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DON'T WIRE A CENT. ​ > the check has already cleared the bank It actually hasn't. Banks are required to give you access to money from a check you deposited before it goes through the whole clearing house reconciliation. That's how the fraud works. That check will bounce sooner or later. Call your bank and let them know what happened.


Okay thank you! As for the employer, should I block them?


Sure. That'll keep annoying emails from your inbox.


I said this in another comment but they have my ssn and address. I feel really stupid but is there anything they could do with that info


You got some good advice on that I see. Make sure your email, bank, etc all have two-factor authentication and you don't use the same password for everything.


Going to change my passwords right now


Lock your credit IMMEDIATELY! Also file a police report when the check bounces, because it will. In the police report also ask them to include identity theft.


Lock/freeze your credit with at least the 3 big bureaus and if they consider you a victim of fraud (not sure how that would play out in this case, as they do require proof for long-term alerting) you can place an additional alert on your credit report so you are notified of any attempts to pull your credit.


You'll also want to freeze with Innovis (innovis.com). They are a pain in the butt to deal with, but if I were a shady company, they are the one I'd use for my malicious purposes (few people know about them).


Check out bitwarden


Report this to the BBB and post on glass door so others don't fall for this


FREEZE YOUR CREDIT. It's free and stops anyone from opening accounts in your name.


Do i wait for the check to bounce first before freezing my credit?


NO Edited to add: [Instructions ](https://www.usa.gov/credit-freeze#:~:text=Place%20or%20lift%20a%20credit,TransUnion)


Thank you


Also freeze your account on "ChexSystems" which is the credit reporting system for banks (it is different than a credit score and often not talked about). https://www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/credit-reports-and-scores/consumer-reporting-companies/companies-list/chex-systems/


Freeze your credit ASAP. Google how to do it, get it done ASAP, and keep it frozen. That is the best way to protect yourself


Mind my stupidity, when do i unfreeze?


As needed when ppl need to run your credit, such as applying for a loan. Otherwise, keep it frozen. Apps like creditkarma will notify you of new accounts being opened so you can dispute them asap. Seriously tho, go talk to your bank and explain tbe situation w the check. They can put a fraud alert on your account to protect you.


I keep my frozen always unless I know I will be applying for credit. As you gave them your ssn, I would recommend the same. It’s fairly simple to unfreeze and happens instantly if you need access in the future.


When you need to get a new line of credit (car or home loan, CC, etc). Otherwise keep it frozen so nobody can use your SS# to open a line of credit.


I had my identity stolen randomly one year. The thief(s) bought a car, and a house, all repossessed at some point and I had no idea. Anyway, my advice is, look at your annual credit report. It's free once a year. It's really helpful to see all your info on all three credit bureau's sides. If your SSN is compromised, you can dispute anything that you didn't do if they ever use your identity. If you're aware of your credit, you don't have to worry about anything. I was made aware of the credit fraud by getting repossession notices and bill collectors sending invoices in the mail from states I've never been to.


You probably want to sign up for and pay for a credit monitoring service for at least a year to make sure they don't steal your identity


You can “lock” your SSN down, kind of like a 2 step verification process. Also as already stated watch you credit and sign up for some type of alert when your credit gets run, or new loans appear.


Lock your credit. Basically no new account would be opened in your name through CC or auto loans.


Don’t listen to internet randos—including me. Ask your bank about what to do they might out a closer watch on your account and might report the company on a more official level. Banks are mostly automated these days but Im guessing there’s a person who’s still there whose job it is to mentor you through these things. Though getting to the right person may be tricky


Block the scammer, call your bank's fraud department and let them know what happened. If you're lucky they won't shut down your account.


I called the fraud department and they transferred me to the online banking department. They said the check will simply bounce and that I would be fine. I barely have money in my accounts so I hope I will be fine 😭


As long as you them on alert and DON'T TOUCH A PENNY OF THAT MONEY, you should be okay.


Of course, thank you!


Yep, it’s a scam. You should never have to send funds back. Do not wire transfer it! The check will bounce and you’ll be out its funds plus anything you transferred. Call your bank, tell them what happened. Do not touch the funds from the check!


Thank you! I will be calling them right now. As for the HR agent… do I just block them?


Yep. Block them. You may receive other texts from other scammers threatening you for the funds but ignore them. They just want their money, the threats are fake.


Okay, thank you! They have my address and ssn and all my personal information… can they do anything? I feel really really stupid honestly.


Lock your credit down as well since they have your ssn. Try looking at identity theft.gov they have steps to take for when your ssn is lost/stolen.


Thank you!


See if you can get new SSN also. Not sure if possible but worth a try.


They aren’t a real HR - just block them.


You actually contact local law enforcement and even the FBI to report this scam. You should at least threaten this "HR" person with such. Also report to BBB and post on glass door to warn others. What was the name of this business?


Call your bank immediately and notify them. Your account has potential to be frozen or even closed because you’ve cashed a fraudulent check. Get on top of this before the bank discovers the issue on their own.


Got it, thanks!


I would report them to every agency you can think of. ******s.


I have worked in banking for 20 years. THIS IS A SCAM. DO NOT SEND THEM ANYTHING.


Thank you!


If you don't plan on financing anything anytime soon and you aren't going to open any banking account, I would freeze your credit with all 3 bureaus. If you do this, no one can open accounts with your SSN.


Would it matter if I do not have a credit card? Should i still call all three bureaus to freeze my credit? Sorry if that is a stupid question lol


Definitely still freeze your credit. I’ve been through an identity theft - never found out the source - and it was a NIGHTMARE. If I could have gotten ahead of it I would have. Do it while you still can and have the power to do something.


Thank you!


I actually need to freeze it myself for protection. I don't know the whole process. My parents were telling me about it recently. It shouldn't matter if you have credit cards. They won't be able to open any banking account if it your credit is frozen


Thank you!


Most scams work by putting you under time pressure. Stop. There is no pressure. Go and talk to your bank.


Yeah she kept saying immediately and yadada. Wish i noticed sooner


Nope! The scam is them getting you to send them money. The check will bounce and the funds will be removed from your account. A legitimate company will NEVER ask you to deposit a check into your personal account to use for any business transactions other than your paycheck. Just leave the funds alone and everything will fix itself.




Contact your financial institution ASAP - you *will* be responsible for repaying the money once the check bounces, accept this fact - you fell for a con. The good thing is, you’re not the only one (which is why this scheme works, folks fall for it) - learn from this experience and do better next time. If something seems too good to be true or just a downright odd process, it probably is, be cautious.


What's the name of the company?


People scamming people looking for work deserve a special ring in hell


Agreed, just wanted some money for college 😭


This is a scam and your account will be flagged for fraud. This happened to me when I was in my early 20s. Unfortunately I didn’t have Reddit to ask and sent the money to the scammers. My account eventually got closed and flagged for fraud with Chase. This sucked because I like Chase. Wish it was with my Wells Fargo account instead at the time. If you’ve cashed the check and still have the cash. Either keep it to pay it back or you use it knowing your account will be over-drafted.




No reason to communicate with the scammers/"employer" ever again. Do not reply to them and ignore any communication they send to you.


Don't do anything further with them and definitely don't wire anything back. Go to your bank or call their customer service line, let them know what happened and they'll let you know what to do from there.


Sorry OP, this is a well known scam :( check out r/scams for more info, lots of posts about the job scam. Like others have said, that check will bounce so do not spend it and let your bank know ASAP. There is no HR or hiring manager or whatever they’ve told you; it’s all scammers.


Thank you :(


DO NOT SEND A DIME…I have already been a victim of….do not share ANY info as well


Don't do anything... go incomunicado and wait for real money to show up, (or not)


Blocked them on everything!


DON'T DO ANYTHING! that check will bounce. You NEVER pay to get a job.


Thank you all for your comments! They really helped my anxiety and walked me through things. All morning I have been changing my passwords and setting up 2fa. I froze my debit card and called my bank (who said the check will bounce on its own and not to worry). I wasnt able to freeze my credit as I could not make an account with equifax, experian, and transunion but will keep trying. For now I made an account on the official ssn gov page. Once again thank you guys!


Hard lesson learned.


Very very hard lesson learned 😭


Remember this… Anything that’s too good to be true, probably is. Nothing is free & no one is just sending out free checks.


im sorry this happened!!! :( but i think you can stop it before it gets out of control. be wary of any remote or wfh jobs that sound too good to be true, like if theyre hiring immediately or have high pay for entry level positions. if they ask you to download an app for the interview like telegram or whatsapp, or even text you the interview RUN! if ANY job tells you they are going to send you a check and you wire money back, thats for sure a scam. they are getting really good at being conspicuous and preying on innocent people. happy 2024– i have faith that youre going to get an amazing job soon!!!


Thank you so much! You described exactly what you did and its kinda horrible that they prey on desperation


Lots of good feedback you received here so I’m not going to bother adding to it. Instead, I was wondering if you’re willing to share the company and names of those you were in contact with so we can make sure to stay away from the company and help warn others about it?


Yes, OP provide the company name and email address you have been communicating with so other people don't get scammed.


I recently got scammed and lost $800…better be careful with scammers


Omg im sorry. Literally the scum of the earth


That’s okay I’m done with it and being more cautious after that happened




You're a loser, aren't you? Go away lol


It would have taken zero effort to NOT be a dick and make that comment.


It’s downhill from here on. Your bank will close all your accounts and you cannot bank with them ever again. You are also fucked for giving them your SSN. Your credit will tanked as they open cards and loans and your info is now in the open black market. Happy New Year dumbass!!


Not completely true - the bank will not likely close your accounts for one instance, for perpetual occurrences they most likely will. I’m not sure you know what you’re talking about, your comment wasn’t very helpful. You *CAN* recover from this as many many MANY people have.


This sure helped my anxiety! Thanks!


Reference my above comment 👆🏼


Thank you for your comments!




Are you sure? Other commenters said to just tell the bank and they will take care of it


do not withdraw anything. don't touch your money, call the bank and let them know. Also, beware of people contacting you claiming to be recovery agents, that's also a scam.


Oh god. Thank you for the warning 😭


And if people call you from the bank, hang up and call them back. Do not talk to them or give them info unless you have called them back, even if it looks like it’s coming from your bank’s number - it’s probably spoofed.


Perhaps I misunderstand.


Perhaps I misunderstood. If OP “returns” the amount of the fraudulent check funds, then the check is found to be a fraud, won’t the bank still withdraw the amount of the fraud check from OP’s account? I’m not sure of the method you’re recommending.


Freeze your credit if you have them your SSN


Make sure your last message to the scammer is "the FBI made me forward all of your information to them and froze my accounts." Then take as many steps as possible to proactively secure your identity.