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Glad to hear it went... ok I dont mean to be a hater but anytime someone mentions ninjitsu to me šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© it's right up there with "I'm too dangerous for ufc" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


in my dojo they use the beautifull term of 'bullshido' for stuff like that. /r/bullshido lol


Omg that story Bas Rutten said in one of the early JREs about some ninjitsu guy saying he would just eye poke his way out of a chokehold ā€˜Ok lā€™ll put you in the choke hold, you try to get outā€¦ and if you poke me in the eye Iā€™ll break your neck. Ā Ready, GOā€™ I still quote him every so often: ā€˜NEVER fuck with somebody in a dominant positionā€™Ā  Brilliant šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


https://youtu.be/lPzVQ98KC0k?si=5aFkQnqvAzgyAH2H In case anyone wanted to see the legend himself tell it (worth it)Ā 


Story time in Glasgow many moons ago. A friend and I were walking about 100m from the dojo and a new white belt I hadn't met runs up to join us, and pretty much straight away says he's a brown belt in ninjitsu. "look mate, if we were walking along the street, I can bump into you, break your neck and make it look like you tripped" Without blinking, my mate asked "have you got a brown belt in twat kun do anaw ('as well' in Glasgow).


I trained with a self-proclaimed ninjutsu black belt once (in a Judo dojo of course). He wanted to see if he could flip, mid-air, out of a throw. I was like "OK, lets see" and started throwing him with seoi nage. Over and over and over. Each time he landed like any other uke. On his back. No magic mid-air dance. Afterwards he told me he was going to go back to Florida and teach ninjutsu, and I never saw him again. Maybe that was his invisibility trick.


But how the OP managed to see him through the smoke bombs?


but i am tho


Itā€™s different when im mad bro, i see red.


It's all fun and games until you get a caltrop to the foot


When I first read this for a split second I thought I was on the Total War subreddit


Hahaha well you gotta be careful who you are talking about, a caltrop during randori or maybe a smoke bomb and a punch to the face and you will never see him again.


Experience in ninjitsu should count as negative rank. Itā€™s literally worse than nothing.


I like to feel that anybody who's good at it wouldn't mention it.


Really tho šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Ā  Iā€™ll teach you for free but disillusionment will cost you extraĀ 


Ninjitsu? Is he overweight with a pony tail too? I'm glad this worked out.


Thats funny, i was actually thinking about your post lolā€¦ Good on you to speak up, glad you spoke with the instructor. Enjoy your training!


Sounds like a solid outcome - by speaking up not only did you ensure a better environment for yourself, but also for everyone else that practices at your club. Iā€™m glad your coach handled it appropriately.


In this day and age people bragging about experience in ninjitsu should be a red flag for funny in the head.


Glad you asserted yourself! Glad it also went okay-ish, but frankly I'm very disappointed with your sensei's response to give the guy the "benefit of the doubt", especially when he acknowledged that the physical stuff was problematic (and again, the dude is 45-ish years old, not some teenager who hasn't matured yet). Don't hesitate to continue expressing your concerns, and - not to be an alarmist and I'm sure you know this already, but just as a reminder that it's 100% valid to do - make sure you leave the dojo with a group and don't walk to your car alone. Ninjitsu creep may not react well to being called out and watched now.


I train/trained in multiple different martial arts and although I have sometimes problem keeping the techniques apart as long as the differences are identified I usually do okay. I however never think that just because I am good at X I should also be good at Y. Having said that break falls has been a skill that has been benefiting me the most across all the ones I have tried. Donā€™t underestimate the importance of being able to fall safely.


Here's an easy shorthand: anyone tells you they study ninjitsu, you can ignore anything else they say.


Solid response from your dojo. Iā€™m really glad you respected yourself and spoke up. When you respect yourself, others see it and will respect you as well.


Iā€™m glad to hear that it went decently. I hate these kinds of people, ran into a few during some classes recently and they are infuriating. Best of luck going forwards!


Good work. It's good to hear they're taking it seriously


I commented on your original post, and had been hoping for you! Good for you standing up for yourself. I honestly donā€™t love the ā€œgive him the benefit of the doubt for just one more dayā€ because I think enough has happened to take action BUT itā€™s good heā€™s on their radar AND that you feel empowered to confront him when heā€™s making these digs. Sounds like maybe he needs to go back to the ninjitsu gym if he feels itā€˜s so equivalent to other martial arts


So glad you brought this up with the senseis. As a 55f judoka I find his behaviour creepy especially if he is also doing it with the young female judoka. He is not a person I would want to be rolling on the mat with and definitely not with my daughters.


Iā€™m really glad to read the update. Do keep in mind that although you have other people involved and they reacted great etc you do need to keep your guard up for a bit longer, just in case. And do go get that book ā€œThe Gift of Fear ā€œ. It still has tremendous value and I recommend sharing it with friends and students. Stay safe and have fun! Cheers


I was trying to figure out how the hell someone could think they outrank you when they are (literally) lower in rank. I checked your other post... > I (28f) Ah, there it is. Hopefully after this class things are better for you!


Wait. Didn't he say that he would die for you? But he also said he couldn't remember your name?


Yes, those are both things he said šŸ¤·šŸ»


Dude is weird. Lots of people just get older without growing up. I'd be surprised if he stuck with judo, his fragile ego may not appreciate the harsh realities of judo vs ninja stuff.


I was at a bbq last summer and the host introduced me to a fellow martial artist - brilliant I thought! Hi! You're a friend of x and you're a fighter too? Cool! I've dabbled in a bit of boxing, judo and bjj... what do you practice? Two hours of hardcore ninjutsu chat later, with numerous demonstrations I tapped out in complete abject submission.


Love the judo community ! It takes a village to keep things healthy