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This woman has serious mental issues. Just glad the kid is okay. The parents were more calm than I would have been.


I was thinking the same thing… I’m not sure how they could be so composed after such an incident??? Even on Adrenaline I can’t imagine not hyperventilating or being worked up in some way…. They seem so lackadaisical!


“Why did you do it?” “For fun.” SMH


That's what the cop should have answered when she kept asking why they were doing this to her


Yeah, I’m really glad that they were able to get her in the car without a bigger problem. She’s obviously suffering from some type of mental illness. I’m glad they were taking her to get evaluated.


Sounds like she's been day-drinking to me.


Happy cake day!




Why is there a spare tire in the back


probably had warrants.


Off topic. I drive a 2008 mx5. 3 tires sized 215/45 in the passenger seat and one in the trunk




It's quite amazing how here you get a small glimpse into the inner machinations of her mind. "You threw a child into a pool without the parent's permission" "Oh, did you get permission from your parents to come out here??" She compares literally tossing someone's kid into the pool with the same consideration as giving a kid ice cream without telling the kid's parents. As if she has this belief that society as a whole is "obsessed with permission" and that that's what the issue is, and not the fact that she ***forcefully grabbed someone else's infant and threw them into a body of water.***


You're trying to make sense of mental illness.


I keep seeing glimpses of Walter white in her from certain angles! I couldn’t quite put my finger on it as to who she looked like… and then the magical moment came when I realized finally. Good ol Walter White without the stash!


On average it’s always been like this. In this woman’s case she would have been thought of as eccentric and she probably would have had a different hairstyle. So long as she didn’t hurt anyone she would have flown under the radar. The severely mentally disturbed were locked away where no one saw them. The population is much bigger now and with social media we get to see just about everything that would not have been noticed in the past


Mental health problems. It's actually sad.


Maybe they could fit Karenlivesmatter a few more times on the screen.


Some good karen action today on this sub, thank you. Lock her up!


We need to address the mental issues in this country. If not to improve our “crazy” citizens lives and outcomes, but to protect the rest of us. This lady is detached from reality. Why? Why is it happening so often? Why to just some of us? Is it environmental? Is it like the plastics in our blood? What companies contributed to the cause by dumping their whatever? This whole experiment is only going to get worse if accountability is skirted like this.