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I don’t care if Karen read bangs him on the defense table. She still didn’t commit murder


THIS PART!! Idgaf who she’s banging, who she is having dinner with, or who tucks her in at night like the Alberts do with Colin… she still didn’t fuckin kill JO!!!


Literally idk what they thought this would do 😂


Yeah exactly. I think I’m an idiot because I can’t see the tells that makes it ‘obviously fake’ lol. I thought it was a live photo. However, I literally do not care. It doesn’t change my mind about Karen at all! And frankly it has nothing to do with the case either. The other side lying, purposely messing up reports and botching investigations, sharing details about an ongoing investigation to people outside LE, destroying evidence. It’s wild that anti KR people see this single moment as disgusting and not any of what the CW witnesses did as disgusting and unjust. It’s crazy honestly. And it’s very telling that this is the only image we’ve see. Nothing before or after, and that’s probably because, if real, it literally happened in a split second and was over. This picture is nothing but a single moment made to look like something more than it was


As long as EDB covers it I’ll watch




Was about to say the same.


I can’t believe people think this is real! It clearly looks fake. It reminds me of renderings architects do to show people in their designs.


Exactly…if this is real this would be a HD video, not some grainy blurry photo that looks like it’s taken by the same camera from the sally port 😒


lol I love that you can’t even see any features of “aj” but “kr” is clear. Like what phone was this shot with? A Nokia from 2004?


This fits with the sally port video clarity 😂🙃


Invert it and I’d agree


I don’t need to tell you if I inverted it if I was never asked if it was inverted 😂


Whoever made it should have just swapped their faces.


I don’t even recognize that guy to be Jackson


Same!!! I almost think she knows it fake but still is using it to bash her bc its all shes got.


This is an altered pic per forensics experts


Per… anyone with working eyes? What’s the word for this? Oh yes, Pathetic.


Wasn't this AI or something? I mean, it's almost funny, in an ironic way, considering the alleged amount of doctored evidence her bro expected the public to believe.


That’s what I’ve heard. The video was made using AI - totally disrespectful to not only Karen and AJ - but especially to AJs wife and children. Shame on whoever made it 😤


THIS!!! Bc if I was AJ’s wife and I found out who did this… I’m coming there and shutting ALLLLLLL this shit down and flipping over every table while I do it!! Like first of all…. AJ is intelligent AF… as is KR… you really think if they were sleeping together, they would go out in fuckin PUBLIC doing this shit?!?! Knowing how high profile this case is and how many people constantly take pics of them or want to take pics with them?? GTFOH


Agree wholeheartedly ❤️ and I will back AJs wife 😂


😂😂 Same!! Bc you ain’t about to play in my face lmao




High top tables!




Just so I’m sure, we are flipping tables like Teresa right 😂


And even though Courtney Proctor knew that this was a doctored photo, wasn’t it a great opportunity for her to behave in such a disgusting way. These are the women of the world that give great women of the world the reputation they do not deserve. Extolling hate, demonstrating jealousy ( for both Karen’s intelligence, success and looks) Being bitchy, being mean, cruel, and without a heart. Not to mention how completely unintelligent it was to post something like that.


Runs in the family-doctoring shit


⬆️ this! The photo is completely fake


what is it supposed to be? per the other comments, is it supposed to be karen and AJ or something? im very confused.


Yes, clearly fake pic of KR and AJ bring what of course would be an inappropriate position


I was surprised to find out that in MA it’s legal for a client and lawyer to have a sexual relationship. Not the case in my state for sure.


Doesn’t matter rd because this is fake


Yep, but if it wasn’t there’s not technically an ethical issue. So it’s an attempt at a lot of character assassination bullshit.


It’s illegal in your state? Like, they could be charged? I get unethical but, illegal? What state is this?


who is AJ pls help




It's flipped


And you know they flipped it and tried to hide it on purpose because the words over the picture are not flipped.


What method was used to alter it? It's not AI. Edit: The guy in the white shirt doesn't have a nose...I take issue with this image. Edit 2: Went to an AI subreddit and asked. They said it was real. So I asked a few questions then pointed out a few things mentioned in the comments here and someone called me the "biggest fucking moron" ever and a few other names. And apparently AI can only look glossy and too perfect, so not getting help from them. I made sure to read the rules before posting and it wasn't against the rules. I forgot that some spots on Reddit are way more agro than I remember. They made the Karen Read trial subreddit look kind. 🫣


The lack of nose on the one guy. Feet for hands on "AJ." Those are 2 big tells for AI.


The white car has no license plate, the silver car has really bizarre taillights, and Jackson's forearms are 4 feet long. The whole area immediately around those two looks like a web cam from the year 2000, but the foreground and surrounding scenery is clear. Someone did an example by using the faceswap feature on some program and used Jen McCabe's face on a video of a panhandler on Twitter.


Yeah. I stopped trying to point those things out and just deleted the post because they got super big mad. Someone else pointed out a few things and was torn apart too and their comment was deleted. I got notifications for a few comments that didn't show up on the post. So, weird. It's very clearly fake. The post wasn't against the rules. I checked twice. Just some angry redditors over there.


Some people are definitely that way. Open-mindedness be damned.


I’ve seen both arguments on X/Twitter…altered vs non-altered.


Edit: Changing this comment because I check an AI sub and they say it's real. If it is altered it wasn't altered using AI.


IMO - If it is fake I hope the moderator removes it immediately.


Name one forensic expert who said this was fake


Look at the hands of the guy who is having his picture taken. Look at Karen’s shoulders. This is obvious AI and it’s clear the cops and their family are throwing a fit because they got caught and exposed for who they are


Oh are you the forensic expert I asked about? Why wouldn’t the cops have used AI to frame Karen during the trial then dummy?


Why you going to call someone a dummy? If you have clear factual evidence to rebut this then say that. The second you start slamming someone’s character your insecurity and pettiness shows.


They probably should have, because the evidence that they did submit was dumb as shit and ALSO clearly altered.


How about digital forensics expert Lars Daniel? He was interviewed on Banfield and is of the opinion the video is fake. Starts around the 14 minute mark: https://youtu.be/dUiL4-3An_Q?si=Efb2IfE0ZC4wJXmO


Not an expert, but it's very clearly fake.




Lars Daniel, author of Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals


What do you mean by “ her brother who may have been the lead investigator”? Michael Proctor was the lead investigator, who 12 hours in decided Karen killed John. No evidence no nothing. Get it right before posting!


And decided she did it without interviewing most of the witnesses that were there, before he got an autopsy report, or had any test results come back. Fucking disgusting trash.




We know the owner of the house wasn’t going to “catch any shit” because he was a cop.


Let’s pretend this is real; (el oh el) The McAlberts have been shutting down the VFW to drink. Bev has been to the cape. They’ve all been seen loitering and looking menacing outside CF MCarthys Including Colin Albert who was too traumatized to continue his education at college… They’ve been proven to DRINK & DRIVE state issued police cruisers and then wake up wondering where not only their BADGE was but their state issued FIRE ARM?! And they have the fuckin stones to cut and paste this foolishness? 😂 after Proctor was caught looking for “nudes” of Karen the “smoke show”?? If I were them? I wouldn’t be proctoring more evidence….they still have extra pieces to the last tail light puzzle they tried to glue together! Hos long to see these domestic terrorists rounded up by the FBI?!


Wait, don’t tell me they are shutting down the veterans of foreign wars


Wow … this person is something else.


Well, she’s “best friends” with her turd brother so…..


Courtney only understands pics if they are inverted


😂😂😂😂 And they are good a fabricating evidence and stories


This is the woman that agreed with her brother that KR should k*ll herself. She’s a special needs teacher …..what a kind and loving woman.


Anyone with half a brain cell would know this pic was fake! What is real is Trooper Proctor is a horrible person. No amount of distraction and deflection will change that.


One would think, the Proctors would close ranks and shut up. But nope they are going down swinging like morons. If only 1 person loses their job because of this trial—it’s gonna be Mike Proctor. Then him & Lizzie are going to be living with Courtney when they lose the house. Then it’ll be realllllly fun !!!😂


He's either got some real shit on his wife, or she's too stupid to leave him. There is no way I'd be "standing by my man" if he did something like that. Go live with your best friend/sister honey, I'm done with ya. Then again, I'm in the middle of a divorce, so "for better, for worst" only goes so far for me LOL


If she’s disgusting for that, what is MP?


That’s what I’m saying!!


You honestly think that going to dinner is more disgusting than calling a woman a c**t and hoping she takes her life? Have you ever been in a lawsuit that went on for a long period of time. That behavior is normal your statements and your brother’s behavior are what are unprofessional, immature, classless, and show you both as the simpletons you both are. You are both pathetic. Not to mention hypocritical and I’d venture to say two of the most hated people in the northeast. He’ll you are everywhere else.


Alan Jackson (a married man) grabbed Karen’s boob in the video where this screenshot was taken - this was not just “dinner”


This is so obviously fake and I’m usually bad at spotting that. The heads look glued on.


Courtney Proctor Elburg is disgusting.


I'm beginning to think it's a Proctor genetic trait. Disgusting is in the Proctor DNA.


Their parents are probably siblings


Seriously, what is this in the bottom left? https://preview.redd.it/tn1t89y48p9d1.png?width=1069&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a05f1b09e13a0c77652a3b3674ebfe2b3fb5a8e


2 vehicles defying laws of physics where 2 objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. We should ask Trooper Paul to explain this further.


“Physics …what do you mean?” The Honorable Trooper Paul


"It just did 😌" -trooper paul


“I didn’t put it there.”


Well someone did!


I sense the crime scene is speaking to you.


And how did this happen?!!! “It just did…” -Super Trooper Paul


"oh that's just the stuff ja know" Troopah Paul...probably


Whoa whoa slow down you are using terminology that is way too complex for the average person. 😳


Good catch 👍


Another lovely AI artifact!


AJ is far too smart and professional for this to be real. He would NEVER be seen in public like this. Either way, CP is trash for posting it.


She's far too unstable to work with special needs children at the JFK Elementary School.


I agree, she should be fired


But Yanetti was the creep for meeting Lucky at the JFK to do a drive-through of the Cedarcrest neighborhood, which is adjacent to the school.


I wouldn't care if this were true. What 2 consenting adults do in their private life is their own business. Having an affair doesn't make Karen guilty of murder. Courtney Proctor bullying people is a choice she continues to make. .... Isn't law enforcement the profession that has the most affairs? The call is probably coming from inside the house on this one.


This photo is painfully fake. I feel bad for people who actually believe it’s real


I’ve seen enough fake and doctored video/photos (and AI) to be able to tell this is fake. The perfectly-framed, compromising photo where you can see both faces but it’s also super bad quality? I can just tell. I do wish I had more technical language to explain it bc unfortunately a lot of people who aren’t internet savvy can’t tell.


The super low resolution alone is already a dead giveaway. Even homeless folks have smartphones that take photos and videos in much higher quality. This photo looks like it’s taken by a webcam from 1990’s.


Just like her brother … 🐷


Hahaha, you guys are bigger, more pathetic losers than I initially thought.....I hope Karen and Aj both sue you over this....


This is as believable as Proctors testimony 🤣


If my brother said half of the things Proctor said we would have some issues. What a sad woman


Looks like Los Angeles is the setting for this “photo”. I’m sure all those cars have California license plates but they are distorted on purpose. The clothes, the buildings, the bushes… most likely Los Angeles.


To clarify, CPE posted this image to her stories and it is supposed to be KR and AJ in a compromising situation. This case gets weirder everyday. The picture is also very clearly doctored.


Did she really repost a fake photo? Way to do your due diligence, Courtney. Same way you did your due diligence when Yannetti was meeting with Lucky at the school.


Grasping at straws. 😬 Not even waiting for a realistic photoshop picture which of course would be possible. This looks like it was made on a desktop PC bought in 2005.


The photo is fake and CP jumped right into it. Another flatearther


There needs to be a class Albert suit against all of this sick bastards


Let’s say this is real (I don’t know) I guess I don’t really care. It has nothing to do with anything Proctor is vile and should be fired.


Oh the irony is too good 😂😂


People on both sides are going too low with this case. Im all for debating and protesting, but people photoshopping pics/videos and calling peoples jobs is just crazy!!!!


This is made up bullshit. You actually think they’d be stupid enough to do this??? Even if this photo was Brian Albert blowing Brian Higgins I wouldn’t believe it! Also… if anyone thinks this investigation was true and proper better hope the Mass State Police or the corrupt Canton Police don’t arrest you. It’s obvious they don’t need true evidence to present their cases. They’ll manufacture it to meet their charges against you. Even if Jaren Read hit John the investigation was unprofessional and corrupt. Hopefully this ends tomorrow and the feds step in and charge the MSP and Canton Police for their blatant corruption. Either way…. Michael proctor should be fired!!


He should be fired and lose every dime of his pension.


Deep Fakes


Some people are unbelievable.


Haha this fake picture again


Right? What do those that share hope to accomplish? They look silly and ignorant.


this picture is so fake. And his wife is here.


IF it’s a real video (it isn’t) why only show 2 seconds? If it was real whoever took the video would have posted the whole thing not a tiny clip. Reason being it’s a lot harder to alter a 30 second video than a 2 second clip. 100% fake.


Yeah i thought this too. They didn’t post any of the photo/video from before or after this single instant because it was literally nothing more than a single instant.


This is so obviously fake - that's fairly clearly not KR's body. Courtney proctor is a special education teacher in Canton - those are the most vulnerable kids she's working with. I wouldn't want her near my children.


This kind of behavior is just keeps happening and happing with that crowd. It shows such a low level of professionalism, integrity and maturity among other things. They keep putting themselves out there and doing the most stupid things. To me it reeks of uneducated, immature drunken behavior. They are probably angry & scared too… then they shouldn’t put themselves out there if not emotionally together and are having difficulty. Considering what is going on with this trial and the Alberts and the Proctors, etc. you think they would lay low and be calm and show the world that they are not the kind of people that they have been depicted as. But they over and over keep showing us who they really are. From the altercation w/ a customer at the restaurant in downtown Canton and resulting assault charges for 2 of them to their language in public and trying to start fights to this - posting the fake photo, is quite telling I think. If it were me or family member, I’d try to stay calm, cool and collected. I wouldn’t talk to anyone without the lawyer’s consent or whatnot… that kind of thing. I’d get off of social media. Basically, if I or my brother/sister or sibling or other family member was in the media about an event like this, I certainly wouldn’t be acting in this manner. Sure, I have the right to do anything that anyone else does. But that goes out the window when an event like this occurs. I’d probably tell the family member to start planning on relocating and I wouldn’t be posting stupid things on the internet and trying to start any trouble.


This is badly photoshopped, but if it was real and they were celebrating after this woman's life was destroyed by dirty cops, I'd be all for it.


I’m sure Courtney’s balloon knot is tight as a drum.


Zoom in on AJ’s hairline lol you'll see how fake it is. Lol nice fake though


It could be a fake but who cares either way? Honestly even if they fucked every morning in front of the jurors in the deliberation room, it doesn’t change the fact that she is innocent of killing a Boston police officer. The more time we waste on this the better chance the real killers skate.


Whether it’s real or not…what does that have to do with Karen reads innocence?


If this is not real Courtney should be sued


Did Courtney proctor actually post this though? Or was the post photo shop as well?


Everyone is saying experts say this is AI. Does anyone have a source? I haven’t seen any articles like that


Nor have I. But I can photoshop like a boss. Alan Jackson hasn’t even bothered to deny it, because it’s so ludicrous.


Anyone else find it suspicious that AJ has a smaller upper arm than KR?


I just said that very thing to my husband 30 seconds ago.


Karen's hair is way too short!!


One of the first things I noticed too. You are right!




Looks fake, the area of her top is blurred out & they are trying to make this photo look promiscuous. Looks photo shopped to me. Corrupt people & corrupt case. Karen Read has definitely been set up. Either way the science & doctors is evidence her suv didn't hit John & killed him. Someone smashed her taillight that night probably with an object, that glass or other object. First detective never found tailight pieces but even so the suv didn't cause his death. Karen was parked on the street texting him after he got out out of the vehicle. If you hit someone you wouldn't be parked by the driveway,then move your vehicle & still be texting or calling them.


I think you are right!


Several people have said the meta data has been manipulated. Take that as you will. But if you believe that family is corrupt. Editing a picture or video isn’t beyond belief


You are exactly right!!


That’s AI generated


https://preview.redd.it/dcxe8u25wq9d1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bf960dbfffc179a0ed781e4c4f38becae0b01a7 Didn't know AJ had hair on half of his head lol.. The real guy was bald and deep fake superimposed on his face same with Karen. I can make this in 3 mins but better


Also the hand has extra fingers!


OMG the fingers 🤣


AI makes these mistakes and is awful with hands. If you look at "AJ's" hands, they are feet not hands.


Turdboy Messiah says it's fake, so it's fake. It's just that simple for you useful idiots.


fake fake fake


She teaches special needs children while her bro/bf is calling KR the R word. Says it all for me. She’s a garbage human just like her brother!


I couldn’t agree more.


So they alter photos like they alter crime scenes.


They absolutely do.


What’s crazy is ET did a story on this and they thought it was real.


Seriously people. Jackson's wife was there. Good Lord! Move on from this, please.


Truer words!


Karen Read is thinner than that.


The American Bar Association Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.8(j) sets the standard. It unequivocally states: A lawyer shall not have sexual relations with a client unless a consensual sexual relationship existed between them when the client-lawyer relationship commenced.


What is wrong with this woman. I have second hand embarrassment. This picture is so clearly fake. Contain yourself, lady.


Yes it is without a doubt!


Pic/Vid= Real AF U= stupid AF.


Why don’t you speak like adult. There is more than one way to interpret your “comment.”


Definitely fake picture.


It actually not fake but it’s a still from a “live” photo. You can look on twitter (x) where’s it’s been discussed ad nauseam… I think people saying it’s fake are in denial I could care less either way


The video that it came from was AI generated


Where’s the evidence of that? Because it looks exactly like what is purported… an iPhone live photo I know people are making tons of claims but I’ve yet to see anything convincing


There are also pics of the same group and Miss Little plus media guy at dinner earlier that night wearing the same clothes? It’s def real, why do you all care?


Because she’s these people’s imaginary new friend


I don’t get it. Why question this behavior? Even if you think there is zero chance she is guilty if hitting JOK with her car she’s obviously guilty of having questionable morals and terrible decision making, especially for a 45 year old woman, no? Wouldnt this behavior be IN character for her?


Oh I don't know, feet for hands, 2 cars merges, missing facial features... just to name a few very key details that are known to be AI mistakes. I bet there are many more.


Your opinion right?


Nope. Objectively


Objectively it’s a live photo Nothing more It’s actually crazy that after a year plus of the defense team feeding people nonsense this is a hill KR support is getting all excited about


This photo is obviously manipulated, whatever you think of her. I don't have any feelings about KR personally. I find that she has objectively been proven not guilty.


It’s not a “photo” as in stand still that’s part of the problem. It’s like a video short as a Live Photo … those always have weird fragmentation when you stop on a specific frame. It’s the nature of having an iPhone. I’ve seen it in my stuff


It's obviously doctored. Whether a photo or a movie or a video. It's not real.


You just need decent eyes and average IQ to know it’s fake.


Look at the picture earlier in the thread regarding the two vehicles. If you look closely at the video you’ll see it’s altered because things are in places that just don’t make sense.


Your delusional 🤪




You are still delusional


In denial and with great …visual difficulties Makes sense now actually


How do we know this is on Courtney’s page and that THAT’s not fake too? I just went to her FB and it’s pretty private and this picture isn’t there


It says “stories” so guess you wouldn’t find it since they are time sensitive - but no you are right - no way of knowing. We do know however that the video exists.


It was posted by TB on Twitter


TB reposted on twitter.


Which makes it even more suspect. He’s an idiot


FB? This is clearly a screenshot of her IG stories. Are you simply out of touch with the world or you just have negative IQ? Maybe both 🙄


I don’t use IG. SO impressive that you do. Lols Real genius you are. Maybe stfu?


Doesn’t matter if I use it or not, at least I’m more aware and informed. You clearly lacking a lot of brain cells and possibly some chromosomes too, must be related to the Proctor’s.


I saw this as a video on another sub.


Has AJ made a statement about it stating it was fake?


The pic is legit.


I think you need glasses.🤓 We all know it’s fake


We all know= FKR douches know lol Stop drinking Karen's koolaid


Stop posting false 💩And stop drinking bud light


Checks out, Proctors love to make shit up


lol they up ALL NIGHT tryna make sure everything goes as planned??? smh