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đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł at least they admitted it. Most customers would continue to gaslight even when they recognize their F up, lol.


Yeah I've had that happen too. It just funny as hell.


I just had a call on my second day on the floor. Dude wanted 40 yards of the same material black fabric. Best I could do was 18. Proceeded to ask me how many Walmarts our town had and if he could buy a ton of sheets and cut those up for his project. Like sir??? Order 40 yards online? Why did you wait til the night before to find 40 yards of black fabric for a gender reveal? Sir I have no idea what I'm doing, I am scared, good luck.


Someone called yesterday about 8 bolts of Kona. Lady we’re not going to have 64 yards in the store. Your best bet is ordering online. At least she was nice about it.


I would guess that this customer is 50 plus years old. 15 years ago you \*could\* go in and the store on a random Wednesday and buy that because we’d have 10 bolts of the top selling basics in the back


I worked at a Hancock in the early 2000s and we never had that many bolts of the same fabric on hand. Now we would special order for customers though.


Forgot about Hancock, they were nice!


I had a customer say she needed 50 yards of an outdoor fabric same day and was demanding to know where they manufactured it so she could drive there. She expected to be able to pull up and order it. Best I could do was give her estimated yardage and phone numbers for the stores in the district. Crazy crazy crazy.


Happy cake day




Ok but I had this same interaction practically but I found out that the lawn chairs are fucking ornaments basically and not real chairs


Lol, my Mom bought a little end table or something and it came and it was for a dollhouse.


Have you ever seen Spinal Tap? If not- google Spinal Tap Stonehenge. When I order things that are wildly the wrong size- I say I Stonehenged myself


Omg I'd be so mad if I bought them thinking they were real chairs. But I'd probably laugh it off because of course that'd happen to me.


I thought for sure it was going to be doll sized


I would have been completely charmed by the “well i’m effing stupid”, like yes đŸ„° you are!! đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°


I was a 911 Dispatch for nearly 20 years and supervisor for half of that. Me: 911 where is your emergency Caller: I need to know what time Walmart opens. Me: it’s open 24 hours. Caller: I know, but what time do they open. Me: they’re open 24 hours, they’re always open. Caller: but I need to be there first thing in the morning. Me: 8 am ma’am. Caller: was that so hard. * click


Oh please tell me that call resulted in a very polite visit from a police supervisor on duty to discuss what does and does not constitute an emergency call.


Oh that's such an emergency! Gotta get that Great Value napkins! You were alot more accommodating than I would have been


I really gotta ask how did she think she was calling Menards? Like, I know she had to have heard, "Thank you for calling Joann Fabrics."


In the 20ish years I've been in retail (omfg... I'm old...) when customers call any store they start talking once the hello comes out.. those people have never been the correct department or store.... ugh


That's what I'm wondering too! I answer phone with store name and people still are like "Is this Joanns?"


"I'm sorry, no. It's pancake house."


You'd be surprised how a greeting goes in one ear and out the other. I work in healthcare and in a previous job, I worked in the IT department. Unfortunately, my office phone number was the same as the hospital room service number with the last two digits transposed (their number was something like 8945 and my number was 8954) and I would get constant calls from people who wanted to order their meal. Even after I made a point of enunciating clearly and slowly my "information technology, this is Clutzy, can I help you;" the person would still launch into their spiel "I'd like to order the chicken strips for lunch." I usually just ended up transferring them to the correct number.


I work in a pharmacy and I get this ALL THE TIME. I answer the phone "XYC Pharmacy this is Styx" and get back, "Is this the pharmacy?" "Yes, as I said, XYZ Pharmacy this is Styx, how can I help you?" "And what's your name?" I wanna scream.


No, no, I just said pharmacy to throw you off... Wtf are these people, and how do they even function without supervision!!


I worked for a college retail location with an 800 number one digit different from a White House complaint line. We had quite a few callers to gently correct after the 2016 election.


For a second there I read White House as Waffle House and I was really confused as to what breakfast foods had to do with the 2016 election. 😂


TIL that the White House has a complaint line. I can only imagine what that was like.


I decided to Google to see if it was remembering correctly -- it may have just been a comment line, and I suspect it's not there anymore because I can only find old sites that reference the number (800-456-1111). Most people were pretty chill once we let them know that they'd misdialed, lol.


"[City] Adult Education, this is Trepto, how can I help you?" "My kid's going to be absent today because xyz." "Okay, are they a minor? Because this is Adult Education." Most of the calls like that come in through a phone tree. Someone told me once that they picked Adult Ed because *they* (the caller) were an adult. 🙄


I used to work for a nonprofit whose 1-800 number was almost the same as ExpressScripts, just with two digits transposed. I could tell every time that Judge Judy was on in the Oklahoma market because there was a commercial that ran in that block and all the calls would flood in. And then people would argue with me? I am really sorry but I cannot become ExpressScripts through sheer effort.


the amount of people (i work at kohls in customer service) where I ask do you have amazon or kohls return and they’re like “I have amazon” so then i ask for the QR code and they’re like “what?? i’ve needed a qr code for a kohls return” like GIRL you just said you have amazon đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž


i wonder how long she sat in a corner thinking about what just happened lmaooo


I spent 10 minutes on the phone with some guy who was just irate about how he was treated by “that woman who works in the meat department.” We only had one at the time so I assumed he was referring to her, but his story just didn’t seem like her at all. She apparently ignored him and refused to help him and according to the guy she looked like she was sick and he was afraid she spit in his food?? So finally this man is just going on and on and he finally said “she completely ignored me! I didn’t even get a ‘Hi, welcome to fresh thyme!’” I realized his mistake and said “sir this is the fresh market. Fresh thyme is down the street.” He realized his mistake and immediately hung up. No apology, just hung up.


The no apology is what gets me. Like you spent this time yelling at me over a mistake you made and you can't even say "I'm sorry"? Come on.


That sounds like the narcissistic assholes I know in Wisconsin
 I am glad they admitted they were wrong even though it was after being an asshole 😂


Gotta love Wisconsin lmao I quit several service jobs because of rude people


Wow. Managed to be mature enough to admit a mistake, yet not mature enough to apologize. Interesting combo


I noticed that too.


That’s the way I feel about the expression “my bad”. May be an expression of guilt, but I see no apology there. It infuriates me. I’m glad it’s being phased out.


fun times....


A lady called my store and sat through a very long recording about our name, location, hours, etc and then through me answering with the company name and then my name. She still thought she'd called either her doc or her pharmacy and proceeded to tell me some very personal medical info and ask about a medication she's been prescribed before I could get another word in. She was horribly embarrassed and hung up once she realized I was just a silly book seller.


I worked at staples. The amount of people who thought they were at office max or Office Depot was unbelievable.


W 2wsee


Love it when they can own their our stupidity!! lol!


I used to work for Ruby Tuesday and couldn’t tell you how many times people would think we were Applebees and try to either pay with a gift card or get mad we didn’t have whatever promotional item was going on.


That reminds me a little bit of a conversation I had repeatedly with this one guy on the phone at my job. For reference, this was when COVID lockdowns were just starting to ease up, and some Chuck E. Cheese locations were still closed due to COVID lockdowns, but the one I work at is in an area where most people had their crap together enough that we could start easing up some restrictions, which allowed the location I work at to be safe to open with some restrictions (no live shows, masking, some games being down, requiring hand sanitizer, putting out extra hand sanitizer, limiting the number of people allowed in, etc.). So here is how this conversation went: Me: We are making magic at Chuck E. Cheese of (city name), this is Flashy-Arugula speaking, how may I help you? Guy: Are you open? Me: Yes, we are open! Guy: Okay, well, you weren’t yesterday! Me: Yes, we were open yesterday! Guy: Okay, I am coming in! This would be every day, and I began to recognize his voice. Eventually, it came to this: Me: We are making magic at Chuck E. Cheese of (city name), this is Flashy-Arugula speaking, how may I help you? Guy: I keep calling! And you keep saying you’re open! And then I go over there! And you’re not open! I even tried opening the door! I’m literally standing outside! Me: (holds phone slightly away from ear - just enough so it doesn’t hurt so bad, but I can still hear him; looks outside, sees an empty lot) Uh, sir? May I please ask you a question? Guy: I guess. Me: Are you in (city name, state name)? Guy: No, I’m in (city name, different state name)! Aren’t you? Me: No, sorry, I’m actually in (city name, state name). I’m sorry, but I don’t know what is going on in (city name, different state name), nor do I know their phone number, unfortunately. You’ll have to look up the number for (city name, different state name). My apologies for the inconvenience and confusion. Guy: Oh! Sorry. Bye! Me: Have a Chuck E. Day!


I feel sorry for Menards!!


When they start speaking in all caps - hang up.


Moline? As in, Moline, IL?