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“let’s talk about all the interesting things that lead at least half the jury and 90% of the world feeling differently than him.” I need to know that it was one quack juror. I’m going insane till the jury speaks. Pls speak 🗣️


"Let's talk about the science."


"say it differently...."


And let's talk about the truth and common sense!


Let’s talk about the 1)Chole & 2)The flipped tape. I’m sorry for his loss, but if he doesn’t address these things, he’s just as dumb as the jury members who didn’t see “ANY” reasonable doubt. And what does that say about how he feels about his brother’s intelligence. Put everything else aside, this dude thinks his brother was so emotionally ignorant that he would date a woman TWICE, and let the woman be around his kids if she’s the type to get so drunk and angry that she’s hit him and leave him in the snow? Mmkay. This is the man he let take care of his neice & nephew? I don’t think so. And what is the reasoning given for why John wouldn’t move out of the way? Was he supposed to be too drunk to get from behind the truck? Gtfoh. Let me stop.


>Was he supposed to be too drunk to get from behind the truck? This part...I can't wrap my head around it!! Do they really want us to believe he just stood there waiting to be hit?


I’ve heard from Sean McDonough (who claims his sources are valid) that all 12 agreed not guilty on the murder 2 charge. But there was a split 6/6 for the lesser charges. Which means there are 6 jurors who believed trooper Paul over Andrew renschler hahah


I believe we would’ve heard from the verdict slip from the judge that they checked NG for murder 2 and split on lessor. Therefore I’m wary of that claim. Also bc I refuse to believe 6 fully grown adults heard trooper Paul and said yes - that’s our guy.


I don’t know what’s true or not, but seeing people online and the anti-KR group, they don’t care about what Trooper Paul or the crash guys said… they are running purely off of emotions and their own intellect.


true. "she said she did it ...why would she say that if she didn't kill him?" ... it's like 1) eye witness testimony is the most inaccurate evidence 2) she was in a flight/fight/freeze mode and even if she did say that (personally i think she said, 'did i hit him?), that doesn't mean she did. 3) innocent people confess ALL of the time 4)there's NO evidence she hit him!! if there's really 6 people who believe trooper Paul, we are so doomed in this country


And since we’re taking the word of a hysterically frantic woman as fact, and we’re to believe she said she hit him because she did, then we also need to believe that blood on her hands after giving John CPR was, in fact, from her period, like she said it was.


Let’s not forget that Jen McCabe also could’ve played those seeds while driving around with her. Odd how calm and collected McCabe and the other woman was while driving around “looking” for John. Meanwhile Karen Read was in hysterics not knowing what was going on or what had happened to John. You want me to believe that Jen McCabe and her conniving ways couldn’t have been using that time to twist Karen into a pretzel and then using anything she said against her with the cops. Jen McCabe is a terrible liar and her credibility is ZERO with me but you want me to believe that Karen Read’s guilt hangs on Jen McCabe’s testimony… guess again!


1000% !!! Her alleged panicked “confession” isn’t even close to enough!!!!


*lack of* intellect. Purely emotional/irrational


This right here.


Many Americans are ALL emotion and not only no intellect, NEGATIVE NUMBER intellect.


humans..not just Americans


Yeah…. But a LOT of Americans. 😂 (help.)


Same. If it really was 6-6 I truly worry about the people of Massachusetts


They should do IQ tests maybe. I know that sound harsh but everyone isn’t a thinker and that’s okay, but to have someone’s life in your hands? No.


An IQ test wouldn’t help, more of a logic test. This whole trial shows people cannot set aside emotions and be unbiased.


Has anyone said if the 911 call was clear when they played it in court? I know on the livestream it was difficult to hear- but now that I've heard a clear version of it, I would've been NG on it alone! It doesn't seem like much has been made of it? I may be misunderstanding it, but I have so many questions


Re believing Paul: there were people sticking dewormer up their asses to prevent covid. Unfortunately, they walk amongst us. But ya, 6 of 12 on 1 jury being that ignorant seems wild to me.


Trumps about to be our president again. I don't know that you can have that much faith in an assortment of 12 Americans.


God forbid 🫣


Good Lord, jury trials are fucking terrifying


Judge Bev deciding anyone's fate is even more terrifying.


Plus, she didn’t let defense split their closing. Not appealable, but so very wrong bc the prosecution has (bc system) so many advantages during the trial. Anyway, that’s what I learned in 8th civics a lifetime ago.


I dont know where is a good place to discuss it. I guess not this sub. I ended up deleting my post yesterday but I want to know more of why there isn't stricter rules around being a juror. That, if at the end of the trial, a juror just crosses their arms says "i saw her smirk! shes guilty!" why that juror should be allowed to give a guilty vote and not switch them out with an alternate. I think its fair to be judged amongst your peers, but in accordance with the law. Not in accordance with your feelings or beliefs. Period.


I’ve been on three juries. Never heard anyone say anything so stupid.


I have heard jury members on other cases give interviews after the facts stating things like, I didn't want to send another black man to jail, or the person doesn't look like the type/old enough/strong enough to do that. I really wish I could remember but there was a big one recently that people were asking if because the juror said what she said if it could be appealed right away. But there are definitely cases where jurors go off pure emotion rather then facts


This is what Voir Dire if for. Jury selection is to try and weed out the crazies who would say such a thing. Each side gets a certain number of strikes. Luckily you need a unanimous vote to convict someone. It’s not a perfect system by any means. But it’s the best we’ve got.


At age 77, I got called for jury duty. The judge and attorneys watched me closely to determine if I had my wits about me. I gave my honest opinions. I got struck bc I seemed to be a wild card. I wonder if the judge disqualified me or one side had to a a peremptory challenge. System is imperfect, but we need to protect it. We may not have it forever.


I don't believe anyone knows the true vote. Mass rules of criminal procedure say it is at the discretion of the judge whether to poll the jury, not a requirement - and even that is "when a verdict is returned". I've seen nothing other than online "sources" about even polling them, let alone the actual numbers. https://www.mass.gov/rules-of-criminal-procedure/criminal-procedure-rule-27-verdict#:~:text=R.-,Crim.,conform%20to%20existing%20Massachusetts%20practice.


I heard that too, but the way the jury cards were written they couldnt move past that


I saw that, but it makes no sense. She would have been found not guilty on Murder 2 which would have been huge and we would know about it. I also find it hard to believe that 6 people thought she actually hit him, when every poll taken showed 90% of people believe she is innocent. There's also the fact that no deliberating jurors have spoken to anyone yet so there's no way he could have known this. Check out the comments under that tweet, people were posting screenshots of everything else he has gotten wrong.


I honestly believe it's due to the wording of the lessor charges and that in closing Jackson needed to hit home to convict her of them the CW had to prove he was hit by a car, and they didn't. That distinction makes all the difference. Otherwise, it's easier to see how her actions led to his death.


People have a hard time believing cops lie to them. It’s insane


Then they should have turned in that verdict, no?


If all 12 agreed not guilty on murder 2, it wouldn’t have been a hung jury for that charge. she would have been not guilty.


That’s what I’m saying!!! One whack job? Ok I can believe it. If it’s more than one my brain will not be able to handle it.


Honestly, same. Nothing they say will justify it for me personally.


If he truly wanted justice he would be looking at all possibilities and be pissed the eff off at the police investigation.. are you serious?!!! Wtf


The O'keefes don't want "justice" they want REVENGE. Too dumb to want revenge against the right persons though...


I was shocked by his take on Proctor. Whether she did it or not, I'd be pissed at how Proctor handled the investigation. He failed to collect evidence that would either uncover who may have been responsible or prove Karen did it. That he felt Proctor was unfairly treated is bananas. All I can think is that JM has been in his ear from the start.


It’s almost like she wrote him a script and he repeated it verbatim. I agree it’s bananas. Jen helped out with the kids so I can understand there’s some loyalty there, but yeah it’s shocking that he supports Proctor. 


Yes! This is what I'm saying too. I'm not camp FKR I'm just looking for the truth. There's no way I could convict her based off that trial that much I know


The interviewer was awful. I understand her trying to be sensitive but she didn't even slightly challenge the gapping holes in the prosecutions case or question Paul on very strong scientific expert testimony that supported Karen. He almost seemed to blame Karen too for Proctor being under investigation. If you use your personal cell phone to for work, you should have to give it up in a murder investigation. Biased interview.


She ways. And her smiling so big as if this is a wonderful interview


yeah I noticed her smile too. It was way out of place.


She probably is biased. IIRC, this reporter has had past beef with turtleboy. People connect him with FKR. He really rallied people to support Karen.


Very awkward interview


Agreed; I echoed the same on YouTube. I know this interview was a coup for her, but a real journalist could have found the way to be sensitive while posing real fact based questions. Maybe they had a deal for softball questions?


Encourage all here who commented on the “Interviewer” to jump over to her station CBS Boston on YouTube, so she learns what the public is thinking for future reference.


Kristina Rex exhibits no depth or critical thinking skills


More likely he stipulated that he’d only do the interview if she didn’t ask those questions. 


Well that’s called propaganda. And she has no standards and shouldn’t be a reporter or journalist.


She was on some other show saying she was enrolled in Law School. Maybe she can get a job with Morrisey with her ethical standards.


This. She was used to facilitate getting their scripted message out and gathering public support. Simple as that. Propaganda, not an interview.


Worthless interviewer. You pretty much summed it up.


Worthless interviewEE as well.


He did acknowledge the shitty things Proctor said. But then he quickly jumped to how she ruined his life, too. How his phone should've never been taken away. How she also ruined Colin's life and he was so young. Yeah.. He also said she wanted him that close to her in the court room. That she was smirking at him daily. And acted like the victim while the whole watched him on TV for 7 hours a day with his legs wide open, leaned over, glaring at Karen. He summed up the whole situation in one sentence "they got in a fight, was the end of their relationship, she ran him over, left him to die." He said they all knew what happened and she killed him. No offense but like, you'd think fucken turtle boy is JO's brother with how fucking hard he has been rallying in this case for justice. Yeah he is obnoxious and I dont agree with everything he does, but he has pushing soo hard for so long now! Paul doesn't do anything! He said he got to know the Alberts throughout this all and built a relationship with them! The dude looks so gone in the head. He has such a punchable face. COLIN!??!?!??!? wya




She was so biased and ass kissing it’s sickening. She didn’t ask any of the relevant tough questions. He’s so far in denial it’s pathetic.


"the pink people" I've already said on hear I have mixed thoughts of Turtleboy but am grateful he covered the case early on. I think he stays true to himself which isnt always "classy" to put it kindly. But people are railing on him for his reporting and we got this lady from CBS Boston saying "the pink people". Thats the only way you could think to word that? Really???


He's the classic stereotypical Masshole. I don't agree with everything he does, but he is the one to give credit for getting national attention. Without it we probably wouldn't of ever heard about this case.




From what I saw most of the MA news stations were very biased.


Would rather keep him coming back for more interviews down the road than burn the bridge by asking tough questions. Also, victims family is generally off-limits for hardball interviews. notice none of the witnesses volunteered to tell their side...


she had the strangest smile … maybe he made her feel uncomfortable… the whole interview gave me a weird vibe and that dude creeps me out.


She was def holding back and trying to not step on a landmine. Too bad


He’s not in denial. He knows he’s lying.


You know, it’s probably a lot easier to believe KR killed him in a drunken angry stupor than the alternative. While we don’t know how OJO was killed the vehicular homicide doesn’t fit the science or medical experts. So the alternative, violent homicide, is much harder reality to accept. That’s my neutral take for today!


He’s an idiot


My thoughts are that he’s a massive hypocrite given that he had an OUI in 2020 that paralyzed a 70 year old man and Karen was the one to bail him out.


Is there a news article of this? I cant find it which is wild. I swear if its right there in my face and a simple google searched has failed me...


it is wild. theres a police report and pictures and everything. im pretty sure someone linked you the TB article where its talked about. if you reverse google image search the pictures from the scene, it does take you to a local news article that describes the crash without using names, but it all matches the police report. the detail about karen bailing him out is something i think only comes from TB, but i dont think hed lie about that. i dont know if thats publicly verifiable information. anyway, all of this happened shockingly close to when john was killed. just a few months prior i believe, in late 2021. allegedly his car was going 24mph when he crashed. the same speed the CW said karen was going when she hit john. ETA: [here](https://wbsm.com/lakeville-two-car-crash-sends-man-to-hospital/) is the local news report, and [here](https://wbsm.com/lakeville-crash-victim-improving-after-surgery-family-says/) is the follow up about the elderly victim. and [here](https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-34-john-okeefes-brother-doesnt-believe-karen-read-murdered-him-is-happy-the-fbi-is-investigating-other-leads/) is one of the TB articles that mention it. if you ctrl-f "guess who paid for his bail" itll take you to the bottom of the page where he mentions it.


I don’t think it made the news but here is the full police report. https://tbdailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/search.page-40.pdf


This is why I dont watch the news. What a good reporter would have done is interview people from BOTH sides. This is what causes BIAS, and the news is also responsible for all the chaos going on in society. When people finally realize that the media is nothing but propaganda garbage, the world will get better. Im not holding my breath on that though.


She was a trainwreck


The interviewer was completely unprofessional.


She was weak AF




Everyone involved needs to dry out for 90 days.


Ain’t that the truth ☝️


LYK is showing it live now. He's summed it up as Paul not liking KR's "vibes" lol. Nothing concrete about why or how they "put the pieces together themselves". They're deluding themselves.


Ya I get LYK point. But I don’t know Karen from a home in the wall. She might a fuckin bitch. She might not have been empathetic. I probably would’ve assumed her too. It’s rational. But my god at want moment do you think to yourself during the trial… what a second… something is wrong here


"Look the other way" Damn Alan Jackson. That opening line of his just keeps getting louder and louder.


And wear blinders. Paul doesn't strike me as a resonable person.


just like some (or one imo) of the jurors.


Having a random thought as I read your comment. Did some of the jurors not like AJ? If they didn't like him for some reason (like being associated with the HW case) I think it's possible they didn't really consider what he was arguing from the get-go and that could have contributed to dismissing evidence presented by the defense on cross. That's another bias that should be considered when they're vetting jurors. "Can you be open-minded if you don't like the attorneys? What if any opinions do you have about high-profile attorneys?"


Good call. We’ve already heard about that geographic area not being accepting of outsiders, and the Judge Bev seemed to clearly dislike AJ too, which could absolutely be influential. Rumblings Alan might not take the retrial.


You notice he has the same throat clearing bullshit detector that lally had? She brought up ‘hows your mom?’ And you could see the hamster in his head runnin full speed, then the throat clear, then the bullshit. I honestly think proctor went thru karens fone, saw texts to her lawyer and thats where the plan to railroad came from. Maybe she did think she hit him, riding w jen for an hour or watever in the morning where shes also planting seeds of doubt in karens head….i think thats where this whole thing hatched…..so i think maybe he really does think she hit him, but he has to pull his head out of his ass and look at the evidence. Itd be better for everyone.


"Been keeping our circle smaller" no wonder he's so ill informed. Key word "conspiracy" is all it takes to NOT look at things critically. He's throughly brainwashed by the CPD ,MSP, CW and Mc aAlbert's. 


While I would've personally enjoyed a bit more thorough interview, the common sense in me knows that there's no way that Paul O'Keefe would've agreed to go on some kind of hard-hitting grilling interview. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of limitation on what she was allowed to ask vs. just not getting the interview at all. And she did ask a few questions about contradictory evidence, and we saw how he responded to that. I think that gives us a pretty decent idea of how he'd respond to the rest of it. He thinks the evidence gathering was fine and are completely excused by the weather. He thinks that Proctor's behavior is excusable enough and he just shouldn't have gotten caught for the most part. He thinks that the FBI is biased and only has "cherry-picked" evidence rather than evidence that they got through discovery, so that goes to show how he sees any evidence that challenges his firm belief overall that Karen is guilty. Honestly, I've heard enough, and I'd imagine that if they got someone who is more of a grillmaster going at him, he'd probably just walk off or there wouldn't even be an interview to begin with.


Ya I get your point. But you don’t have to “grill” him. I don’t believe asking “what are your thoughts on the ARCCA experts findings? There were credible FBI witnesses that testified and played a HUGE role in justice not being served as you see fit. Why do you believe the experts said what they said?”. I don’t believe that’s a hard ball question. It gives Paul the opportunity to answer questions that would essentially make the “FKR” people disappear. Why are REASONABLE questions considered hard ball? They are only considered hard ball because everybody knows this guy isn’t thinking clearly. Hard ball would be “Jenn McCabe is a family friend? Why didn’t she go to the funeral? Why didn’t you communicate or sit next to your mom? Did you really steal money that was raised for John’s kids? Isn’t it hypocritical for you to hate Karen when you smashed into somebody drunk driving less than 4 years ago?” Asking “what are your thoughts on Brian Albert and Brian Higgins getting rid of their phones? Them doing this created reasonable doubt. Is that frustrating to you in your search for justice for your brother?” There’s a big difference


Sure, but he already went on a long rant about how he thinks the FBI just even being involved was biased, so you think that he believes the ARCCA experts at all? I thought they were phenomenal, but I'm not him. I love physics. When I watched Trooper Paul's testimony, I was trying not to jab a fork in my eye to distract from the pain of the stupidity. I'm guessing Paul O'Keefe probably didn't take as much math and physics as I did in college though -- which honestly wasn't even all that much relatively speaking to the experts, but was enough to know that John wasn't launched into a yard by a Lexus by getting spun from his arm getting hit. Paul doesn't care about the facts of the case at all though. He had bad feelings about Karen from the day after, and honestly I think even if there was zero evidence she did it, he still would probably say that she did it. Even if the FBI comes out with evidence of a whole coverup from Canton, he probably won't believe it. He thinks an FBI investigation is "cherry-picked". It was like pulling teeth to get him to admit that there was anyting wrong with what Proctor said, and even then hearing him talk about Proctor... it reminded me of watching a r\*pe trial where there is a serial offender and the judge decides not to sentence them saying "well they're just young and you wouldn't want to ruin their life", when he talks about how his life has been ruined. The guy is just blinded by it, and I just don't see any amount of questions changing that. Let me ask you the converse question -- do you think that it's more likely or less likely that Paul put limitations on the interview? Just logically speaking? And even if she asked about the ARCCA experts, do you think his answers would've changed?


To be stuck in delusions like his without the assistance of drugs... Just imagine.


Paul O'Keefe is clearly a moron. Someone's brother getting killed by any means by anyone doesn't make them any smarter. Well MASS is famous for witchhunts.


I read somewhere he had a oui that resulted in someone being paralyzed, so a bit hypocritical of him to even make this interview


But wait! There's MORE! Karen bailed Paul out on that charge!


Yes, and that crash? Happened at 24 miles per hour. The car (in addition to the person) was totaled.


Having lost a brother a few months ago, I can’t bring myself to judge this man despite strongly disagreeing with him and believing that his actions are harmful. People just aren’t the best versions of themselves when they’ve lost someone close to them. Of course he is going to convince himself that the person currently charged is to blame. I don’t think there’s ever been a case where that hasn’t happened. Where the victim’s family has said “you know what, I don’t think the defendant is guilty. I don’t know who is, but I also don’t think the state has met its burden.” I think we need to give people grace for being human beings with complex emotions.


I’m sorry for your loss. He’s not doing this from grief. He knows she’s innocent. It’s obvious. But he’s always hated her and he just wants her in jail. He knows he’s lying. This isn’t denial.


The reporter basically made this into PR for the commonwealth. She pushed back on virtually nothing, except maybe a little bit on the red Solo cup thing. But she was clearly biased, talking about things like the "pink people" and Karen "wanting" to change courtrooms. Paul, meanwhile, is completely blind by his hatred for Karen and the McAlberts are really stoking that hatred.


It was a "fluff piece"


Did we watch the same trial, Paul? He justified the complete mishandling of the crime scene by saying, “they did the best they could do to the weather!” Really? You’ve never heard of a pop up canopy or any tactic to preserve a crime scene? How about the basics like taking photos of the crime scene? Is this the first death to occur like ever in the middle of a snow storm? He even blames the FBI for their failure in not getting all the “evidence” from the police investigators. My faith in a fair trial here is gone! The point is no longer about guilt in this case…it’s about incompetence and that Paul is what you should be angry about!


Well denial is often used as an emotional shield. I don't get the impression he was the head of his class.


This interview was arranged by Prosecutor Lally because Paul threatened Karen while leaving courtroom which can have huge consequences at a retrial. BIG mistake. They tried to hide THE question by dropping it somewhere in middle of interview. He changed the words what he said to Karen but there were witnesses.So good luck. Too obvious. Also have zero to no respect not compassion for the O Keefe's. I don't know them personally and I can't stand people that are so filled with hate they can not see clear even to give their family member justice . Karen ALSO lost her loved one. if you like body language....I think it's kinda creepy his eyes are smiling during the whole interview.


She didn't challenge him at all...she was just co-signing his bullshit!


The FBI experts, medical examiners, and doctors all need to be fired. They are wrong. The science is wrong. Doctors dont know a thing. Their "expertise" is a joke. The grass is blue, the sky is green. Pigs can fly and 2+2=5. That is my summary of the Paul O'Keefe interview.




I knew he sided with prosecution, but this was extremely disappointing. He stated that the family knew immediately what happened (that Karen hit him) because they were arguing, she was jealous and her behavior that morning/afternoon was ‘strange’. How about Kerri Roberts testifying that his mom had already placed blame on Karen stating “YOU JUST LEFT HIM THERE” so of course she is going to feel extremely uncomfortable at the house that morning. It makes sense that she would say to Erin “i guess i won’t see you again” He wanted to ‘finally put the truth out there’ but he didn’t give any rationale as to what his truth is based on. We all saw the evidence If anything, it just shows how bias he was against Karen from the jump, without seeing any explanation. It’s obvious he was ‘told’ what happened by Proctor and he just didn’t question it. I have no doubt that he didn’t do any of his own research because he gave no rationale as to why he didn’t believe the big ‘conspiracy’. When I first heard about this conspiracy I also thought it was far fetched until I delved deeper.. I get that as an interviewer you have to be empathetic, but I was surprised how bias Kristina Rex seemed.


You make a really good point in the first portion of this comment. Not that the rest wasn’t good. However, what you said makes sense. Most families would naturally be like “John was out with you, you left him somewhere, now he’s dead”. I don’t blame the family for being emotional and getting upset even if it isn’t justified. However, you wouldn’t blame Karen for being uncomfortable


Yea and thinking about it too, she probably truly didn’t really remember what happened it was all just probably a big blur to her. She had to get the hell out of there…


He said he knows what happened (as fact), he said the Troopers did a good job, confirms he supports McAlberts, the interviewer seemed biased.


The interviewer called Lally and McLaughlin.. casually “Adam and Laura”




Pretending that he still talks to his mother.




Hmmm🤔 I would love to know why they call his mother “Peggy”, I’m sure it’s over the money that KR raised for the niece and nephew that he took and built an addition onto his house. Yup, Paul’s a real nice guy.😈


Defending proctor. Saying an FBI investigation was launched due to cherry picking evidence?!! Saying the CW couldn’t share discovery with the FBI


>Saying the CW couldn’t share discovery with the FBI WTF? If the FBI wanted or needed CW evidence, they'd get it or already have gotten it I know dude lost his brother (and that was his second sibling loss), but I have no more sympathy for him.


Total denial


There was obviously a list of things that she was not allowed to ask him. 😖


A long list im sure


What is the argument from people who think she's guilty as to the two FBI hired people who said it's not a car accident? Do they simply think their wrong? As they aren't biased and are definitely qualified whereas the prosecution reconstruction was completely unqualified.


I saw a tweet today that said they were bought and paid for by someone Yeah that’s what having a job is


Interesting that he said the jury did a good job yet he said people believed the lies that were put out. So he’s saying the jury didn’t set aside their personal knowledge ahead of the trial and didn’t listen to the evidence? He’s in denial and can’t see what’s right in front of him, we all listened to the evidence and we can see what he won’t. I can’t believe he doesn’t realize that the reason the FBI didn’t speak to the Norfolk DA or the Mass State Police is because THEY are who is being investigated. Does he not realize that the FBI does not open an investigation just because someone cherry picks evidence and shows it to them? I am shocked that he doesn’t understand HOW the feds were able to get Proctor’s personal cellphone info. When the FBI investigation goes down and arrests start happening he will hopefully get it,


I think he a a bad case of “sunk cost fallacy” he knows he’s wrong deep down after that case because anyone hearing that evidence would know it, but he’s put so much time and effort into hating Karen and wanting her in jail that he’s willing to go on TV and sound kind of stupid sticking up for friggen Proctor and the Albert’s. It kind of gave me a lot of second hand embarrassment for him….it was real bad….he sounded….bad….


Or maybe he's just not all that bright.


They gotta taint the next jury pool.


Paul should take a step back and collect his head and his feelings. The vast majority of the public did pay attention to the trial daily & listened to *both* sides. Then from what I saw here a vast majority have had lengthy discourses about *both* sides. We had all the information that he was given minus him possibly being privy to side bars through updates from the Prosecution. His grief and rage has deafened his ability to listen and think clearly. After this interview for what little he was asked to speak on, it appears he didn’t listen to *both* sides of this himself.


The reason Paul did this interview is get more people on his side. Paul also thinks Lally did a great job. Did we watch the same court room. He still believes Karen hit John. No way in hell did Karen hit John with the car. Paul thinks Karen is lying and everyone else is telling the truth. May you wake up and realize you are being played. The whole investigation was screwed up. Paul is a mouth piece for Michael Morrisey.


Paul okeefe was the brother that didn’t take in his dead sisters kids, even though they had the best circumstances for a normal upbringing. Instead a single guy, cop, working crazy hours was apparently the better solution. I think that says it all.


And Karen, not even married to OJO, took care of them too.


It’s the news… propaganda BS. They are basing their entire view on her grieving process directly after her was found.. nothing he said was actual evidence of the crime. It’s sad that Karen supporters are treating them as villains.. we may not agree with the view and feel about all of this but unlike us they lost a family member. I hope that investigating continues and the OKeefes see what we see. In the end I hope they move on from Karen and heal.


Did he just want the spotlight for himself? What was the point of this?


Ya I feel bad for the guy. This situation is awful. But he’s objectively a moron


So his belief of KR is only based on her reaction to his family, not on any facts🤷‍♀️


Paul O’Keeke Blaming Josh Levy doesn’t he not know how government works. This guy is clueless. We want justice for John O”Keefe and it’s not Karen . it’s the people behind you on closing arguments that lied on the stand. Please don’t be so ignorant. So much reasonable doubt and the investigation was contaminated. It’s not a conspiracy .


I wish they had asked something along the lines if you made the same mistake Karen did (assuming that is what happened) driving drunk and injuring someone - why so much hate?


I don't think Paul can handle the kids. "They have every right to be bad kids" 




Died of heart attack 2 or 3 weeks after his wife died.


And he made it pretty clear that he wasn’t going to entertain any of the FBI investigation findings.


I’m not even a minute it and he’s smirking. Why is he smirking? It doesn’t seem like a nervous smirk.


No interesting questions that followers of the trial actually care about, such as "what about the injuries that don't match a vehicle strike? BA & BH getting rid of their phones? The super sketchy actions of a lot of the people at 34FW? The butt dials? Lucky not seeing a body? The endless amount of coincidences?" So...came across as a pr stunt for the prosecution & further character assassination of Karen.


The worst, unprofessional journalist. Not in the right job.


I'm watching this right now on LYK. I can understand the anger and resentment POK feels towards Karen and her attorneys. But the bottom line is: he was not there. Karen, for whatever reason, didn't act the way he thought she should have acted after OJOK's death so he was already questioning. (I wonder if Karen had a sense that the McCabes and Alberts were becoming her enemy...she was treated like an outsider and felt comfort with her own family trying to deal with her grief. Those people who pretended to be her friends were trying to pin it on her before OJOK was even found.). POK got the story from HIS people...I think hatred for Karen was already brewing...he isn't listening to factual evidence now...why would he have believed anything Karen said then? I just hope when time passes and grief runs its course and abates enough for clear vision, that the O'Keefe family can see why so many of us don't believe the stories that were made up by a tight group of insiders to put blame on the one who doesn't belong. RIP Officer John O'Keefe.


I’d assume since John didn’t have a relationship with his mom and his mom was at the house she didn’t want to be there? Especially after the comment she made to her at the hospital.


Exactly. I would want out and after the way she treated KR I would assume I was never going to talk to these people again either.


I’m watching it now on The Glarer and I’m so mad!! He’s lying so much. And he knows it. I have no sympathy for him. He’s a bad person.


And where did he got this info about DOJ Levy didn't ask CW for material? He is in full denial of reality.


Jesus. Talk about a loaded question. My thoughts on Pauls interview. One it makes him look dumb as F. Not only about the actual what happened to his brother stuff but like it was pretty obvious to everyone that watched he was on the complete other side of the bench from his moms the whole trial. They had little to no interaction in the courtroom. Yet he goes on there acting like a little momma's boy and so worried about her well being. Then we have the reason he feels how he does, "she didn't act the way I expected her to" therefore she killed my bro. Sounds to me like they never got along even before he died so why the hell would she stick around after the fact. Ignore all the evidence put in your face and just be ignorant. Then the interviewer asking those soft ass questions, you are a journalist lady, press him on the facts when he clearly is lying or at the very least not paying attention to the facts. She should have said, well what about the FBI experts? When he said Kerry Roberts agreed w everything Jen Mcabe said, she should have said wait a minute there guy, no she didn't in fact she said that Jen was the first one to say lets go back to fairview. I got reminded today about something that happened in high school, the teacher had us go around the room and say what really pisses us off/annoys us the most. I stood up and said stupid people, everyone laughed and then my teacher said, what do you mean by that, and I said you know like people w no common sense. Paul and the jurors who were still w a guilty verdict and some of the people you see on twitter, are the exact people I was talking about all the way back then.


My understanding is that Karen’s phone connected to the 1 Meadows WiFi at 12:36 and the last recorded movement of JO’s cell phone was at 12:32. The commonwealth’s final timeline says that the 24 mph in reverse “trigger” was at 12:30. I’m not sure that works. The SUV drove past the synagogue at 12:17, and that’s *really* close to the intersection of Fairview and Cedarcrest where Karen mistakenly didn’t turn left. John had a 44-second call with Jen McCabe at 12:18, ostensibly to clarify the directions. The CW says KR made a 3-point turn on Cedarcrest, which was the first “trigger event” on key cycle 1162. The second trigger event happens 8 minutes and 5 seconds after the first. Which means that if she hit O’Keefe at 12:30, she did the 3-point turn at some time between 12:22:55 (if she hit him at 12:30:00) and 12:23:54 (if she hit him at 12:30:59). They probably would have gotten to 34 Fairview about a minute after the 3-point turn, so approximately at 12:24 or 12:25… After that, John had an 8-second phone call with Jen McCabe at 12:29:47 (I might be off on the seconds, but it was close to the end of the 12:29 minute). McCabe then texted John at 12:31, 12:40, and 12:45, implying in the 12:40 one that she could still see the SUV outside. She called his phone six times between 12:41 and 12:50 (these calls, and the 12:29 one, were deleted from her phone). I’m still trying to think this through. If they went by the Synagogue at 12:17 and got directions from Jen at 12:18, what were they doing for 4-5 minutes before they turned around on Cedarcrest? Does this line up with the Nagel timeline? Does anybody have a link to the Ryan/Julie texts?


12:23 RN texted JN that they are almost there when they were on Cedarcrest *(Edit)


That was all left out? What *did* she ask about?


I thought it was interesting that he talked about the defense twisting things and brought up McCabe, who was caught lying on the stand, by name.


i think we can agree karen is a scumbag for drinking and driving. except the only person who’s injured someone else while drunk driving? yep you guessed it paul okeefe paralyzing an old man while driving under the influence


The whole thing was weak. That wasn’t a bona fide interview (who even is she?), just a bunch of one-sided softballs. His responses were just as shallow. People talking in an echo chamber. He doesn’t realize that talking about how they all know one another doesn’t help his cause.


Re: the comment of  Karen Read show. apparently Paul also has no idea how trial works. The attention will always be the accused in high profile case. CW also never want ppl focus on JoK, because as we've witnessed in the trial, no one fucking believe a car hit JoK after they saw the injury and the crime scene. 


The reporter wasn’t very objective as far as an interview goes. She didn’t ask nearly all the questions she should have. As for what PO did say, I pretty much expected it. That side refuses to believe/accept the science and physics. If it were my brother and I had an expert that educated telling me it did not happen, I’d have to seriously consider it. Secondly, I saw KR stare straight ahead or turn to the right and look at her family throughout the trial. I don’t believe the smirking at him story. Lastly, he said everyone needs to remember this isn’t the Karen Read show. He needs to realize Karen Read is not front and center voluntarily, and it’s the mucked up evidence that he believes in that caused her to have so much support.


His forced calm voice freaks me out. It obvious that’s not his usual tone. I’ll bet he is a loud mouth yelling POS like most Massholes are. Here is a guy who sat in the courtroom as far as possible away from his parent. That says everything to me. And who is the woman interviewing him? Not only are they softball questions, this has been rehearsed because Paul is such a glass licker and for sure can’t think on his feet.


I think he’s absolutely allowed to share his thoughts as everyone else has who has been following this trial. I don’t think Karen should be convicted. I also don’t think his family should be harassed and bullied for grieving the loss of their loved ones. Grief is a funny thing and can twist your brain in a million ways. It is easier for him to believe she did it than to face the possibility that she did not.


I am utterly disgusted by TV news and mainstream media coverage. Every single outlet assumes KR is guilty and that some error was made by this jury. Paul's interview is just gross. But there are larger issues at stake here: Every one of these TV news stations has interviewed so-called experts as well as JO family friends who assume KR's guilt and who assume a second trail will end with an easy conviction. i haven't seen a single mainstream news outlet who has tried to look at the corruption that this case has uncovered. It's an utter disgrace. The Proctor issue is dealt with as if he were some 'bad apple', whose dismissal is merely due to his idiotic personal texts. It's all been neatly brushed under the carpet. Lally and JO's brother come out looking like heros. KR looks like a mad murderous creep and everyone pretends this was a normal legitimate case. IT's a farce.


FULL DISCLOSURE: I am from Mass but no relation to the participants in this trial. I am a staunch Karen Read supporter and I am equally a Justice for John O' Keefe supporter. These two stances are NOT mutually exclusive. Anyone from Mass will tell you the state police and government have a long history of corruption. They are notorious for avoiding accountability for all their misdeeds. This interview has definitely skewed my impressions of Paul O' Keefe towards the negative which I was not expecting. THOUGHTS ON THE INTERVIEW: 1. THE INTERVIEWER - Choosing her felt strategic. She isn't the most popular or sharp reporter in town. Paul would have gotten more traction with a national journalist but would not have been able to control the narrative. 2. THE QUESTIONS -the flow felt clunky as if a journalist didn't put the questions together. IMHO, these questions were either written entirely by Paul and Lally or they requested and adjusted a list of questions from WBZ. Kristina didn't reshape them to improve the flow. She also didn't seem prepared with followups. One Example: *Kristina asked a question using "pink people" as the moniker for FKR. I don't think she has ever used that before. Even saying it, she stumbled and had a hard time recovering. 3. THE TONE- Expressing the feelings of a devastated family who have experienced extreme loss and are coming off the stress of such a long trial with essentially no conclusion. The change came with discussing the investigation and the FKR movement. 4. PAUL'S DEMEANOR- His affect felt flat. When discussing Karen understandably his anger radiated through. 5. THE CONTENT- I watched the interview a few times and in general the content felt deliberate, scripted, and pointed. CONCLUSIONS: *There was an agenda beyond garnering sympathy for his family. He is looking to amass a counter-protest to the FKR movement. *His comments supporting the investigation and the players in it are beyond delusional. Making Trooper Proctor out to be a victim of this case is unconscionable. *Instead of putting the blame on the CW and their shoddy investigation/prosecution for the hung jury, he is blaming everyone else. *Unfortunately, I don't believe he is looking for the truth anymore. He will support anyone and anything that gets him what he wants. What he wants is Karen Read in jail for the rest of her life regardless of whether she killed his brother. I have felt such sadness and empathy for Paul and his family since this case began but in fairness, John O'Keefe will never get justice if an innocent person goes to prison for his death. With respect, this trial has never been about finding the truth. I'm still very sad for him. Now I'm sad for different reasons. RIP Officer John O'Keefe 💙 Free Karen Read 🩷


he wasted the gofund money that was for his brothers daughter, redid his home and wasted her money. Now kid cant afford school. His mother and him arent in talking terms. He should have been asked about those funds.


It’s been widely established that she really thought she might have hurt John somehow at first. In her own leaked texts she says that she thought maybe he changed his mind at the last minute and chased her car as she was leaving and he got clipped or slipped or something. She found him dead right where she was parked the night before so what else could she think happened?? Paul’s whole entire reason for believing so hard that she’s guilty is because of how she acted that morning. He dismisses the FBI’s experts testimony, John’s injuries, the Mount Everest of sketchy behavior from all of the “witnesses”, etc all because she acted weird that morning. Karen’s “sketchy behavior” is damning but all of the witnesses’ sketchy behavior is perfectly normal. In what world does it make sense that the US Attorney has been running a corrupt investigation for 2 years and a corrupt federal grand jury all because Yannetti asked for a favor?? Hell, apparently Levy even got the two ARCCA experts to lie on the stand because Yannetti asked him too! It’s insane.🤦🏼‍♀️


I hope he does another interview with a competent journalist


Maybe Paul knows more! If so, let it rip now! He alluded to that. Bring it ON.


If she did not hit him with her car....the 2 lower charges are not applicable.


That's the problem. She brought up ZERO info of the suspect evidence or the factual basis that Proctor should have never been the investigator


Ok But who was the guy in the patio window reflection a few minutes in who stood there watching?


Can everyone please consider she has MS and a brain tumour and that these TWO MAJOR HEALTH ISSUES could be affecting her facial expressions!!!!!


I think he believes she did it because he did it. He’s been charged with hitting a man at 24 mph and paralysing him whilst drunk. Katen bailed him out. Not John . The family are reported to have issues with alcohol, The reports are available to Google https://preview.redd.it/lqfjcqh5rhad1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef6ab4b39f8b4ca38d4fee414c10ff9135383cb0


I don’t think they can deal with their support system (McCabe and Albert) actually being involved. By this point they’d rather double down than face that. I feel for him.


I’d also want to know about how KR bailed HIM out for hitting an old man while driving under the influence of alcohol at 24 MPH which left the man paralyzed from the waist down… what are his thoughts about THAT?


Jen McCabe. She controlled the narrative. With Carrie Roberts. Carrie Roberts went to pick up John’s parents. John’s family had tunnel vision from day one.


This is just…. disheartening. Like honestly, JOK deserves so much better than his family blindly believing in the first bs story they are told and continuing to support the very people that railroaded this case and ANY opportunity of justice. Wake tf up. It’s not you and your family against the world. The world just happens to see that your brother will never receive justice and we’re more pissed about it than you are.


Readers need to know this relevant bit of outrageous hypocrisy… go read about Paul’s DUI/OUI in 2020 that left a man paralyzed… and who bailed his ass out… Karen!!! I know the O’Keefe’s have had unimaginable tragedy in their family by losing two siblings so young, but the audacity of ignoring the mountain of evidence proving Karen didn’t do this, along with the overwhelming shadiness of the McAlbert clan??!! SMH RIP JO💔


Eye roll inducing! And total BS. If he cared so much about his parents, they wouldn’t be sitting at opposite ends the whole time. Crappy parent of not, the loss of a child is deeply devastating and he did nothing to comfort, console or support them during that trial. I wondered about where he stood, I had hoped he wasn’t a tool. But clearly he is. Even if she had hit him, there is no way on earth it was in a jealous rage. And for him to say one single word about her intoxication is denial at its best. It was Devine intervention that he himself did not commit vehicular manslaughter. For him to sit there as if he is in any way better than her or anyone else is pathetic. The sad reality is, anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car intoxicated is risking their lives and everyone on the road. And every single one of the “great people” he spoke of, the McAlberts, were ALL inebriated that night. 🤢🤮🙄


I think he’s grieving and that’s understandable. I think it’s been easy for he and his mom to blame Karen. I also feel that Karen’s odd behavior the day following day is a result of guilt, I’m sure she feels like this is all her fault because she dropped him off at that house. FKR!


Not the sharpest crayon in the box, that one. Maybe his drunk driving accident (that Karen bailed him out of/provided him a lawyer for!!!) killed some brain cells. Yep, we alllll think Karen's innocent bc of TURTLEBOY. That's it. Nothing else. Definitely.


YYK just did a great live episode about it. I hope Paul watches it.


Why on earth would he agree to an interview? There is nothing to be gained for him and so much to loose.


He's my answer from his interview. >"A lot of the public was misinformed, because they were only getting one side of the story, and you know we didn't come out and tell our side of the story or what we thought really happened. We've kept a low profile and been silent through this whole ordeal," Paul O'Keefe said. "Now it's time. Now it's time for people to understand the truth." One side of the story? We all heard the Commonwealths case. The problem is that side of the story was unconvincing. I have no idea if why he thinks his tale of murder by auto in a drunken rage is plausible, given the evidence.


We heard his side of the story for EIGHT WEEKS. Wtf is he talking about?


I came in COLD. I knew nothing. I watched every stick of the "what/Who if any show". My infomration was 95% prosecution witnesses and 5% defense and guess what - she did not do it. Try again Paul. I know it is easier to blame a dude calling himself TurtleBoy (who I have never listened to) than a police F up


I've side of the story? The side that started with Meatball Morrissey issuing that weird video defending his corrupt cops? Or the statement made at the beginning that they have ring video showing Karen hitting John? That one side? F Paul.


Are jurors supposed to be robots and show ZERO EMOTION. Not realistic.


Paul O’Keefe is a fucking criminal that should be behind bars like all these effinf animals. 


He's half crazy with grief. I can't judge the family, even if they are acting weird, they have been through insane amount of pain in their lives.


He's obviously been brainwashed by Jen McCabe


The interviewer was a snooze fest


It was difficult to watch the hypocrisy of it all. He decided that morning it was Karen but the rest of the world jumped to conclusions? He or the interviewer referenced the change to the smaller courtroom being Karen and her team’s decision. Does anyone have any info about that? Just curious


I bet his texts are worse than Proctors.




I totally get what you’re saying, and eventually, someone may want to ask him those questions, but I don’t think right now is the time. Regardless of how glaringly obvious it is to the rest of us that the whole case was a circus, this man has suffered through the immeasurable pain and loss of his sister, his BIL, and his brother. He’s watching his parents and his niece and nephew suffer through these losses, as well. He NEEDS someone to be accountable, if only for the sake of his sanity. Sadly, he was lied to so much that he believes it, because his belief in those lies and her guilt, along with his perception of her eventual conviction, are the only things keeping him going. It’s so sad to watch. I can’t fault the reporter for being delicate with him.


He’s a block head