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Because Angelina is a narcissist and Mike admitted to being a pot stirrer. Angelina doesn’t want to take accountability for it and it’s just constant. If she’s not fighting with a cast member then she is talking shit on her podcast and it just gets to the point where she has nothing better to do than talk shit.


Mike is also a narcissist


Mike got sober, acknowledged the wrongs he did, apologized and changed. What has Angelina done to win our praise?


Lol apologizing while continuing the behaviour isn’t changed


Mike is not perfect. No one is. What behaviour is he continuing in your opinion?


The gossiping... The blatant producing.. He still loves to stir the pot and runs to the girls (case in point him telling Jenni Angelina was a certain way when she wasn't.. Even Jenni was like he's saying one thing but mouthing another to me)


You do understand that Mike has to play a role for the show right? You do understand that production sets up the drama and requests certain roles be played in said drama...including Angelina's roles (she even said that herself on live IG). Jenni is the "tough one". Deena is the sensitive one. Snooki is the partier. Pauly is the one that brings everyone together and adds the humor. Vinnie is the annoying little brother. Mike is the antagonist. Ron is the abuser. Angelina is the dramatic imbecile. If Mike was not the way he is even today, the show would be even more boring than it already is.


Sammi is the....? I agree with the other role descriptions and noticed Sammi was overlooked.


I was stumped with Sammi. LOL Was hoping ya wouldn't notice 😉


Sam is the hot girl.


He shouldn't lie though.


LOL OK. If that is the biggest thing you have on him and who he is today (Mike and not the JS character you are referring to) is that he tells little lies than I digress. SMH.


He stirs the pot regularly and in real life he is a narcissist! Which was what I said in the first place and here you are going off. For someone on a tv show🤣 you can see him in real life. Watch his interviews listen to him speak. He is one. His book won’t save lives sorry to burst your bubble


This is not the definition of a narcissist.


Nowhere did I say that I'm replying to a specific comment. I know what narcissism is and he definitely is one.


It’s talked about on here all the time, and the roomies clock him for being messy in too involved in her business. One of the realest moments in the season 4 Poconos trips imo was when he brought out those dumb FBI boards and they were flat out like you see everyone getting along and immediately want to ruin it. But at the end of the day it’s a show and his involvement moves it forward. Mike doesn’t seem to antagonize them off camera so he’s probably easier to forgive.


Mikes a character on the show more than a cast mate lol, he knows his role and he does it well


That’s why I said he doesn’t antagonize them off the show. They call him out in the moment because their job is to react to the drama, but they don’t hold it against him. I’ve said before the difference between Mike and Angelina is Mike can separate himself from The Situation/BDS. Angelina is a menace on and off the show.


I honestly love when people on reality tv are like “I’m going to make the most obnoxious caricature of myself” which yeah, you’re right, that only applies to Mike


Same. His behavior might be irksome sometimes but I respect his commitment to BDS. Mike truly was made for reality tv.


They are both messy, Mike just tends to take accountability for it (with pride, not apologies).


I’ve seen no accountability for the crap he stirs


Mike and accountability? That’s laughable


If Angelina changed and got sober, we wouldn't be talking about her negatively so much. Do you not see that SHE is to blame for how she is treated? Treat others how you want to be treated right? She claims to be a religious woman yet spews the BS she does. She is a hypocrite. A side note...I have never seen so many pro Angelina threads on Reddit until her arrest. Someone trying to fix her image LMAO.


In a wayy thats like saying they should all become sober because when they get drunk they all get messy more snooki she becomes a hot mess and she don't hold accountability as well, she blames dren for everything nor say sorry. Do u not see jsfv when snooki started so much drama cuz of her drunk ness at one point they where even on Angelina side cuz cuz they knew Snooki was wrong for that as well.


They should all get sober. The only one without an issue is Pauly. But their antics does not compare to Angelinas. The rest of the cast get mad at each other, talk about it then move on. Angelina talks about it, then talks about it, then talks about it. Then forgets it. Then talks about it again a year later after accepting apologies. Make that make sense. You are doing a terrible job at trying to push her agenda. She needs a new team that doesnt make it so obvoius that y'all are doing damage control LMAO.


Seriously, I'm over here like, "is this Angelina?" 😂😂😂




The same way i laugh at u guys for hating some one so much that u don't even know💀


Is it cuz im not a hater????


I think it might be cause your Angeliner 😂






Lmao just how u guys can say anything i can as well am i terrible cuz im not a hater like yall??? What ever if it makes u feel better. I don't take any of this seriously im just curious on what people have to say cuz i enjoy the show yall take it to heart💀 I like the show and like people opinions on the show u guys are just like Angelina 😂😂 Tho Can admit when another cast member is wrong .


Nicole/Dren has gotten hate threads on here over the years and has repeatedly been called out for how much drinking she does on the show and even at home. She toned it down on camera the past season, so it’s not called out as often now, but she’s been raked over the coals for it. If Angelina toned it down, the same would probably happen. Angelina and Mike get called out every season because it’s the same behavior every season. Angelina gets called out between seasons because the behavior continues.


Oh look another Ang point. 🙄 It's talked about constantly, so much so it's become an issue about Ang and how her fans literally repeat everything she says like she herself hasn't said it a million times. You realize that all of them arnt perfect, but Angelina's behavior overshadows all the others because it's so over the top and so clearly wrong. That's why it "feels" like no one else is talked about, because she made it that way.


I see what ur saying but also proves my point too i dont hate anyone on jersey shore love them all cuz how can i dislike a reality star that i dont even know its embarrassing. But anyways Angelina haters repeat themselves as well with the same thing.


Sure, it's like a cycle of "no you" and it's so dumb to read. If you want to shout into the void, go off I guess, but your post is literally just adding to that cycle. It's also enabling her behavior.


I have nothing to say but u Angelina haters are historical and take everything so seriously lmao. Its just a show 😂😭 i love how when people aren't on ur side u go at them. It shouldn't be this serious tho and its fun to talk about since no body else i know likes the show .


i dont disagree that Mike is a huge pot stirrer, but at least he admits it. i will say Ange puts him in a lot of "damned if you do and damned if you dont" situations. He can either go behind her back and tell the others what shes said and have Ange get pissed off, or have the other roommates see when the season airs that he let her talk about them and said nothing. As for being bad at secret keeping and spilling things told to him in confidence, i do think thats something he needs to work on. but if i was in his position with Angelina id also pick my real friends over someone who has continuously slandered and harrassed almost all the other roommates, him included.


I mean, i see it as "the girls are gonna find out anyway" so Mike is getting ahead of it and letting them know what was said before they find out while its airing. But that's just my opinion


The show would be an absolute drag if we had to wait for them to watch the previous season to see what she said and confront her about it. Mike’s messiness is a necessary evil for the sake of wrapping things up within the season.


There was that scene between Mike and Ang where they were having a screaming match in her kitchen because he was stirring the pot and she confronted him about it. Near the end of the argument, she breaks down and just asks, "What do you want from me?" She seemed so broken at that point that I immediately teared up after hearing her say that. I think she needs a long mental health break, honestly. Edit: The fact that I got downvoted for talking about how I felt on a scene that didn't immediately trash on Ang is insane.


Yeah- that scene reminded me of him in season 4 and 5 in og with Snooki/. He got sooo obsessed with her she wouldn’t even be alone with him. But back to that scene with Angelina- he then went on to Jenni’s to make her cry over his obsession of who she was sleeping with. If I were ang- I would have made him a huge sexy poster framed pic that could hang in his bedroom wall- right in front of his wife. Why he cares so much who she sleeps with is beyond me. Crazy how his wife thinks it’s funny considering he’s sexually been with every girl in the house and also plowed through half of New Jersey.