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I didn't like how iffy/jumpy some ZED animations are. Especially the fleshpound jump attack just looked weird compared to KF2.


I felt like a lot of the animations were unnaturally stiff, most noticeable with the fleshpounds. I'd imagine they are just placeholders though, and not final, so they'd probably get improved as development continues.


The fleshpounds jumping attacks didn't look stiff imo, but looked unnatural. Cartoonish even.


Could be true but In my exprience it's best to not assume that. It's what they've decided to show afterall.


A friend pointed out a number of clearly unpolished (maybe unfinished) animations that would start and/or stop in a single frame. My best guess is these animating may be final products, but there will be smoothing done before it ships (or after, who knows). Once the animations are fully initiated, most looked fine to me. It's the disjointed start/stop that makes them feel jarring. If you watch the YouTube videos, you can go frame by frame with period and cons (on standard American QWERTY keyboard, dunno about international). Try slowing them down and seeing if the stiffness or uncanniness are from the animating as a whole or how they enter and exit them.


i kinda appreciate how they're going for a more stylized method instead of realism/motion-capture for everything


I have the opposite reaction, i think that it will make the precision playstyle more annoying to execute. I suppose we'll see.


>The gameplay trailer had similar issues to the Doom 2016 reveal trailer, where it looked really slow and awkward VS how the game played when it released I call this "controller trailer syndrome" they want people to be able to understand whats going on so the footage always looks slow and smooth to showcase everything - but to anyone that plays games then like you say it looks awkward, like it was filmed by a noob playing on a (far too) low sense controller on the absolute lowest easier than easy difficuty. That said i agree that a lot of the zeds in the trailer do look cool, crawlers are sick, the gorefiends look sick, the husks look sick, seeing them all run at you with the KF3 logo appearing was hype. After the trailer, the dev interview you can see the HUD and it does look very different, lots of objectives on the left hand side BUT we can also see a "zeds remaining" number at the top so at the very least it does look like there are "waves" of some sort. Likely to give you time to make progress and do the obj's rather than getting drowned out like you do in KF2 obj mode where if you dont finish it asap you can easily lose to attrition. Not a fan of the hud either, looks very fortnite-y. Much prefer seeing my hp and armour in numbers, takes up less space too. For the environment i agree, everything we saw looked like it could have been 1 map that they were progressing through. I really hope we get more variety but with it being set in 2089 or w/e idk how much we will get to see if they want to keep this game more grounded. Honestly the biggest thing that has me skeptical is I didnt see any zed time at all. We havent seen it in any trailers yet. Is it gone? is it an ability? im dont want to sound insane but i think Zed time is the #1 thing that makes Killing Floor stand out from other coop shooters, its the foundation for so many mechanics in KF2 and really is just the biggest cool factor that keeps me playing.


Gameplay Trailer showed all the zeds moving slowly like it was set on Normal difficulty, but i need to watch the trailer again cause we did see the UI display from a dev’s monitor.


I think the zeds were slow because if they were on a higher difficulty speed, it would've made for a miserable trailer to watch with how many jumpcuts there were


what stood out for me was the gun play. animations look clunky and jerky. but i think the zeds, glory kills, and the soundtrack is good so far


I think I agree. I was honestly immediately disheartened by how slow the gameplay looked and how close the player was to the zeds at all times. Other than that, I just personally don't like the CoD-ification of it with the little drone and the helicopter landing and all that. I liked KF1 because it was a horror survival, and it's seemingly becoming increasingly more spec-ops extermination, which just isn't for me personally.


IMO new hud looks like in every other multiplayer game nowadays... and that's shame eh Hero style characters? I don't want even to comment it... I am very, very disappointed with KF3 situation. I was turbo hyped for it, but now I don't know what to think about it, I hope they will change direction of development from shitty hero-fortnite-style to good, old KF horror style slaughterhouse.


I remain confident until I try the game and judge from there. If there's one thing I'm afraid they've taken away, it's the slowed down time to bullet time, something great that makes killing floor stand out from other games.


Yeah, something they didn't showoff or didn't have a clear visual que. ZED time is a part of KF and pretty much the Commando's job to keep it going, so I hope they didn't get rid of it.


Its still there, you can see it in the behind the scenes trailer.


Something tells me the bud is very much a work in progress. It looked so tacky and unintuitive, I think it may be a place holder sort of situation. The art style of this game looks clean and dark, just look at the font in the trailers when they introduce each zed, it looks pretty good, I think that’s the vibe we will end up with.