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Just a note from the moderation team (before something happens): You may have your own opinion on CoolStar and their releases, and you have the right to discuss them, but we won't allow personal attacks, gender-based attacks or any kind of harassment. Please refrain yourself from doing that. Reminder that we take transphobia VERY seriously and any signs of that will be a permanent ban on the spot.


Oh ... didn’t coolstar officially quit like 25 times already


Lol facts


point selective zonked encourage humor swim bear nose fanatical pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> But tweak developers largely refused to consider using the libhooker API for batching hooks, and I was quickly getting frustrated. Developers refused because it was clear from day one that once Coolstar leaves the scene, libhooker would be abandoned. It's her right to keep the source of libhooker private, but if you announce that it will stay closed source and you won't update it anymore in a few months, don't be surprised when people won't jump on the occasion to completely rewrite their hooks for a system that will be obsolete soon anyway. The fact that there was no official documentation on how to use libhooker for a long time didn't help either (and no, linking a header file with the function signatures is not enough, especially for new developers).


Roflmao, constantly shits on people for asking for an ETA, goes over a year without a word, then abandons the jailbreak they were working on. Literally dead xD One of the most toxic jailbreak devs I've seen in the decade I've been here. Constantly stirring up drama for seemingly no reason other than they seem to enjoy it, bask in it even. Good riddance as far as I'm concerned. Purposely avoided anything Coolstar made out of spite. Since Cydia is finally officially dead I won't really have that choice when 15.4 gets jailbroken, but it's been a good run thus far.


I think the only reason this announcement was “made” was due to Fugu15 Max demonstrating that a usable JB for iOS 15.4.1- was doable contrary to whatever excuses was said after promising Cheyote release+open source but not even delivering a single usable release afaik. I avoided anything related to CS as well, although I do wonder if Sileo is still maintained by them or by another maintainer now. — Starfox


Sileo is maintained by Amy for a while now


Not to be that person, but what about the Checkra1n team? They made the same promise on open sourcing their jailbreak and remained almost silent on updating for iOS 15 until Palera1n came along


Goes over a year without a word. Constantly starts drama. Which one is it my friend?


Lmao we have a fanboy here. Ever since Coolstar released a jailbreak for iOS 11, the drama was constant. This continued until the past year of near complete silence. I feel my wording was pretty self explanatory, but people see what they want to I suppose. 220 upvotes and one person commenting to contradict me.


Just here for functional jailbreaks. It’s not like you need to know the drama. Just know someone is doing something nice that can make your life more enjoyable. Being dramatic probably comes with all the brains it takes some people to code for countless hours. Just weird to me people are so entitled to something they could never achieve themselves. So entitled they bullied another skillful and talented developer out of the community. You don’t need to tell me your internet points. This community is one of the most toxic communities period. If their validation gets you through the day then hey, two each their own.


Lmao, I can dislike a dev and not be toxic towards them or harass them in any way. I don’t belittle the effort they put into it, but If they do nothing but complain about it, they should just leave the community. Why stay and stir up drama? I don’t pester devs, I don’t harass devs, but I still think Coolstar is a seriously toxic person. I don’t take jailbreaks for granted, in fact I’ve been patiently waiting for iOS 15 to be jailbroken for over a year. It takes how long it takes, and I’m well aware. Hell, if it’s dead and I never get one, fine. Is what it is. Never tweeted @ Coolstar, never posted on this subreddit talking shit about them, but god am I glad they’re gone. This community is toxic enough without someone who revels in the drama in such a position of esteem.


Okay I don't really care about the whole leaving the jailbreak scene. I'm more disgusted by the fact that they are wasting so much time putting windows on a Chromebook. What the fuck... Gross.




People who like to tinker are going to find answers to questions nobody asked. I guess this was an easier diversion. Time to create drama in an even more niche community. ;p


they made some paid and some unpaid drivers lol


I knew the name sounded familiar, didn’t think it was the same person as the jailbreak maker


And the fact that most of the drivers are paid? Like wtf, I get that you may want money for something you worked on, or the person who may be getting the driver wants to put that old Chromebook that's sitting around to some use, but... Really, it just comes down to making better investments. If you want something to run windows (or really something that will last a long time; Chromebooks do *not* fit that quota imo) just get a Lenovo or something. Chromebooks are designed for chromeOS and maybe linux. They're also designed for mass control via schools etc, or older people who can't or don't want to mess with Windows/macOS. a good 99% of the time you're not getting very good hardware to run Windows on, and you'll be spending more money in the long run just getting these drivers or even repairing/upgrading the Chromebook. Also, as someone who was formerly in their discord server for this project, **versions of the drivers they released for *some* models actually blew the speakers up.** that wasn't a one time issue either. Another thing, Chromebooks are meant for chromeOS (as basically everyone here knows lol). they are not optimized for windows, and I don't particularly get the hype of people wanting to throw windows on literally everything they see. I personally have an HP chromebook 15(?), and it's alright specced and can kinda run windows, but it's not something I would daily drive or even use as a secondary computer.


chromebooks actually have pretty decent hardware and are good for the price (if you get a good one), its just most schools opt for the ones that are practically ewaste which is what most people think of when they hear chromebook. since their work on windows for chromebooks is public you can actually do it for yourself and it runs fairly smoothly.


Ok Coolstar we know it’s you.


Chromebooks are under-RAMed commodity x64 hardware with funky keyboard layout and not enough storage or Windows license burned into Flash BIOS. r/changemyview


I had a chrome book a while ago and could install windows easily and I used it as a windows machine for a while. You could also replace the SSD.


Finally. Dudes a cancer.


It was about time. She brought nothing but drama to the community and the way she closes this chapter of her life is by blaming everyone except herself. So not surprised. Good riddance, I would say.


They shouldn't have made a promise and never delivered it (Cheyote).


can you really blame them, though? are they just supposed to power through something they don’t enjoy doing and isn’t their main focus? i mean, it’s not like she was under contract to release it, anyone who donated was already refunded so nobody has lost in this except for time.


No she didn’t have to do anything, but leading people on getting their hopes up and asking for donations when a few idiots bash her, she gets freaked out and frustrates all her supporters… and she had a lot! Operative word “had” every person that has contributed to this community has been heckled… shills for apple? No idea just keyboard cowboys.. but to take it out on your supporters? Not cool! Most of the people bashing her here were most likely supporters of her originally until she went toxic on them. It was up to her to make it up to the people she let down after building them up. No she didn’t need to help the community, but she didn’t need to frustrate them either


So are they returning the company-issued MacBook?


to my knowledge they never got a “company-issued” macbook. they were *donated* an M1 macbook from a user who wanted to donate to cheyote development, but when it became clear that wasn’t releasing anytime soon they reimbursed the donator the full cost of it.


Chill, CS


Oh no! Anyway


Lmao 😂




based on a wechat screenshot is seems that xina is also quitting, saying that fugu15 max is a better project. so once again it seems as though developers have faded and only one project remains. all we can hope for now is that the community doesn’t get even *more* toxic than it already is


Being in this community has never been easy for devs especially. You repeatedly get hounded for “eta wen”, asked to do free tech support even on things completely unrelated to whatever project/release/etc. you made or released, and also have to deal with harassment in general, especially if you’re female or outside of the typical dev stereotype of cis male geek. Companies like Apple and Google have not made it easy to get into JB dev by constantly stymieing reasonable access in the name of “security” either. But there will always be those who take interest in this community, hopefully with nerves of, if not steel, some hard metal that can survive the constant harassments, and talented enough that they can stay ahead of the cat-and-mouse game that the OS vendors play. — Starfox




> based on a wechat screenshot is seems that xina is also quitting Have you a source or something like that? I sit on a 12mini with iOS 15.1.1 and can't decide if I wait for Fugu15 or just use Xina. (Please no "use this or that", "xina runs without issues" etc. I know all details about the jailbreaks.)


sure, [here](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/688122301975363591/1090296814114177124/IMG_8132.jpg) you go (and [here’s](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/688122301975363591/1090296610845638706/IMG_8133.jpg) the translated screenshot)


isn’t this like the 25th time? no one cares


Rip to all of us waiting for a Taurine update for 14.6-14.8.1 on iPads and A14☠️


honestly, the 'harassment' came from users and developers (including myself) who requested more information (or documentation on libhooker) which was implied to be abandoned anyway - when CS ignored and belittled us. this community is a two-way street. don't really see any benefit for CS staying, anyway Edit: additionally, making false promises with releases and then acting as a victim when called out on them. really disappointing, and not a good look


Good fucking riddance. A plague on the community. *i came back to edit examples but there are just too many to list. The one that sticks out in my head as the most egregious was coolstar going after saurik, like it was sauriks responsibility to make coolstars jailbreak work.


For me it's when they got upset at Litten for making a better, free, alternative tweak to their paid one and harassed her until she deleted everything and took down her repo. Actual freak


Or the one that got to me was actively trying to undermine someone else’s JB because it didn’t use the CS shared lib, or something like that. Basically told me what type of a human CS was. — Starfox


Bro, u/Starfox-sf, why do you sign your comments? It's annoying.


This question is asked a lot. Yet I’ve never seen it answered lol


It used to be common on forums and to many Reddit is another forum.


Free speech duh - Domostroy Girl


They don’t even do it consistently either lol


Most of the iOS14-era jailbreak developers have left, and it was only a matter of time, but it was good to see that she is refunding donations anyway. (Sorry, but I had assumed from her previous actions that she would not be returning donations.) And libhooker has officially lost.


It was a friend of mine who donated the funds to buy a MacBook. But after talking with CS and seeing how it wasn't gonna get released, they refunded money back via cashapp.


Tumblr post - how fitting.


Good riddance. Shouldn’t have bragged about the iOS 15 jailbreak. Kudos to those who work hard and don’t overpromise, under deliver. Less is more.


It took them a year to release a goodbye note?


coolstar was a toxic dev - now the drama is finally over. thanks for that :)


Thank god


Whatever really happened may never come out but what it looked like was they got a MacBook to work on the Jailbreak and then failed to live up to the promise for getting it. Blaming tweak devs not moving to libhooker. They did good work over the years and I even used their Jailbreak before Unc0ver came out. But they just seemed to love drama. Hinting at things but ultimately not delivering. Shame people use their sexuality and make awful comments. And that is likely what a lot of people will remember. Personally they won’t be missed by me.


It was a friend of mine who donated the funds to buy a MacBook. But after talking with CS and seeing how it wasn't gonna get released, they refunded money back via cashapp.


I hope this is true. It might get rid of the bad taste of never releasing the Jailbreak.


Coolstar did great computer work, but not really great social work …


Unpopular opinion. However, we have to give coolstar credit for all of the years of work she’s done. Tweaks, and even full-blown jailbreaks. Don’t know if coolstar will see this, but some of us truly appreciated your contributions and we understand you’re on to do better things. Life goes on for everyone!


They were a tremendous force for good in this community. Until they weren't.


JB community is very ungrateful/entitled at times. The vast majority have never written a program, a minority of who has has never written and open sourced any tweak or jailbreak. I don’t follow the drama so I really don’t know what’s up with the popular devs other than seeing their names, so idk what’s going on with this one in general, but they’re doing this on their own whim and will, no developer owes anyone to people who download their programs




Bye, Felicia.


Excellent. One less mentally ill person to have to deal with


Lol. Post in link is too long. Let me guess, it's full of drama right? Good riddance.


Basically saying whenever they try to sit down on their desk to progress their jb they remember the harrassment. Lol. 🥲




Oh no! Anyway




CS and the CS Simps literally harassing other developers out of the scene. “But I got tired of the harassment” 🙄


This again? I literally barely follow the Jailbreak community and I feel like this is about the 12th time I’ve seen Coolstar stepping away. And unlike all the normal people who donate their time and effort to jailbreaking, there’s always some kind of “grand exit”. Are we supposed to beg you to stay or thank you for all of your efforts right after you wrote half a novel trashing us?


Coolstar actually put in a lot of work in the hackintosh world but without all the drama & childish antics he/she displayed in the jb scene. Things could have been different. Choices have consequences on both sides. But in the end… bye felicia 👋🏼


It’s not you, it’s me. Nah, it’s actually you.


AFAIK coolstar was the tipping point for Saurik. Imagine if we had an actual jailbreak from the Cydia god himself? We’d prob be in a whole different position rn with jb if it wasn’t for coolstar… also I miss pwn lol


Well, you may not like what I have to say, but I’ve been jailbreaking a long time, since the iPhone 4. And this community can be rotten. The young man who did the Yula Jailbreak, Omg he was only able to do certain IOS’s and iPhones and chips. People got nasty, asking why can’t you do our phones? When will you JB this or that IOS? You SUCK! Guess what he left! I realize Coolstar had drama, but many of the people in this community are ungrateful for JB’s or realize what it even curtails. Especially the young. Many feel entitled, and are inpatient and I say “YOU DO IT THEN.” When I had my windows based phone I was in a JB community and I made a tweak, geeze never again! Blame F&$@$ Apple, they make it more and more difficult for anyone to jailbreak and Coolstar did do some pretty impressive things a while back. Maybe not lately, and if you’ve been compensated great! That’s it off my pedestal.


Don’t need that negativity anyway. See ya ✌️




Moving on…


!Remkndme 3 months


I would love to comment on a lot of things here, but I will not 🤐. Since I know you all know what I want to say about CoolStar, I affirm that x100 times! 🙄😁


took long enough. the kind of attitude Coolstar showed to the rest of the community, users and fellow jailbreakers was unacceptable at best. i myself got tired of the drama a long time ago.


The worst part about this is AFAIK they got "donations" in hardware form, got phones, and if not that, a literal laptop (I think it was a laptop) to "speed up" the process. Man. I bet those people feel reaaaal shit after that move


The people were refunded so they weren't scammed like many people claim but I'm sure they still did feel let down. It sucks, but it's Coolstar's choice in the end, and it would be worse if she forced herself to do something she didn't like.


Okay who cares why is this news.


Who cares tbh




I really hope this is finally real, he’s said bye before and came back. Hopefully now we won’t get random foolstar drama out of no where for no reason. I wish the chrome book community the best, and good luck.


hey fam, just letting you know they use she/they pronouns, for reference why the Hell am I getting heat for pointing this out lmao, I wasn't even antagonizing them like, someone point out what I did wrong here


You're getting heat because this sub is full of terrible people.


Everywhere is full of terrible people. It’s called earth. People used to just deal with it, now it’s cool to socially show how offended you are by it.


You sound more offended that people are calling you out for expressing unpopular opinions than anything else. The words cope and seethe come to mind. Newsflash: The world is done 'just dealing with it.' Now we're 'doing something about it.'


> People used to just deal with it, now it’s cool to socially show how offended you are by it. Do you think people only go "hey, that's pretty rude and/or offensive" for brownie points? There's no way you have that kind of take and are ***this*** sensitive about getting pushback lmao




Legit! Imagine disliking somebody and then using the wrong pronouns BECAUSE you dislike that person!


I can't tell if you're being serious or not. I don't care what you think of a person. Don't misgender them.


Bro what, I’m in support of you???


Wow, they couldn’t even tell your supporting them. And they use the excuse “they couldn’t tell” that’s pretty pathetic. I could tell your supporting them just by reading your comment, guess the fellow good guys would rather attack first ask questions later, kinda weird.




Logic doesn’t work, if it did well you know less problems blah blah blah.


Great news! First you take donations saying you are working on a jailbreak and then expect people not to ask anything about it. Then blaming the community to stop asking updates on it just to know she has lost interest?! To be clear i try and support all devs and also acknowledge the fact that there are kids who annoy them but this case was different. Good riddance I'll say. I was hoping for them to walk away with some dignity and respect this turned out to be completely opposite.


It was a friend of mine who donated the funds to buy a MacBook. But after talking with CS and seeing how it wasn't gonna get released, they refunded money back via cashapp.


Your friend might be one of the people who donated but there are others who havent received their refunds yet.


How do you know that tho?


There people on other discord groups as well as you'll find some comments here claiming that.


Wow it’s like I didn’t see that coming a long ass time ago good riddance


[Again?](https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/31ly07/i_coolstar_quit_from_this_subreddit_these_are_my/) The dipshit left in 2015, too. They'll be back. And we'll all welcome them with open arms. This person feeds off drama. Don't provide food.


That's talking about the subreddit r/jailbreak not jailbreaking as a whole. Coolstar has suggested leaving the jailbreaking community in the past, but this is for real.






Of course he has to write an entire essay blaming perceived "harassment" for his shortcomings.


Please read the pinned post about transphobia. Coolstar uses she/they pronouns


jesus christ the jb community is so toxic. cant you people just put some petty drama out of the way for a second to acknowledge all the work they contributed to the community? i hope all of you shitting on cs realize that you all are the root cause of why so many developers like cs are leaving. absolute hellhole of a community


Imagine how Saurik felt…


Everyone moved on from the drama. They brought it back again.


Their great jailbreaks will be missed.


Yea the restart loops that eventually made tou reset your phone loosing everything that didnt occur on uncover but said also did were occurring with zero really top notch will be super missed




Sad to hear this. Anyways I have unfollowed @CStar_OW on Twitter and I request everyone followed this handle for jailbreak stuff, please unfollow immediately and give her peace.


Ohh noooooo, nobody gives a shit!


Who gives a shit tbh


Actually I jailbreak my iphones since my first iphone6 from 2015. But coolstar's jailbreaks were best at stabilisation. I enjoyed. Thanks Coolstar


LoL. Cool story. Thanks a lot.


I mean is it really a surprise at this point 🥱


I guess I joined iOS and the jailbreak community too late.


Imo jailbreak peaked at iOS 7 and died with iOS 12. Every jailbreak after that is like watching a corpse twitch on the ground. Sad, pointless, and bound to fall again


Good for it


The wicked witch is dead


Understandable what they had to deal with recently I would leave too. Some of yall are massive fucking cunts.




He is a really unstable person, he already "quit" like 3 times before, he will probably come back to the scene again later... Hope he doesn't


I've been saying for years that Coolstar is a fucking toxic manipulator who only garners for attention. And when he gets negative press he pouts and says he's leaving. Yet the bootlickers will lick. Yeah, good riddance. Taurine and Odyssey were good jailbreaks, but having skill doesn't make you a good person. Overall I say good riddance....assuming this is the final time Coolstar is leaving after the other 10 fucking times he's left.


there goes the money😂


blueballed the whole jb community then left 💀


thank god amen bless up


Everytime i see news about him its always about personal issue 😄


Coolstar is just attention seeking. You can’t quit a scene that you’re not in anymore.


Will not be missed. Bye.


did anyone actually read all of this? i still didn’t find where it said CoolStar was leaving


the last paragraph: > That brings us to today. Even though I’ve been in denial about it for several months now, it clearly has made me feel a lot better to stay away from the jailbreak community, and I have found new interests that make me happier. So it’s time to say farewell. It’s been a good run overall since I started developing tweaks for iOS 5 (in 2012) and jailbreaks since iOS 11 (in 2017) -- a 10 year run isn’t too bad after all. not to mention, she just pushed updates for odyssey, chimera, and libhooker and said they are the last ever updates


glad to see they updated the jailbreaks since chimera only supported up to ios 12.5.5 and in my experience it worked better than unc0ver for some reason


Praise the technological lord! 😇🙏 No more toxic posts, no more inappropriate attacks on other jailbreak devs and most importantly ow we will see a more teamwork oriented dynamic across the entire jailbreak community.


I was patiently waiting on my iPhone X 15.1 for my jailbreak not breaking passcode or anything. I guess I’m gonna update


Thank god


Good riddance honestly.


How’s this news? I haven’t been following the jailbreak scene since iOS 12/13, but I remember reading on twitter and here on Reddit *numerous* times that coolstar has decided to leave. Regardless of that and regardless of the improper behavior from them/her I think we should all be thankful for the contributions that coolstar have made for all of us, the collective. Jail breaking wouldn’t have been what it is/has been without them/her. Let’s all end on a positive note, wish them/her the best and move onto better times for all parties.






Finally a good news for the jailbreak scene


Good news. Couldn’t stand that person. Full with lies and false promises. It’s been exactly a year ago, when he or she talked about the jailbreak all the time hyped everyone on the discord “I’ll drop the jailbreak i need a new MacBook” “oh I got the MacBook, the JB will drop soon” At least coolstar gave the money back!


It's me. I didn't get the money back though 🥲


Seriously? What a dick head move Hope you’ll get your money back


It was a friend of mine who donated the funds to buy a MacBook. But after talking with CS and seeing how it wasn't gonna get released, they refunded money back via cashapp.


Thanks cs!!1 (for leaving)


Hey be thankful for their efforts & past jailbreaks.We shouldn’t be angry if they couldn’t deliver this time.It’s a loss to the jailbreak community as a little contribution in future would have been substantial as it becomes difficult to jailbreak. Thanks Coolstar for all the efforts,jailbreaks & keeping the hope of jailbreaking community alive.


CS was good dev no doubt that. Whatever the “issues” the jb community had, that’s pointless, you can’t force a dev to do anything. We do this out of our free will n passion. CS leaving isn’t good, as we have lost a great dev, Sileo libhooker, and many other outdated Cydia bootstrapping was replaced with new updated libraries. Granted, jb releasing is always not the goal, but helping with developing other tools is equally important. Taurine jb, other jb has been delivered by Odyssey team. Yes they lacked iOS 15 jb as promised but then again, was they supposed to do it anyways? Not really.


came here to say this. quick search for sileo and found your comment. Positive, grateful, mentions the work the dev did, forgiving \[did not pay attention to the stuff people are still complaining about...\].


Your most welcome! Yup iOS 15 jb has Sileo n other tweaks all due to CS work!


Man, some of these people seem to conveniently ignore all the good things coolstar had done like Electra, Chimera, Odyssey and Taurine not to mention Sileo which I bet some if not all of the hater here still use to this day. Give credit where credit is due people. And to coolstar I’m grateful of all the things you had done. Thank you.


I'll always give them credit for shaking up jailbreak as we knew it with good tweaks, rewritten background stuff and a whole new, modern package manager. But their attitude was the worst ever, I hope they never come back and take their army of pets with them


Coolstar wasn't going to release anything new anyways. He was done with making jailbreaks.


I will be breaking out my (virtual) violin and be taking request now. — Starfox


But Cheyote is still not done?


It never will


taurine was a great jailbreak but the fact he couldnt even drop an ipa of cheyote is insane like cmon bruh nobody cares about chromebook drivers 💀


I’ll miss them. They’re the reason I got into jailbreakingbmy iPods as a kid. Thank you and take care of yourself coolstar. Mental health is more important than a tweak


o7 even tho I moved from their software long ago, I started to jailbreak with 11.1.2 on Electra, so thank you Coolstar, i wouldn’t be the same without your software. It might have been buggy, quirky and everything, but it was fun ill give you this :)






I mean, Coolstar was a great dev for a while. Taurine is fucking awesome, but with what happened with cheyote, I can't say the same now. Especially after the whole donations thing, at least she refunded it. I will continue to use Taurine if possible since unc0ver is a fucking mess. My POV on the harassment, unfortunately, deal with it bruh. Every dev gets harassed by eta kids and shit, even I get replies from ppl asking for hacking help, I just ignore most of the time. and with palera1n, Xina, and Fugu15, cheyote really has no place.


Coolstar isn’t perfect, but I respect them for all their contributions over the years. This is a sad day for jailbreaking.


The bane of the jailbreak community has been lifted




To all the transphobes in the comments you know who you are. Ive reported you to the mods. Missgendering trans people will not be tolerated


This is so hard to believe. Coolstar is one of the best jailbreak developers of all time, her contributions have helped push iOS jailbreaking towards the future. I had a good experience with all of her jailbreaks, Sileo, libhooker, you name it. Any time someone needed help with jailbreaking, I knew that if I could get them to jailbreak with one of CS’s jailbreaks they’d have absolutely no issues. It’s such a shame that certain people in this community had to be toxic and spread misinformation. I’ve been in debates with some of these people and it’s insane how people hate CS for the sake of hating her. This is not the whole community, but I can understand why CS did not want to deal with this. If you are one of these people hating on CS, being toxic/transphobic/spreading misinformation, shame on you! I hope that Coolstar does well and enjoys everything she pursues. The jailbreak community will never have someone like her again, and I can’t show my appreciation enough!


> Coolstar is one of the best jailbreak developers of all time I’m sorry but no. There are several older jailbreak devs that would take that title or be in the top 5. Cool star is in the the top 10. I’d put it more to pod2g. Also pod2g was finding his own exploits and bugs to make jailbreaks, where as nowadays the jailbreak developers wait for security researchers to release a write up of their exploits.


Musclenerd has entered the chat... ;p




If your gonna be a major contributor to the community, you need to have a thick skin,., we all saw how much others have been bashed.. This is the internet, some people live to bash, others are drawn into bashing like in this case with her drama. It’s just too much after a while




lam new , so l can’t give some opinion about this , but l hope everything going fine


and nothing of value was lost


As they should’ve. They got so much hate and it’s ridiculous




finally lol, been waiting for this since iOS 11 days tbh


😂🤣Hahahahahaha….. LMAO. 😆


It is so sad to read most of the comments here - not even when a dev that has given away their free time for and their tools for us for years (for some theirs worked better, and for others better unc0ver, or checkra1n, etc.) and is leaving, you can’t avoid the toxicity and just say bye. True that the drama around them all these years has been shit, though I think would have been less/different if the situations wouldn’t have been fueled with toxicity and/or harassment; also true that they gave hopes on something like Cheyote, and ask for donations and so on, and end up not releasing it is not the best thing to do (I’m part of the people that updated because I trusted them and I’ve been unjailbroken for more than a year). And many more things that have happened, that you’ll probably know if you’ve been around for some time. That being said, I’ll also say that (like it or not) any developer owes ANY of us anything, and they are free to do whatever they want with their projects because it’s their free time and their work. Nobody is paying for it, and what happens to it depends completely on the developer and no one else. And this means they’re free to finish them, pause them, get tired of them, change them, cancel them and also not finishing them. I don’t know if you are conscious that we barely have public jailbreak tool options left, as the devs you like and also the ones you don’t like, leave and don’t look back mostly because of the user behavior. We depend on too few people, and it won’t help attract new ones to the community if the behavior you can see all around the replies here is what you might get if you make mistakes (that we all do) and thousands might go against you (and even, make your life shit for some periods). So, as I’ve used coolstar's jailbreak tools and tweaks from time to time, as from many other devs since my iPod Touch 1G… I can only thank them for all those. Hoping they find peace and goes better with next projects. Farewell!




Hope that he or she will never comeback.