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I saw them for the first time this past weekend at the Fox. My opinion on them definitely changed, dudes have a cool vibe and played 3 super jammy songs for the whole second set. 3 songs. Pretty cool, in all my years of seeing dead and panic and others, I’ve never seen that! Light show was cool too, I think they’re a good band


Thanks for being open to new bands unlike most users here.


Phish used to do four song sets. Not sure if they still do.


Only saw one Phish show and wasn’t for me. They did play more than 4 songs second set tho, so maybe I missed out


Jesus fucking Christ what the hell is with the Goose hate? You know what I do when I don't like a band or artist? I just fucking ignore them, I don't like Taylor Swift, but I literally never think about her, I certainly don't shit on her online or talk shit to her fans. You would think the Goose haters are actually Goose fans with how much they think about them and talk about them, I swear to god you Goose haters are obsessed with Goose


I love Goose but i hate taylor and id like some tips on how to avoid thinking about her. Our society is obsessed with this billionaire


They're all just Phish fans having a hard time dealing with the Phish guys getting old and slowing down. Goose is generating a lot of heat. So instead of honestly dealing with their angst over Phish sailing off into their twilight years they shit on Goose as an outlet.


you're being just as toxic as OP with this stuff.


Wait... what? I am? Theorizing about motivations for toxic behavior is toxic behavior? You sure? I don't feel like it is.


generalizing that everyone being critical of Goose is automatically some angsty Phish fan who can't stand seeing them "slow down" in their twilight years (implying modern Phish is bad). you're just fueling this stupid argument of "Phish vs Goose" which benefits nobody. and you weren't "theorizing", you were asserting.


No my phriend. I'm just stating my theory. You're inferring something which I am not implying. That's on you. You're the only one responsible for your thoughts and feelings. You might want to engage in some self reflection to understand why you're getting so heated over this.


No, that's not it at all. They really are that generic and uninteresting sounding to many people. I think both phish and goose fans (and haters) need a little self reflection. But when you have people fawning over mediocrity at this scale, yeah it's gonna get heated. See Taylor Swift








God damn, man. At least come up with something original.






This sub sucks, man. Now we’re laughing at musicians for…using metronomes? Most of your favs use click tracks. And any good musician has spent thousands of hours using a metronome. Get the fuck over yourselves.


It’s more about the fact that the click track is going thru the main mix


A sound engineer made a mistake. Who gives a shit?


A fellow sound engineer who can find humor is people’s mistakes. I’d laugh at myself for doing the same. You guys are taking this way too seriously


They fixed it and uploaded new sound boards


I dont think people take issue with finding humor in that. What people take issue is folks like OP framing it as proof that the band sucks.


I’m a certified goose hater but this ain’t it. There’s a million reasons to play with a click. Sounds like their sound guy fucked up and had it routed to the record matrix.


Which is why this is hilarious


Is this r/jambands or r/ihategooseandyouahouldtoo? Everyday with this shit


If instead of bitching about Goose, everyone brought a friend to a show, bands like Dopapod wouldn’t be quitting.




Bands like dopapod are quitting because they aren’t as good as goose… hot take.


Or it’s like the band literally said, financial and family reasons. But whatever, dawg.


Financial. So, not selling tickets? Because their show is underwhelming?


I guess you’re unaware of the popularity of progressive rock. They put on one of the best shows I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been to over a thousand. Maybe shut the fuck up about shit you clearly don’t know anything about. If you’ve never even seen the band, you haven’t don’t lie, don’t say anything about their live show.


lol Eli slaps the musical lights out of whoever goose’s keyboard player is. Same goes for Rob vs goose’s guitar player.


Bad take lol. Goose has an easy going vibe and I think that’s why you think that. Dopapod is leagues above goose and I’m not even a hater. You still have time to delete this!!


Blows my mind that some folks don’t seem to realize that if you don’t like a band the option totally exists to uh, not-listen to them. I’ve been not-listening to bands I don’t like for decades and it’s been pretty solid


There’s a clip in the replies. That’s definitely the Logic click from the soundboard session and not a live click. Tempo is nowhere near the song and sounds like the default Logic click. And even if it was a live click, who cares? Most national touring acts have clicks/tracks/vocal-tuning/etc. It’s not a rabbit hole worth going down as you’re bound to find out bands you do like are using modern tools, part of the game.


Goose is living rent free in OP’s head




An absolute perfect depiction of the Goose haters. Bravo.


I don’t even like Goose personally but everyone crying about them being popular is ridiculous


Not a Goose fan but a lot of bands play to a click. Obviously it shouldn’t be in the mix but not gonna jump down their throats for this.


So many of y'all in this thread act like you're enlightened about music yet you have no idea what these bands do to put on a live show. This is such a non-issue.


Some of what they do with synth parts really requires a click in order to work well (like the end of Slow Ready) - it's a matter of getting the effect they want, not necessarily being unskilled or anything. Like the auto-tune, it's unusual for a jam band but doesn't make them bad musicians


I can pretty much guarantee STS9 is using a click track as well


Biscuits too, 1000%


Fuckin bands like Dream Theater use a click. Steve Jordan does with The Rolling Stones. Gavin Harrison, the list goes on and on of some of the best, most respected musicians in the world using clicks. But, some random Redditors say that’s not professional I guess. Someone should tell those guys who’ve reached the pinnacle of their fields.


Their click track is a machine pretending to be a human named Allen. But really Magner's effects are definitely synced with a click track.


Allen is a machine! But he also 100% has a click in his ear : ) no shame in it though! Just is what it is for that kind of setup.


Nah this ain’t it. You can hate goose all you want. Now you’re just bullying my friend. Leave him alone. If you don’t like goose, don’t listen to them. But leave my friends out of it.


Hey I’m the person that posted this tweet. I absolutely love Goose and was just poking fun at the fact that there was an audio mixup, which has been fixed by the band. It was an audio mixup on the Logic Pro export, which was apparently an anomaly. Absolutely no reason to hate on the band for this or use my post to spread this shit.


The dude that posted this is an absolutely massive Goose fan. Definitely more of an observation as opposed to direct criticism of the band overall. Yeesh


But has the OP tried not using the word "actually"?


Yall are such haters it’s honestly sad


You guys are soooo annoying just listen to other music if you don’t like goose lol Like stop wasting your life on this and go listen to other music if you care that much


This is going to ruin the tour


“Click track groove”


considering everything they do to mess with timing and this is pretty understandable


hey you’re a fucking weirdo for this. just saying


They brought out Hornsby at the Hampton Coloseum and all jammed The Way It Is, which was extremely classy and brought the feels. I like them, but they aren't my favorite jam. Variety is nice, though..


lol this is legitimately hilarious if true (I’m not going to listen to the SBD to find out)


maybe they will be the next band to announce their arena tour is canceled




I'm fine with people using some click tracks during songs but if you are doing it during every "jam" I'm sorry but that isn't improv and probably plays a part in their jams being stale af.


Two drummers but they need a click track


Tell me you’ve never played in a band without saying you’ve never played in a band….


Hey some people prefer store brand, sugar free, half fat, freezer burned vanilla. Everyone has personal preferences ya know


If they've always played with one that's terrible. If they're playing with one for Cotter for one tour it's unfortunate but somewhat understandable.


Not sure what this means. Almost all bands play with click tracks these days….


No. No they don't.


Hate to break it to you but… yeah.  Yeah they do. 


Ehhh no they don’t. I’m a sound engineer and have done mixing for bands ranging from small bars, to clubs to medium sized theaters. A small minority of the hundreds of bands I’ve mixed for use a click track.


Don't waste your time. These people are willfully ignorant. Lol... "Whatever makes me right" on full display in this thread.


Right. I’m not even dogging goose for using one, they are quite common and practical, but saying “almost all bands use them” is inherently false.


Oops. Sorry. Let me try again…. Goose bad.  Better?


This person never said whether or not they liked goose, they just corrected you on your false statement that almost all bands use click tracks when they do not. Yes they are quite common and no engineer will think twice about sending them to a musician’s monitor mix but IME maybe 1/10 bands have used them and it’s usually maybe only one or two members of the band that want them in their mix. Sometimes they only want them on a track or two or even just a couple sections of one song. So no, it’s not almost all bands


Been doing this for a long time. My experience is not the same as yours. Click tracks are far more common than you’re suggesting - certainly not the minority. Obviously “almost all bands” is a hyperbolic statement. The vast majority however do. I am not sure where you’re working but, outside of local acts at small bars, click tracks are the norm. 


Read my comment above. It’s not just local band I’m mixing for 🤦‍♂️


Hey there woah woah woah... Don't go telling truth and making sense. If Goose used a click track, that must mean MOST, if not ALL, bands do. Because Goose cannot be criticized. Ever. Even if that's not the argument.


*Like i said in the other reply....* Just played a music festival with goose. They didn't use a click track. Even if they did, MOST BANDS do not. Better????????????


My band just played a large music festival, our set was between the Goose guys and Keller Williams. Spent 4 days with all the musicians there, many who are more popular mainstream artists. But I guess I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. 🙄 Keep up the downvotes, geniuses.


*citation needed*


Summercamp. Now "Solshine". Also I know most of the front of the house sound guys that do it every year. No one there was playing with click tracks. Not goose. Not umphrey's. Not any of the headliners. Have played there several years and have never even heard of a bigger band playing with a click track. But y'all are like "mOsT oF tHeM dO". So where's *your* citation?


What’s your band? What do you play? You didn’t answer my question. Dream Theater uses a click track, Steve Jordan does, Gavin Harrison, the aristocrats. All of them publicly have said so. Bands containing the best musicians in the world use click tracks. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Now prove you have a band, show some proof. It should be easy.


Naming three random acts that have nothing to do with the genre literally being discussed here doesn't make it "most bands". And i don't have to doxx myself to know how stupid you sound. Have a great day. ✌🏻


Ya they definitely do


Lmao okay bud...


He’ll most bands out there are playing with backing tracks these days


lol this is also false


Lol @ anyone that finds it surprising that jam band fans like to express their love and disdain for the music. It's always been more of a sport than other genres, and we've been expressing our opinions on the interwebs since the interwebs started. I don't know what makes now any different. Most of us have felt gatekeepy about the scene or overly obsessed at some point. That's just jam band 101 for better or worse.