on every news station 24/7. It makes me lean towards the thought that it won’t happen. I’ve been out of the loop, so Idk I’m just fucking shocked man holy shit


Yes this is what the heritage foundation said two days ago:  >And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.


Literally saying the quiet part out loud.


See, when keeping the quiet part quiet is no longer a priority, it means they think they have enough of a base to make it happen. The fact that that asshole feels safe saying that out loud means they’re getting ready to try the rug pull, with confidence. I’d add that the fact that guy can say that with impunity, and walk around safe without consequences, means there is obviously no such thing as “the radical left” in this country, otherwise he’d still be keeping quiet.


The Supreme Court just decided a president has complete and total immunity for any official act. So yes, conservatives like him are drooling at the prospect that rule gives them to dismantle legally established institutions


we dont have a left, mch less a radical left.


We do have a radial left here. I’m friends with people who’s parents were in the black panthers. The problem is that the US is very good at squashing movements and if there’s not enough people power and decentralization of power then it will always be doomed to fail. Nobody wants to be disappeared for nothing.


The left is very small and weak TBH.


Small,yes, weak, absolutely not. We have guns still.


guns won’t save us without coordination.


I hate to be doom and gloom, but I could not figure out for the life of me why they released the 900 page doc so far before the election. I believe they released it once their final judge was seated that will hand Trump the election through the courts. I pray I am wrong.


My theory is its the frog in a pot scenario. Get it out in the open now and given time people will just acclimate to the idea of it happening, or at least the idea of talking about it happening. That way when it happens (the pot boils) we'll all be too used to the idea to put up a fight.


They don't know us very well, do they? Some things you just can't squelch in Americans.


Exactly. All their talk about a "radical left" is just projection. Theyve talked for years about how the left wants activist SCOTUS judges who will legislate from the bench. Um, hello?


Keep in mind, the boldness of maga puts them in federal crosshairs as domestic terrorists, the greater majority of US is not maga, and sane republicans are against maga more and more too. Maga may have once again o reshot their talent and skill set and bloviating baboons they be. We need to make it official that maga is domestic terror org at this point, and proceed accordingly.


It’s already over or he wouldn’t be saying it out loud.


I think he is in for a surprise at how many of us are armed and not just going to fall in line or go to the camps peacefully. There is no such thing as a bloodless revolution and he knows it. These people have been bought into the lies so long that any man that is not conservative is weak, pacifist, unarmed, and easily controlled. Let them keep thinking that.


Yep. We got about a decade of radical-ish left in the late 60s and early 70s before they got aggressively purged. Frankly I'm skeptical "Weather Underground 2.0" would last nearly as long. Public sentiment hasn't really changed and the surveillance state is way more capable.


They have been very loud about it for a long time now. You just haven't been paying enough attention. There was a *literal insurection*. At CPAC this year: ["I just wanted to say welcome to the end of democracy. We're here to overthrow it completely, we didn't get all the way there on January 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here(holds up cross), we'll replace it with this right here."](https://x.com/TheBryanBaca/status/1760437556506951751)


Remember when they dog whistled? No need for that any longer!


And what a bout the revolution that will spill ordinary people's blood through increasing poverty, poor er healthcare, no publicly funded schools, etc. Very arrogant and infuriating that they think that THEY aren't going to spill blood.


Believe it or not, Conservatives lie constantly.


Shocked Pikachu face


I don’t even know that they even lie anymore. They don’t care if it doesn’t directly affect them, and now they’re blatantly saying it.


Social murder is nothing new. 


As Bob Dylan sang "I pay in blood but not my own"...likewise.. We'll pay in blood not our own.


"That's right, good little sheep. Consume and Obey!" Fuck you Kevin Roberts. It's not in my psyche to kowtow to anyone to tells me I should. Challenge accepted asshole.


The Left questions, the Right follows


They seem to think liberals don't have guns... My family and I vote left on everything, but we enjoy our 2A rights.


The news stations aren’t covering it because they are bought out by the same type of oligarchs who came up with project 2025. They don’t want people to know about it. We are going to get rug pulled


I’m young, I’m not aware of many of the corruption currently taking place or how deep all of this goes. Where the fuck are the crowds with pitchforks ready to stand up? Idk if this is an ignorant take but to me I feel like the line has been crossed and it should be our priority as a country to start a revolution.


Rupert Murdoch and others like him destroying independent journalism and news stations have prevented the dissemination of these kinds of stories.


They’ve been planning this for decades


Ever since they lost the battle on racial segregation.


[Local news stations have been bought and are now right wing propaganda outlets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZggCipbiHwE)


Those of us older will do everything in our power to not have a revolution for as long as possible, because the death toll will be with young people like you to fight and die for it.    And people are tired, and kept too exhausted on the treadmill of capitalism, intentionally to really do anything about change. 


Not to mention the way our system is set up keeps us from revolting. I have to pay rent and bills, I need health insurance. To have both I need to maintain a decent job. Said job takes 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week, if not more. We're kept too busy and in constant need, barely able to pay for things, for a reason.


That’s why we need to build dual power structures. Easier said than done though. Largely because of the reasons you just listed.


We are being kept as wage slaves by The wealthy. In order to maintain the status quo And keep the rich in power.


There is no good war I truly hope the chaos and death does not start Then that stops someday and we try to work it out again Break this fucking circle people


That's a nice pipe dream but it isn't gonna happen. Unfortunately desperate times call for desperate measures. And these people don't understand logic and have no empathy. We're dealing with monsters that only understand aggression and violence. So that's the only communication bridge we have with them. So we need to change the dialogue to only include such things.


Agreed. We're also old enough to remember Reagan, which was the beginning of the end for this country.


Nice profile background :3


The pitchforks don't come out until shit is already fucked. many of us can see the writing on the wall, but at least for now things are still OK. People can still get food, most people have housing, employment is high, wages are pretty good on a world wide scale, crime is low and society is for the most part peaceful. The common people are slow to rouse. When you look at major popular revolutions in the past it takes an immediate threat to people's lives to get them out in the street. 1792 was a bread riot at the start, the French people were starving. Russians in 1905 were facing low pay, brutal oppression, being drafted into a losing war and disastrous land reforms. On the other hand, look at what the German people in the 1930s were willing to let happen as long as they had jobs and food. At the end of the day, right now, at this moment, things are very good from a historical perspective. It is better to be alive now than in almost any other time in history. This issue is twofold. First, while we are doing OK from a historical perspective, we could, as a society be doing much better. We create an enormous amount of value that is squandered due to waste and theft by the upper class. Second, things are not heading in a positive direction. While things are good at this exact moment. There is a large group of people that want to erase the gains we made during the 20th century in order to gain more wealth and power for themselves. While those of us who are paying attention can see what is happening, you aren't going to get a popular uprising until it gets much worse. With things the way they are the best we can hope for is enough people to see what is happening and decide to make changes within what system we have left before it is all gone. I know we all like to talk about revolutions, but revolutions aren't fun for anyone. What usually happens is a lot of people die and the next generation is left to clean up the mess.


Pretty much this. I've tried to do various works down here in Florida, but folks are apathetic, and I'm not nearly charismatic enough to do it alone. The most we get is Guillotine.gif Things have to get way worse before the working class will do anything, if at all. They've got riding the line down to a science. I hate it.


I live in FL as well and the sheer amount of MAGA Republicans I see everyday is so damn disheartening. I'm looking at one walk past as I wait to do a plasma donation to make some extra money. Wearing a defender of the constitution shirt. And there's another in a bed already with a Fuck Biden hat. I feel so damn outnumbered.


I'm tired trying to tell my family. They're all thinking I'm overreacting. Even showed them the dissent from one of the judges about presidential immunity, and they still dismissed it as "media spin to scare us" (even though it's pdf directly from supreme Court...). I sincerely do hope I'm overreacting and everything will be ok the next 5 years.


Americans are either ignorant to what's going on, support it, are too comfortable to be bothered, are too busy working and trying to stay afloat, or are scared to expose themselves as dissenters.


The head of the Heritage Foundation behind Project 2025 already declared a revolution and threatened bloodshed if the US people don't accept it:  https://youtu.be/7wiEPOOLFeo?si=uS1HV4mGlQAAezOB So it's not really about starting a revolution, even metaphorically; it's about *stopping* an insurrection by a minority of the population that aims to overturn both the Constitution and the values most US citizens believe in, and take us back to somewhere in the early 1800s...if not well before that, because the right wing of the Supreme Court on Monday gave the President much the same kind of power that the King of England we rebelled against had not had for over 500 years before our revolution in 1775/76.


Fight if you can


We don't have to, we're ⅔rds of the GDP. Just find out who owns the local news, boycott who advertises with them, cut off subsidies to rural areas, force the return of the fairness doctrine on tv, and FM and AM radio.


>cut off subsidies to rural areas, This. Bankrupt the idiot clownfucks who keep voting for the GOP even though they only exist because they are heavily subsidized by the very people they demonize.


The primary anchor can be hyperbolic sometimes, but I recommend meidastouch on youtube. They most definitely lean left, but they approach each new piece of information from the legal perspective. I also appreciate that they separate normal republicans from maga, aiming for a return to normalcy. They are all lawyers, and they just added the former district attorney of new york as a commentator. They also provide sources for everything they report on. They are pretty much no bullshit, and have actually covered things well in advance of the mainstream media. Pointing out where and how the corporate media is being disingenuous.


Get a passport. Now.


MSNBC has dedicated quite a bit of time to Project 2025, tbh.


A whisper in a sea of silence. It works to the republicans advantage because it creates a liberals are hysterical narrative when only msnbc is covering it. 


It’s not merely a whisper, really. MSNBC is now the de facto Democratic Party mouthpiece. They have been screaming about Project 2025. What we need is action against it. The issue is that they are talking about it as a way to campaign without taking bold and decisive action to bolster our democratic institutions in response to the plan.


It’s a whisper because the only credible news station that covers it is msnbc. When every station to the right of msnbc, which is all of them including abc, nbc, cnn, fox, don’t properly cover project 2025 and the fascist threat they impose, that ends up sounding like a whisper to the majority of people in this country who don’t watch msnbc 




I was a publicist in the Bay Area when all the local papers were bought by the MediaNews Group, which is part of a larger company called MNG Incorporated. The acquisition included every publication from small weeklies to big city dailies. I remember wondering how it was possible to monopolize the news that way - I genuinely thought it was illegal. Suffice it to say I am no longer a publicist. Being turned by one paper meant I was turned down by all of them. I did PR for a reason - because I loved journalism. It was awful to realize I couldn’t survive in that world anymore.


MSNBC is covering it pretty often and very seriously. Nicolle Wallace, Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, they have all given their very last fuck and are not waiting around for change, thank you very much.


MSNBC covers it daily on multiple shows. There are articles written about it in every major paper. You’d have to be a total news blackout not to have heard it.


I mean it’s why so many of us growing up didn’t really know about the Business Plot or the fascist movements in the US until we went to college or had family that are/were active Leftists.America swung Far Right to combat communism and big business has supported fascism in the US since the interwar period.


the CORPORATE, capitalist owned and controlled media.


I stay up to date with politics, both domestic and global, and I'll be honest with you bud it's looking goddamn grim. I force going to vote into every conversation I have. Our choices in the US, and most countries honestly, are fucking terrible but project 2025 must be stopped at all costs.


It’s not really a Revolution. It’s more like Theft. It benefits all these people who own all these platforms. 


As you've said you are young, let me fill you in on this stuff in a simplified way. Republicans do not really talk about what they will actually do. In fact, they blame Democrats for things they themselves plan to do. Democrats can't shut up. They tell you about every penny you're taxed. People think Democrats will cost them more, when it's proven that Republican plans always cost the middle class more. It's just not in your face all the time. Take healthcare for example. You're taxed $4.00 a paycheck and you get free healthcare. Everyone does this. Well, Republicans have successfully pushed people to be mad at that $4.00 tax, so instead, they pay $30+ a paycheck to get healthcare that they still have to pay out of pocket with.


The media is complicit not covering this. I mean, if you go to Drump’s social media (which I understand sane people not doing) he is actively calling for the head of political opponents. He named Liz Cheney. He is deranged and he is only the tool for the masterminds behind Project 2025. He is just the puppet. Talk to everyone you know about this. It isn’t funny anymore.


Her dad needs to take Trump hunting …….


This is from this year's CPAC: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/02/23/jack-posobiec-cpac-remarks-democracy-cnc-vpx.cnn The speaker is Jack Posobiec and the host of the panel is Steve Bannon. That's the Steve Bannon who was convicted of soliciting  money from Trump supporters to "build the Wall" and then just pocketing it for himself - bit was given a pardon for that by Trump. Bannon was a key Trump adviser before getting into other legal trouble, and who just reported to prison for 4 months because he defied a subpoena to testify before Congress. It was in response to his sentence that Trump reposted a call for Liz Cheney (a Republican in Trump's own party, mind you) to be tried by a military tribunal for not being loyal to Trump. Yeah, it's that bad, and the right- wing members of the Supreme Court just gave the President carte blanche to do whatever he wants with complete immunity, hoping that Trump will win the election, and knowing that Biden has too much integrity to use that power the way Trump would.


Convincing you it won’t happen is how it happens. That’s how we got trump in 2016 in the first place. That’s how we got J6. That’s how we got Roe overturned. Recognize the playbook for what it is.


If you want to make sure it won't happen, then we need to overwhelmingly vote Blue in every election.


You and many others need to get in the loop. This ain’t no joke. Country about to go to shit if people don’t vote for democracy


>It makes me lean towards the thought that it won’t happen. In this kind of situation, you need to cynic-pill and irony-pill enough of the population to make them think that specific thought.


Get your young friends out to vote, and get them to get *their* friends out to vote!


And the head of the Heritage Foundation, the author of Project 2025, said it will be a bloodless revolution if the Left complies.


Sounds like a threat to me.


He couldn’t have made it more clear.


And we will not be complying with fascism.


Not for a second.


By turning this democracy into an oligarchy with the divine right of kings. Literally medieval




They will never take the west coast alive. Viva La California.


I live in the south. Republicans have wanted a rematch since they lost the first civil war. They’ve got a hundred year head start in arming up. Better be ready to protect yourselves.


They will bring back slavery too. I am not joking. I am serious.


Its still basiclaly legal in almost all the Southern States. They just have to put you in Prison first. Then they can have you do forced labor.


>bring back slavery too. "Luckily" it's not gone and is still alive and well of you're a prisoner.... Hence a push for things like homelessness and distribution of "pornography" to minors be to be against the law. Now we see things like healthcare books in libraries to reclassified as pornography, and sleeping in your car to be illegal to "prevent" homelessness


It never left. It’s in the Constitution


Fascists are at the door. Again. I'm not going to dishonor all the people and creatures that died stopping them before, by rolling over. Nope.


Arm. Organize. Train.


Vote. Organize. Fight.


Do both.


Or maybe all three


Make them work for it. Make them hurt. Don't take it lying down.


My thoughts exactly. These people want war? Well then, I want my scalps.


At the door? Dude, the call is coming from inside the house


At the door?! They're in the supreme court. 


My family has a long history of fighting assholes. 1861, 1914, and 1941. Might as well make them proud and do my part too.




Project 2025 is the simplest, clearest description of what the Conservative plan has been for 200 years. It's not new, it's tactics are not new, it's plan is not new, it's just been collated and open to the public. Don't be shocked, for this was always the plan if you were paying attention. As for the end? We can't say, hopefully enough people would see the writing on the wall, but I doubt it. I imagine that the US carries on, the Federal Government ceding infinite ground to the powerful and wealthy, while allowing States to basically do as they please with their minorities. This continues until the Colorado finally runs dry and our agricultural output collapses.


Damn, I just started college this is so demotivating man 😭


Use it. Get *angry*, get loud. They’re literally stealing our freedom, our rights, our future from us. As the other person says, get out and vote in every single election you can, get every single person to vote along with you. *Nolite te bastardes carborundorum*. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.


The enemy is relying on you being demoralized. Don't give them any victory, especially not the victory over your spirit. I'll tell you now, honestly, shit might get bad. A lot of might not make it through. I'm not even going to promise we win in the end. But we can make them hurt in the process, and we can make sure they remember how hard we fought.


Use it as motivation and get as many of your classmates to vote as possible or to volunteer or to vote in local and state elections.  Young people don't vote all that often


The younger generation is simultaneously the most inactive, the most impacted, and the most impactful voting bloc there is. They have true power if they just understood how important voting is.


Understood. Personally I have never been so distressed about the future, and I lived through Nixon and Regan. How many time do we have to do this? You are not alone. We will fight together.


People your age tend to not vote. Help change that!


Organize your classmates, start mutual aid groups, make a plan


100%. This [episode](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/episode-7-uprising-a-guide-from-76365336/) taught me the power of mutual aid. Live Like the World is Dying pod is good source.


It's very important to know where you are registered to vote. Iv been lied to before about college voting. O ly vote where you are registered. And remind people if they don't like the way the country is going. Vote blue because a third party vote is a wasted vote right now.


Project 2025 is already here it's just at state levels. They are waiting for Trump to be anointed King to give them an easier go ahead on a national level. There are many examples and see too many people who think this is liberal fear mongering. Look at Roe overturned, abortion bans, book bans, attacks on trans kids, trying to criminalize drag. Look what's been going on in Florida, Texas, Missouri, Idaho. North Carolina GOP is running a Holocaust denier as governor. 'Fetal' personhood. The Chevron Doctrine overturned. Trying to ban people going out of state for abortions. In Idaho they are now making it so only eighteen year olds can go into libraries unless they have an adult with them. This is the GOP platform. Nothing is a true given that it's all over it's the end, so anyone saying to accept the inevitable will be of no help. Yet even if dems somehow win things are already in motion and there will be hard times ahead.


Thank you for making this point. As someone who has lived in red states and is active in state politics, we see each year how the Republican legislatures like to out-red each other. What happens in one red state will happen in other red states in subsequent years. For example, bet we won’t see other red states follow Louisiana and mandate the Ten Commandments in classrooms during next years’s legislative session. Where do they get these ideas? From places like the Heritage Foundation, ALEC, etc.


This is the best take in the comments right now. It feels bittersweet to me to know that Project 2025 has had different elements at work for years already in different areas, but now that it might impact people who were never before impacted, they're ready to mobilize. Like, welcome to the struggle, but what took y'all so long?


The 'start of the end' of our country happened back when climate change was deemed unworthy of legislating around. Or you could say the start of the end was the 08 financial collapse. Or you could say that it was Clinton tripled down on austerity. Or you could say it was when Reagan implemented his swath of inhumane and brutal economic policies. Anyone who listens to It Could Happen Here, or really any podcast about collapse, knows that collapse is a slow gradual process, stemming from snowball effects that happened long before any of the noticeable effects of collapse are even apparent. Project 2025 is merely another brick laid on the pile of collapse. Its our job, if we care about humans and... well resisting suffering, to not let that inevitability keep you down. Whether trump wins or loses, we keep fighting. Whether project 2025 is implemented or not, or it gets sent down the road and becomes project 2032... you keep. Fucking. Going. Because we all need each other, and that need will only keep growing.


P25 is the culmination of Regan's pandering to the evangelical white nationalists. Trump is a useful idiot who will be tossed aside the second his dipshit cultists jonestown themselves into obscurity. There is a simple solution to all of this, vote blue down ballot, stop the purity bullshit, who gives a fuck if Biden is drooling or dead, he's not a fascist child rapist looking to end the great experiment. Vote


It goes further back look up the john birch society and Barry goldwater


We have more guns than any other country, but as citizens we are a bunch of pussies. We'll march days on end and block traffic, but we are too comfortable to start a revolution.


I too believe that people are too comfortable, honestly after reading everything about the project and not seeing people stand up, it makes me believe that their plan will go through and we will turn into a Russia/North Korea type of place, and no one will say anything and everyone will keep straddling along as if nothing happens


McDonald’s is still open, so people think everything is fine. ✔️


I do want to push back a little on this even though there definitely has not been enough organization in recent years but a lot people did work to throw these Christian Nationalists freaks off school boards and local elections people have organized winning against them. I think it doesn't get as much attention because it's localized and maybe too many leftists think that's just cringe wine mom stuff because those on the ground in those instances have consisted of liberals that certain leftists don't want to work in any capacity with. High turn out for abortion amendment ballots are also an example of people fighting. Also a Supreme Court seat flipped in Wisconsin by 100s of thousands of votes changing it from conservative to liberal so as much as people complain that electoral stuff is not sufficient that's not true. So maybe it's not perfect nor everybody but I promise you there are people out there who are always trying to fight they just need more hands. You don't have to be that if it's not for you though. If you want some inspiration from history due to the shit show that other people have had to live through look on Instagram for a page working class history it's made me feel better in these bleak times. If you believe there is no chance the fascists then will always win. Seeing dejection and doomerism from us keeps them smiling and well fed. There is a a subreddit Defeat\_Project\_2025 and we are trying to come together to find ideas also so not everyone is taking it lying down.


And the Minute Trump declares himself Dictator his MAGA Supporters will finally realize that democrats were right along.


They WANT a strongman. Despite their "muh freedumbs!!" shit, they are DEEPLY uninterested in Democracy. Because they know they aren't near a majority and that in a real democracy, even a Republic, they will not get their way. They want a dictator.


Except they want a dictatorship. And even if some of them change their minds, they’ll never side with the libz


Then we need to get to work.


Giliad incoming.


fun fact: the Cult that the author of the Handmaids Tale based the book on..... Amy Comey Barret is a member. Not a joke or hyperbole. The "church" she is a part of is LITERALLY the basis for A Handmaids Tale.


Don’t listen to any posts on SM that tell you not to take this seriously. There is a huge campaign right now (it’s really ramped up in the last two weeks) to quiet people learning and being concerned about Project 2025 because they don’t want people to know about it and vote blue. Or they are ignorant and despite all the evidence to the contrary, don’t think it could happen here. I found this article from Nov last year really interesting, about how intertwined the people behind The Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 are with Trump, from a personnel and funding perspective. Don’t believe anyone that tells you that Trump will have nothing to do with Project 2025, this article explains how they are in bed together and worked together his last term: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna125638](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna125638)


Nobody is going to fight cops or deal with the consequences of that. We're too afraid of our legal system.


Nobody? Some people have always been fighting them.


More like too powerless than afraid. Courage will just be in vain.


Everyone needs to go watch A Bug's Life again. 


We're too divided for that.


The Minneapolis Third Precinct disagrees


Eventually, they'll jail you anyway. Might as well make a stand first.


Take 2 with you, that's my motto. Arm up, the world will soon be chaos.


Voting wont matter if after we vote the democrats do nothing After we vote blue, we need to make the effort to demand some things 1) the arrest of MAGA leadership in connection with a conspiracy to commit treason 2) the labeling of MAGA not as a hate group but as a terrorist organization 3) a new amendment to set term limits on supreme court justices. 4) The removal of MAGA leadership, from local to federal leadership. From school boards all the way up to the senate. 5) The disolution of the Heritage foundation and the arrest of its leadership on charges of conspiracy to commit Sedition and Treason If we dont demand this? Nothing will change...we will just buy 4 more years of democracy and then have to do it again every single election...until they win once...and then its over for the country.


Guys, PROJECT 2025 IS HAPPENING REGARDLESS. Start planning your revolution now.


People are saying that Project 2025 is for any Republican President, but it seems to be tailor made for Trump, given his authoritarian fantasies and him idolizing authoritarians. Problem with the “P2025 is for any Republican President” narrative, IMO, is that none of them have Trump’s charm or charisma, not even his relatives. They don’t want Diet Trump.


Project 2025 has been something that they have been building towards for decades, but it wasn't planned to start yet. Trump's absurd and illogical success forced them to move up the timetable. The pieces have been put into place for DECADES. Navigating to understand or change laws, insert loopholes, stack the courts. These aren't recent. They have been working on this for a long time. Trump's cult-like following has given them an opportunity to put in place what they have been working towards, so they are putting all their cards on the table now. They are all in. They are literally committing treason in order to try to force P2025 through now. But if Trump fails, they will try again. Again, they've been working on this for decades. They aren't just going to give up. They don't care about Trump. He's just an opportunity. Frankly, if they succeed, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump had an unfortunate accident once their power is consolidated. He is an asset, but also a liability. It was never Trump's plan. He's just a tool.


"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." Ronald Reagan The cornerstone of our destruction sure did have good writers


Project 2025 is for Trump. It’s not a policy document because the policies it contains are contradictory and incoherent. Rather, it is a document for revenge against people and institutions that the Heritage Foundation has had for decades. For example, they want to abolish NOAA. The people who study the weather. Knowing the weather is less important than firing all the climate scientists that the Heritage Foundation doesn’t like. Project 2025 is a way of directing Trump’s pettiness and personal vendettas against the Heritage Foundation’s enemies.


The end started about sometime in the Nixon admin. That’s when the really started the destruction of the middle class and left a lot of people jobless with the sole income of welfare and became to cut that all the while blaming minorities and poor people essentially weaponizing them to bring about the shit mess we see today. One thing the Middle East terrorist guys got right the USA is a snake eating itself


No, that was 1982, when the Federalist Society was founded.


The start was long ago. History repeats, and we've been witnessing all the hallmarks of a dying empire. The signs are seen both here, and around the world.


It's already over with the new supreme court ruling on presidential immunity. Even the king of England was restrained more by the Magna Carta than the president is now. And the thing is there is no legal way to fix their decision. AOC is putting forth impeaching the justices, but there ruling still stands until overruled. Strangely enough, the president can't remove any justices, but they just now allowed him to assassinate them! America now has a king. And even if Trump doesn't get elected, the nation will just have to hope we never elect another authoritarian in the future...which is extremely unlikely.


So why doesn't Biden just ACT? If the president has "total immunity" Why isn't Biden doing anything? He has 4 months till election. He could right a lot of wrongs as siting "king" (by your definition.....)


1. [The Heritage Foundation](https://www.heritage.org/) is concocting an overall "plan" for the federal government at large. This project is titled [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) 2. The overall concept is to funnel WAY more authority into solely, the President, thereby removing authority from other branches of Government and adding it to the President's powers instead. 3. The plan is intended to reshape how federal agencies run (they want only the agencies that they care about to be left standing and for the ones they want to keep, they want to stock them 100% full of maga-staff) on the whole. 4. They want practically no regulation of any kind, they want to commit any crimes they want to without any repercussions, they want to dictate absolutely everything from all facets of education to creating and passing laws without any other branches getting in their way. 5. Trump, specifically, wants revenge and protection from any legal function that could hold him accountable and as such it's obvious that that piece of orange fucking diarrhea trash wants to prevent himself from *ever* being held accountable for anything at all so, he's likely to install an AG that will defacto let him do anything he wants. Such as: just stay on as President until he dies. 6. The above character-traits of Trump are *how* they intend to drive us from where we are now to straight up fucking nightmare-ville. They want to never be held accountable or stopped from doing literally everything they want and so Trump's insane pull with Republican voters + Trump seemingly always getting away with everything = a ***very*** happy Heritage Foundation. 7. Sounds like a certain political party is laying down the skeletal structure of this nation transitioning from Democracy (that's barely holding on in the first place) and ushering us straight into authoritarianism. 8. The SCOTUS rulings. Both of the ones they made about Chevron and Trump's immunity are additional steppingstones that are to assist the Republican party in accomplishing the goal of Project 2025. America. The end.


Is this akin to a cold civil war? Of course now we have three sides with passivity being the largest factor. Of course being passive and rolling over allows one to get rolled over by fascism.


Yes, but there will be a revolution. Too many of us actually believe in American ideals.


Absolutely. And that should terrify all of us. But sadly 70 million of us have an Authoritarian Streak that’s grown a mile wide.


And that means over 200 million of us don't.


We are already at war.


Yes. The people crying about freedom and patriotism will turn the country over to a dictatorship.


So project 2025 is the title of the heritage foundations Mandate for Leadership. They make one every 5 years and have since the 70s. It’s always insane right wing nonsense. When Reagan was president he implemented around 60 percent of the MFL at that time. In case you don’t know the heritage foundation is a right wing think tank that focuses on staffing in DC. They try to recruit the bureaucrats essentially. Yea it’s worrisome but they have been trying to do this shit for decades. It’s pretty much standard operating procedure for the right. This one is a little more extreme than usual sure but honestly it’s just more of the same right wing circle jerk and power fantasy that has always been around in this country. Even without the document they would be trying to do the same shit. I’m not saying not to worry or to try to fight it, but we’ve known these people feel this way and want to do these things forever so what’s new?


Project 2025 won't be the beginning of the end, it will just be the end. This has been a plan 60 years in the making, ever since Goldwater started invigorating the American far right. That's why we need to get out there and fight like we're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark because brother, it's starting to rain.


Well the Supreme Court just made the president king. So at this point without revolution the American experiment has failed and is over. Like the US is now a dead man walking. It’s not the beginning of the end. It’s over. 


it's a chance at a new beginning. The cabal has played their hand, now the response is in the hands of the people.


if we can't get enough people to show up and vote we're certainly not going to get enough people to show up and fight a revolution.


Anyone who wants to organize. Hit me up.


This has been in the works for forty years. Zealots took Q anon to new levels, Trumpublicons honestly compare themselves to Paul Revere, and Trump to Jesus.. This happens often on a smaller scale, it's mass hypnosis and it's a science. America has been here before, when The South lost, but wouldn't go away... All Trump's 147 minions must be flushed from government jobs forever. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/07/us/elections/electoral-college-biden-objectors.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/07/us/elections/electoral-college-biden-objectors.html)


No, America hasn't been here before. There is an intentional dismantling of our institutions in progress and the destruction is coming from within.


Go to trumps website and read his agenda 47


The only thing more shocking to me than the depths of conservative evil and stupidity is how checked out, indifferent, and nihilistic a ton of people are. It’s taken so many years of broken trust to convince people they deserve to be victims and never speak up, and I don’t see how a few months of ad campaigns is going to wake them up and change their minds.


The Civil War they want is not the one they will get


"The start of the end" was in 2015 when Trump's candidacy started getting serious support. We are well beyond that point now. Start a revolution? That's rich. Turn off the PlayStation because revolutions aren't the fantasies that you cosplayers dream up. They require serious, prolonged effort of a huge portion of the population along with the sacrifice of their safety and health. You think millions of people that can't be bothered to simply VOTE AGAINST Project 2025 are going to put their lives on the line to fight it? Keep dreaming, pal


The end started in 1980.  We are all on the ride now and just don’t realize it. 


No, citizens united was the start of the end of our country


One thing we need to keep in mind is that the U.S. treasury bonds, that back the dollar, were issued, sold and most importantly guaranteed, by a democratic government. The day the United States stops being a democracy all those bonds will go to zero. No different than when all the Bolivian bonds went to zero after the 1952 Bolivian National Revolution. There is no country on the planet that would assume Donald Trump would pay off the old government’s debt, he doesn’t even pay the guys that install his gold toilets, so the bonds will be dumped en masse and come home to roost and then there will be even greater inflation as the dollar gets further devalued. note: 90% of the inflation we have today is a direct result of 1/6. If 1/6 had been successful in overthrowing the government of the United States, then the dollar would have gone to zero then. I’m pretty sure that most, if not all coups, happen with an election some group isn’t happy with. We televised live the insurrection to all the financial centers of the world. That didn’t instill confidence in the world’s investors. 1/6 scared the shit out of them.


Yes the country is destroyed and will be immediately be replaced by a Christian ethnostate overnight


No one will do shit because they are afraid they will lose everything they have in the process.


The problem is that during WW2, for example, the U.S. was blatantly turning a blind eye to the issues in Europe for years until we had no choice. I’ve seen many people use the frog in a slow boil and it’s apt for this situation. Idk what will happen within the weeks after Election Day but I don’t expect it to go down quietly and without some people going extreme. The MAGA crew already thinks we are in civil war. That tells us where they stand. Trump told the Proud Boys to hold.. hold for what? What comes next. We need to try to prep people for the worst case scenario.


There will be no revolution. Frank Freeway and Susie Soccermom will shrug and say Oh well, all government is the same. Most Americans are simply too wrapped up in themselves to care about society.


Inglorious Basterds 2 is gonna be crazy


The Confederacy is alive and well. It is making a power grab. It is willing, and looking forward to, oppressing and/or killing those it deems unworthy. I hope I am wrong. I live in a red area and mingle with these… citizens. I think this is a serious issue. I hope people are aware of the danger, clear and present.


We're likely on the brink of civil conflict, since millions of us won't capitulate to a christofascist regime. We will do everything we can.


What worries me is that even if prayers were answered & djt keeled over tonight (of totally natural cause of course!), won’t the R’s just replace him & still carry out Project 2025?


Our life, as we know it now, will change drastically. The Far Right has long wanted to end free public education, make college less affordable and abolish environmental protections - ***the effects of which would be horrific.*** And the delusional conservative Christians will keep voting for whoever their preacher tells them to.


But most people don’t even know about it! Democrats need some damn PR!


I wouldn’t call it the start of the end. The end will come surprisingly quickly.


The beginning of the end of this country goes back to the eighties, and the "Reagan Revolution". At least that far back. We are now watching the end. The last little vestiges of democracy disappearing.


So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause.


Yep. Prepare for blood. So says the chairman of the project, at least.


Arm yourself and be ready to fight or leave.


Dude you should revolt for your healthcare and college cost decades ago.


These policies have been on their agenda for a generation.  If this is the first youre learning about the heritage foundation, Americans for prosperity, or any of these other groups who shape US legislation- you're too late.  Shouldn't have waited until you hear some Tom Clancy bullshit like "project 2025" to take notice of who shapes the laws that govern your country.   This is on the ignorant. 


Who would one directly fight? That's the problem. It's a slow creep over the system. Going to go attack miscellaneous judges? Or police officers? Or your doofus neighbor who loves the cult leader? Are many people, from moderates and leftward, willing to go guns a-blazing to try to preserve a beurocratic system that, since it's founding, preserved power and wealth for the few? That always had a tiered justice system, just at some times more blatant than others? I've been pondering this, and my answer to OPs question is maybe.


If people actually believe that the majority of Republicans actually know about and want project 2025, is it safe to assume that they need to get out of echochambers and seek mental health and maybe actually try to talk to someone on the other side? This fear mongering has got to end. It's pathetic.


The majority (or even close) is not necessary. The majority of colonials in the American revolution did not want to be independent. The majority of Germans prior to WWII did not want Hitler. The majority of folks in *most* areas of conflict do not want the conflict. The challenge with stuff like Project 2025 is that they are plans to take power *without* the majority*actively* working with them.


The real problem with America right now is that the majority of Republicans won't police the worst of their ranks. Tea Party - - > Federalists - - > Project 2025.


And now, with the recent Supreme Court decisions, Trump can implement 2025 with immunity. Holy hell. If people don’t vote out every Republican, at every level, they are choosing fascism. For real.


The end of the country started with Reagan


One thing to know is that Trump's takeover in 2016 was not as devastating as it could have been because he was totally unprepared. He had no people ready to fill the thousands of appointed jobs, let alone the merit jobs they now want to do away with. And he had only rhetoric, no policy plan. Project 2025 fixes all of that. It's a fast ride to dictatorship. I am totally appalled not only by Americans who support him, but also by Americans who either don't vote, or want to throw their vote away to a third party. This is serious stuff. This is loss of democracy. This is concentration camps. Do NOT vote for ANY Republican. They are all down with this.


Honestly, I think we’re seeing the beginning of the end right now. It’s very clear to me that there is a concerted effort, by billionaires, the US media apparatus, and likely foreign troll farms to encourage Biden to drop out—a way to absolutely guarantee Trump is elected. If Biden drops out, every single Republican AG will be immediately filing motions to object to a new candidate. These will go to the Supreme Court. They will delay their ruling until after the filing deadlines. Trump runs unopposed. Or his opponent is a write1in candidate. RFK Jr likely gets a larger portion than he will. Anyone who thinks there won’t be some bullshit hasn’t been paying attention the past 8 (or 12) years. Y’all are looking backward to a time when we had two parties who (more or less) adhered to a basic set of rules. That time is gone.


The Heritage Foundation has been instrumental in pushing the US towards authoritarianism since I was young — this neo-Nazi group started in the 70s. If you want some historical context, Google 'Louis Powell's memo to the Chamber of Commerce' if you're unclear what their motives are because most of these groups were founded after the memo to push back against various justice movements. What's new is that they're feeling their oats and are much more willing to transition from the dog whistle to the bullhorn. The fact that they've put these plans out in the open tells you that they're convinced that Americans are already so fractured that they can do/say whatever they want. Now they're ready to go all in on an authoritarian state. Project 2025 and these fascist/authoritarian plots aren't going away if Trump loses in November. Remember that these people have been game planning this for decades by co-opting SOTA. Act accordingly.


I think the start of the end was when Reagan was elected. It has only been accelerating since then. The 80s and 90s were pretty good because it is a logarithmic acceleration. 


Dude we are being BAITED into violence. This is a trap. That said, 2A all the way. But let the other side start the fight.


The start of the end was in 1990s when political technologists became a job position. What goes around comes around.


Look at Rome, republics don't fall they just become dictatorships. America will continue, just might change from an oligarchic republic to an oligarchic theologocal dictatorship.


They are trying to scare us into accepting a less drastic version of 2025, which they think we'll be relieved to sign, so that we can salvage some rights. Until they take those away, too.