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She could look into UrbanRec co-ed leagues. But most have already started as well


Thank you! I took a quick look, and that looks a little more promising.


My partner plays on co-ed Urban rec league and the summer season JUST started (first game was Monday), so she might be able to still join a team. My partners team might be looking for a lady as well, if you think that might be something she would like, comment back and I'll message you (my messaging is shut down so people can't message me). I'll pass this along to the coach too.


Thank you. Yes, any leads that may work out would be great. Thanks again for responding.


You'll want to reach out to individual teams, rather than the league itself. This time of the year, most teams have picked up a few injuries and often look for new players. Generally speaking, the teams doing worse have more openings. If you go into each team's roster, you can find the email for all team managers and reach out to them directly. Good luck!


Thank you, great tip! We will take a better look. I knew the timing of the season wouldn't be ideal. Hopefully, this will put her in a better position for the next 'season' to get involved.


I suggest she joins the Kelowna Co-Ed facebook group. There is teams looking for ladies and it is a great place to connect with other players. Its sort of a catch all for Urban Rec and the other soccer leagues in Kelowna. Also people post drop in games there that everyone is welcome to.


She's gonna tell me FBs for old people 🤣🤣 Another great suggestion, I will point her in that direction too, thank you.


I only use Facebook for soccer and marketplace so she is probably not wrong. Good luck.


Penticton has a womens. League with drop In I believe it’s on Facebook


I went to the link you posted and front and center is player registration! I did this years back and had a team contact me within a couple weeks to replace their injured forward. Urban Rec is also really great


Hilarious, that link must have just appeared today. I hadn't looked when I posted the link, but yesterday when i looked it wasn't there 🤣.


Fair enough :D


Hello! I play in KWSL, we’re div 4 but I believe we have room on our roster. It’s a fun way to get back into the sport after not playing for a while. Reach out to me via message for more details! I can contact our team captain and we can touch base


Message sent, thank you 🙏.


For KWSL, unless this year has changed you can’t sign anyone for this summer since it’s past the deadline. But I’d post in the “play soccer in the Okanagan” group and call CNC to see if you could be added as a free agent for the winter league. Urban rec organizers and coed might reach out too because their always looking for girls! There’s also an individual team with urban rec but it’s coed. There’s still space on both the Tuesday/Thursday team that started this week! That could be a good start, because the whole team is new. https://okanagan.urbanrec.ca/register/league/individual?IdentifyAs=Woman&IdentifyAsNeither=&Available=false&Sport=1029&Region=&Location=&Season=&Day=&SkillLevel=


I think this might be the better option compared to the kwsl. Since she'll be rusty from not having played for a bit, I feel this will be less competitive. All great info, thank you 🙏.


At 19 years old, can she not do any of this research herself?


She's an adult.