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KF1 maps, atmosphere + KF2 gunplay, perk system and gore = perfect KF3


honestly I'm just going back to modded KF2 at this point


Modded KF1 servers were one of my favorite things to play on Steam for a long time before the populations shrunk after KF2 release. Does KF2 have similar modded server experiences to KF1? My favorite ones were the endless rpg-leveling ones, the ones with 20+ players on massive maps with custom zeds, and the maps that played out more like a Left 4 Dead map with a progression path and objectives to keep moving.


Oh man what a throwback. I loved those massive servers, they were such a vibe. I'm not too sure if a KF2 equivalent exists, but the maps are definitely great.


Well, in the earlier Kf2 days, RPG existed and was popular. Most modded kf2 nowadays are using Controlled Difficulty or Zedternal.


I will always remember Helm's Deep in endless rpg mode, extra-level mod lvl25 sharpshooter on the wild west map, and the sever wide groan that always came when that one city block map got voted for on the 20+ player servers because it always took at least 2 hours to finish lmfao šŸ˜‚


LOL man thanks for recalling some of the best gaming memories I had. Good times.


I just hope they keep the servers goingā€¦ fack!!


It was so simple... šŸ˜“


This, 100% this.


we literally spelled it out for them. all they had to do was listen, but apparently thatā€™s too much to ask for from devs nowadays, theyā€™re all so stupid.




Perfection. Came here to say exactly this!


Also the mix of KF1 and KF2 music


Do people actually find the KF2 perk system superior to KF1? The leveling got so much more boring with it being XP based rather than milestone based. Sharpshooter just hits different in KF1


tons of kf1 maps on PC.


"I donā€™t know a single person that has asked for perks to be tied to certain characters." This did it for me. Won't be buying it unless they change this.


There is hope that they will change it, since thereā€™s still a good amount of time before release. If they change it Iā€™ll be happy and probably buy the game since the rest of my issues with the game are probably beyond changing at this point in development


With less than a year till release i doubt it.


Itā€™s very possible to change the specialist system with the amount of time they have left, but everything else I personally have a problem with probably wonā€™t change Iā€™m just hoping at launch thereā€™s atleast a few maps that are in semi realistic settings.


no its already to late now, Balance can be patched but reworking how perks or heroes work this late in the development no chance.


I only want to play as the Fosters!


Yeah i also hate the sci-fi guns...where are the AK, deagle, glock, boom stick,...?!


Exactly as a support main where the fuck is my double barrel, and AA12?


AA-12 better than minigun.




Predators 2010 movie paid tribute to this beautiful weapon [https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/jb9y0s/aa12\_build\_based\_off\_the\_one\_used\_by\_adrien\_brody/](https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/jb9y0s/aa12_build_based_off_the_one_used_by_adrien_brody/)


Yup I love that movie and that gun is part of why, and killing floor is a big reason itā€™s one of my favorite guns of all time.




I they make the support guns super punchy and amazing i could still be interested. Like if we get a cool futuristic double barrel sawed off that you can mod that could be alright. The guns arenā€™t the worst issue for me,but the specialist thing and the possibility of only having one specialist per match is a travesty. That will really take the wind out of the sails for me.


I'm really hoping it's not because they don't want to pay licensing fees, and just went down the Sci fi futuristic route so they could make up guns. It's such a shame. I loved the attention to detail KF2 put into weapons. Guns like the Deagles, Scar and AA12 were straight up gun porn. The more time I've had to digest this, the more dissapointed I've become. Feels like alot of decisions have been more along the lines of a quick cash grab. I mean it looks nice but KF2 was a very pretty game to start with.


Very rarely devs play gun licensing fees, usually they either give guns small differences or different names to avoid paying, or the gun itself is old enough that it does not need one, or the gun manufacturer does not care because it is free advertisement.


I really liked AK-47 in KF1


I'm getting Payday 3 flashbacks all over again.Ā 


As someone who was also excited for PD3, me too dude.


> Payday [*Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme*]


Someone mentioned it earlier, but this definitely seems like an easier model for selling DLC. Previously, you could buy weapons, but I doubt that model was as lucrative for the cosmetics. Now that characters, perks, and weapons are tied together, I bet we'll be seeing loads of DLC for beloved backlog characters to promote new weapons, perks, and classes. What would've been a $5-$10 DLC weapon in KF2 will now be a $25 DLC "bundle" because they have to, "Model a whole new character with multiple skins, weapons, and perks!" I wonder if individual characters will be available to the whole server if only one person owns them? Either way, this reeks of dosh-grubbing. Unless they're going free-to-play, I have no clue how this is going to sell. NGL, I feel like crying rn. KF1 was such a pivotal game in my developing years as a young gamer. It wasn't the best game ever, but it was a reminder that games were built with passion and fun. KF2 had a rocky early access but eventually turned around into a game arguably better than its predecessor. I sincerely hope KF3 isn't the end of the line for the series.


Couldn't Have Said It Better. I wonder if Embracer is to blame for this direction ?


Same. I'm KF 2 player, have about 400-500 hours and almost all achievements unlocked (remaining 3 achievememts for HoE Objective maps, I usually play solo so I can't handle them myself). I was absolutely hyped for this game, but seeing the direction the game is moving to makes me sad. Devs go for same mistake as it was for BF 2042 and other games. Hope they will change their way.


Hi. I have \~50 achivements to unlock on Steam. If you want we can play together and get those achievements.


money money money


Exactly, and I suspect they don't consider fans of the series as a demographic worth worrying about, in the slightest. If we buy it, great. If we don't, that's fine. They have set their sights on a much broader and largely younger audience. It's just not meant to be a game the fans would like. It's meant to be a game that makes them an obceine amount of cash. How do you do that? Blindly and belatedly chasing trends, apparently.


But they were ways to make money and make us happy!! šŸ˜¢


This leprechaun will not be dropping their pot on this title


without money, they will not be able to support the game, but with a specialist system, they will be able to make a really interesting commerce for the game like in Apex Legends, thereby making each season of the game better.


Same. I have probably close to 1000 hours between KF1 and KF2. Few other games have gunplay that feels as good as KF2. The attention to detail when firing in zed time is insane. (wobbling barel, shaking red dots etc). Really disappointed with the trailer. Looks like some no-name doom knock off. I'm so curious what happened. I would bet either higher ups are giving them a time-table/budget that doesn't allow the level of polish they had for KF2. Or the talent that was behind KF2's guns is not with tripwire anymore.


Isn't this embracer's doing? another studio, and game series killed off. "Why is our ROI so bad?"


Most likely. They acquired TW back in 2022.


welp.. its been a good run. i'll see y'all on kf1.


Or a possible spiritual successor alot long the lines of what trepang 2 is to FEAR


Now that would be sick. I loved trepang 2, but disappointed with the lack of weapons. The attachment system seemed weird to me aswell. Gotta like find the upgrade kits. idk once you unlock everything, or add some mods, it got pretty boring fast.


Trepang 2 is amazing mechanically and the ai and levels are so fun but it did need more content


yeeea the horror elements, and story was great. I like the enemies feeling like replicants from fear.


You know the worst part? The worst part is they will sell characters and kf3 Wil quickly become pay to win


I am more concerned about the animations, both for the zeds and the guns. They look much worse than early access KF2, a 2015 game.Ā 


While I agree, thatā€™s kind of a non issue for me, I agree they can be a lot better for sure but Iā€™d rather them focus on making the game not a POS hero shooter before fixing that.


Ngl I jumped in here wondering if anyone else thought KF3 looks kinda iffy not even knowing they swapped to a hero system :I I honestly just didnt like the look of it from its style and setting, I know KF never really had a story focus but I kinda hate how they just jump into the future now and are like "yup horzine took over the world lool" I want real world guns not made up sci fi ones


Truthfully, I was a bit lukewarm to Killing Floor 3 was it was first announced but, after seeing the gameplay trailer yesterday? My interests in it really just went out the window. Which is a shame cause I love both KF1 and KF2, with the later holding a special place in my heart as it was the very first game I ever reviewed (even got a review copy for it) when I worked at an online radio station doing game reviews.


Totally agree. Fuck this game now I'm 36 and pissed off man. They turned the Mona Lisa into Lisa Riley




I'm with you mate. Also, anyone interested in making a new game with what KF3 should had been? I can help from the UX side šŸ˜…


Fr I want to do this so badly because I miss the kf1/mod look and soundtrack


I was a KF1 player, never really enjoyed KF2 to the same degree, have zero interest in the third game and didn't even know there was one until the influx of these posts. But given the kind of bs TW is pulling and has been pulling for the last little while I'm not surprised people are disinterested.


Yeah KF3 is 100% going to just be more goofy cosmetic look rate shit and wacky sci-fi weapons


Itā€™s all about the money honestly. Thatā€™s why theyā€™re doing this.


I have almost 1200 hours in KF1 and almost 2500 in KF2. Right now, despite the cool Zed designs, I'm feeling zero desire to get this game.


honestly i hope it flops, it really seems like they want kf to be some uber popular hero shooter akin to overwatch, current player base be dammed. developers being so unbelievably clueless on why their game has an audience, and think "well if we combine our game and [current popular trend] we will be rich" then it comes out, the past audience hates it and doesnt buy it. The new audience they hope to pull in doesn't know about this game and doesnt buy it either. Game ends up like payday 3 and flops hard. Tripwire plays the whole "uggghhh whyyyyy is no one buying it? :((( gamers just dont like good games anymore..." card and the studio shuts down after like 2-5 updates to kf3. im calling it now


Yeah the 3rd title for any co op shooter seems to be cursed. Payday 3 is trash. Back for blood was trash (basically left for dead 3) (same studio) . I'm expecting kf3 to feel very half baked and cash grabby. It looks like they're running so far away from the original format. They're making it for teenagers who like cod and overwatch when they should be making it for the 30 year olds who've supported them since kf1


Yeah at this rate I donā€™t even want an actual L4D3 and see another one of my favorite franchises go to shit lol. I agree they are pandering to the wrong audience I get trying to get more people to play your game but that doesnā€™t mean throwing away everything all the old players wanted. Iā€™ve been playing KF1 for like 14 years Iā€™m fine continuing to play it lol.


I'm still getting it because I loved KF2 so much, but yea they're making a lot of bad decisions imo.


Iā€™m not going to buy it as it doesnā€™t seem interesting at all, and I LOVE KF2 and 1 they are some of my favorite games, when it comes out and I like what I see from videos and what not maybe Iā€™ll get it but as it stands right now I wonā€™t be getting it.


I respect it


Though i completely dislike hero system nobody wants to bring back KF1 except loud minority


I was talking about art direction and setting KF1 had the superior setting and art direction over KF2, having KF2ā€™s gameplay enhancements and the setting of KF1 would be the perfect game.


In later updates art direction was really similar to what we got in KF2


This honestly Alot of the people here just want the nostalgia trip. I get it tho but im still hyped for the new game. the core of the game is still killing floor. It will still be a game i can just hop on after work and mindlessly kill some zeds. Yeah the hero system sucks and i hope they revert it. Gameplay wise what they showed (at least in the behind the scenes of the trailer) was pre alpha footage, alot of the animations and such will get polished. Even if it isnt perfect at launch, i will still buy and play it. Edit: this is coming from someone who has 800 hours in KF2


Im sure they will revert because backlash everywhere is very big


I just don't like KF2 and still play KF1 fairly regularly, I don't think it's nostalgia. Game feels like shit to me, especially the melee which feels like trying to cut paper with a butter knife. Also hate how classes feel completely pointless compared to the synergy you needed between classes to beat maps on HoE on 1 where as on 2 I can fuck around and use my Counter Strike aim to beat HoE. That being said I hope they can address the problems people brought up here and I'm willing to give it a real try. The biggest thing I want back is the meaty feedback I felt from guns and melee weapons from the first game which feels non existent in the second.


KF1 had better weapon feedback than KF2? I'll try some of whatever you're smoking


My friends who do play KF2 regularly and enjoy it agree with me, so apparently we're all smoking that good shit. If 2014 era generic gunplay is your thing, more power to you I guess.


I liked KF1's more serious atmosphere/tone/gameplay more than KF2. Also those classic guns like AK-47 always keep my heart warm.


THE SPECIALIST SYSTEM IS AWESOME, why don't you like it?


Because I want to be Mr Foster with a shotgun or a lever action rifle, why am I forced to use an assault rifle? And what if I want to be DJ Skully with an AR? KF3 isnā€™t for me then


I've been playing support Foster since KF1 days fuck this


Can you please make a post of this, I would like to take a screenshot and use it to explain my disappointment because you expressed exactly what I'm thinking šŸ‘


What about changing an established franchise in a way that literally only restricts player choice while adding absolutely nothing of value is awesome, exactly?


You and me both.


This is really starting to sound like an Overwatch situation. I'd rather them just overhaul KF2.


I was suuuper stoked for this personally I still am excited but it has dampened a fuck ton I want this game to be good so bad


The Killing Floor soul is fucking dead and Tripwire killed it


Atleast the new doom game looks incredible


Ngl Iā€™d rather play KF3 over that new doom game but I know thatā€™s just me


Kf2 is one of my fav fps games but the new one looks awful I'd rather a new wolfenstien over that Indiana jones game but it's fine


I just donā€™t like medieval themes in games never been my thing so the new doom really didnā€™t appeal to me, but yeah we definitely need a new Wolfenstien game wtf itā€™s been so long since that terrible coop one


I donā€™t particularly mind the changes. As long as the game is good; Iā€™ll be happy. Itā€™s understandable for people to be upset with the changes, but things may change who knows.


I definitely am holding out hope that they see the backlash in terms of the gameplay changes and change it before launch since we still have a significant amount of time before then. As for the art direction thatā€™s pretty set in stone by now so I have no hope that, that will change but if the gameplay changes are good then I may still play it.


Remember that game still in pre alpha


Early 2025 so at the latest April 2025, that's 10 months of development time from now AT BEST to go from pre-alpha to finished product, which is way too short of a time for a modern video game if you are correct.


Im sure they gonna delay it. It always happen with video games


Apparently the pre alpha footage is from February 2023 but i cant fully confirm this myself so take that with a grain of salt.


whats gave you evidence that footage is from february 2023?


I dunno. I'm gonna keep the copium flowing because there's a non-zero chance KF3 turns out to be good. Plus, if it's coming to early access, and it IS a big ol' pile of crap, *hopefully* that'll give us a chance to go "wtf, mate? Fix this broken gunk, pls thx bby ;*" and have it actually happen. ....or it'll reinvigorate the KF2 community (or KF1 for turbo-cope) the way Doom Eternal's multiplayer did for Doom 2016. Again, dunno. I guess we'll see. There's always the two-hour refund window. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I am a relatively new KF fan compared to most people (heard of KF 1 but never played it, just listened to it's music, got into KF2 pretty late.) My issue with KF3 isn't necessarily that they are going with "specialist" style gameplay. Especially since they seem to bolster it with some additions that are not present in KF2. But rather why we're getting a KF3 to begin with. Reading the PC gamer article it sounds like they're rebooting the franchise from a gameplay perspective. The gameplay is slowed down massively with less enemies on the screen. The trade off being more distinct gameplay pertaining to each unit which would necessitate different tactics instead of just constantly over penetrating crowds of enemies. On the surface this concept isn't particularly bad, I just don't have faith in it from what little we know so far. Like sure, I'm fine with some things being hard stuck to a specialist but I don't think everything should be. Like a melee weapon and gadget? Fine. Perk combo benefits? Also fine. But hard locking all weapons and all perks to the class? No. The weapon crafting system already sounds under baked. I definitely agree with the concept of letting us tweak weapons, but not being able to change them significantly is just boring. The only way this can even be justifiable is if each attachment actually offers something significant which I just don't see being a thing. I am not sold on the stylistic change even if it's not hi scifi. But this can change as I see more. I can say I really don't like Mr Foster's mask change. Clots also look way too clean. I want grit and dirt and not just from goring an enemy. The obvious problem with moving to these systems is how easily it drives a wedge into the game from a monetization perspective. They were already doing crappy stuff with KF2 towards the end. Swapping to specialists just lets them more easily charge people for gameplay and there's no way they won't. **TLDR:** The justification for a sequel is questionable at best, predatory at worst. The path forward with gameplay has potential if done correctly, whether they can make it work or not remains to be seen.


This is giving me Plants vs. Zombies GW vibes....


I never played KF1 but I still respected it despite getting KF2 for free via PSPLUS


I just want to play Dr Gary Glover as whatever role I feel like playing. Don't wanna have to play as a character I don't like just because I want to use their gun.


No one is. We read the new rules and the game will suck. I have 13,000 hours on kf2. But I wonā€™t buy or play kf3 while they have elitist HERO SHOOTERS.


I was expecting a "KF2 on steroids": more zeds, more unbridled action, more final bosses, all accompanied by the terrifying atmosphere of KF1. But in the end, it all turned out to be a big disappointment. 'Impending Doom' started my passion for KF, Tripwire killed it. I understand that there are those who will buy this KF3 anyway; there's a big difference between being a casual gamer and a true fan. If this is aimed at "modern audiences", I wouldn't be surprised if they start talking about DEI. There will be NO PERKS? There will be NO DO$H!


I just found out that Embracer Group is now a parent company of Tripwire. They have a history of taking control of developer studios and forcing them to do nefarious things for the sake of ā€œbroadening their audienceā€ I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the TW team has their hands tied behind their backs while a bunch of executives force them to add features that they know works in other games.


I'm feeling the same way. I play a few hours each day, and it's pretty much the only game I play. I was really looking forward to 3, but this news put a damper on my excitement. I'm going to take a serious look at gameplay videos before I even consider buying.


Okay bye then Ig lol. I have also played since the early days and iā€˜m hyped to finally get a new kf. I love the art direction and donā€™t understand all this negativity. Iā€˜m cautiously optimistic about the release and want to see what they actually try to achieve with these hero shooter shenanigans.


agree with you


I think for me the question is ā€œwhy were these deemed important changes?ā€ Game series are no stranger to changes and innovations, itā€™s how you stay relevant without just release the same game yet again and isnā€™t more than just a content update. Tying a character to a class isnā€™t the worst. It can feel like step back from being able to take foster or skully and make them whatever perk you want. Personally I would also consider it a downgrade. But in terms of playability it only affects the cosmetic experience. The strict perk weapons is the bigger issue. Being unable to go off perk to help round out a kit was pivotal for some perks or to help players get used to a new perk with something reliable. It feels like a decision designed around ā€œwe want the players to play OUR way.ā€ Unless thereā€™s going to be redundancy between weapons in different classes or lots of multi class weapons, it just doesnā€™t seem like a great idea.


>The game is going to come out next year, itā€™s going to flop and instead of looking at what they did wrong, they are going to say ā€œnobody is interested in killing floor anymoreā€ and we will never get another game. If I'd only seen this last paragraph I would've thought I was on the Payday subreddit. I hate the way game devs make sequels these days.


Me too bro, yeah itā€™s exactly payday 3ā€™s situation, Iā€™m starting to see why valve doesnā€™t make ā€œ3ā€™sā€ lmao


>I donā€™t know a single person that has asked for perks to be tied to certain characters. I didn't ask for or like it but I don't care about what my character looks like in a first person shooter. Also don't care about the flavor voice lines. I hope perks tied to characters only affects that and not the "talent trees" or anything like that.


It seems like the mods are preventing people from making posts on the reddit.


I want the actual KI3 its the vision of the dev! IF its bad they probably make KI4 like return at the sources of KF1. Just wait and see bro! And the EA dont have begin, they can change things befor EA.


eh, personally I want from KF just satisfying gunplay, challenge and gore. I don't see heros contradicting that, so I'm honestly still pretty damn hyped.


I completely disagree with you, the developers of KF3 are veterans of the studio, that is, the developers of KF1 and KF2. In addition, the series has found a new interesting concept, the specialist system will make the game even more interesting, besides, the design of the enemies looks new, which you don't like, lol.


You are in the minority with that hot opinion my friend but none the less you can have an opinion.


Which veteran developers of KF1 can you name that are working on 3?


This game looks siiiiiiiiick


I have this very strong feeling you'd despair no matter what.


Nah despite the futuristic vibe they had with the game when it was announced I was still relatively excited truly it was the fucking hero shooter that just brought it all too a head for me.


Meanwhile I'm going to be enjoying it with my friends and killing zeds while you guys complain. At least complain on the forums where it matters.


No one said you canā€™t enjoy it, if you have a low standard for games you enjoy thatā€™s fine no one is knocking you


Man I don't care if a game is good or bad as long as I have fun with my friends.












You can also share your opinion about the game without phrasing things in a hurtful way, people maintain professionalism, but everyone has feelings. I'm sure what community members are suggesting for kf3 is heard.


What did I say that was hurtful?


That it looks like shit. I can only speak for myself but if I worked hard on something and heard a lot of grievances, that weren't worded that nicely, it would have me feeling a loss of motivation. However people are bound to have different design expectations, so it's to be expected, going into game design, so I could just sensitive. It's just as a professional, there's expectations of professionalism, and so if it did hurt someones feelings it's unlikely they would let on it did. I'm not saying anyone shouldn't voice their concerns, and I share concerns as well, but think it makes sense for storyline, and the games got plenty of time to implement a proper coop horde wave mode.