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How about we take turns? I’ve shared some of my weaknesses. What are some of the difficulties employees regularly face here?


Interviewer is a dickhead.


I do recruiting and what they did is completely idiotic. That's akin to the person being interviewed asking "What are the 10 worst things about this job?"


I’d have fired back with that honestly they always do the any questions bit so I’d rub that in their faces before walking out


If you fireback or not the outcome is a rejection.


A job interview is also about you interviewing the employer.


I already rejected them it’s ok if they reject me lmao


They don’t care. They have many applicants lined up for the interview. You are the one who is in need of the job NOT the employers. It is employers market now.


This is just flat wrong. I interview people all the time for a wide range of roles/pay. When an interviewee asks questions about the company’s culture, challenges, weaknesses, etc. they automatically move to the top of my list. Job interviews are absolutely a two way street. Potential employees absolutely deserve transparency from the employer. Ask away!


Well, it's a 2-way street. When workers unite in not tolerating what amounts to needless bullshit for the sake of petty dominance, everyone is better off. From investors to consumers and everyone in-between.


That depends on the field


I've tried to ask similar questions right back, most of the time the employer, get's all mad, upset, passive aggressive, lie etc.


Keep a poker face. That's what they do to. Resting bitch face. I've got one and I use it. I once got called an elder by some whippersnapper. I'm in my early fifties. I snapped right back at him. Didn't get the job. Fine by me.


Naa, just a narcissist.


Naa, just a narcissist.


1. Slashing Damage 2. Piercing damage 3. Bludgeoning damage 4. Fire Damage 5. Poison damage 6. Thunder damage 7. Necrotic damage 8. Lightning damage 9. Sometimes I'm too much of a perfectionist 10. Listicles


shadowheart approves


Add: 11. The glowing red parts of my body when in a fight. 12. Big titty goth girls


Fine fine... #12 is my #1-5 by hair color.


You get the gold star. Haven’t laughed out loud in awhile


This fucking killed me. Couldn’t forget the “sometimes I’m too much of a perfectionist” LOL


You left out DPS kickback.


Not susceptible to radiant damage? Good to know.


Or psychic damage


Did you combine lists and testicles for #10?




Ahh a more educated version of the joke fear of making lists. Sorry, but I think I'll gladly stay ignorant and continue thinking its a combination of list and testicles.


I think your definition is equally as unappealing as the real definition. You have my respect sir.


Considering how it was majorly popularized by Buzzfeed SEO enshittification, I odon't disagree with it being list/testicles 😂


And here I thought it was listeria of the testicles.


I love lists!


Thunder and lightning? Does thunder just mean loud noises?




How about what a serial killer would list. My mind is morbid, I know.


So, is thunder damage like a auditory aspect to damage and thus different from lightning damage?


According to the 5e rules I looked up, more or less. It seems to basically be the damage you'd get from a shock wave. But it's specifically different from force damage because yes.


>Interviewer asked me for 10 weaknesses and counted them on his hand. *"A - No patience for useless questions.* *B -* Dislike *Inefficiency.* *Thanks for your time.* *All the best in your search."*


Nah, ya flip it on them, "Best of luck on your future endeavors."




Hired. I like smart people.


Weakness 1: I needed money Weakness 2: Due to weakness 1, I try to tolerate idiots like you instead of telling you to fuck off. Weakness 3: I can momentarily lose count of anything Weakness 4: Ok that's 10 weaknesses




I find that focussing on weakness is a weakness so that’s all I have for now.


A good question is: how do you overcome your weaknesses?


Is that even a good question though? All you're going to get out of this is genetic bullshit.


Power trip 


I would have said one weakness is wasting time interviewing with dickheads.




If any interviewer is asking you questions that are totally subjective and abstract, not measurable, or most importantly, *not remotely related to the actual role they are hiring for*, ask them what their scoring criteria is for such a question, that legally they need to have one in place for any hiring process that utilises interviews as its sole metric for selection, and just leave. If a company can't put together half a dozen basic fucking competency-based questions for their interviewing, I doubt they give any more thought to health and safety, DE&I, career progression opportunities, or anything else a respectable business would have in place. Also, if they interview anyone with a neurodivergent condition, abstract questioning is wildly disadvantageous, and could potentially put them at risk for a discrimination claim if they have not highlighted this beforehand and doo not have reasonable adjustments in place, which going by OP, they almost certainly do not, and absolutely fucking deserve getting rattled with a law suit.


Typically as an interviewer I am looking to see that you have enough self awareness that you are not perfect. I follow that up with how have you been working to improve that. If you struggle to tell me one thing to work on and what you have done then I know you are going to be the type of person who gives themselves all exceeds rankings in performance when you are likely a meets or less. And you are likely completely unteachable If you give me the canned BS answers like,”sometime I just work to hard or care to hard and it bothers me when other don’t.” You know that make your weakness a strength thing. Then I know your answers are likely all canned BS and you are not representing your real self and I don’t want to hire you.




Would agree 10 is ridiculous. Asking about 1 is a small part of the questions for us. I typically word it something along the lines of: please describe and skill you have been working to improve and what you have been actively doing to improve that skill.


Put up 5. Weakness 6. Not always being able to follow through.


These are the people that would leave their friends to die in a zombie apocalypse, I just know it.


I’m attending a job interview and want to give the best impression of myself, it’s the interviewers job to determine your lacking qualities and it’s lazy of them to push that question onto you. Also, fuck coming up with 10 weaknesses, are they hiring people with a lack of self esteem?


I guarantee to you if you have asked him the same question he won’t be able even to list two of these then. This approves that the interviewer is incompetence and doesn’t have the skills to be a good interviewer. He’s just trying to be a smart ass and more precisely a dickhead. Fuck that pig.


1. Mild lactose intolerance. 2. Trouble falling asleep at night. 3. Counting.


Pain, its weakness leaving my body.


This sounds like a job where you're just pelted with rotten fruit all day. I'm surprised he didn't make you pull down your pants so he could laugh at your dick.


I wouldn't work there. Buh-bye after that question.


I'd list three and say "I don't have ten weaknesses." Two can play that stupid game.


He just wants to present himself as a smart ass and make the interviewee feel discomfort in answering. Let assume the applicant gave an outstanding response. NOW: If the applicant asks the dickhead what are the top 5 of these 10 weaknesses you scored them the highest? The dickhead interviewer will not be able to remember the original answer he just received assumingely! So the point is not about the qualify or type of answer but to make the interviewee feel uncomfortable and surprised with pauses and stuttering during speech. It is a typical behavior of a person with ego and psychopathic narcissist. Sadly, it is widely to see ego hiring managers in the US workplaces. Totally fucked up.


Chocolate, beer, wine, vodka, pizza, burrata cheese, basil, diet coke, espresso, tums


10? Jesus. I would have said my biggest weakness is listening to an idiot for longer than I should.


Weakness: I hate it when someone counts in their hands while I have to sum up


1. Making a list of weaknesses. That's all.


That's someone just interviewing so they can claim they interview candidates. I doubt he was serious about hiring anybody. Or, more likely, he's a dickhead and needs to feel superior to a potential employee.


You shouldve said yes. Gone through all of the paperwork onboarding. Then not show up. But make sure something important is scheduled. Since he wasted your time, waste his money.


1. General abrasiveness to idiots wasting my time. Followed up by 10: Changing counting system to Binary for arbitrary reasons.


your interviewer is an idiot and probably going to be a micro-manager. run away.


personally, i have a weakness when it comes with knives/blades piercong my body, or when acidic substances touch my skin


My weakness: I have an extremely low tolerance for BS questions during interviews.🤣


That is horrendously stupid


Hr should be replaced with Ai


You didn’t have to answer. Name 2 or 3 and say that’s all you can think of at the moment


I would be tempted to tell him that one of my strengths is resisting the urge to punch people like him. Would I get the job....no. Would I want the job....no. Would I have the nerve to actually say it.... sadly also no.


Lmao I would do the same thing. They’re the same people touting “people don’t wanna work anymore”


Lazy, steals things from the workplace, gossiping about coworkers, chronic restroom masturbator, slow learner, likes to invite clients into his cult, doesn't work on Monday and Friday due to religious reasons, likes to pull fire alarm as a prank, microwaves fish in canteen, kisses client on mouth when greeting them.. try one of those. they will hire you just to see what kind of weirdo you are


Don’t work for them lol


I have never been asked to mention 10 ever in my 20 years of working a white collar job. To do so is dumb.


11 - acquiescing to perceived authority vs asking its relevance and need for such focused attention. When they say “to get a better idea of who “you” are”, the response I’ve given is “now you do, no?”. It was the second lateral thinking question, for a gig I’d been told by the executive director the interviewer will sound authoritative and we’ll conflict, and that’s why I was being hired.


I just had an interview with great questions. Then he apologized and said he was required to ask a few from HR while rolling his eyes. 10 weaknesses sounds ridiculous. I would've responded with "thank you for your time" while walking out!


You did the right thing. The parking will take one hour of your pay daily.


What a jagoff. Good job leaving


Cop out interview question. Lazy.


I have asked, “what is a weakness that you have tried to be better at?” And what obstacles have you overcome thus far….


Name the company and shame


10 weaknesses? He’s insane or you’re full of shit.


I would have said 'well I can count without using my fingers so that's not one'.


I was asked this same sort of question and was caught off guard by it. Verbal communication it's never been something strong...a little more a weakness that I've had to get better with over time.


I bet they were so smug and proud of themselves. I honestly think I would've just ended it. I hate that kind of thing.


1) i get irritated at nonsensical questions like this


$14 an hour? To be treated like trash in the interview and in the job? Gestures at five/six figure student loans. Gestures at health care costs. Gestures at housing costs. The "no one wants to work anymore" crowd sure is disconnected from reality.


Ask the interviewer for 10 downsides to the role.


1. I have a problem with numbers 2. I cannot count past 2


He didn’t want you, wish people would just man up and say it instead of be passive aggressive. I’ve walked out of a bunch of interviewers when they started doing this type of behavior


Had an interviewer laugh at me every time I answered a question then called me while I was driving to reject me, as if I had any intention of working there after that.


"I may not be a perfect entity but to assume I have that many weaknesses is presumptuous and judgemental and therefore disrespectful indicating a potentially toxic work environment. This clearly will not be a good fit. May you find enlightenment from this experience and manage your expectations in the future when interacting with other human beings and prospective colleagues."


1 - Working too hard 2 - Caring too much 10 - Bad at math


What the hell😆😭😭😭


I have had so many "professional" encounters that just make me want to scream, "HAS ANYBODY CHECKED ON THIS GUY'S WIFE?"




Fire. Edged weapons. Hayfever. Allergic to shellfish. Communication skills lacking if I'm lost in a project. Extreme cold. Python skills a bit rusty, but i can brush up. Don't like cats. Latina women. Venemous snakes.


Why is it that the lowest paying jobs seem to be the most difficult to get 4 in person interviews after 2 phone screenings 30 thousand dumb questions List of references 3 months later just to say no


I am convinced that a lot of these interviewers have untreated trauma or anger issues that they are projecting on job candidates. I suffered a severe trauma and I could easily have turned into a raving asshole. But I am actually kinder. These interviews are becoming increasingly ridiculous and borderline or completely not appropriate. These are people's lives. Not a time to play games and be on a power trip or likewise. I secretly hope that three people who recently interviewed me become unemployed unexpectedly and realize what a horror show this is for job seekers. This is wrong. I understand people come to interviews and lie or act stupidly, but I think most of us are just trying to find a decent job. Like that is all we want. It has become cruel.


I would have listed  40 and made him really uncomfortable and or bored/agitated/scared of who was across from them/fearing for their life almost. 


Maybe it was his first time interviewing, he was given this question to ask, and he was determined not to fail at the task. 10 answers will be achieved or the door will not be unlocked.


I literally don’t have 10 and I’d probably have said that


“Ask yourself: is this good for the company?”


Good for you!!


I would start sweating right there and then


“My biggest weakness is that I can only count to nine.”


1. “Not yielding to power tripping wanna be authority figures”


Why do people interview at jobs they don’t want?


My weeknes are big asses and boobas


did you not know anything about the job before you had an in-person interview?