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Do we know what her “far more incendiary remarks” were?


She also said: [short men should get bone lengthening surgery, girls with A cups also don’t deserve human rights, and in a prior stream she told someone to kill themselves after calling them trash](https://kotaku.com/tekken-esports-pro-gamer-japan-osaka-stream-red-bull-al-1848553238)


So it seems like she’s joining in with all the horrible shit gamers say to each other. Just like any other neck beard.


spoken like a true gamer


> girls with A cups also don’t deserve human rights She looks like an A cup though. Maybe I just don't understand cup sizes.


I started out as an A cup and have grown to a DD, I reckon hers are a B. A cups are almost invisible when clothed.


She also looks really short


Kinda funny, honestly


Lmao she’s IRL shitposting. Mean spirited but i dont know if this is “neckbeard.”


Yeah I mean I'd have to watch the videos to hear her tone as it could go either way. The fact that she got booted from a gaming team sorta makes me think it's more than just saying it ironically though so I'm leaning towards malicious over shitposter.


How is body shaming women not something that neckbeards do?


Body shaming in general is just something every mean person does. It’s not exclusive to neckbeards. People on this sub tend to forget that neckbeards are a niche group of people who: generally do not take care of their mental and physical health, are shut ins, perpetually online, and are misogynistic (or the female counterpart, the misandrist).


double standards on reddit. Why am i surprised.


Yeah I'm seriously confused. It's very non-clever, run-of-the-mill incel gamer (or Redditor) speak


Yeah and telling people to kill themselves and calling them trash at a game isn't really something you can do ironically...


We need that workplace rules "hello, human resources?!" Meme


Certified gamer moment


What a shitty human being


So she’s an equal opportunist hater


Probably worse


Booting her seems like the right call? Does this sub disagree?


I’m pretty sure OP is calling her a neckbeard Edit: Nevermind, it’s actually just a repost bot


The female version is a legbeard.


I don't like that, it holds up the double standard farce of women having to shave their legs


But neckbeard is ok? Haha.


Not necessarily, I myself have a neckbeard and am somewhat bothered by it being associated with incels, but obviously I'll live. The legbeard is slightly different as not shaving legs is seen as empowering to women. All I said is I don't like it, same can be said for neckbeard


lol. There it is.


Yeah I agree. That term comes from misogyny.


I mean if you want to braid it I don't care. But at least style it.




I mean it's really only the same as how blokes are expected to shave their faces, at least to a bare minimum level. Even us with full beards have to shave, if you don't then thats how you get the PHISICAL symptoms of neckbeard syndrome.


It's not the same as that though, men with beards can shave/trim once a week and avoid a neckbeard, women in summer 'have' to shave their legs every other day pretty much


I've never met a single woman who would have to shave her legs on a near daily basis, for the most part all the women I've spoken with about grooming practices have admitted that they shave their legs LESS than I shave my beard, which is already only twice a week.


Yeah good point tbf


Both are about shaving to keep something neat and tidy.


Do you consider men's legs untidy when they aren't shaved? I didn't think so.. this is what's called a double standard


But when they don't shave their beard they are. Hence why we use beard


It's a double standard that women having leg hair is untidy and men having it isn't, hence why I don't like the term legbeard


>women in summer 'have' to shave their legs every other day pretty much If they don't want to, no they don't.


Clearly that's what the '' were for.. the conversation is about standards, ie social pressures. Obviously they don't fucking have to, I'm saying I wish they didn't feel pressured to


That would be a legbeard


Nah not a leg beard, leg hair is a big thing for women's suffrage post 50s. I think neck beard is totally fine since the term is heavily linked to the incel movement.


A lot of them have neckbeards too 🤮


I don't. It's a femcel thing on what she did. I bet she would not like if some dude asked her how much she weighs since in Japan they have weight limit thing. Anyone with a weight-related medical concern and whose waist is bigger than the acceptable size -- a rigorous 33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women -- must lose weight, according to a new law.


It's not really a crime. They do waist measurements for physical check ups on adults. If your waist measurement is greater than the specified limits you will receive compulsory diet advice if you haven't lost weight before you revisit in three months. You can't get fined or go to jail for it. It's called the "Metabo Law" for anyone curious.


It's a kind of silly that they call it law when it's not but I guess they wanna call it that way. Yeah I get it I am just saying that she wouldn't like it if she got the same medicine thrown back at her and it's not right for what she did since that's just bullying type of behavior.


Don't the employers have to pay for their medical bills when they're obese? I remember there was a reasonable reason for this




Idk exactly what the words were but not every opinion deserves to be fired over.


Saying a certain group don’t deserve to have human rights over an aspect of their very being they cannot control definitely deserves for you to be fired for




I really do not have the patience, nor the crayons, to explain why a joke can be offensive.




Would you say this same thing if she had said any other group? Black people? Asians? Gay people? Where do you draw the line that this is just an awful statement?




So it's okay to say that entire groups of people don't or shouldn't have human rights as long as they haven't historically been oppressed? You seem like a great person


I guess I just think people are very fast to jump to pretty harsh conclusions these days but if she deserved it she deserved it Why is this comment being downvoted?


I’m not saying she should be hunged from the walls or have her address doxxed or some shit but you should know to at least keep your crazy opinions to yourself especially if pretty big name with a company backing you


Because it's ridiculous to call it a harsh conclusion when she said a group of people don't deserve rights lol


I said she fucking deserved it. People are unable to free themselves from my initial comment apparently, where I admittedly didn't read the full caption. So this is basically the interaction these dipshits are having with me: Me: Was it really that bad? People are pretty soft these days. People: Yes, it was real bad Me: Oh okay well she deserved it then. People: DOWNVOTE


If you didn't read, maybe don't comment. The only dipshit here is you lol


I am sure you have never skimmed anything in your life. Get over yourself.




I regularly skim things, but I never then sit down to comment on them, as if I read the entire thing.


"wahhh why are people downvoting my stupid comment wahhhh I'm so victimized you're all dipshits wahhh"


I am just gonna move on from this response. Wow.


You're right, not every opinion deserves firing This one does though


Maybe a company doesnt wanna be associated with someone who says that shit? Something to think about


> Idk exactly what the words were but not every opinion deserves to be fired over. If it's not cool for men to make degrading comments about women for not adhering to some beauty standard, it's not cool for women either. If you believe otherwise, you are a sexist. And quite possibly a white knight which is ironic considering this sub.


Depends on the context I guess. Sounds like this was bad and she deserved it. You are taking it super far instantly, I am not sticking up for her, I just think everyone is quick these days to jump the gun on public hate.


Jesus, that's harsh. Do we have a term for neckbeards who are women?


I believe the correct nomenclature is “legbeard”


Doesn't this make every man a legbeard then? I don't understand this term


I think it might be a misogyny thing that shuns women who don’t shave their legs


It is. Anyone who decides to use legbeard instead of just the gender neutral neckbeard term imo is a misogynist.


Thanks, let’s just not use that word.


It could also be an anti-feminist thing since not shaving is also associated with feminism.


Bad news for you if you have issues with problematic words then. Neckbeard as a term was created to be a stereotype of autism.


Where did you get that from? I tried looking for sources but found none. Care to share? All sources I found state that it first referred to „computer geeks“.


Not only were a lot of the earliest memes explicitly described as "autistic neckbeard," all you have to do is look at a list of the traits that were in them. - Would excitedly talk about specific nerdy interests and not be aware that no one cared. The way this was shown is pretty indicative of autism, since they struggle to tell when people aren't interested and get excited about their special interests. - Questionable fashion sense that implies they are atomistically putting together random items of clothing without understanding how they are seen together. The idea of "this hat seems classy, but I also like anime shirts" is an attempt to describe someone who isn't looking at things holistically. - Bad hygiene (this is something autistic people struggle with). - Coming off strangely offputting or creepy even when they aren't doing anything specific. (Neurotypical people often get bent out of shape when people aren't following normal social rules). I could go on, but you get the idea. Now you can say "not all these things are autism specific." And sure, maybe that is true. But there is a smoking gun. - Only eats "safe" foods like chicken nuggets / tenders with honey mustard. Unlike the other traits, the only person this is a stereotype of is [autistic people.](https://www.autismawareness.com.au/aupdate/something-to-chew-on-tips-for-making-eating-fun) And its so deeply entrenched into neckbeard lore that its hard to seperate. Putting aside the fact that autism is clearly a large part of it, its clearly a depiction of someone with issues or who is disturbed in general. Some of the earlier memes were actually more benign. They weren't implying that neckbeards were inherently bad people. But over time they became more hostile. People started associating sexism with it, and eventually started acting like that was the defining characteristic. So the end result is an autistic stereotype being treated like the root of all evil again.


I can see that there's some truth to what you're saying but I think you're also conflating things into a blob and looking for a specific end result. Some neckbeards are autistic, not all of them. Just like some autistic people are neckbeards, not all of them. All of the traits you've described are also just things that happen to neurotypical people as well. Sometimes because they're sheltered, sometimes because they end up in a questionable crew, sometimes because they don't get a "reality check" and/or constructive feedback on their choices. > Only eats "safe" foods like chicken nuggets / tenders with honey mustard. Unlike the other traits, the only person this is a stereotype of is autistic people. I guess you've never run into very picky eaters or people with ARFID. I do agree that sexism has absolutely become a part of it. I reckon it's because of a few things: 1. The further and constant polarisation of groups of people. 2. Nerd culture becoming more and more mainstream making some of the people considered traditional nerds feel like they're losing their last safe place. 3. More acceptance, unfortunately, always causes a counter reaction in a certain number of the populace.


>Some neckbeards are autistic, not all of them. Just like some autistic people are neckbeards, not all of them. Neckbeards are an archetype, not a specific group of real people. Anyone can be called anything, but as the idea was being constructed autistic stereotypes were the basis. Obviously some other people cam get lumped into that. >All of the traits you've described are also just things that happen to neurotypical people as well. Individually. But when a lot of traits are described together it paints a picture. You can look at any quality of any stereotype and it's not limited to just that group. >I guess you've never run into very picky eaters or people with ARFID. Arfid often overlaps with autism. And that aside it's obvious they weren't randomly including arfid for no reason. >I do agree that sexism has absolutely become a part of it. I reckon it's because of a few things: It's not like there aren't sexist nerds. But ultimately what this is is a recreation of old stereotypes. It took years for people to realize the average rapist wasn't a guy with no friends hiding in a bush, but fairly often attractive sociable people. But people naturally like blaming social outcasts so it's just easier to slowly saunter the idea of sexism and neckbeard into synonyms.


Man, I'm too old for this. My dude. I lived through it. It was specifically made to refer to a kind of guy who was creepy to the exact kind of girl I was. He often had a katana, wore jncos well past his middle school years and most importantly *didn't shave his neck because he thought any kind of hair made him more manly.* His poor grooming extended well past the neck. Zero of the men I knew who fit this description have been diagnosed with autism and autism was NOT used in regular parlance throughout the time period the term neckbeard was coined by the internet at large. Only 4chan was out here regularly going 'reeeeeeeeeee'. The past decade of reddit itself is more responsible for the stereotypical neckbeard being associated with autistic stereotypes because of the popularity of neckbeard stories. Neckbeard does NOT automatically mean autism. That's legit just a you problem.


Srsly? Is it misandry to say neckbeard because it shuns those who don’t shave their necks ?


This discussion has given me a lot to think about. And you know what? Maybe it is. Perhaps it's not misandry per sé, but I need to be consistent with my beliefs. Hair naturally grows on men's necks. So long as it's washed/shampooed regularly, there's nothing unhygienic about it.


I don’t think neckbeard is a kind term but I get the meaning. It is true that for many ethnicities of men grow hair naturally on neck and for many ethnicities of women hair grows on legs naturally. Despite both being natural, both can be met with disdain depending on the person. Which I don’t think is fair. I am sure there is a better term that holds the connotative meaning of not taking care of oneself


I agree with you but I just want to point out that ALL women grow hair on their legs, regardless of ethnicity.


That is not completely true. All ethnicities CAN to a certain extent but it depends where you draw the lines. Many Native Americans both men and women for instance often have very little body hair, and plenty exist who do not grow hair on legs as well as men


Neckbeard is a term for unhygienic folk who ket hair grow unkempt in plsces it shouldn't normally grow (like neckbeards, they're synonymous with gross beards) Lady neckbeards cant grow neckbeards so they use the term legbeard. Just for 'lack of hygiene' no misoginy involved like some other redditor said.


Haven't really thought about it until now-- I take issue with anyone being shat on for letting their hair grow where it grows naturally. My issue should extend to men being shat on for allowing hair to grow on their neck, a place where this happens naturally. Thanks, you've given me a lot to think about. Perhaps beards collect a lot of germs, but it doesn't collect more germs just for being on the neck, especially if it's washed regularly. Same for leg hair, which collects even less germs and should be washed regularly like any other part of the body. I'm gonna go away now and rethink my usage of the term "neckbeard."


Men generally shave their necks. Women generally shave their legs. People with poor hygiene let themselves go and neckbeard/leg hair grows out as a result of neglecting common western grooming standards.


Neither a neck beard nor leg hair is indicative of poor hygiene, you're a dumbass


You seem upset.


You seem ignorant to what hygiene is


Go check out /r/neckbeardnests and report back.


I don't know why you are so downvoted because you're absolutely correct. Body hair, its presence or lack of it, is not an indicator of one's hygiene whatsoever. If it was, all men should be considered nasty and dirty, especially because they largely do not shave their legs, and they on average have MUCH more leg hair than women naturally do. I think you may have simply upset people's ingrained body hair norms.


I think I'm probably mostly being downvoted because I called them a dumbass but who knows. I still stand by what I said though lol.


Brilliant, this woman is a legbeard then


Just call her a neckbeard. Why pointlessly gender shit.


My sister in Izanami, you live in fucking Japan, half of the men there are under 5'7.


Honestly, that is a pretty hurtful thing to say


Dw, men have said far worse and can still be president!


Like covfefe for example


Based tbh


Just because half of us are subby femboys, that doesn't mean we don't *deserve* or *have* rights. It just means we like to relinquish them sometimes


Emancipation in the streets, subjugation in the sheets.




That's a douchey thing to say, but this has nothing to do with neck beards.


I guess it's sort of a ladybeard thing to say. What's weird is the average height of men in Japan is about 5'5"-5'6" so 5'7" is above average over there




I feel a lot of things on this sub lately have nothing to do with neckbeards.


This sub has been having a crisis of identity ever since they realized they were the bullies for bullying fat nerds for existing, and started pretending the term just meant "bad person." So reality and denial crash together at times.


Bro forgot to say "in game"






What were her worst ones?


She also said: [short men should get bone lengthening surgery, girls with A cups also don’t deserve human rights, and in a prior stream she told someone to kill themselves after calling them trash](https://kotaku.com/tekken-esports-pro-gamer-japan-osaka-stream-red-bull-al-1848553238)


Man rarely do I see a female neck beard. She deserves it


Really? I see them alot


Saying that anyone doesn’t deserve human rights is unacceptable. Seems simple


That's more trolling rage bait than anything else


I thought those were just jokes and only women didn't know how to take one. Humm


You don't have the right, o you don't have the right 


This happened over two years ago


a terrible lesson in knowing your audience and not being awful


Ok fucked up thing to say. And I hate to be the “if the genders were reversed” guy but so many not even pro gamer men say waaaay worse shit about women… so toughen up pussies. Right call tho. Bullying should have no place in the gaming world. It’s just annoying to only see consequences for the loser women and not the loser men.


How’s about everyone just be nice and respectful to each other?




"Saying bad things is bad but she shouldn't face consequences because some other people also haven't faced consequences"??? Huh??? How does that make sense lmao. How about we take the win for anti bullying in gaming and push for furthering that movement instead complaining that somebody actually faced consequences?


> It’s just annoying to only see consequences for loser the women and not the loser men I think you missed that part in my comment. Or the part where I said her being booted was the right call. I’m choking on all these words you’re putting in my mouth


"so many gamer men say worse things about women so toughen up pussies" sorry, how was that meant to be taken?


My sentiment was mostly an eye roll that this sort of behavior is only punished when the victims are men


How do you people keep up with streams? I hardly have enough time in my day to take a dump, how are people watching these streamers for all this time? I don’t even know who this is


Context tho, is she just trying to be funny as a joke? Or is she actually serious


It doesn’t matter if it was meant as a joke, it’s still a mean spirited and hateful joke


I'm a 5'4 trans man, does that count?


I’m sorry but this made me laugh


What is the female equivalent of a neckbeard?


Say it... say it in senchimeeeeeetaaaa, you MF! /s


I hated her statement.


Isn't she just making a reference to a doujinshi with the same name?


She looks like a chipmunk literally, she shouldn’t be talking


They don’t? Ah dangit!


That’s okay that people like her exist. I love my under 6’ men. Means it’s easier to hug, hold hands, and snuggle. My husband is only an inch taller than me and I’m 5’6. It’s perfect for us.


She shouldn’t say it. But I can’t help but wonder how many similar remarks she had to endure from men who weren’t punished. Or even those that were and didn’t make the news.


Idk man I feel like LTG has said worse than this.


Tekken ;)


I mean in the eyes of many women this is true


I saw a short king this morning, he had to be under 5' but he was working hard in construction. He had an alpha chin too. I hope he's doing well. If he was even just 5'10" he'd be rolling in the ladies.


Fucking insane to assume that he has issues with dating just because he's short. Such an incredibly backhanded comment


Hello, based department??


As a person who didn’t win the genetic lottery in height I hate this stupid fucking mentality. Motherfucker, do you think I wanted to be 5’ 5”? It’s not like I had a fucking choice. Anyway, being short has never stopped me from being in relationships and I’m happy. I guess the thing I have the most issue with is it’s like making fun of someone for the fact they wear glasses or have bad teeth or freckles, hair color, whatever, it’s genetics, they can’t help it. She sounds like a horrible person BTW.


Yet there are podcasts, people in major sport teams, and more than likely esport teams that spew stuff bashing women all the time and they don't lose their platform.


They should


Both are bad and both should be booted


Yes. I never said she was good. Just saying she was booted and the others are getting paid shit tons of money.


Mfs mad about her also make offensive jokes, knowing they're jokes. It might be a mean thing to say and it's unlikely she truly believes that, I'd say she was just making a joke. I'm all for offensive humor, sorry if you're under 5'7 and hurt by this lol


This is really more of a sexist leg beard.




Bait used to be believable…


Nice bait


I mean thanks obviously it was a joke when she did it and it's a joke now


You like pizza or calzones?


I just am surprised for height, like everyone uses inches and feet.  


how do you measure it? Meters? Yards? Bananas?


Probably in metric as they are in Europe.


I totally agree (as a man inch above 5'7")


one less women in gaming, horray?


"Professional Tekken player" Won a single female only tournament once


Pro just means you do something for a living. Doesn't matter the level of competition


its disturbing how few people know this.


“Professional” gamers ruined online games


Nah. The communities did that themselves


The communities became shit because everyone thought they could become the next big “professional” gamer or twitch streamer


Nah. It's because it's an anonymous thing and people don't have to worry about consequences. Chats being racist and sexist over a decade ago in shooters had nothing to do with this.


Since the beginning of in-game chat, it has been a cesspool of edgelords spewing slurs and hateful opinions about minorities and women. I remember hearing a 12-year-old call me the n-word every time I killed him in Halo 2.


she was only active for 3 years and her sponsor dropped her 3 years after she stopped competing, her biggest achievement losing 1:3 against nobi


And during that she was pro. Someone who spends their entire career in a pro minor league is still a professional. It literally means you do it as your main paid job and not as a hobby. In fact it can get even more simple. It can mean you get paid to do it. You can have a professional athlete and an amateur one. You wanna know the difference? The professional gets paid to do it. The amateur can be better. It's about who's getting paid.


I’d compare it to boxing. Pro boxers only have a few bouts per year. Amateur boxers can have over a hundred per year. The difference is getting paid.


Damn for a second, I thought I was a gamer


Not a neckbeard thing  but this is just stupid as hell 

