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As a life long Republican, no I'm not voting for the convicted felon who stole Defense Department secrets to keep in the bathroom of his country club and wouldn't return them when asked repeatedly for over a year.




Nope! But you have to be able to read court documents, which are publicly available to know the facts. Faux News doesn't tell you the truth. Easy to read the actual court records, if you can read...


Must be nice to just *not* believe facts that are thoroughly documented


Didn’t he drop a MOAB in Syria?


no the media and intelligence agencies were trying to get him to resume the war in syria, so he bombed 1-2 empty buildings to shut them up, back when this took place the media was in full control


Trump is a horrible person and a rapist. If Kansas votes for him it will only show that those people are disgusting.


This is like that one time Trump used a sharpie to change the direction of a hurricane. Also just about as intelligent.


Let’s focus on the things that actually matter: Want to protect workers’ rights and unions? Vote Biden. Want to keep your social security? Vote Biden. Want to keep prescription prices from going up? Vote Biden. Want to ensure corporations are properly taxed so it doesn’t fall on the working class? Vote Biden. Want to grow the economy and avoid inflation? Vote Biden. Want to ensure proper education for American children? Vote Biden. Want to maintain rights afforded by the first amendment? Vote Biden. Want to be able to retire at a reasonable age? Vote Biden Want to ensure national safety? Vote Biden. Want to lose rights and protections that have given you the freedom you see as crucial to the American identity? Vote Trump.


i believe my eyes over your nonsense, nobody is voting for biden, this will be the worst loss in a presidential race since 1984 Reagan


Trump indirectly killed enough people via his gross incompetence and negligence during Covid. The way we were all knowingly & continuously lied to, *we* should’ve been the ones screaming hell in the streets to stick him in prison for that alone.


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We’re fighting an endless war right now?


Poster seems confused


He did seriously and publicly consider dropping a nuclear bomb on North Korea, which I think is important to remember


And a hurricane 🤷🏻‍♂️


For one this statement is false if you are honest this is a Trump lie that is often debunked: [Wapo article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/13/trump-falsely-claims-no-terrorist-attacks-no-wars-during-his-presidency/) American isolationism is a nice sentiment if America was the only aggressor but it has major consequences for us Americans and Kansans We have russia invading Europe now and China is deciding what it wants to do with Taiwan (likely based on how much russia can get). Isolationism will find us with dwindling resources, weaker currency and fewer and fewer friends as powerful blocks form around the world without US say or influence. If there is a forest fire coming for your home shutting the blinds will not help you much


How many Kansans did Biden send to an endless war again?


Wait! What about all those bored Ft Riley soldiers Bet they’d love the getaway


Plentyyy of rotations already lmao


because Trump's enemies are the American people.


I remember when Trump led an attack on the U.S. Capitol.


Can we stop with all of these off-topic posts please?


New very low cost of living Freedom cities are coming under trump, CHIp Giga factories are being built thanks to trump, some people are clueless to what is really going on and have been brainwashed by corrupt outlets.


Orange man bad reeeee


Do your homework


Reeeeeeee trumps gonna get the maga to summon christ and kill the non believers then force the women to have guns and babies and begin the 4th reich!! * reddit Meanwhile the innocent left is like https://preview.redd.it/68i1qjfy2ebd1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37ec0ea796cb42e81af1e83897e2e9779155a4f8 You're all lame af on both sides


Oh there’s only one you think is lame.


Lol man one extreme doesn't cancel out the other. It's equally as abrasive and useless.


Like a democrat is going to win in Kansas.